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In environmental studies, numerical simulation models are valuable tools for testing hypothesis about systems functioning and to perform sensitivity studies under scenarios of land use or climate changes. The simulations depend upon parameters which are not always measurable quantities and must be calibrated against observations, using for instance inverse modelling. Due to the scarcity of these observations, it has been found that parameter sets allowing a good matching between simulated and measured quantities are often non-unique, leading to the problem of equifinality. This can lead to non-physical values, erroneous fluxes and misleading sensitivity analysis. Therefore, a simple but robust inverse method coined the Linking Test is presented to determine if the parameters are linked. Linked parameters are then sub-divided into classes according to their impact on water fluxes. The Linking Test establishes the causes of non-uniqueness of parameter sets and the feasibility of the inverse modelling.  相似文献   
Measurements of solar EUV irradiance show, besides the ~11-year Schwabe cycle, a series of oscillations with a ~27-day period. They are generally explained by the passage of active regions across the solar surface resulting from the Sun's rotation, but the calculated amplitude underestimates the observed long-term variation in irradiance (Lean 1991). The variant of this model proposed here is modulation of EUV emission from the corona by rotation of the Sun's radiative zone. The response would be immediate, raising the prospect of short-term forecasting of EUV effects on space weather and on the Earth's atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to propose a method to detect the functionality of riparian vegetation as buffers/filters/trap against soil runoff and polluting agents caused by agricultural land and erosion areas, near the river. The suspended sediment yield (SSY) is the main vector for pollutants and nutrients generated from the runoff, in the Apennines torrents, indeed finer particles of the soil and their aggregates were proved to be the preferential vehicle of nitrogen, phosphorus, and other polluting agents. The stages of the current study were to spot soil erosion critical areas by the application of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), on a river strip buffer of 200 m, with support of aerial photos and satellite images, land surveys, and application of a G. I. S. The riparian vegetation analysis, on a 20 m wide buffer, was obtained on the basis of ecologic richness, the structural quality, and the depth of the vegetation. The two maps obtained, “erosion risk strip” and “degree of effectiveness of riparian vegetation”, were connected to identify, for every river trunk, the level of functionality of the riparian vegetation in relation to the level of risk erosion on the near hill slopes. The methodology was applied on the Gaiana torrent, near Bologna, North Italian Apennines, where both basin soil loss and SSY have been well studies. The proposed methodology has been designed for the control of water pollution induced by suspended solids, pollutants, and nutrients coming from soil erosion and as a tool to improve the quality of the river environment. The method has the advantage of being easily applicable and can represent a basic tool for stakeholders to take decisions regarding the control and improvement of the river and it can suggest ways to improve or replant the degraded vegetation on the stream banks.  相似文献   
Lake development in geologically active basins is a complex phenomenon as shown by the bed of the Pliocene Tlaxcala paleolake disturbed by volcanic eruptions in central Mexico. A 5-m layered freshwater diatomite outcrop section shows volcanic ashes throughout a bottom Stephanodiscus zone up to a more recent Aulacoseira zone. A 0.5-m transition region begins with an abrupt decrease in volcanic inputs and ends with a shift to Aulacoseira solida (Eulenstein) Krammer. Sediment analysis points to a shallow eutrophic lake in the bottom zone undergoing a transition to higher water volume leading to a threshold depth for the species shift. The lake was apparently deeper and mesotrophic thereafter. A common interpretation is to attribute such a volume change to a moisture increase. However, evidence of geological activity, mainly volcanism and faulting, suggests that it could have also been rooted in geomorphological changes of the lake basin.  相似文献   
Euganean trachyte is a subvolcanic porphyritic rock extracted in northern Italy with an age-old tradition of use as dimension stone, historically linked, in particular, to the fervent building activity brought by the Roman Empire and, later on, the Republic of Venice Serenissima. The results of a comprehensive petrophysical and mechanical characterization of Euganean trachyte from the most representative quarries are discussed here, involving the following properties: density, porosity, water absorption, capillary water uptake, hygroscopic water adsorption, hydric/hygric dilatation, water vapor diffusion, thermal expansion, and resistance to salt attack and abrasion. The different trachyte varieties, although belonging to the same quarry basin, exhibit a relatively wide array of technical performances, which are strongly dependent on pore volume, size, size distribution, shape, and degree of interconnection, controlling modes and rates of water transport and retention. Therefore, indications are provided for evaluating durability performance of the stone, with stress on water-driven weathering. Complementary information is finally given on the possible criteria followed in the antiquity for properly selecting the trachyte quarries to be exploited, and by a comparison with the properties of the most important trachytes extracted in Europe.  相似文献   
We investigated oxygen and carbon isotopes of bulk carbonate and of benthic freshwater ostracods (Candona candida) in a sediment core of Lago Piccolo di Avigliana that was previously analyzed for pollen and loss-on-ignition, in order to reconstruct environmental changes during the late glacial and early Holocene. The depth–age relationship of the sediment core was established using 14 AMS 14C dates and the Laacher See Tephra. While stable isotopes of bulk carbonates may have been affected by detrital input and, therefore, only indirectly reflect climatic changes, isotopes measured on ostracod shells provide unambiguous evidence for major environmental changes. Oxygen isotope ratios of ostracod shells (δ18OC) increased by ~6‰ at the onset of the Bølling (~14,650 cal BP) and were ~2‰ lower during the Younger Dryas (~12,850 to 11,650 cal BP), indicating a temporal pattern of climate changes similar to the North Atlantic region. However, in contrast to records in that region, δ18OC gradually decreased during the early Holocene, suggesting that compared to the Younger Dryas more humid conditions occurred and that the lake received gradually increasing input of 18O-depleted groundwater or river water.  相似文献   
Sedimentary bodies emplaced by mass‐wasting processes and exceeding tens of metres of thickness and a hundred of square kilometres in area are widespread in the Cretaceous–Pleistocene marine successions of the Northern Apennines of Italy. At least 10 such bodies are present in the stratigraphic record of the Oligo‐Miocene foredeep during the northeastern, time‐transgressive migration of the accretionary wedge‐foredeep system. The term mass‐wasting complex (MWC) is here adopted for these bodies to emphasize their multistory emplacement mechanism and polymictic composition with variously deformed slabs of different lithology, age and provenance. As one of the more intriguing features, their occurrence was associated with changes in turbidite deposition from basin plain to slope. Wide sectors of the internal margin of the basin (lobe‐fan) and even of the basin plain become a slope at the front of the accretionary wedge for a limited period of time (temporary slope). The temporary slope supplied the intrabasinal components of the MWCs, whereas the diffused extrabasinal components came from the front of the accretionary wedge. Therefore, an enhanced instability of the entire foredeep‐wedge system occurred systematically and cyclically. As a consequence, many variously consolidated sediments were transferred into the foredeep basin invading the depocentre and forcing the turbidite deposition towards the foreland, in a more northeasterly position. The presence of such MWCs therefore conditioned basin size and geometry in an analogous way as that reported for some modern convergent margins, as in the case of Costa Rica. Normal sedimentation was restored on top of the MWC only after the levelling of topographic irregularities.  相似文献   
Abstract A field investigation is presented of the strewnfield of the mesosiderite Vaca Muerta, originally found in 1861. The area, 11.5 km long, 2.1 km wide, is located about 60 km southeast of Taltal, Chile, in the Atacama Desert. It has yielded 80 meteorites with a total mass exceeding 3782 kg. Most fragments were found in an undisturbed state, but some had been broken by prospectors. The present studies, in connection with historical records, indicate that the original mass of Vaca Muerta exceeded 6 metric tons. One impact feature, somewhat modified by man, consists of a 10.5-m diameter, 1.7-m deep hole, without an uplifted rim. Small masses were scattered up to 85 m from the hole.  相似文献   
A dynamical, homogeneous model of the chromosphere-corona transition region and of the lower corona is presented, based on the hydrodynamical equations and on a semi-empirical relation deduced from radio observations. The model is shown to be in agreement with radio and UV observations and with the particle flux given by solar wind measurements. A comparison with the analogous static model shows that dynamical effects are very small. From the model it is possible to give an estimate of the energy dissipated at each level by the waves that propagate in the solar atmosphere. It is shown that this energy source cannot be neglected with comparison to the usual conductive, convective and radiative sources. The importance of the kinetic energy flux connected with the spicules is also discussed.  相似文献   
Plant phenological observations are of increasing value as indicators of climate change and variability. We developed a robust multispecies estimate for Swiss Alpine spring phenology for the period 1965–2002 by applying empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis on a combination of 15 spring phases. The impact of climate parameters such as temperature and precipitation on the phenological development was investigated using a multivariate statistical model. This multispecies estimate proved to be a good approach to assess the pattern of spring appearance during the last 40 years. It revealed an earlier onset of spring in recent years, mainly since 1988 when a clear shift in spring appearance occurred. The mean overall trend of 1.5 days per decade was clearly driven by winter and spring temperatures whereas precipitation showed no significant influence. The dominant EOF patterns suggested a general climate forcing for the observed inter-annual variability independent of single plant phases. A more regional phenology signal was found in the second EOF mode, indicating slightly weaker phenological trends in southern Switzerland as well as in higher altitudes. Both, temperature and precipitation contributed to this pattern significantly. Analysis of single phases confirmed the pattern of the multispecies estimate. All species showed trends towards earlier appearance ranging from −1 to −2.8 days per decade and the appearance dates had a very high covariance with temperature.  相似文献   
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