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The Parnok deposit is made up of stratiform lodes of iron (magnetite) and manganese (oxide-carbonate, carbonate, and carbonate-silicate) ores localized among terrigenous-carbonate sediments (black shales) on the western slope of the Polar Urals. The lithological study showed that ore-bearing sediments were accumulated in a calm hydrodynamic setting within a relatively closed seafloor area (trap depressions). Periodic development of anaerobic conditions in the near-bottom seawater was favorable for the accumulation of dispersed organic matter in the terrigenous-carbonate sediments. Carbon required to form calcium carbonates in the ore-bearing sediments was derived from carbon dioxide dissolved in seawater. In the organic-rich sediments, carbonates were formed with the participation of carbon dioxide released by the destruction of organic matter. However, δ13C values (from 0.5 to ?4.4‰ PDB) suggest a relatively low fraction of the isotopically light biogenic carbon in the host calcite. The most probable sources of Fe and Mn were hydrothermal seepages at the seafloor. The Eh-pH conditions during stagnation were favorable for the precipitation of Fe and accumulation of Mn in a dissolved state. Transition from the stagnation regime to the concentration of oxygen in near-bottom waters was accompanied by oxidation of the dissolved Mn and its precipitation. Thus, fluctuations in Eh-pH parameters of water led to the differentiation of Fe and Mn. Initially, these elements were likely precipitated as oxides and hydroxides. During the subsequent lithification, Fe and Mn were reduced to form magnetite and rhodochrosite. The texture and structure of rhodochrosite aggregates indicate that manganese carbonates already began to form at the diagenetic stage and were recrystallized during the subsequent lithogenetic stages. Isotope data (δ13C from ?8.9 to ?17.1‰ PDB) definitely indicate that the oxidized organic matter of sediment served as the main source of carbon dioxide required to form manganese carbonates. Carbonates from host rocks and manganese ores have principally different carbon isotopic compositions. Unlike carbonates of host rocks, manganese carbonates were formed with an active participation of biogeochemical processes. Further processes of metagenesis (T ≈ 250–300°C, P ≈ 2 kbar) resulted in the transformation of textures, structures, and mineral composition of all rocks of the deposit. In particular, increase in temperature and pressure provided the formation of numerous silicates in manganese ores.  相似文献   
The Palaeoproterozoic Ni–Cu sulphide deposits of the PechengaComplex, Kola Peninsula, occur in the lower parts of ferropicriticintrusions emplaced into the phyllitic and tuffaceous sedimentaryunit of the Pilgujärvi Zone. The intrusive rocks are comagmaticwith extrusive ferropicrites of the overlying volcanic formation.Massive lavas and chilled margins from layered flows and intrusionscontain <3–7 ng/g Pd and Pt and <0·02–2·0ng/g Ir, Os and Ru with low Pd/Ir ratios of 5–11. Theabundances of platinum group elements (PGE) correlate with eachother and with chalcophile elements such as Cu and Ni, and indicatea compatible behaviour during crystallization of the parentalmagma. Compared with the PGE-depleted central zones of differentiatedflows (spinifex and clinopyroxene cumulate zones) the olivinecumulate zones at the base contain elevated PGE abundances upto 10 ng/g Pd and Pt. A similar pattern is displayed in intrusivebodies, such as the Kammikivi sill and the Pilgujärvi intrusion.The olivine cumulates at the base of these bodies contain massiveand disseminated Ni–Cu-sulphides with up to 2 µg/gPd and Pt, but the PGE concentrations in the overlying clinopyroxenitesand gabbroic rocks are in many cases below the detection limits.The metal distribution observed in samples closely representingliquid compositions suggests that the parental magma becamesulphide saturated during the emplacement and depleted in chalcophileand siderophile metals as a result of fractional segregationof sulphide liquids. Relative sulphide liquid–silicatemelt partition coefficients decrease in the order of Ir >Rh > Os > Ru > Pt = Pd > Cu. R-factors (silicate-sulphidemass ratio) are high and of the order of 104–105, andthey indicate the segregation of only small amounts of sulphideliquid in the parental ferropicritic magma. In differentiatedflows and intrusions the sulphide liquids segregated and accumulatedat the base of these bodies, but because of a low silicate–sulphidemass ratio the sulphide liquids had a low PGE tenor and Pt/Irand Cu/Ir ratios similar to the parental silicate melts. Duringcooling the sulphide liquid crystallized 40–50% of monosulphidesolid solution (mss) and the residual sulphide liquid becameenriched in Cu, Pt and Pd and depleted in Ir, Os and Ru. TheCu-rich sulphide liquid locally assimilated components of thesurrounding S-rich sediments as suggested by the radiogenicOs isotopic composition of some sulphide ores (  相似文献   
Lateritic soils near Calicut, Kerala, contain halloysite of intermediate hydration, kaolinite, goethite, gibbsite and quartz. The presence of halloysite is responsible for relatively high plasticity and cation-exchange capacity. Fe-hydroxide colloids along with halloysite contribute to significant phosphate uptake by this soil. Composition of local groundwater is consistent with weathering of sodic plagioclase to gibbsite, kaolinite and metastable halloysite.  相似文献   
Results of the mineral and chemical study of surface-altered hyaloclastites from the Theistareykir and Nämafjall geothermal zones, the North Iceland rift, are considered. The paper scrutinizes the composition of hydrothermally altered rocks mainly consisting of clay minerals related to the transformation of bedrock hyaloclastites. The clay minerals also make up slope talus or proluvial deltas around highlands. The major clay minerals in areas of the present-day fumarole activity are kaolinite and smectite, while the redeposited talus-proluvial sediments are mainly composed of smectites. The studied rocks contain framboids, globules, rods, and other structures with morphology and size similar to those of mineralized bacteria. The local concentration of Ag in proluvial deposits is attributed to the intense bacterial activity. It is supposed that elevated contents of some trace elements could be related to an intense microbiotic influence.  相似文献   
The origin of granite-gneiss domes is traditionally attributed to gravity tectonics, the ascent of granite-gneiss diapirs in a gravitational field owing to a relative decrease in the density of granitized rocks compared with their protolith. This is usually considered by the example of a two-layer medium with a lower layer of granitized rocks overlain by a denser protolith layer; the development of gravitational instability in the system results in the ascent of a granite-gneiss diapir. However, the diapiric process can be initiated only if Archimedes?? buoyancy forces at the roof of the granite-gneiss layer will overcome the resistance of the protolith rocks related to their long-term strength. Under the conditions of plastic deformations, this requires the existence of a large-scale irregularity in the relief of the layer boundary, namely, an antiform cusp in the roof of the granite-gneiss layer. The model is based on the assumption that such antiforms appear owing to the reactive infiltration instability of the morphology of the granitization front caused by an increase in the fluid permeability of granitized rocks compared with that of the protolith. The results of computer modeling support the geological feasibility of the reactive infiltration mechanism of the generation and development of the protodiapiric forms of the granitization front triggering the development of the diapiric process of the gravitational upwelling of granite-gneiss domes. The model of a protodiapir stage allows us to consider dome formation as a result of the development of two sequential instabilities: the reactive infiltration instability of the granitization front related to an increase in the permeability of the transformed rock followed by the gravitational instability related to a relative decrease in rock density.  相似文献   
Overbank deposits in the Komissarovka River valley consist of alternating silt, clay silt, sand, and soils produced by lacustrine, alluvial, and aeolian deposition and by soil formation. Silt and sand layers in the lower part of the section correlate with the events of Early Holocene transgression and Middle Holocene regression of Lake Khanka. Deposition in the lowermost reaches of the Komissarovka River provides a faithful record of local Holocene landscapes controlled by level changes in Lake Khanka.  相似文献   
Despite abundant data on volcaniclastic sand(stone), the compositional, spatial and temporal distribution of volcanic detritus within the sedimentary record is poorly documented. One of the most intricate tasks in optical analysis of sand(stone) containing volcanic particles is to distinguish grains derived by erosion of ancient volcanic rocks (i.e. palaeovolcanic, noncoeval grains) from grains generated by active volcanism (subaqueous and/or subaerial) during sedimentation (neovolcanic, coeval grains). Deep-marine volcaniclastic sandstones of the Middle Topanga Group of southern California are interstratified with 3000-m-thick volcanic deposits (both subaqueous and subaerial lava and pyroclastic rocks, ranging from basalt, andesite to dacite). These rocks overlie quartzofeldspathic sandstones (petrofacies 1) of the Lower Topanga Group, derived from deep erosion of a Mesozoic magmatic arc. Changes in sandstone composition in the Middle Topanga Group provide an example of the influence of coeval volcanism on deep-marine sedimentation. Volcaniclastic strata were deposited in deep-marine portions of a turbidite complex (volcaniclastic apron) built onto a succession of intrabasinal lava flows and on the steep flanks of subaerially emplaced lava flows and pyroclastic rocks. The Middle Topanga Group sandstones are vertically organized into four distinctive petrofacies (2–5). Directly overlying basalt and basaltic-andesite lava flows, petrofacies 2 is a pure volcanolithic sandstone, including vitric, microlitic and lathwork volcanic grains, and neovolcanic crystals (plagioclase, pyroxene and olivine). The abundance of quenched glass (palagonite) fragments suggests a subaqueous neovolcanic provenance, whereas sandstones including andesite and minor basalt grains suggest subaerial neovolcanic provenance. This petrofacies probably was deposited during syneruptive Periods, testifying to provenance from both intrabasinal and extrabasinal volcanic events. Deposited during intereruptive periods, impure volcanolithic petrofacies 3 includes both neovolcanic (85%) and older detritus derived from plutonic, metamorphic and palaeovolcanic rocks. During post-eruptive periods, the overlying quartzofeldspathic petrofacies 4 and 5 testify to progressive decrease of neovolcanic detritus (48–14%) and increase of plutonic-metamorphic and palaeovolcanic detritus. The Upper Topanga Group (Calabasas Formation), conformably overlying the Middle unit, has dominantly plutoniclastic sandstone (petrofacies 6). Neovolcanic detritus is drastically reduced (4%) whereas palaeovolcanic detritus is similar to percentages of the Lower Topanga Group (petrofacies 1). In general, the volcaniclastic contribution represents a well-defined marker in the sedimentary record. Detailed compositional study of volcaniclastic strata and volcanic particles (including both compositional and textural attributes) provides important constraints on deciphering spatial (extrabasinal vs. intrabasinal) and temporal relationships between neovolcanic events (pre-, syn-, inter- and post-eruptive periods) and older detritus.  相似文献   
The mineralogical-petrographic, petrochemical, and geochemical characteristics of the trondhjemite-granodiorite intrusions widespread among the volcanoterrigenous rocks of the eastern part of the Voronezh crystalline massif are studied. The rocks are characterized by cotectic quartz-plagioclase differentiation and differentiated (La/Yb = 31) REE pattern and are enriched in LILE with a decrease in the K/Rb and Zr/Hf ratios and an increase in the Th/U ratio by 1.5–2 times relative to subduction trondhjemites and their volcanic analogs from the modern and young island arcs. These data allow us to conclude that generation of the trondhjemite magma is a result of melting of the rocks of the continental crust during collision. The concordant (SHRIMP) age of trondhjemites is 2047 ± 11 Ma, and the age of zircon cores probably entrapped from the host rocks by the trondhjemitic melt is 2172 ± 17 Ma.  相似文献   
The Fe- and Al-rich metapelite of the Teiskaya Group in the trans-Angara part of the Yenisei Range are characterized by variable P-T parameters of their metamorphism. Geochemical data on these rocks were used to reproduce the nature and composition of their protolith. The metapelites were determined to be redeposited and metamorphosed Precambrian weathering crusts of the kaolinite type, which were produced by the erosion of Archean rocks of predominantly acid (granitoid) composition in shallow-water continental-margin basins in a humid climate. These results are consistent with the results of the lithological-facies analysis and geodynamic reconstruction of the Precambrian geological evolution of complexes in the Yenisei range. Differences were revealed between the REE patterns in metapelites in various metamorphic zones caused by both the compositional heterogeneity of the protoliths and the prograde (in terms of pressure) mineral reactions of collision metamorphism with the predominant effects of various processes during different evolutionary stages.  相似文献   
An original methodology for the atomistic computer modeling of solid solutions was applied for the study of the mixing properties and local structure of the grossular-uvarovite, i.e., Ca3Al2[SiO4]3 Ca3Cr2][SiO4]3, garnet series. The parameters of the interatomic potentials for end members of this series were optimized using experimental data on their structural, elastic, and thermodynamic characteristics. The optimized model of the potentials allowed us to describe the elastic, structural, and thermodynamic characteristics of grossular and uvarovite and estimate the energy of point defects in these crystal structures. Calculations of the mixing properties and local structure for seven different compositions of the solid solution were carried out on a “Chebyshev” supercomputer (Moscow State University) in a 2 × 2 × 4 supercell of the garnet-type structure containing 2560 atoms. Mixing properties, such as the enthalpy of mixing, parameters of interaction, excess mixing volume, deviation of bulk modulus from additivity, and the vibrational and configuration contribution to the entropy of mixing, were determined. This allowed us to estimate the stability field for the grossular-uvarovite solid solution. Histograms of the interatomic distances M-O (M = Ca, Al, Cr, Si) and O-O in supercells were plotted and the parameters of relaxation and changes of the CrO6 and AlO6 octahedron volumes were estimated. The data of the simulation are quite consistent with the experimental data on this system and supplement it significantly.  相似文献   
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