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This paper examines primary school children’s experiences of travelling between home and school within three neighbourhoods. Our investigation is set in Auckland, New Zealand, where parental practices such as chauffeuring are commonplace, yet are increasingly recognised as limiting children’s physical fitness and environmental awareness. Drawing on children’s voices, writing and photographs, we investigate how children currently travel to school, how they would like to travel, and how their perspectives on neighbourhood space vary by age, socio-economic status and school location. Findings reveal that over half of the participants did not like the way they travelled to school. Most desire to travel independently within public space, but are limited in their ability to do so, given the fears and obstacles that prevail within their neighbourhoods. We contend that restricted use of public space diminishes children’s agency in inner suburbs. Our analysis reveals that children favour ‘active travel’ for many of the same reasons as health professionals and transport planners. We conclude that as long as children are seen as innocents in need of protection, they will have limited agency in travel decisions and highly contingent access to public space.  相似文献   
U-Pb isotopic analyses of zircon from the lowest structural units of the Acatlán Complex of southern Mexico indicate that Paleozoic tectonothermal events are overprinted by mid-Jurassic (175±3 to 171±1 Ma), low pressure migmatization (5–6 kb), polyphase deformation, and intrusion of felsic and mafic magmas. Ensuing rapid cooling recorded by 40Ar/39Ar muscovite, biotite and K-feldspar ages is estimated to have taken place at 21±3°C/my at exhumation rates of 0.6 mm/yr. Such rapid exhumation requires a combination of erosion and tectonic unroofing that is recorded by top-to-the-west kinematic data. Synchronous tectonic unroofing is also recorded 100 km to the east in the adjacent Oaxaca terrane, where top-to-the-north, extensional shear zones occur in Paleozoic strata.This pattern of extension suggests tectonic unroofing in response to domal uplift (radius >100 km) like that associated with core complexes, slab windows, and hotspots. Most tectonic analyses for the Jurassic place the Acatlán Complex in the forearc region of an arc in Colombia lying 600–800 km inboard of the subduction zone, presumably in response to flat-slab subduction. Modern analogues suggest that flat-slab subduction reflects subduction of young buoyant oceanic lithosphere adjacent to either a mid-oceanic ridge, or a plume. Since core complexes are typical of arc-backarc regions, and slab windows generally produce metamorphic belts, the forearc setting and associated domal uplift suggest a plume to be the most likely cause of this Jurassic tectonothermal pulse in southern Mexico. This plume activity is synchronous with the opening of the Gulf of Mexico during the breakup of Pangea, to which it may have contributed.  相似文献   
Karst estuaries are unique systems governed by freshwater inputs that flow directly to the sea through karst conduits and/or matrices. Because they are found at the interface between terrestrial and marine environments, they can act as sentinels to climate change and as indicators of aquifer health. The physical and geochemical gradients formed in karst estuaries are a direct result of the interactions between inland hydrological conditions and sea level. To examine the influence these gradients have on microbial communities in the water column and sediment of a karst estuary, we studied the spring-fed Double Keyhole Karst Estuary in west central Florida for a 2-year period. Four sites were monitored within this system starting at the Double Keyhole Spring Conduit extending 2 km west through the estuary toward the Gulf of Mexico. Water column and sediment samples were collected quarterly at all sites from September 2011 through September 2013. Archaeal, bacterial, and microbial eukaryote communities were analyzed using quantitative PCR and length-heterogeneity PCR. The biological communities were analyzed in the context of hydrological, physical, and geochemical parameters in order to determine which factor(s) governed the observed changes of microbial abundance and richness. The major finding of this study was that microbial community change in this karst estuary was primarily driven by the volume of aquifer discharge and associated physical gradients, and less by the geochemical fluctuations within the system.  相似文献   
Crystalline and melt inclusions were studied in large (up to 2 cm across) dipyramidal quartz phenocrysts from Miocene dacites in the area of the Rosia Montana Au-Ag deposit in Romania. Data were obtained on the homogenization of fluid inclusions and the composition of crystalline inclusions and glasses in more than 40 melt inclusions, which were analyzed on a electron microprobe. The minerals identified in the crystalline inclusions are plagioclase (An 51–62), orthoclase, micas (biotite and phengite), zircon, magnetite (TiO2 = 2.8 wt %), and Fe sulfide. Two types of the melts were distinguished when studying the glasses of the melt inclusions. Type 1 of the melts is unusual in composition. The average composition of 20 inclusions is as follows (wt %): 76.1 SiO2, 0.39 TiO2, 6.23 Al2O3, 4.61 FeO, 0.09 MnO, 1.64 MgO, 3.04 CaO, 2.79 Na2O, 3.79 K2O (Na2O/K2O = 0.74), 0.07 P2O5, 0.02 Cl. The composition of type 2 of the melts is typical of acid magmas. The average of 23 inclusion analyses is (wt %) 79.3 SiO2, 0.16 TiO2, 10.27 Al2O3, 0.63 FeO, 0.08 MnO, 0.29 MgO, 1.83 CaO, 3.56 Na2O, 2.79 K2O (Na2O/K2O = 1.28), 0.08 P2O5, 0.05 Cl. The compositions of these melts significantly differ in concentrations of Ti, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, and K. The high analytical totals of the analyses (close to 100 wt %, more specifically 98.9 and 99.0 wt %, respectively) testify that the melts were generally poor in water. Two inclusions of type 1 and two inclusions of type 2 were analyzed on an ion probe, and their analyses show remarkable differences in the concentrations of certain trace elements. These concentrations (in ppm) are for the melts of types 1 and 2, respectively, as follows: 10.0 and 0.69 for Be, 29.3 and 5.7 for B, 6.4 and 1.4 for Cr, 146 and 6.9 for V, 74 and 18 for Cu, 92 and 29 for Rb, 45 and 15 for Zr, 1.7 and 0.6 for Hf, 10.3 and 2.3 for Pb, and 52 and 1.3 for U. The Th/U ratio of these two melt types are also notably different: 0.04 and 0.19 for type 1 and 2.0 and 2.9 for type 2. These data led us to conclude that the magmatic melts were derived from two different sources. Our data on the melts of type 1 testify that the magmatic chamber was contaminated with compositionally unusual crustal rocks (perhaps, sedimentary, metamorphic, or hydrothermal rocks enriched in Si, Fe, Mg, U, and some other components). This can explain the ore-forming specifics of magmatic chambers in the area.  相似文献   
We present multi-wavelength observations of an M-class flare(M3.9) that occurred on 2014 June 11. Our observations were conducted with the Dunn Solar Telescope(DST), employing adaptive optics, the multi-camera system Rapid Oscillations in Solar Atmosphere(ROSA), the new Hydrogen-Alpha Rapid Dynamics camera(HARDcam) in various wavelengths, such as Ca II K, Mg I b_2(at 5172.7 ?A), and Hα narrow band and G-band continuum filters. Images were re-constructed using the Kiepenheuer-Institut Speckle Interferometry Package(KISIP) code, to improve our image resolution. We observed intensity increases of ≈120%–150% in the Mg, Ca K and Hα narrow band filters during the flare. Intensity increases for the flare observed in the SDO EUV channels were several times larger, and the X-rays, as recorded by GOES, increased over a factor of 30 for the harder band. Only a modest delay was found between the onset of flare ribbons of a nearby sympathetic flare and the main flare ribbons observed in these narrow band filters. The peak flare emission occurred within a few seconds for the Ca K, Mg and Hα bands. Timedistance techniques indicate propagation velocities of ≈60 km s~(-1) for the main flare ribbon and as high as300 km s~(-1) for smaller regions, which we attribute to filament eruptions. This result and delays and velocities observed with SDO(≈100 km s~(-1)) for different coronal heights agree well with the simple model of energy propagation versus height, although a more detailed model for the flaring solar atmosphere is needed. Finally, we detected marginal quasi-periodic pulsations(QPPs) in the 40–60 s range for the Ca K,Mg and Hα bands, and such measurements are important for disentangling the detailed flare-physics.  相似文献   
The non‐destructive nature of X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometers is a principal reason for an increase in their use in archaeological science over the last 15 years, especially for analyzing museum‐curated artifacts and in situ site fabrics. Here, we show that low‐power XRF spectrometry can be detrimental for luminescence dating (surface applications such as mud‐wasp nest dating in particular). We investigated the effects of irradiation by X‐rays emitted from handheld and benchtop spectrometers on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals. Measurements were taken using a portable OSL (pOSL) unit on the following unprepared archaeological materials: sedimentary quartz grains, pottery, a mud‐wasp nest, stone tools, and a rock flake with anthropogenically applied pigment and natural pigmentation (iron oxides). We observed an increase in luminescence compared to initial background counts for all materials tested, which could lead to overestimation of age determinations in some situations. Our experiment provides a reminder of the potential effects of X‐ray radiation, and the need for thorough documentation of all recording and analytical techniques applied to archaeological materials.  相似文献   
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S167498711200103X   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The supercontinent cycle has had a profound effect on the Earth's evolution since the Late Archean but our understanding of the forces responsible for its operation remains elusive. Supercontinents appear to form by two end-member processes: extroversion, in which the oceanic lithosphere surrounding the supercontinent (exterior ocean) is preferentially subducted (e.g. Pannotia), and introversion in which the oceanic lithosphere formed between dispersing fragments of the previous supercontinent (interior ocean) is preferentially subducted (e.g. Pangea). Extroversion can be explained by “top–down” geodynamics, in which a supercontinent breaks up over a geoid high and amalgamates above a geoid low. Introversion, on the other hand, requires that the combined forces of slab-pull and ridge push (which operate in concert after supercontinent break-up) must be overcome in order to enable the previously dispersing continents to turn inward. Introversion may begin when subduction zones are initiated along boundaries between the interior and exterior oceans and become trapped within the interior ocean. We speculate that the reversal in continental motion required for introversion may be induced by slab avalanche events that trigger the rise of superplumes from the core-mantle boundary.  相似文献   
Changes in stream chemistry were studied for 4 years following large wildfires that burned in Glacier National Park during the summer of 2003. Burned and unburned drainages were monitored from December 2003 through August 2007 for streamflow, major constituents, nutrients, and suspended sediment following the fires. Stream‐water nitrate concentrations showed the greatest response to fire, increasing up to tenfold above those in the unburned drainage just prior to the first post‐fire snowmelt season. Concentrations in winter base flow remained elevated during the entire study period, whereas concentrations during the growing season returned to background levels after two snowmelt seasons. Annual export of total nitrogen from the burned drainage ranged from 1·53 to 3·23 kg ha?1 yr?1 compared with 1·01 to 1·39 kg ha?1 yr?1 from the unburned drainage and exceeded atmospheric inputs for the first two post‐fire water years. Fire appeared to have minimal long‐term effects on other nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, and major constituents with the exception of sulfate and chloride, which showed increased concentrations for 2 years following the fire. There was little evidence that fire affected suspended‐sediment concentrations in the burned drainage. Sediment yields in subalpine streams may be less affected by fire than in lower elevation streams because of the slow release rate of water during spring snowmelt. Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The aim of the study is the analysis of runoff and water quality changes in the Upper Oder River Basin above the Krapkowice gauging station (catchment area A = 10 720.6  km2).The issue of water quality is of particular importance to Poland, which has comparatively poor water resources compared with many countries of the European Union (EU). What is more, large pollutant loads in the upper course of the Oder pose huge problems for water consumers and users in its middle and lower course (including Germany) and pollute the Baltic Sea.Changes in 7 indices of water pollution, including BOD5 and COD (synthetic indices), sulphates, chlorides and suspended matter (mineral substances) and nitrates and phosphates (biogenic substances), were investigated for 8 monitoring sites. The study spans the period before and after political transformation in Poland and the Czech Republic, which significantly altered the economies of these countries. In addition, the patterns of runoff changes were analysed at 3 gauging stations: Chałupki, Krzyżanowice and Miedonia, which were also water quality monitoring points. The analysis encompassed 2 periods: 1970–2000 and 1991–2000.The results demonstrated that poor water quality in the Oder improved significantly during the 1990s, as the result of closure of many industries and plants, improvement of sewage treatment and noticeable increases in runoff causing greater dilution of pollutants.As the EU Water Framework Directive is implemented, better water and sewage management can be expected that will contribute to further improvement of water quality in the Oder. However, problems that remain to be solved are the issues of saline mine waters and surface washings and the long-term accumulation of many hazardous substances in bottom sediments in rivers and reservoirs.  相似文献   
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