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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was contacted by citizens of Pavillion, Wyoming 6 years ago regarding taste and odor in their water wells in an area where hydraulic fracturing operations were occurring. EPA conducted a field investigation, including drilling two deep monitor wells, and concluded in a draft report that constituents associated with hydraulic fracturing had impacted the drinking water aquifer. Following extensive media coverage, pressure from state and other federal agencies, and extensive technical criticism from industry, EPA stated the draft report would not undergo peer review, that it would not rely on the conclusions, and that it had relinquished its lead role in the investigation to the State of Wyoming for further investigation without resolving the source of the taste and odor problem. Review of the events leading up to EPA's decision suggests that much of the criticism could have been avoided through improved preproject planning with clear objectives. Such planning would have identified the high national significance and potential implications of the proposed work. Expanded stakeholder involvement and technical input could have eliminated some of the difficulties that plagued the investigation. However, collecting baseline groundwater quality data prior to initiating hydraulic fracturing likely would have been an effective way to evaluate potential impacts. The Pavillion groundwater investigation provides an excellent opportunity for improving field methods, report transparency, clarity of communication, and the peer review process in future investigations of the impacts of hydraulic fracturing on groundwater.  相似文献   
Tunnel valleys are assumed to form near the margin of ice sheets. Hence, they can be used to reconstruct the dynamics of former ice margins. The detailed formation and infill of tunnel valleys, however, are still not well understood. Here, we present a dense grid of high-resolution 2D multi-channel reflection seismic data from the German sector of the southeastern North Sea imaging tunnel valleys in very great detail. Three tunnel valley systems were traced over distances ranging between 11 and 21 km. All tunnel valleys are completely filled and buried. They differ in incision depth, incision width and number of incisions. The tunnel valleys cut 130–380 m deep into Neogene, Palaeogene and Cretaceous sediments; they show a lower V-shaped and an upper U-shaped morphology. For individual tunnel valleys, the overall incision direction ranges from east–west to northeast–southwest. Two tunnel valleys intersect at an oblique angle without reuse of the thalweg. These valleys incise into a pre-existing glaciotectonic complex consisting of thrust sheets in the northwest of the study area. The analysis of the glaciotectonic complex and the tunnel valleys leads us to assume that we identified several marginal positions of (pre-)Elsterian ice lobes in the southeastern North Sea.  相似文献   
Diverse technologies have been developed and tested for their efficacy in remediating perchlorate-contaminated surface water, groundwater, and soil. Biological reduction, particularly when coupled with electron donor augmentation, has been shown to be one of the most cost-effective alternatives. Numerous electron donors have been evaluated in the literature, but few studies have compared standard vs. slow-release electron donors for sequential nitrate and perchlorate reduction. This study evaluated the efficacy and kinetics of biological reduction in soil microcosms augmented with emulsified oil (EO), glycerol, and mulch extract. Results indicated that EO and glycerol spiked at approximately 100 times stoichiometric excess (i.e., 100x) achieved similar overall reductions and degradation rates for nitrate and perchlorate, although nitrate appeared to exhibit zero order kinetics while perchlorate exhibited first order kinetics. The zero order rate constants for nitrate reduction were 3.32 mg/L d and 2.57 mg/L d for EO and glycerol, respectively. The first order rate constant for perchlorate reduction was 0.36 day−1 for both EO and glycerol. Stable chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations also highlighted the slow-release properties of EO, which would reduce electron donor consumption in comparison to soluble substrates in soil remediation applications. The microcosms augmented with mulch extract failed to demonstrate any nitrate or perchlorate reduction due to the extract's lower COD concentration. Augmentation with compost or additional processing (i.e., concentration) would be necessary to make the extract a viable alternative.  相似文献   
We present a revised approach for standardizing and reporting analyses of multiply substituted isotopologues of CO2 (i.e., ‘clumped’ isotopic species, especially the mass-47 isotopologues). Our approach standardizes such data to an absolute reference frame based on theoretical predictions of the abundances of multiply-substituted isotopologues in gaseous CO2 at thermodynamic equilibrium. This reference frame is preferred over an inter-laboratory calibration of carbonates because it enables all laboratories measuring mass 47 CO2 to use a common scale that is tied directly to theoretical predictions of clumping in CO2, regardless of the laboratory’s primary research field (carbonate thermometry or CO2 biogeochemistry); it explicitly accounts for mass spectrometric artifacts rather than convolving (and potentially confusing) them with chemical fractionations associated with sample preparation; and it is based on a thermodynamic equilibrium that can be experimentally established in any suitably equipped laboratory using commonly available materials.By analyzing CO2 gases that have been subjected to established laboratory procedures known to promote isotopic equilibrium (i.e., heated gases and water-equilibrated CO2), and by reference to thermodynamic predictions of equilibrium isotopic distributions, it is possible to construct an empirical transfer function that is applicable to data with unknown clumped isotope signatures. This transfer function empirically accounts for the fragmentation and recombination reactions that occur in electron impact ionization sources and other mass spectrometric artifacts. We describe the protocol necessary to construct such a reference frame, the method for converting gases with unknown clumped isotope compositions to this reference frame, and suggest a protocol for ensuring that all reported isotopic compositions (e.g., Δ47 values; [Eiler and Schauble, 2004] and [Eiler, 2007]) can be compared among different laboratories and instruments, independent of laboratory-specific analytical or methodological differences. We then discuss the use of intra-laboratory secondary reference frames (e.g., based on carbonate standards) that can be more easily used to track the evolution of each laboratory’s empirical transfer function. Finally, we show inter-laboratory reproducibility on the order of ±0.010 (1σ) for four carbonate standards, and present revised paleotemperature scales that should be used to convert carbonate clumped isotope signatures to temperature when using the absolute reference frame described here. Even when using the reference frame, small discrepancies remain between two previously published synthetic carbonate calibrations. We discuss possible reasons for these discrepancies, and highlight the need for additional low temperature (<15 °C) synthetic carbonate experiments.  相似文献   
This paper describes a particular formulation of the extended finite element method (XFEM) specifically conceived for application to existing discontinuities of fixed location, for instance, in geological media. The formulation is based on two nonstandard assumptions: (1) the use of sub-interpolation functions for each subdomain and (2) the use of fictitious displacement variables on the nodes across the discontinuity (instead of the more traditional jump variables). Thanks to the first of those assumptions, the proposed XFEM formulation may be shown to be equivalent to the standard finite element method with zero-thickness interface elements for the discontinuities (FEM+z). The said equivalence is theoretically proven for the case of quadrangular elements cut in two quadrangles by the discontinuity, and only approximate for other types of intersections of quadrangular or triangular elements, in which the XFEM formulation corresponds to a kinematically restricted version of the corresponding interface plus continuum scheme. The proposed XFEM formulation with sub-interpolation, also helps improving spurious oscillations of the results obtained with natural interpolation functions when the discontinuity runs skew to the mesh. A possible explanation for these oscillations is provided, which also explains the improvement observed with sub-interpolation. The paper also discusses the oscillations observed in the numerical results when some nodes are too close to the discontinuity and proposes the remedy of moving those nodes onto the discontinuity itself. All the aspects discussed are illustrated with some examples of application, the results of which are compared with closed-form analytical solutions or to existing XFEM results from the literature.  相似文献   
Two climate simulations of 150 years, performed with a coupled ocean/sea-ice/atmosphere model including stratospheric ozone, respectively with and without heterogeneous chemistry, simulate the tropospheric warming associated with an increase of the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide and other trace gases since 1950 and their impact on sea–ice extent, as well as the stratospheric cooling and its impact on ozone concentration. The scenario with heterogeneous chemistry reproduces the formation of the ozone hole over the South Pole from the 1970s and its deepening until the present time, and shows that the ozone hole should progressively fill during the coming decades. To cite this article: J.-F. Royer et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 147–154.  相似文献   

When defining indicators on the environment, the use of existing initiatives should be a priority rather than redefining indicators each time. From an Information, Communication and Technology perspective, data interoperability and standardization are critical to improve data access and exchange as promoted by the Group on Earth Observations. GEOEssential is following an end-user driven approach by defining Essential Variables (EVs), as an intermediate value between environmental policy indicators and their appropriate data sources. From international to local scales, environmental policies and indicators are increasingly percolating down from the global to the local agendas. The scientific business processes for the generation of EVs and related indicators can be formalized in workflows specifying the necessary logical steps. To this aim, GEOEssential is developing a Virtual Laboratory the main objective of which is to instantiate conceptual workflows, which are stored in a dedicated knowledge base, generating executable workflows. To interpret and present the relevant outputs/results carried out by the different thematic workflows considered in GEOEssential (i.e. biodiversity, ecosystems, extractives, night light, and food-water-energy nexus), a Dashboard is built as a visual front-end. This is a valuable instrument to track progresses towards environmental policies.  相似文献   
We describe a low-cost application of digital photogrammetry using commercially available photogrammetric software and oblique photographs taken with an off-the-shelf digital camera to create sequential digital elevation models (DEMs) of a lava dome that grew during the 2004–2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens (MSH) volcano. Renewed activity at MSH provided an opportunity to devise and test this method, because it could be validated against other observations of this well-monitored volcano. The datasets consist of oblique aerial photographs (snapshots) taken from a helicopter using a digital single-lens reflex camera. Twelve sets of overlapping digital images of the dome taken during 2004–2007 were used to produce DEMs and to calculate lava dome volumes and extrusion rates. Analyses of the digital images were carried out using photogrammetric software to produce three-dimensional coordinates of points identified in multiple photos. The evolving morphology of the dome was modeled by comparing successive DEMs. Results were validated by comparison to volume measurements derived from traditional vertical photogrammetric surveys by the US Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory. Our technique was significantly less expensive and required less time than traditional vertical photogrammetric techniques; yet, it consistently yielded volume estimates within 5% of the traditional method. This technique provides an inexpensive, rapid assessment tool for tracking lava dome growth or other topographic changes at restless volcanoes.  相似文献   
The early Palaeozoic Macquarie Arc, southeastern Australia, hosts a variety of major late Ordovician to earliest Silurian subduction-related deposits (e.g., Cadia East, Ridgeway, Cadia Hill, Cowal and Northparkes). However, there is uncertainty about whether coeval high-sulfidation epithermal deposits, which occur in intra-oceanic metallogenic belts elsewhere in the West Pacific, (e.g., Lepanto and Chinkuashih), are also present in the Macquarie Arc. This has led to suggestions that their absence may be due to the poor preservation potential of deposits that form at relatively shallow crustal levels in ancient rocks. We present here an interpretation for evolution of the Peak Hill Au–Cu deposit based on the distribution of alteration facies, sulfur isotope data from several textural forms of pyrite and barite, and an assessment of the regional volcanic and sedimentary facies architecture. These data show that the Peak Hill deposit displays a distinct sub-vertical zoning with a pyrophyllite and vuggy-quartz core, that today extends about 350 m east–west and at least 550 m north–south, which grades out through paragonite+muscovite, kaolinite to a chlorite+epidote alteration zone at the margin. The alteration zoning reflects both lower temperatures and neutralisation of acid fluids with increasing distance from the core, which represents the conduit along which hot acidic hydrothermal fluids were channelled. Several temporally overlapping events of silicification, bladed-quartz-pyrite veining, brecciation and pyrite veining occurred during the last stages of hydrothermal alteration, although most appear to predate mineralisation. Au–Cu mineralisation was associated with late quartz-pyrite-barite veins, and the highest gold grades occur mainly in microcrystalline-quartz-altered rocks in the paragonite+muscovite alteration zone, generally within 50 m outward from the boundary of the pyrophyllite and vuggy-quartz core. Sulfur- and lead-isotope data, and the characteristic zoning of ore minerals and alteration assemblages support a magmatic source for the hydrothermal fluids. Similarities in many of the isotopic signatures between Peak Hill and deposits such as Northparkes support generation of the high-sulfidation mineralisation during the Late Ordovician to earliest Silurian (possibly ca. 440 Ma) metallogenic event. The Late Ordovician to Early Silurian volcanic and sedimentary facies associations at Peak Hill are consistent with alteration and mineralisation occurring in rocks deposited in a submarine setting.  相似文献   
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