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北京市生产性服务业的增长及其空间结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于北京1997年投入产出表、2002年投入产出表和第一次经济普查数据,采用投入产出模型、区位商等方法.分析北京市生产性服务业的增长结构变化、对地区经济的影响,以及典型生产性服务业行业的空间结构.研究表明.北京生产性服务业明显呈现出以金融、商务和信息服务业为主的格局;生产性服务业主要为第三产业服务;服务业对金融、商务、信息等生产性服务业的中间需求呈上升趋势;制造业对中间投入服务的消耗层次明显提高,产业结构不断优化升级;生产性服务业既有较强的经济推动能力,又对经济发展的需求较大;北京市生产性服务业的空间结构总体呈现圈层特征.  相似文献   
基于ENVI的三维地形制作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用ENVI图像处理软件,将经过镶嵌、校正、裁剪、摄影拉伸增强处理的四川省泸定县ETM+遥感影像与用ANUDEM方法生成的格网DEM配准叠合,制作了三维虚拟地形及可视化飞行动画,详细介绍了制作过程中具体参数的设置和对三维地形的控制,为用户使用ENVI软件构建三维虚拟场景提供参考。  相似文献   
某污染场地土壤苯并(a)芘含量的三维估值及不确定性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陶欢  廖晓勇  阎秀兰  赵丹  马栋  李鹏 《地理研究》2014,33(10):1857-1865
污染场地修复前的准确评估是开展场地修复行动的基础和前提。建立了一套评估污染场地中污染土方量的三维插值方法,采用该方法模拟了某污染场地土壤苯并(a)芘(BaP)含量的空间分布并分析其不确定性。结果表明:场地地下环境中BaP含量数据服从对数正态分布,土壤中污染严重区域分别位于研究区的西南部和北部。通过普通克里格插值得到的BaP浓度超过0.4 mg·kg-1的污染羽体积为14134 m3,对应的累积概率为0.585。依据给定变差范围值计算,得出现有收集数据对整个场地的描述程度为65%。基于该三维插值方法能准确地反映场地污染物空间分布特征,其不确定性分析可为补充采样布点及精准评估提供参考。  相似文献   
在分析深层搅拌桩复合地基变形机理基础上,根据单元体计算模型确定出深层搅拌桩复合地基沉降计算模式,并考虑桩侧摩阻力分布形式及有效桩长的影响,利用弹性理论建立出深层搅拌桩复合地基加固区压缩量计算方法,同时采用Mindlin与Boussinesq解建立出深层搅拌桩复合地基下卧层沉降量计算方法,在探讨桩土分担荷载与深度系数确定方法基础上建立出深层搅拌桩复合地基沉降计算方法。工程实例计算表明,分层总和法计算结果偏大,本文理论计算值介于现有有限元法计算值与实测值之间,较已有理论方法计算值小,但比有限元法简单,比已有理论方法更具合理性。  相似文献   
Citrulus colocynthis(wild gourd) is a desert plant of the Cucurbitaceae, naturally adapted to arid environments. It was known in biblical times as a source of seed oil and its fruits were used as an efficient laxative. Accessions were collected in Israel and evaluated as a potential oil seed crop adapted to arid zones. It was found that its oil composition is similar to safflower oil, with a total of 80-85% unsaturated fatty acids. A potential yield of oil of 250-400 l ha−1was calculated. The best yield was obtained during the first 4 weeks of the 10-week maturation period. Yield potential should be estimated under desert conditions in order to evaluate the plant's economic future as a crop suitable for an arid environment.  相似文献   
采用Flex技术,基于NewMap Server进行WebGIS系统的开发,设计并实现呼伦贝尔市级国土资源"一张图"信息监管平台。系统克服数据来源多样、数据格式异构、数据基准不一致等问题,实现土地利用、矿产、地籍等多种数据的复合显示、查询、分析、输出、国土综合应用等功能,为国土管理部门提供管理、决策服务。  相似文献   
祝云  高丹  韩雪凌 《测绘通报》2013,(12):92-93
当空间地物发生变化后,为了及时更新瓦片数据,必须首先搜集更新区域的地理范围,再使用专业配图软件通过配图、瓦片切割等操作完成。在这个过程当中存在很多性能、效率问题。本文结合“天地图.山东”建设研究了基础数据更新和瓦片数据联动更新过程中存在的问题和解决方法。另外本文解决了“天地图”体系在“互联互通”上存在的边界瓦片处理等问题。  相似文献   
埋藏环境白云石结构类型   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
近年来我国在白云岩储层油气勘探方面取得了重大进展,这些白云岩储层绝大多数为埋藏阶段形成的白云岩,同时大量研究也证实地层中大部分白云岩形成于埋藏环境。国际学术界对埋藏环境白云石的成因结构分类比较细致,但在我国这方面的研究还不够深入,因此本文借助国际上对埋藏环境白云石成因结构的分类方法,并结合中国白云岩研究的实际情况尝试提出埋藏环境白云石结构分类方案。该方案首先以白云石在岩石中的产状分为基质白云石和胶结白云石两大类,再以晶粒大小、晶型、晶面特征、接触关系为分类依据,将埋藏环境白云石分为六种结构类型。  相似文献   
Sediment sequences spanning the last 800 years from two small lakes in the south Swedish uplands were explored for assessment of effects of changing human population, local land-use practices and airborne pollution on lake-ecosystem functioning and resilience. Variations in nutrient cycling and deposition of lithogenic elements were studied, using a multi-proxy stratigraphic approach. Carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic analyses were applied in combination with records of hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) to investigate the sources and depositional conditions of sediment organic matter. Changes in fluvial and airborne delivery of inorganic matter were based on X-ray fluorescence measurements. The results reveal that population growth and related increases in land-use pressure had a major impact on catchment erosion and input of terrestrial organic matter to the lakes from the 1500s to the end of the 1800s. Evidence also exists of a brief period of catchment disturbance at ca. 1200–1300, followed by recovery, likely connected to the Black Death pandemic. At ca. 1900 synchronous shifts in most of the proxy records suggest a marked change in external forcing common to the two lakes related to a major decrease in population density and the introduction of modern forestry following the industrial revolution. Interestingly, the two sediment records exhibit generally coherent trends in C/N ratio, organic C content and δ13C, both before and after 1900, indicating broadly similar sensitivities of the lake ecosystems to human impact. In contrast, deviating trends in total N content, δ15N and lithogenic element concentrations (K, Ti, Rb and Zr) reflect site-specific responses to local disturbances during the last century due to different nutrient conditions and catchment properties. Our companion sediment records highlight the importance of understanding long-term human impact on watersheds and demonstrate how regional versus local forcing of lake ecosystems, as well as site-specific responses related to catchment characteristics can be reconstructed.  相似文献   
为解决异地、异构、海量天文数据无缝透明地统一访问,中国虚拟天文台(China-VO)研究小组自主设计并开发了一套解决方案——虚拟天文台数据访问系统(VO-DAS)。着重从执行流程、设计模式、Session机制、生命周期、资源销毁、异常处理等模块详细阐述了该系统的任务调度设计。为了验证该系统的可行性和性能,最后描述了多个天文科学范例。  相似文献   
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