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The Upper Cretaceous Wahweap Formation accumulated in the active Cordilleran foreland basin of Utah. Soft‐sediment deformation structures are abundant in the capping sandstone member of the Wahweap Formation. By comparing with well‐established criteria, a seismogenic origin was determined for the majority of structures, which places these soft‐sediment deformation features in a class of sedimentary features referred to as seismites. A systematic study of the seismite trends included their vertical and horizontal distribution and a semi‐quantitative intensity analysis using a scale from 1 to 5 that is based on magnitude, sedimentary structure type, and the predominance of inferred process of hydroplastic deformation, liquefaction or fluidization. In addition, orientations of soft‐sediment fold axes were recorded. Construction of a northwest‐to‐southeast stratigraphic and seismite intensity cross‐section demonstrates: (1) reduction in stratigraphic thickness and percentage of conglomerates to the southeast, (2) the presence of lower seismite, middle nonseismite, and upper seismite zones within the capping sandstone (permitting subdivision of the capping sandstone member), and (3) elimination of the nonseismite zone and amalgamation of the lower and upper seismite zones to the southeast. Regional isoseismal contour maps generated from the semi‐quantitative analysis indicate a decrease in overall intensity from northwest to southeast in the upper and lower seismic zones and in sandstone within 5 m stratigraphically of the contact between the upper and capping sandstone members. In addition, cumulative seismite fold orientations support a west–northwest direction towards regional epicentres. Isoseismal maps are used to distinguish the effects of intrabasinal normal faulting from those of regional orogenic thrusting. Thus, this study demonstrates the utility of mapping seismites to separate the importance of regional vs. local tectonic activity influencing foreland basin sedimentation by identifying patterns that delineate palaeoepicentres associated with specific local intrabasinal normal faults vs. regional trends in soft‐sediment deformation related to Sevier belt earthquakes.  相似文献   
Accurate and realistic characterizations of flood hazards on desert piedmonts and playas are increasingly important given the rapid urbanization of arid regions. Flood behavior in arid fluvial systems differs greatly from that of the perennial rivers upon which most conventional flood hazard assessment methods are based. Additionally, hazard assessments may vary widely between studies or even contradict other maps. This study's chief objective was to compare and evaluate landscape interpretation and hazard assessment between types of maps depicting assessments of flood risk in Ivanpah Valley, NV, as a case study. As a secondary goal, we explain likely causes of discrepancy between data sets to ameliorate confusion for map users. Four maps, including three different flood hazard assessments of Ivanpah Valley, NV, were compared: (i) a regulatory map prepared by FEMA, (ii) a soil survey map prepared by NRCS, (iii) a surficial geologic map, and (iv) a flood hazard map derived from the surficial geologic map, both of which were prepared by NBMG. GIS comparisons revealed that only 3.4% (33.9 km2) of Ivanpah Valley was found to lie within a FEMA floodplain, while the geologic flood hazard map indicated that ~ 44% of Ivanpah Valley runs some risk of flooding (Fig. 2D). Due to differences in mapping methodology and scale, NRCS data could not be quantitatively compared, and other comparisons were complicated by differences in flood hazard class criteria and terminology between maps. Owing to its scale and scope of attribute data, the surficial geologic map provides the most useful information on flood hazards for land-use planning. This research has implications for future soil geomorphic mapping and flood risk mitigation on desert piedmonts and playas. The Ivanpah Valley study area also includes the location of a planned new international airport, thus this study has immediate implications for urban development and land-use planning near Las Vegas, NV.  相似文献   
Fine‐grained Palaeogene–early Neogene strata of the South Caspian basin, specifically the Oligocene–Lower Miocene Maikop Series, are responsible for the bulk of hydrocarbon generation in the region. Despite the magnitude of oil and gas currently attributed to the source interval offshore, geochemical evaluation of 376 outcrop samples from the northern edge of the Kura basin (onshore eastern Azerbaijan) indicates that depositional conditions in these proximal strata along the basin margins were dominantly oxic to mildly suboxic/anoxic throughout three major depositional stages: the Palaeocene–Eocene, Oligocene–early Middle Miocene and late Middle–Late Miocene. Palaeocene–Eocene samples have low average total organic carbon (TOC) values (0.3%), with higher total inorganic carbon (TIC) values (average=2.6%), extremely low sulphur content (0.2%) and relatively high detrital input as indicated by Fe/Al and Ti/Al ratios. C–S–Fe associations, along with relatively lower concentrations of redox‐sensitive trace elements (e.g. V, Ni, Mo, U) indicate dominantly oxic environments of deposition during much of the Palaeocene–Eocene. A pronounced geochemical shift occurred near the Eocene–Oligocene boundary, and continued through the Early Miocene. Specifically, this interval is characterized by a distinct increase in TOC (ranging from 0.1 to 6.3% with an average of 1.5%), C–S–Fe associations that reveal an abrupt relative increase of carbon and sulphur with respect to iron‐dominated Palaeocene–Eocene samples, and higher concentrations of redox‐sensitive trace metals. These changes suggest that a shift away from unrestricted marine conditions and towards more variable salinity conditions occurred coincident with the initial collision of the Arabian plate and partial closure of the Paratethys ocean. Despite periodic basin restriction, the majority of Upper Eocene–Lower Miocene strata in the northern Kura basin record oxic to slightly dysoxic conditions.  相似文献   
土地开发整理项目中耕地质量等级设计需要充分结合项目区自然条件和相关经济技术条件,才能保证项目建设的科学性、合理性.为此结合农用地分等技术和农用地分等定级折算相关成果,在省级土地开发整理示范项目中进行了尝试性评定研究.在综合分析相关经济技术水平、项目补充耕地质量现状及限制因素的基础上,采用农用地分等定级的多因素综合分析法,对耕地质量等级的规划设计进行评定,并提出相应的工程措施.本研究将农用地分等定级技术和成果应用到土地开发整理补充的耕地质量等级设计中,一定意义上丰富和完善了土地整理补充的耕地质量等级的评定方法.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die stationäre vertikale Spannungsverteilung des elektrischen Feldes wird unter Annahme horizontaler Homogenität untersucht. Dabei wird die Leitfähigkeit als bekannt angenommen. Für die Änderung des vertikalen Austauschkoeffizienten mit der Höhe wird ein Zweischichten-Potenzgesetz angesetzt. Die erhaltene Lösung wird auf die bodennahe Luftschicht angewandt, für welche die Struktur nachMonin undObuchov zugrunde gelegt wurde.
The atmospheric layer near the ground and its influence on the vertical electric field
Summary The stationary vertical distribution of the electric field is considered supposing a horizontal homogeneity. It is assumed, that the electrical conductivity is known. A two-layer exponent law of the height is accepted for the vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient. The obtained solution is applied to the surface layer using the results ofMonin andObuchov.

Relations entre la couche atmosphérique au sol et le champ électrique vertical
Résumé On examine la répartition verticale stationnaire du champ électrique sans poids en admettant une homogénéité horizontale. On suppose, que la conductibilité est connue. On admet une loi potentielle en deux couches pour la modification du coefficient vertical d'échange avec l'altitude. La solution obtenue est appliquée à la couche voisine du sol pour laquelle on utilise une structure selonMonin etObuchov.
Diatoms, organic matter and magnetic susceptibility in a 10-m-long sediment sequence from coastal Lake Lilaste, Latvia, were analysed to evaluate Holocene environmental changes related to past sea-water intrusions. Lake Lilaste is located ~1 km from the present sea coast in an area with a low uplift rate and a threshold altitude of 0.5 m a.s.l. It was thus considered to be an appropriate site to study the influence of past sea level fluctuations on the lake and its sediments. Variations in diatom community composition, along with sediment lithostratigraphy, show that a shallow, nutrient-rich freshwater lake existed there during the early Holocene. The first brackish-water diatoms appeared concurrent with a sea level rise ca. 8700 ± 50 cal a BP, but long-term, intermittent inputs of brackish water were observed between 6700 ± 40 and 4200 ± 80 cal a BP. During those time spans, diatoms indicate increased nutrient concentrations and high conductivity, a consequence of occasional mixing of brackish and freshwater that promoted biological productivity. Lilaste was isolated from the sea at 4200 ± 80 cal a BP, after which a stable freshwater environment, dominated by planktonic diatoms such as Aulacoseira ambigua, A. granulata, A. islandica and A. subarctica, was established. At 400 ± 50 cal a BP, planktonic diatoms were gradually replaced by Fragilaria spp., indicating the beginning of anthropogenic impact. The reconstructed relative water-level curve from the lake coincides with the eustatic sea level curve from 6800 ± 40 cal a BP onwards. There was a distinct increase in abundance of brackish-water diatoms when the sea level reached the threshold of Lilaste, which at that time was probably about 3 m lower than the present sea level. According to radiocarbon-dated shifts in the diatom community composition, the Litorina Sea transgression was a long-lasting event (ca. 2200 years) in the southern part of the Gulf of Riga, where the land uplift rate was near zero. It culminated more than 1000 years later than at other sites with higher uplift, in the northern part of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   
Convective and conductive heat transfer in sedimentary basins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Earth's crust the temperature is largely controlled by heat conduction. However, under some circumstances, the thermal state is disturbed by advection of heat associated with groundwater flow. The corresponding thermal disturbance depends on the water flow velocity (modulus and direction) and therefore thermal data may be used to constrain the pattern of natural fluid flow. In this paper, some models of thermal disturbance induced by convective heat transfer are presented. They are based on the assumption that the water flow is concentrated in thin permeable structures such as aquifer or fault zones. The steady-state and transient thermal effects associated with such scenarios are computed using a somewhat idealized model which depends on a small number of parameters: flow rate, time, aquifer geometry and thermal parameters of surrounding rocks. In order to extract the conductive and convective components of heat transfer from temperature data and to estimate the corresponding fluid flow rate, it is first necessary to estimate the thermal conductivity field. The problem of the estimation of thermal conductivity in clay-rich rocks, based on laboratory and in-situ measurements, is emphasized. Then a method is proposed for the inversion of temperature data in terms of fluid flow. Vertical and lateral variations of thermal conductivity are taken into account and the fluid flow is assumed to be concentrated on a specified surface (2-D quasi-horizontal pattern). Thermal effects of the flow are simulated by a distribution of surface heat production which can be calculated and then inverted in terms of horizontal fluid flow pattern.  相似文献   
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