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The Appinite-Migmatite Complex of Sanabria, NW Iberian Massif, Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Sanabria appinitic rocks and host migmatites form an unusual,non-peri-batholithic complex in which all the typical membersof the appinite suite are present. It differs from most appiniticcomplexes in the deeper level of emplacement and the close temporaland spatial association with migmatites. Consequently, manyin situ relationships that resulted from the invasion of maficmagma into a crustal anatectic zone are extremely well preserved.The complex shows unequivocal relations between members of theappinitic suite and between these and migmatites derived byanatexis of a gneissic formation (Ollo de Sapo gneiss). Theserelations point to derivation of monzodiorites and biotite dioritesby hydrous basalt fractionation combined with fluid-assistedmelting of the crustal rocks surrounding the appinitic intrusions.This hydrous basic magma may be derived from an enriched regionof the mantle associated with subduction. Petrogenetic modelshave been tested using a combination of field relations andgeochemical data. Despite the complexity of the processes involved,it is concluded that water played an important role in the petrogenesisof the intermediate and mafic magmas. Reaction between monzodioritemelts and the host migmatites was responsible for the generationof a range of intermediate rocks within the complex. The needfor water to facilitate magma generation in both the mantleand the crust suggests that melting is linked with subduction.This interpretation has important implications because appiniticmagmatism may be considered as indicative of subduction processesinvolved not only in the generation of the mafic end-membersof the suite, but also in the generation of batholiths withwhich the appinitic rocks are spatially and temporally associated. KEY WORDS: appinite; monzodiorite; migmatite; Variscan orogen; Iberian massif  相似文献   
The fluvial Triassic reservoir subarkoses and arkoses (2409·5–2519·45 m) of the El Borma oilfield, southern Tunisia, were subjected to cementation by haematite, anatase, infiltrated clays, kaolinite and K-feldspar at shallow burial depths from meteoric waters. Subsequently, basinal brines controlled the diagenetic evolution of the sandstones and resulted initially in the precipitation of quartz overgrowths, magnesian siderite, minor ferroan magnesite and anhydrite. The enrichment of siderite in 12C isotope (δ13CPDB= - 14·5 to - 9‰) results from derivation of carbon from the thermal decarboxylation of organic matter. During further burial, the precipitation of dickite and pervasive transformation of kaolinite into dickite occurred, followed by the formation of microcrystalline K-feldspar and quartz, chlorite and illite, prior to the emplacement of oil. Present day formation waters are Na-Ca-Cl brines evolved by the evaporation of seawater and water/mineral interaction and are in equilibrium with the deep burial (≤ 3·1 km) minerals. These waters are suggested to be derived from the underlying Silurian and Devonian dolomitic mudstones.  相似文献   
The metamorphic evolution of metapelites from the eastern partof the Monte Rosa nappe and the Camughera–Moncucco unit,both situated in the upper Penninic units SW of the Simplonline, were investigated using microstructural relationshipsand equilibrium phase diagrams. The units under considerationexperienced pre-Alpine amphibolite-facies conditions and underwenta complex metamorphic evolution during the Alpine orogeny. Peakpressures during an early Alpine high-pressure stage of 12·5–16kbar were similar in the Monte Rosa nappe and Camughera–Moncuccounit. A pronounced thermal gradient is indicated during decompressionleading to an amphibolite-facies overprint, as the decompressionpaths went through the chlorite, biotite and plagioclase stabilityfields in most of the Monte Rosa nappe, through the staurolitefield in the easternmost Monte Rosa nappe and in the Camughera–Moncuccounit, and through the sillimanite field in the easternmost Camughera–Moncuccounit. In high-Al metapelites the initial formation of stauroliteis related to continuous paragonite breakdown and associatedformation of biotite. In the course of this reaction phengitebecomes successively sodium enriched. In low-Al metapelites,in contrast, the initial staurolite formation occurs via thecontinuous breakdown of sodium-rich phengite. In both low- andhigh-Al metapelites the largest volume of staurolite is formedduring the continuous breakdown of sodium-rich phengite belowPT conditions of about 9·5 kbar at 600–650°C.During this reaction phengite becomes successively potassiumenriched as sodium from phengite is used to form the albitecomponent in plagioclase. For ‘normal’ pelitic chemistries,phengite becomes Na enriched during decompression through thebreakdown of paragonite along a near-isothermal decompressionpath. The Na content in phengite reaches its maximum when paragoniteis entirely consumed. During further decompression the paragonitecomponent in phengite decreases again because Na is preferentiallyincorporated into the albite component of plagioclase. KEY WORDS: metapelites; white mica; high pressure; equilibrium diagrams; Western Alps  相似文献   
An aeolian dune field migrating to the east encroached on the toes of alluvial fans in the Teruel Basin (eastern Spain) during a short interval in the Late Pliocene (ca 2·9 to 2·6 Ma), when Northern Hemisphere glaciation and strong glacial–interglacial cycles began. Preservation of the dune field was controlled by syn‐sedimentary activity of a normal fault. Ephemeral water discharge eroded aeolian sands and formed V‐shaped channels in which aeolian sandstone blocks accumulated. The incorporation of loose aeolian sand in wadi waters modified the sediment/water ratio, changing the physical properties of the flows as they penetrated the aeolian dune field. The erosion and cover of aeolian dune foresets by sheetflood deposits suggest that dune‐damming caused the intermittent ponding of water behind the dunes and its flashy release. The arid climate in the Late Pliocene western Mediterranean realm favoured the transport of windblown sediments from northern Africa and western Mediterranean land masses into the Mediterranean. The formation of the studied aeolian dune field (2·9 to 2·6 Ma) and possibly others (for example, the Atacama, Namib and Sahara deserts) correlates with a strong increase of the influence of obliquity, which can be attributed to the combination of a regional expression related to the reduced effect of precession due to a minimum in the long‐period (2·3 Ma) eccentricity cycle and a remote expression of the onset of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation.  相似文献   
Lawsonite eclogite (metabasalt and metadolerite) and associated metasedimentary rocks in a serpentinite mélange from an area just south of the Motagua fault zone (SMFZ), Guatemala, represent excellent natural records of the forearc slab–mantle interface. Pseudosection modelling of pristine lawsonite eclogite reproduces the observed predominant mineral assemblages, and garnet compositional isopleths intersect within the phase fields, yielding a prograde PT path that evolves from 20 kbar, 470 °C (M1) to 25 kbar, 520 °C (M2). The dominant penetrative foliation within the eclogite blocks is defined by minerals developed during the prograde evolution, and the associated deformation, therefore, took place during subduction. Thermometry using Raman spectra of carbonaceous material in metasedimentary rocks associated with the SMFZ eclogites gives estimates of peak‐T of ~520 °C. Barometry using Raman spectroscopy shows unfractured quartz inclusions in garnet rims retain overpressures of up to ~10 kbar, implying these inclusions were trapped at conditions just below the quartz/coesite transition, in agreement with the results of phase equilibrium analysis. Additional growth of Ca‐rich garnet indicates initial isothermal decompression to 20 kbar (M3) followed by hydration and substantial cooling to the lawsonite–blueschist facies (M4). Further decompression of the hydrated eclogite blocks to the pumpellyite–actinolite facies (3–5 kbar, 230–250 °C) is associated with dehydration and veining (M5). The presence of eclogite as m‐ to 10 m‐sized blocks in a serpentinite matrix, lack of widespread deformation developed during exhumation and derived prograde PT path associated with substantial dehydration of metabasites within the antigorite stability field suggest that the SMFZ eclogites represent the uppermost part of the forearc slab crust sampled by an ascending serpentinite diapir in an active, moderate‐T subduction zone.  相似文献   
Trace amounts of sulfide, ranging from 0?06 to 0?26 volume percent, are present in the garnet pyroxenite xenoliths in nephelinebasalt at Salt Lake Crater, Oahu, Hawaii. Microscopic studyrevealed the existence of three chemically and physically distinctsulfide types, i.e. enclosed, interstitial, and vein sulfides.The enclosed sulfide forms spherical inclusions in primary pyroxene,garnet, ilmenite, and spinel. It has a bi-modal chemical character,which may be in part due to alteration of some of the enclosedsulfide grains by the nepheline basalt host magma, but moreprobably represent Cu-Ni-rich sulfide liquid coexisting withCu-rich monosulfide solid solution. The interstitial sulfideis uni-modal and occurs in the interstices of the primary silicates.It has been subjected to intense chemical alteration by thenepheline basalt host magma. As a result the interstitial sulfidebecame Cu-poor with a varying Ni content, which indicates thatcomplete chemical equilibrium with the basalt host magma hasnot been attained. The vein sulfide, present as fracture fillings, is of late genesisand appears to represent partly altered enclosed sulfide. Thealteration process is the same as that which affected the interstitialsulfide. The mineralogy and chemistry of the enclosed sulfide suggeststhat the xenoliths have been abruptly cooled from about 1000?C, which represents the ejection of the xenoliths from thehost basalt magma.  相似文献   
La Yeguada volcanioc complex (LYVC) is one of many major volcanoesthat represent the extension of the Central American arc inwestern Panama and that have resulted from current oblique subductionsouth of Panama. There are two major phases of calc-alkalinevolcanic activity at LYVC based on mapping and K-Ar radiometricdates. The first phase began at {small tilde} 13 Ma and ceasedat {small tilde} 7?5 Ma. This sequence, termed the old group,consists of basalts to rhyolites with typical arc mineralogies(OL, CPX, PL, MGT, and OPX). The samples have similar radiogenicSr and Nd values and appear to be related by fractional crystallizationwith assimilation and/or magma mixing involved in the differentiation.The parental basalts were probably derived from the metasomatizedmantle wedge via melting induced by fluids released from thesubducted lithosphere. There was an apparent period of minor volcanic activity from7–5 to 2–5 Ma (only one documented sample from thisperiod). The second phase (<2?5 Ma), termed the young group,consists only of dacites but with very different mineralogies(PL, MGT, AM, BI, with no PX) and geochemistries (e.g., highSr and low Y and HREE) compared with the old-group dacites (andandesites and rhyolites). The dacites cannot be related to theold group by various petrogenetic modeling techniques. Thesehigh-Al dacites have the characteristics of magmas derived fromthe partial melting of the subducted oceanic lithosphere witha hornblende eclogite residuum. This has been substantiatedby geochemical modeling. Samples similar to the young-group dacites in other arcs havebeen termed adakites and arc associated with the subductionof young hot crust which may explain why the slab melts. ThePanama basin has extremely high heat flow values, comparablewith those of the Galapagos ridge system. The change from normalarc volcanism to adakites suggests that the subducted oceaniccrust became hotter as time progressed. The subduction of anoceanic ridge or new ridge development along the Sandra Riftin the Panama basin can explain the change in volcanism withtime but more geophysical data are needed.  相似文献   
从汾河谷中观察与从潼关以下黄河谷中所见者相符即此二谷中第四纪地层显然分为二段在下者为三门系其时代为上新统之上部或更新统即洪积统之下部在上者为主要黄土(以後续成者不计)其时代属更新统之中部或上部在汾河谷之中心山门系砂砾较多每呈洪水冲积之状但在岸旁斜坡则成黄土例如插图3A 所示者其黄土之下部似实与三门系相当盖此带红色之黄土中曾得含有?齿类骨之结核此物昔曾见于甘肃陕西黄土之底部而呈曾经搬移之状可见含此之层当在真正黄土之前动物骨中又有一种与泥河湾所见同凡此皆证明其非真正黄士也因此可知三门系同一时代能呈不同之状态在三门者为河成在泥河湾者为湖成而在汾河谷中则又见其有洪水冲积及黄土状之二态为三门系之下为蓬蒂层)Pontien)亦能呈诸状态成土状时则为含三趾马之红土成洪水冲积老汾河峡谷及河南新安陕西榆林曾见之潼关含Melania 之层为其湖成态茲将蓬蒂期三门期及黄土期三期之各种变态列表如下蓬蒂期之蜗牛往往较大壳呈被溶状中有方解石结晶壳色深褐若黄土中之蜗牛则常极洁白热河以北达贲诺尔在三趾马红土以上复有白色土层亦含三趾马此系局部特别现象蓬蒂三门黄土三期为同一地质现象之错见或复见即北方各大流域之?成及充积是也三期间之分隔则似前二期间视後二期间为较显  相似文献   
Coastal seas, and in particular estuarine systems, were significantly affected by Quaternary sea level changes. Furthermore, the dynamics of shelf and coastal evolution have had a strong impact on coastal landscapes inhabited by humans. The postglacial evolution of the vast North Sea shelf with its huge drainage systems, e.g. the Elbe Paleovalley and its tributary system, is an excellent research target to understand how coastal shelf environments change in response to sea level rise. In this study, we investigate infill sediments of the Paleo‐Ems valley – a drowned extension of the modern Ems River and part of the Elbe Paleovalley drainage system. Radiocarbon‐dated transgression sequences provide several new observations regarding the mode and rate of the river system submerging due to the Holocene transgression. Thus, the Paleo‐Ems valley submerged within a short time span of~200 years since the river was not able to adjust its gradient to the rapid rising sea level. The fate of the Paleo‐Ems is exemplary for the rapid change of a former fluvial landscape into a coastal landscape and finally into a submarine seascape. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
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