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Diffuse sediment pollution impairs water quality, exerts a key control on the transfer and fate of nutrients and contaminants and causes deleterious impacts on freshwater ecology. A variety of catchment sediment sources can contribute to such problems. Sediment control strategies and effective targeting of mitigation options therefore require robust quantitative information on the key sources of the sediment problem at catchment scale. Recent observations by Catchment Sensitive Farming Officers (CSFO's) in England have highlighted road verges damaged and eroded by passing vehicles, particularly large farm machinery, and livestock herd movement as visually important potential sources of local sediment problems. A study was therefore undertaken to assess the relative importance of damaged road verges as a suspended sediment source in three sub‐catchments of the Hampshire Avon drainage basin, southern UK. Road verge sediment contributions were apportioned in conjunction with those from agricultural topsoils and channel banks/subsurface sources. Time‐integrating isokinetic samplers were deployed to sample suspended sediment fluxes at the outlets of two control sub‐catchments drained by the Rivers Chitterne and Till selected to characterize areas with a low road network density and limited visual evidence of verge damage, as well as the River Sem sub‐catchment used to represent areas where road verge damage is more prevalent. The findings of a sediment source fingerprinting investigation based on a combination of intermittent sampling campaigns spanning the period 22/5/02–27/4/08 suggested that the respective overall mean relative sediment contributions from damaged road verges were 5 ± 3%, 4 ± 2% and 20 ± 2%. Relative inputs from damaged road verges for any specific sampling period in the River Sem sub‐catchment were as high as 33 ± 2%. Reconstruction of historical sources in the same sub‐catchment, based on the geochemical record stored in a floodplain depth profile, suggested that the significance of damaged road verges as a sediment source has increased over the past 15–20 years. The findings provide important information on damaged road verges as a primary source of suspended sediment and imply that catchment sediment control strategies and mitigation plans should consider such verges in addition to those agricultural and channel sources traditionally taken into account when attempting to reduce sediment pressures on aquatic resources. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The pseudo-luminosity effect in the metallic line A-type stars found by Abt & Morgan (1976) is confirmed in a random sample of 27 Am stars. From a morphological study of their spectra in the wavelength interval 3850-4400 Å at a reciprocal dispersion of 66 Å/mm, revised spectral types are given on the MK system for their K-line and metallic-line spectra. This shows that: (a) our segregation of weak Am from the Am stars largely agrees with that by Cowleyet al. (1969); (b) all the stars in the sample are dwarfs according to their K-line classification; (c) more than 80 per cent exhibit the pseudo-luminosity effect significantly, with their metallic-line spectra resembling a giant or even a supergiant in the violet (3850-4100 Å), and a giant rather than a dwarf in the blue region (4260-4400 Å); (d) in two-thirds of the stars under (c), the Sr n 4077 Å line is found to have a markedly brighter luminosity class compared to any region, and in more than one-third of the sample it is comparable to that in Ap stars; (e) at least five stars exhibit characteristics which might suggest a spectrum variability: among these, the most striking example is 41 Sex A which was found to show a phase-modulated spectrum variation hitherto unknown in Am stars; (f) the metallic-line spectra of another five stars appear to be similar to A-shell type in differing degrees; (g) less than 20 per cent of the sample comprises stars which do not show any significant differential luminosity effect; these stars might have been misclassified or perhaps they are in a quiescent state. We also confirm the conclusion arrived at by Böhm-Vitense & Johnson (1978) that all Am stars may vary and our observations suggest that groups may exist among them.  相似文献   
Salt marshes are important ecological areas and play a significant role in coastal flood defence schemes. In many areas of the UK they are adjacent to agricultural areas utilised for the growth of cereal crops, for which mecoprop is used as a selective herbicide in the control of broad-leaf weeds. This study measured concentrations of mecoprop in soils, drainage ditch waters and sediments and salt marsh sediments over a period of 138 days following spring application. Soil concentrations of up to 1827 microg/g were recorded after application, which demonstrated a half life for mecoprop of from 9 to 12 days, with first order kinetics. However, a major rainfall event 9 days after application resulted in significant transport of herbicide to the salt marsh via subsurface field drains, drainage ditches and discharge sluice. Mecoprop concentrations of up to 386 microg/l observed in water samples were above UK guidelines.  相似文献   
The Kerguelen Plateau, a Large Igneous Province in the southern Indian Ocean, was formed as a product of the Kerguelen hotspot in several eruptive phases during the last 120 Myr. We obtained new paleolatitudes for the central and northern Kerguelen Plateau from paleomagnetic investigations on basalts, which were drilled during ODP Leg 183 to the Kerguelen Plateau-Broken Ridge. The paleolatitudes coincide with paleolatitudes from previous investigations at the Kerguelen Plateau and Ninetyeast Ridge (the track of the Kerguelen hotspot) and indicate a difference between paleolatitudes and present position at 49°S of the Kerguelen hotspot. We show that true polar wander, the global motion between the mantle and the rotation axis, cannot explain this difference in latitudes. We present numerical model results of plume conduit motion in a large-scale mantle flow and the resulting surface hotspot motion. A large number of models all predict southward motion between 3° and 10° for the Kerguelen hotspot during the last 100 Myr, which is consistent with our paleomagnetic results.  相似文献   
A method is presented for filtering and classification of terrestrial laser scanner point clouds. The algorithm exploits the four-channel (blue, green, red and near infrared) multispectral imaging capability of some terrestrial scanners using supervised, parametric classification to assign thematic class labels to all scan cloud points. Its principal advantage is that it is a completely data-driven algorithm and is independent of spatial sampling resolution since the processing is performed in four-dimensional spectral feature space. Its application to two data-sets of different spatial extent and spatial and spectral complexity is reported, for which respective overall classification accuracies of 87·0% and 82·0% were achieved. Analysis of the input data with emphasis on the characteristics pertinent to the anticipated outcomes precedes detailed analysis of the classification results and error sources and their causes. Erroneously classified points are attributed to radiometric errors stemming from both detector hardware and physical effects.  相似文献   
极地钻探是获取极地冰层或冰下环境样品和在极地冰层或冰下布放科学观测仪器的最直接方法,是开展极地科学研究的必要技术手段。美国是开展极地钻探较早的国家之一,也是极地钻探强国。相比美国,我国极地钻探技术尚处于起步阶段。本文以《美国冰钻委员会长期科学规划2021-2031》为基础,结合其官方网站和相关文献资料,梳理了美国极地钻探科学目标和极地钻探技术现状,并简要介绍了过去10年美国极地钻探的现场工作情况及其在未来3年的工作计划,以期为我国极地钻探发展提供参考。  相似文献   
This study aimed at quantifying the total organic carbon (TOC) present in soils within the proximity of the Kgwakgwe Mn oxide ore abandoned mine, Botswana, and establish its relationship with Mn concentrations in soils and vegetation based on multivariate and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) analytical techniques. Four hundred soil samples and 200 vegetation set samples were obtained from a 4 km2 area close to the abandoned mine. The TOC in soil samples were determined using a carbon/hydrogen/moisture determinator, and Mn concentrations in soils and vegetation by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results were processed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS), GIS, and Remote Sensing (RS) techniques with the Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS), Geosoft Oasis Montaj and ArcGIS software packages. The values for TOC in the soil samples from the study area ranged from 0 wt % to 7.91 wt %, with a mean of 1.90 wt %, and at the control area, from 4.07 wt % to 4.86 wt %. The range of concentrations of Mn in soils was from 36 mg/g to 24908 mg/g and for Mn concentrations in the vegetation samples from 26 mg/g to 3611 mg/g with a mean of 598 mg/g. Results of correlation coefficients depicted very weak negative association except Mn in soils/Mn in leaves which was weak but positive. The statistical data yielded four clusters as follows: cluster one consisted mainly of Mn in leaves, cluster two was constituted of Mn in soils, and cluster four had TOC. Cluster three was dominated by the three parameters but with negative t statistic. The spatial presentation of data presented revealed little or no vegetation in the south eastern area and those close to the mine workings, and some significant vegetation in the north western part of the study area. The low TOC in the soils is associated to low vegetation cover which is considered to have been influenced by the soil clay fraction mineralogy and high concentrations of Mn.  相似文献   
Summary During earthquake faulting, radiation efficiency and the degree stress relief are critically dependent on the kinetic shear resistance. This is often assumed to stay constant during slip, but geological evidence suggests that for moderate or large shallow earthquakes it may decrease dramatically to near-zero values once slip is initiated, either by melt formation or by transient increases in fluid pressure on the fault plane. The latter, probably more common process may arise partly through an interaction between temperature and water pressure, and partly through dilatancy recovery as shear stress is relieved. If the fault remains undrained, stress relief should be absolute with seismic efficiency reaching high values, so that stress drops give a measure of the level of tectonic shear stress in fault zones. Supporting evidence comes from the observation that apparent stress is generally about half the stress drop.  相似文献   
We examine in this paper the use of helium isotope ratios for the study of hotspot volcanism along age-progressive island volcanic chains. The Hawaiian Islands are the original “high 3He” hotspot, with 3He/4He ratios as high as 32 × the atmospheric ratio; in the Pacific they stand out against the surrounding sea of MORB (rather uniformly 8 × atmospheric) which fills the entire Pacific with the exception of the Macdonald-Mehetia-Samoa axis in the South Pacific. The recent availability of a variety of alkalic and tholeiitic glasses from the U.S. Geological Survey and our own dredge hauls has prompted us to look first at isotopic variability within a single fresh and new volcano which is probably sitting directly atop a mantle plume. Thus we have looked in some detail at the total helium in glass pillow rims, at He in the enclosed vesicles, and at He in the glass itself, in both tholeiitic and alkalic lavas, and also at helium in associated phenocrysts and xenoliths. The measured 3He/4He ratios range from atmospheric to 30 × atmospheric, but we see clear evidence that the highly vesiculated lavas suffer exchange of He between the thin glass walls of vesicles and ambient seawater, so that we observe a post-eruptive isotopic disequilibrium between glass and gas phases. The primary effect is the very large loss of initial He content during eruptive vesiculation, which results in quite large isotopic effects from small additions of ambient He (of the order of 0.02 μcc He per gram of basalt; corresponding to a “water/rock ratio” of 0.5). Phenocrystic He in olivines verifies that the gas-phase He is not affected by vesicularities up to about 5%. Alkali basalt He appears to be independent of vesicularity up to values as high as 35%; this He is somewhat lower in 3He/4He ratio, but matches precisely the associated xenolithic He. However, from the present data we cannot exclude the possibility that diffusive exchange with seawater has affected the He ratio in alkalic vesicles.On the large scale, along the 10% of the Hawaiian chain available for subaerial sampling, we find high 3He/4He ratios (24 × atmospheric) in 5.5 × 106-year-old lavas on Kauai. Maximum values of the ratio so far observed are in the pre-erosional Kula basalts on Maui, confirming the previous results of Kaneoka and Takaoka. Hawaii, where these high values were first observed is now seen to range from MORB ratios at Mauna Loa to only 15 × RA at Kilauea fumaroles. Most xenolithic He so far measured is MORB He, but Loihi xenoliths have high values and are quite different in this respect. Finally, we discuss also the hydrogen and carbon isotope results on Loihi lavas, and show that these elements resemble MORB and appear not to show a distinctive plume signature.  相似文献   
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