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Artificial fertilizers are contributing to the replacement of eelgrass (Zostera marina) by sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca) in estuaries of Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. In this study, we found that the nearshore fish community differed between areas dominated by these two vegetations within an estuary in every month sampled (April–August). Adult northern pipefish (Syngnathus fuscus), threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), blackspotted stickleback (Gasterosteus wheatlandi), and Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) were most strongly associated with eelgrass, while mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus), ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius), and American eel (Anguilla rostrata) were often more numerous in sea lettuce. Sea lettuce stations tended to have more young-of-the-year mummichog, fourspine stickleback (Apeltes quadracus), and Gasterosteus sp. than eelgrass stations but fewer young-of-the-year northern pipefish and Atlantic silverside. Fish richness and abundance were significantly lower in the sea lettuce than eelgrass habitat during August when benthic hypoxia occurred. We conclude that the loss of eelgrass from PEI estuaries will result in significant declines in fish biodiversity.  相似文献   
Three dives in submersible ALVIN and four deep-towed camera lowerings have been made along the transform valley of the Oceanographer Transform. These data constrain our understanding of the processes that create and shape the distinctive morphology that is characteristic of slowly slipping ridge-transform-ridge (RTR) plate boundaries. Our data suggest that the locus of strike-slip tectonism, called the transform fault zone (TFZ), is confined to a narrow swath (<4 km) that is centered along the axis of maximum depth. The TFZ is flanked by the inward facing slopes of the transform valley. The lower portions of the valley walls are characterized by broad sloping exposures of undisrupted sediment but at higher elevations the walls are made up of inward facing scarps and terraces of variable dimensions. Although the scarps have been badly degraded by mass wasting, there is no evidence to suggest that these scarps have accommodated significant amounts of strike-slip motion. Plutonic and ultramafic rocks are exposed on these scarps and the occurrence of this diverse assemblage on small-throw faults indicates that the crust is thin and/or discontinuous in this environment. We suggest that this complex igneous assemblage is the product of anomalous accretionary processes that are characteristic of slowly-slipping RTR plate boundaries.  相似文献   
We are developing and testing active baluns and electrically short dipoles for possible use as the primary wide band receiving elements in the low-frequency array (LOFAR) for long wavelength radio astronomy. Several dipoles of various designs and dimensions have been built and tested. Their useful range occurs when the dipole arms are approximately to one wavelength long and the feedpoint is less than wavelength above ground. An eight-element NRL LOFAR test array (NLTA) interferometer has been built and fringes have been observed from the brightest celestial sources in the frequency range from 10 to 50 MHz. The antenna temperatures vary from about 10% to 100% of the average brightness temperature of the galactic background. With these parameters it is easy to make the amplifier noise levels low enough that final system temperature is dominated by the galactic background.  相似文献   
SeaMARC II (11- to 12-kHz) side-scan sonar revealed hundreds of small strong-backscatter spots, tens to 500?m in diameter, along the lips of the Bear Island fan slide valley. New bathymetry, deep-tow side-scan, deep-tow profiles, heatflow, and gravity cores were collected for ground-truth. These mounds are probably mud diapirs (or mud-built mounds) typically 10–75?m high, formed by glacial sediment mobilized by Late Pleistocene slide events. The mounds are arranged along NNE trending lines, suggesting control by intrasedimentary faults ca. 0.5–1 km apart. Diapirs examined on the Vøring Plateau exhibit WNW structural control. No heatflow anomaly was found in four stations on or next to diapirs in either area.  相似文献   
The measured elemental composition of cosmic rays with charge 16≤Z≤28 as a function of atmospheric depth was compared with a propagation calculation including energy loss. The resulting composition at the top of the atmosphere has better precision than previously possible on balloon borne experiments, and agrees well with the only satellite data available in this charge range. The extrapolation method also provides checks on assumed cross-sections for interactions of cosmic rays in air.  相似文献   
We present an overview of the low-frequency array (LOFAR) that will open a window on one of the last and most poorly explored regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. LOFAR will be a large (baselines up to 400 km), low-frequency aperture synthesis array with large collecting area ( at ) and high resolution (1.5 at 100 MHz), and will provide sub-mJy sensitivity across much of its operating range. LOFAR will be a powerful instrument for solar system and planetary science applications as reviewed by papers in this monogram. Key astrophysical science drivers include acceleration, turbulence, and propagation in the galactic interstellar medium, exploring the high red-shift universe and transient phenomena, as well as searching for the red-shifted signature of neutral hydrogen from the cosmologically important epoch of re-ionization.  相似文献   
The interaction mean-free-path of cosmic-ray iron in air has been determined by observing the change in flux as a function of atmospheric depth. A large detector and a large variation in altitude during the balloon flight result in a high precision measurement. The result is in agreement, though slightly larger than the mean-free-path deduced from the measurements of interactions of iron on different targets at the Bevalac accelerator.  相似文献   
The Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SUSIM) has measured the solar spectral irradiance for wavelengths 115–410 nm on a daily basis since October 11, 1991. The absolutely calibrated solar UV irradiances through January 8, 1996 have been produced. Their time-dependent behavior is similar to that of the Mgii index as measured both by NOAA-9 SBUV and by SUSIM itself. The maximum long-term variation observed by SUSIM is at L and is measured to be in excess of a factor of 2. This maximum variation decreases with increasing wavelength until about 300 nm where no significant long-term variation is directly measured above SUSIM's estimated 1–2% relative accuracy. The wavelength dependence of the measured UV variability is found to roughly correspond to the mean emission height given by solar atmospheric radiative transfer models. Because SUSIM observations began when solar activity was near its peak and now extend to very near its minimum, estimates of the solar cycle 22 UV variability are generated from a combination of these measurements and solar activity proxy indices.  相似文献   
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