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HCl:SO2 mass ratios measured by open path Fourier transform spectroscopy (OP-FTIR) in the volcanic plume at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, are presented for the second phase of dome building between November 1999 and November 2000. HCl:SO2 mass ratios of greater than 1 and HCl emission rates of greater than 400 t day–1 characterise periods of dome building for this volcano. The data suggest that chlorine partitions into a fluid phase as the magma decompresses and exsolves water during ascent. This is substantiated by a correlation between chlorine and water content in the melt (derived from the geochemical analysis of plagioclase melt inclusion and matrix glasses from phase I and II of dome growth). The matrix glass from the November 1999 and March 2000 domes indicate an open system degassing regime with a fluid-melt partition coefficient for chlorine of the order of 250–300. September 1997 glasses have higher chlorine contents and may indicate a switch to closed system degassing prior to explosive activity in September and October 1997. The OP-FTIR HCl time series suggests that HCl emission rate is strongly related to changes in eruption rate and we infer an emission rate of over 13.5 kt day–1 HCl during a period of high extrusion rate in September 2000. A calculation of the HCl emission rate expected for varying extrusion rates from the open-system degassing model suggests a HCl emission rate of the order of 1–4 kt day–1 is indicative of an extrusion rate of between 2 and 8 m3 s–1. Monitoring of HCl at Soufrière Hills Volcano provide a proxy for extrusion rate, with changes in ratio between HCl and SO2 occurring rapidly in the plume. Order of magnitude changes occur in HCl emission rates over the time-scale of hours to days, making these changes easy to detect during the day-to-day monitoring of the volcano. Mean water emission rates are calculated to range from 9–24 kt day–1 during dome building activity, calculated from the predicted mass ratio of H2O:HCl in the fluid at the surface and FTIR-derived HCl emission rates.  相似文献   
Although analysis of clast macrofabrics has been used to differentiate between different types of glacial diamictons and to determine palaeo‐ice flow directions, no account appears to have been made of preferred clast orientations inherited from the parental source material. Clast macrofabrics in tills are typically interpreted as having developed in response to an imposed subglacial deformation and as such provide a link between the sedimentary record and glacier dynamics. They rely on the assumption that any preferred clast orientation is a result of deformation/flow. The results of the micromorphological study of the Langholm Till exposed at North Corbelly near Dumfries (southwestern Scotland) clearly demonstrate that bedrock structure can influence clast orientation (macrofabric) within diamictons. In the lower part of the till, the orientation of elongate clasts preserves the geometry of the tectonic cleavage present within the underlying bedrock. The intensity of this steeply inclined, ‘inherited’ clast fabric decreases upward through the till, to be replaced by a more complex pattern of successive generations of clast microfabrics developed in response to deformation/flow. These results indicate potential limitations of applying clast macrofabric or microfabric analysis in isolation to establish till genesis or palaeo ice‐flow directions. Consequently, due account should be made of other glacial palaeo‐environmental and ice flow indicators, as well as rockhead depth and morphology in relation to the selection of fabric measurements sites. © British Geological Survey/Natural Environment Research Council copyright 2007. Reproduced with the permission of BGS/NERC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
China and Japan’s June 2008 agreement in principle on maritime cooperation in the East China Sea raised hopes of a significant breakthrough in the parties' complex and long-standing disputes in the area. Subsequent progress towards the realisation of a legally binding, formal treaty on, for example, offshore petroleum joint development has been slow to materialise. In fact, the area under dispute appears to have become more rather than less extensive. This paper examines competing maritime and sovereignty claims in the East China Sea together with progress towards maritime cooperation in the context of overlapping jurisdictional claims. The paper identifies some of the key challenges that need to be overcome in realizing a functioning joint resource management regime in the East China Sea.  相似文献   
Joanne  Poon  Clive S.  Fraser  Zhang  Chunsun  Zhang  Li  Armin  Gruen 《The Photogrammetric Record》2005,20(110):162-171
The growing applications of digital surface models (DSMs) for object detection, segmentation and representation of terrestrial landscapes have provided impetus for further automation of 3D spatial information extraction processes. While new technologies such as lidar are available for almost instant DSM generation, the use of stereoscopic high-resolution satellite imagery (HRSI), coupled with image matching, affords cost-effective measurement of surface topography over large coverage areas. This investigation explores the potential of IKONOS Geo stereo imagery for producing DSMs using an alternative sensor orientation model, namely bias-corrected rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs), and a hybrid image-matching algorithm. To serve both as a reference surface and a basis for comparison, a lidar DSM was employed in the Hobart testfield, a region of differing terrain types and slope. In order to take topographic variation within the modelled surface into account, the lidar strip was divided into separate sub-areas representing differing land cover types. It is shown that over topographically diverse areas, heighting accuracy to better than 3 pixels can be readily achieved. Results improve markedly in feature-rich open and relatively flat terrain, with sub-pixel accuracy being achieved at check points surveyed using the global positioning system (GPS). This assessment demonstrates that the outlook for DSM generation from HRSI is very promising.  相似文献   
Earth observation satellites with 1m resolution, such as Space Imaging's Ikonos system, offer the photogrammetric and remote sensing communities a significant new means for geospatial information collection. These satellites possess the potential for pixel-level geopositioning precision and promise timely, highly automated generation of two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) spatial information products. This paper concentrates on the pursuit of optimal accuracy and considers an essential first step in the evaluation of the Ikonos imaging system, namely the metric integrity of the sensor system. In the absence of sensor calibration information (the camera model), an empirical evaluation approach has been adopted. This involves an assessment of 2D transformations between image and planar object space. It is shown that based on results obtained in the Melbourne Ikonos Testfield, 2D geopositioning to 0.5 m accuracy is possible from the base-level "Geo"product when a modest amount of good quality ground control is available and sub-pixel image mensuration is achieved. These findings are applicable to both near-nadir imagery and oblique stereo images. Moreover, the results obtained suggest that there are no significant geometric perturbations in the sensor system and initial image processing, which augurs well for the successful application of non-collinearity based 3D orientation and triangulation models for Ikonos imagery.  相似文献   
Abstract— The petrogenesis of Apollo 12 mare basalts has been examined with emphasis on trace-element ratios and abundances. Vitrophyric basalts were used as parental compositions for the modelling, and proportions of fractionating phases were determined using the MAGFOX program of Longhi (1991). Crystal fractionation processes within crustal and sub-crustal magma chambers are evaluated as a function of pressure. Knowledge of the fractionating phases allows trace-element variations to be considered as either source related or as a product of post-magma-generation processes. For the ilmenite and olivine basalts, trace-element variations are inherited from the source, but the pigeonite basalt data have been interpreted with open-system evolution processes through crustal assimilation. Three groups of basalts have been examined: (1) Pigeonite basalts — produced by the assimilation of lunar crustal material by a parental melt (up to 3% assimilation and 10% crystal fractionation, with an “r” value of 0.3). (2) Ilmenite basalts — produced by variable degrees of partial melting (4–8%) of a source of olivine, pigeonite, augite, and plagioclase, brought together by overturn of the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) cumulate pile. After generation, which did not exhaust any of the minerals in the source, these melts experienced closed-system crystal fractionation/accumulation. (3) Olivine basalts — produced by variable degrees of partial melting (5–10%) of a source of olivine, pigeonite, and augite. After generation, again without exhausting any of the minerals in the source, these melts evolved through crystal accumulation. The evolved liquid counterparts of these cumulates have not been sampled. The source compositions for the ilmenite and olivine basalts were calculated by assuming that the vitrophyric compositions were primary and the magmas were produced by non-modal batch melting. Although the magnitude is unclear, evaluation of these source regions indicates that both be composed of early- and late-stage Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) cumulates, requiring an overturn of the cumulate pile.  相似文献   
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