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<正>以中国为代表的发展中国家城镇化进程正在快速推进,前所未有地改变以欧美发达国家为主体的全球城镇发展格局.与此同时,与城镇化进程相关联的大气、土壤和水体等动植物栖息生境和人类生存环境正发生着深刻变化,并且日益受到社会的普遍关注和广泛重视.湖泊作为一类典型的淡水生境,因具有洪水调蓄、多样性维护、物质循环、环境美化和气候调节等自然生态功能以及供水、水产品生产、休闲娱乐和文化美学等社会经济服务功能,其功能与城镇可持续发展和人类社会文明进步息息相关.为此,本文简要回顾了第  相似文献   
Results of the studies of the ionospheric D region during spring periods of 2004 and 2005 using partial reflections and radiowave scattering by artificial periodical irregularities are presented. It has been found that the vertical profile of the electron density during this period has a local minimum at a height of ~75 km, which is absent in summer. The causes of the minimum appearance are discussed.  相似文献   
A method has been proposed for detecting hidden periodicities in nonstationary finite time series with strong noise. The successive application of the spectral singular expansion and wavelet transform makes it possible to calculate the energy of short signals with an arbitrary form against a suppressing noise back-ground, the amplitude of which is several times as large as that of a useful signal. This method has been used to identify variations in the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) flux related to IMF disturbances due to the earthward propagation of solar magnetic clouds in the heliosphere.  相似文献   
This work aimed to evaluate, in vitro, the capability of roots of two salt marsh plants to release low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) and to ascertain whether Cu contamination would stimulate or not organic acids exudation. The sea rush Juncus maritimus and the sea-club rush Scirpus maritimus, both from the lower Douro river estuary (NW Portugal), were used. Plants were collected seasonally, four times a year in 2004, during low tide. After sampling, plant roots were washed for removal of adherent particles and immersed for 2 h in a solution that matched salinity (3) and pH (7.5) of the pore water from the same location to obtain plant exudates. In one of the seasons, similar experiments were carried out but spiking the solution with different amounts of Cu in order to embrace the range between 0 and 1600 nM. In the final solutions as well as in sediment pore water LMWOAs were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Plants were able to release, in a short period of time, relatively high amounts of LMWOAs (oxalate, citrate, malate, malonate, and succinate). In the sediment pore water oxalate, succinate and acetate were also detected. Therefore, plant roots probably contributed to the presence of some of these organic compounds in pore water. Exudation differed between the plant species and also showed some seasonally variation, particularly for S. maritimus. The release of oxalate by J. maritimus increased with Cu increase in the media. However, exudation of the other LMWOAs did not seem to be stimulated by Cu contamination in the media. This fact is compatible with the existence of alternative internal mechanisms for Cu detoxification, as denoted by the fact that in media contaminated with Cu both plant species accumulated relatively high amounts (29–83%) of the initially dissolved Cu. This study expands our knowledge on the contribution of globally dominant salt marsh plants to the release of LMWOAs into the environment.  相似文献   
In this study, the degradation of novaluron (benzoylphenyl urea insect growth regulator) was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions in clay loam alluvial and coastal saline soils of West Bengal, India. The application rates were field rate (FR); 2FR and 10FR. The incubation study was carried out at 30 °C and 60% of maximum water holding capacity of both the soils. Degradation of novaluron in both the soils followed first order reaction kinetics at all application rates under non-sterile and sterile conditions. The half-lives of novaluron in non-sterilized soils ranged from 17.0–17.8 days (alluvial soil) and 11.4–12.7 days (coastal saline soil), while the values in case of the sterilized soils were 53.7–59.0 days (alluvial soil) and 28.9–29.8 days (coastal saline soil) respectively. The novaluron degradation patterns were found to be highly influenced by soil types, application rates, and biotic abiotic factors. Abiotic factors strongly influenced novaluron degradation in both the soils. Biotic degradation was higher in alluvial soil compared to the coastal saline soil.  相似文献   
The goal of this paper is to find out whether suspended mussel culture affects the vertical fluxes of biogenic particles in the Ría de Vigo on a seasonal scale. With this aim, vertical fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) and the magnitude and composition of vertical export of phytoplankton carbon (Cphyto) collected in sediment traps were examined by comparing data obtained inside a mussel farming area (RaS) with those found at a reference station (ReS) not affected by mussels. Our results indicate that mussel farming has a strong impact on sedimentation fluxes under the rafts, not only increasing POC flux but also altering the magnitude and composition of Cphyto fluxes. Average POC flux at RaS (2564?±?1936 mg m?2 day?1) was four times higher than at ReS (731?±?276 mg m?2 day?1), and much of this increase was due to biodeposit fluxes (Cbiodep) which accounted for large proportion of POC flux (35–60 %). Indeed, because of this high Cbiodep flux, only a small proportion of the POC flux was due to Cphyto flux (3–12 %). At the same time, we observed an increased sedimentation of phytoplankton cells at RaS that could be explained by a combination of mechanisms: less energetic hydrodynamic conditions under mussel rafts, ballast effect by sinking mussel feces, and diatom aggregates. Moreover, mussel farming also altered the quality of the Cphyto flux by removing part of the predatory pressure of zooplankton and thus matching diatom composition in water column and sediment traps.  相似文献   
Diffusion of tetravalent cations in zircon   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
Diffusion rates for the three tetravalent cations U, Th and Hf have been measured in synthetic zircon. Diffusant sources included oxide powders and ground pre-synthesized silicates. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) was used to measure depth profiles. Over the temperature range 1400–1650 °C, the following Arrhenius relations were obtained (diffusion coefficients in m2sec−1): log D Th = (1.936 ± 0.9820) + (− 792 ± 34 kJ mol−1 /2.303 RT) log D U = (0.212 ± 2.440) + (− 726 ± 83 kJ mol−1 /2.303 RT) log D Hf = (3.206 ± 1.592) + (− 812 ± 54 kJ mol−1 /2.303 RT) The data show a systematic increase in diffusivity with decreasing ionic radius (i.e., faster diffusion rates for Hf than for U or Th), a trend also observed in our earlier study of rare earth diffusion in zircon. Diffusive fractionation may be a factor in the Lu-Hf system given the much slower diffusion rates of tetravalent cations when compared with the trivalent rare earths. The very slow diffusion rates measured for these tetravalent cations suggest that they are essentially immobile under most geologic conditions, permitting the preservation of fine-scale chemical zoning and isotopic signatures of inherited cores. Received: 12 July 1996 / Accepted: 2 December 1996  相似文献   
This paper presents a model for the analysis of the diffraction of plane waves at a cavity in an infinite homogeneous linear elastic medium supported by a segmented lining. An elastic boundary layer is introduced between the cavity lining and the infinite medium. The boundary layer is simulated by ‘elastic boundary conditions’ in which the stress is proportional to the relative displacement of the lining and of the surrounding medium boundary. A closed‐form analytical solution of the problem was obtained using the Fourier–Bessel series, the convergence of which was proven. It was shown that the number of series terms required to obtain a desired level of accuracy can be determined in advance. Using amplitude–frequency response analysis it was shown that the boundary layer produces additional ‘pseudo‐resonance’ frequencies that depend on the layer properties. These frequencies are almost identical to the eigenvalues obtained from the simple analysis of a segmented elastically supported lining. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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