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J. Taylor G. Nicoli G. Stevens D. Frei J.‐F. Moyen 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》2014,32(7):713-742
Anatexis of metapelitic rocks at the Bandelierkop Quarry (BQ) locality in the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt occurred via muscovite and biotite breakdown reactions which, in order of increasing temperature, can be modelled as: (1) Muscovite + quartz + plagioclase = sillimanite + melt; (2) Biotite + sillimanite + quartz + plagioclase = garnet + melt; (3) Biotite + quartz + plagioclase = orthopyroxene ± cordierite ± garnet + melt. Reactions 1 and 2 produced stromatic leucosomes, which underwent solid‐state deformation before the formation of undeformed nebulitic leucosomes by reaction 3. The zircon U–Pb ages for both leucosomes are within error identical. Thus, the melt or magma formed by the first two reactions segregated and formed mechanically solid stromatic veins whilst temperature was increasing. As might be predicted from the deformational history and sequence of melting reactions, the compositions of the stromatic leucosomes depart markedly from those of melts from metapelitic sources. Despite having similar Si contents to melts, the leucosomes are strongly K‐depleted, have Ca:Na ratios similar to the residua from which their magmas segregated and are characterized by a strong positive Eu anomaly, whilst the associated residua has no pronounced Eu anomaly. In addition, within the leucosomes and their wall rocks, peritectic garnet and orthopyroxene are very well preserved. This collective evidence suggests that melt loss from the stromatic leucosome structures whilst the rocks were still undergoing heating is the dominant process that shaped the chemistry of these leucosomes and produced solid leucosomes. Two alternative scenarios are evaluated as generalized petrogenetic models for producing Si‐rich, yet markedly K‐depleted and Ca‐enriched leucosomes from metapelitic sources. The first process involves the mechanical concentration of entrained peritectic plagioclase and garnet in the leucosomes. In this scenario, the volume of quartz in the leucosome must reflect the remaining melt fraction with resultant positive correlation between Si and K in the leucosomes. No such correlation exists in the BQ leucosomes and in similar leucosomes from elsewhere. Consequently, we suggest disequilibrium congruent melting of plagioclase in the source and consequential crystallization of peritectic plagioclase in the melt transfer and accumulation structures rather than at the sites of biotite melting. This induces co‐precipitation of quartz in the structures by increasing SiO2 content of the melt. This process is characterized by an absence of plagioclase‐induced fractionation of Eu on melting, and the formation of Eu‐enriched, quartz + plagioclase + garnet leucosomes. From these findings, we argue that melt leaves the source rapidly and that the leucosomes form incrementally as melt or magma leaving the source dumps its disequilibrium Ca load, as well as quartz and entrained ferromagnesian peritectic minerals, in sites of magma accumulation and escape. This is consistent with evidence from S‐type granites suggesting rapid magma transfer from source to high level plutons. These findings also suggest that leucosomes of this type should be regarded as constituting part of the residuum from partial melting. 相似文献
Interplay between equilibrium and kinetics in prograde metamorphism of pelites: an example from the Nelson aureole, British Columbia 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The distribution of metapelitic mineral assemblages in the Nelson aureole, British Columbia, generally conforms to what is predicted from phase equilibria. However, in detail, the sequence and spacing of isograds, mineral textures and mineral compositions and mineral chemical zoning do not. Two of the main disequilibrium features in the aureole are: (i) delay in the onset and progress of several reactions, i.e. overstepping in temperature; and (ii) unreactivity of staurolite and especially garnet porphyroblasts when they are reactants in prograde reactions. The thermal overstepping is ascribed to difficulty of nucleation of the product porphyroblasts and sluggishness of dissolution of porphyroblasts when they are reactants. The extent to which these kinetic barriers delay the onset of reaction is related to the reaction affinity of each reaction, defined herein as the Gibbs free‐energy difference between the thermodynamically stable, but not‐yet‐crystallized, products and the metastable reactants. For oversteps in temperature (ΔT), reaction affinity is, in turn, related to the difference in entropy (ΔS) between these two states through the relation A = ΔT * ΔS. Mineral reactions which release large quantities of H2O, such as chlorite‐consuming reactions, have a higher entropy change per unit of temperature overstep, and therefore a higher reaction affinity, than those which release little or no H2O, such as the chlorite‐free staurolite‐consuming reaction. Thermal overstepping is consequently expected to be less for the former than for the latter, as was estimated in the aureole where 0 to 30 °C overstepping was required for garnet, staurolite and andalusite growth from a muscovite + chlorite‐bearing precursor rock and ~70 °C overstepping was required for the growth of Al2SiO5 from a staurolite‐bearing, chlorite‐free precursor. In all cases, reaction progress was strongly influenced by the presence or absence of fluid, with presence of fluid lowering kinetic barriers to nucleation and growth and therefore the degree of thermal overstepping. Textural features of rocks from the nearly coincident garnet, staurolite and andalusite isograds are suggestive of a fluid‐catalysed ‘cascade effect’ in which reaction took place in a narrow temperature interval; several competing muscovite + chlorite‐consuming reactions, some metastable, appear to have occurred in parallel. Metamorphic reaction, fluid release and possibly fluid presence in general in the aureole were episodic rather than continuous, and in several cases well removed from equilibrium conditions. The extent to which these findings apply to regional metamorphism depends on several factors, a major one being enhanced deformation, which is expected to lower kinetic barriers to nucleation and growth. 相似文献
Dr. T. H. C. Nutte Dr. T. Oberthür Dr. R. Saager Dr. H. -P. Tomschi 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1988,39(2):145-162
Summary At Broomstock Mine, three types of gold mineralization have been identified: (i) jaspilite-hosted ore, (ii) ore confined to shear zones within meta-basalts, and (iii) supergene ore. The present study, which is focused on the jaspilite-hosted ore, revealed that areas carrying economic gold grades are characterized by fracturing, brecciation and abundant arsenopyrite-pyrite mineralization. The mineralization was introduced by hydrothermal fluids which used dilatant fractures in the jaspilites as channelways. Deposition of gold and sulfides occurred in response to changing P-T conditions and through chemical reactions of the fluids with the iron-rich jaspilites. Gold and accompanying elements may either originate from processes of intraformational remobilization, or they were derived from external, distant sources.
Geologie, Mineralogie und Geochemie der Goldlagerstätte Broomstock im Kwekwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe: Bedeutung für Goldvererzung in jaspitischen Eisenformationen
Zusammenfassung In der Broomstock Mine treten drei Typen von Goldmineralisationen auf: (i) Vererzungen in Jaspiliten, (ii) Vererzungen in Scherzonen, die Metabasalte durchsetzen, und (iii) supergene Vererzungen.Die vorliegende Untersuchung befaßt sich vornehmlich mit den Vererzungen der Jaspilite. Kartierungen und Beprobungen zeigten, daß ökonomische Goldgehalte an Be-reiche der Jaspilite gebunden sind, die tektonisch zerbrochen und brekziiert sind. Zudem treten in diesen Bereichen Arsenkies und Pyrit in hohen Konzentrationen auf. Die Mineralisation stellt den Absatz hydrothermaler Lösungen dar, die dilatante Bruchzonen innerhalb der Jaspilite als Zufuhrkanäle benutzten. Der Absatz der Sulfide und des Goldes erfolgte aufgrund sich ändernder P-T-Bedingungen und durch chemische Reaktionen zwischen den Lösungen und den eisenreichen Jaspiliten. Als Modell zur Herkunft des Goldes und der begleitenden Elemente wird entweder eine intraformationale Umlagerung, oder eine Zufuhr aus externen, entfernteren Quellen angenommen.相似文献
The authors investigate the solution of a nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation connected with nonlinear waves. The equation discussed is more general than the one discussed recently by Manne et al. (2000). The results are presented in a compact and elegant form in terms of Mittag-Leffler functions and generalized Mittag-Leffler functions, which are suitable for numerical computation. The importance of the derived results lies in the fact that numerous results on fractional reaction, fractional diffusion, anomalous diffusion problems, and fractional telegraph equations scattered in the literature can be derived, as special cases, of the results investigated in this article. 相似文献
Jonathan D. Phillips 《自然地理学》2013,34(4):321-332
Landscapes, environments, and ecosystems (i.e., places) are historically and spatially contingent and therefore unique. Generalizations and laws are based on “all other things being equal.” Owing to historical and spatial contingency, all other things are never completely equal and often do not approach that ideal closely enough to allow for reliable prediction. The problem is illustrated by examining effects of grazing and fire suppression on transitions between grass and woody vegetation communities. In three different environments in the southern United States (central Texas, southwestern Virginia, and eastern North Carolina), three different relationships exist between grazing and fire regime, and vegetation. Other examples are common in the geographic and environmental literature. This suggests that the search for a single applicable generalization or predictive model of a given human-induced environmental change that can be applied without accounting for the particular characteristics of places may be futile. Several general ways to address this issue are suggested. First is the recognition that place matters. Conditions specific to a location or region will influence what, how, or even if generalizations apply. Second is the adoption of a “demographic” approach. This is based on the idea that for places, like people, it is possible to make aggregate or probabilistic generalizations or predictions, but these cannot be applied to deterministic prediction of individuals. Third is a synoptic approach based on forecasting not via simple cause-effect relationships, but based on a typology of situations that recognizes and incorporates the unique characteristics of site and situation. Several converging threads of inquiry in geography and geosciences explicitly or implicitly address the issue of historical and spatial contingency. [Key words: landscape, environment, place, prediction.] 相似文献
The hierarchid tessellation model belongs to a class of spatial data models based on the recursive decomposition of space. The quadtree is one such tessellation and is characterized by square cells and a 1:4 decomposition ratio. To relax these constraints in the tessellation, a generalized hierarchical tessellation data model, called Adaptive Recursive Tessellations (ART), has been proposed. ART increases flexibility in the tessellation by the use of rectangular cells and variable decomposition ratios. In ART, users can specify cell sizes which are intuitively meaningful to their applications, or which can reflect the scales of data. ART is implemented in a data structure called Adaptive Recursive Run-Encoding (ARRE), which is a variant of two-dimensional run-encoding whose running path can vary with the different tessellation structures incorporated in an ART model. Given the recognition of the benefits of implementing statistical spatial analysis in GIS, the use of hierarchical tessellation models such as ART in spatial analysis is discussed. Three examples are introduced to show how ART can: (1) be applied to solve the quadrat size problem in quadrat analysis of point patterns; (2) act as the data model in the variable resolution block kriging technique for geostatistical data to reduce variation in kriging error; and (3) facilitate the evaluation of spatial autocorrelation for area data at multiple map resolutions via the construction of a connectivity matrix for calculating spatial autocorrelation indices based on ARRE. 相似文献