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This paper reports experimental data on surface and deep displacements evaluated by means of GPS stations and inclinometers in two rototranslational deep landslides in a clayey slope of the Italian Southern Apennines. The displacements of the landslides cause continuous damage to buildings and infrastructures. To study these phenomena and control their effects, the local public administration provided financial support for a geotechnical investigation that started in 2004. Laboratory tests, in situ pore pressure and inclinometer measurements were carried out. In July 2006, systems of fixed-in-place inclinometer probes with continuous data acquisition were installed in two of the eleven guide casings, in correspondence to the slip surfaces detected by previous periodical measurements. In the meanwhile, a GPS network was installed, consisting in six permanent stations and ten non-permanent ones. Among the latter, five were installed on the top of five inclinometer casings. The experimental results show that, in the case under study, the surface displacements evaluated by means of the GPS stations are consistent with the surface displacements evaluated by means of the inclinometer measurements. This implies mutual data validation, availability of considerable amount of continuous data, as well as monitoring continuity when, for some reason, one of the instruments goes out of use.  相似文献   
The ca. 790–600 Ma Rio Negro Complex (RNC) of the Ribeira belt (Brazil) consists of a plutonic portion of a magmatic arc built by the E-vergent subduction of the ESE border of the São Francisco paleoplate during the amalgamation of Western Gondwana.The plutonic series comprises low- to medium-K granitoids (ca. 790–620 Ma) and high-K granitoids and shoshonite rocks (ca. 610–605). The age span of 185 m.y. is suggestive of a long history of arc-related magmatism, continuously or not in time. The Nd isotopic signatures of the RNC consist of εNd(t) ratios from ? 3 to + 5 for the medium-K series shoshonite series and from ? 14 to ? 3 for the younger high-K group. This time-dependent trend of Nd isotopes is indicative of progressive maturity of the arc over time. The same evolution is indicated by Sr data, as the medium-K rocks have 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios < 0.705 while the high-K rocks yield values between 0.705 and 0.710. The predominance of intermediate rocks over mafic ones suggests an initial intra-oceanic to transitional stage, possibly developed in a distal portion of a passive margin, such as the Japanese arc, evolving to a more developed, differentiated felsic rock associations.The role of transform fault zones, such as the Luanda shear zone, is emphasized in order to explain the consumption of a wide oceanic plate in the inner portion of Western Gondwana.  相似文献   
In this paper, the performance of different advanced constitutive models for soils is evaluated with respect to the experimentally observed behaviour of a soft reconstituted clay subject to a wide range of loading directions, see (presented in the companion paper). The models considered include a three‐surface kinematic hardening elastoplastic model; the CLoE hypoplastic model; a recently proposed K‐hypoplastic model for clays, and an enhanced version of the same model incorporating the concept of intergranular strain. A clear qualitative picture of the relative performance of the different models as a function of the loading direction is obtained by means of the incremental strain response envelopes. The definition of suitable error measures allows to obtain further quantitative information in this respect. For the particular initial conditions and loading programme considered in this study, the kinematic hardening and the enhanced K‐hypoplastic models appear to provide the best performance overall. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We describe the sequence stratigraphic organization and the associated sedimentological characteristics of Cretaceous to Eocene slope and base-of-slope carbonate successions. The study area is located in the Gargano Promontory which belongs to the stable foreland of southern Italy. The succession consists of three superimposed depositional sequences separated by major unconformities. The upper two sequences are clear examples of sequence stratigraphic organization; in fact, they both start with huge megabreccia wedges (LST) followed upward by thin pelagic units (TST) and a thick package of calciturbidites and debrites that alternate with pelagic mudstone (HST). The Cretaceous highstand systems tract is clearly arranged in a number of coarsening-upward cycles while the Eocene one which also comprises a toplap shallow water unit, is not. The Gargano stratigraphic palimpsest and the entire margin of the Apulia Platform show remarkable similarities with present-day carbonate platform margins and slopes where irregular, convex-bankward embayments suggest large-scale failures. It is clear that classic sequence stratigraphic organization can result from simple platform dismantling, having no or little time relation with global sea-level fluctuations. In fact, as the margin failure (LST) interrupts the carbonate production, a period of starvation (TST) along the entire slope and base-of-slope follows necessarily. Finally, when the margin once again becomes active and productive, sediment exportation starts again and the system begins to prograde (HST).  相似文献   
In this work, an extended theory of plasticity with generalized hardening is proposed to describe the response of geomaterials under both mechanical and environmental processes, which include as special cases several elastoplastic constitutive equations proposed in the literature to model such processes as desaturation or suction hardening, thermal softening, chemo-mechanical coupling effects in fine-grained soils, as well as weathering of soft rocks. In the formulation of the theory, the coupling between mechanical and environmental processes takes place at two levels: first, as an additional direct contribution to the constitutive stress changes, taking place in both elastic and elastoplastic processes; and second, as a result of the evolution of the internal state variables induced by changes in the environmental process variables. This last effect is incorporated through a set of generalized hardening rules. As an example of application, the general formulation is specialized to the particular case of weak calcarenite rocks undergoing degradation processes due to plastic deformations, changes in degree of saturation (short-term debonding) and chemical dissolution of the bond material and the solid grains (long-term debonding). The resulting model is implemented in a FE code by means of an implicit generalized backward Euler algorithm, suitably modified to incorporate the full formalism of plasticity with generalized hardening. Results of numerical simulations carried out at the element level show the accuracy and efficiency properties of the proposed stress-point algorithm. The simulation of a representative initial-boundary value problem demonstrates the practical relevance of environmental degradation effects in practical applications, over periods of time comparable with the life cycle of most geotechnical structures.  相似文献   
Framed into a robust stratigraphic context, multivariate analyses on the Holocene palaeobiological record (pollen, benthic foraminifers, ostracods) of the Po coastal plain (NE Italy) allowed the investigation of microtidal ecosystems variability and driving parameters along a 35-km-long land–sea transect. Millennial-scale ecosystem shifts are documented by coeval changes in the meiofauna, reflecting variations in organic matter–water depth (shallow-marine environments) and degree of confinement-salinity (back-barrier settings). In-phase shifts of vegetation communities track unsteady water-table levels and river dynamics in freshwater palustrine areas. Five environmental–ecological stages followed one another crossing four tipping points that mark changes in relative sea level (RSL), climate and/or fluvial regime. At the culmination of Mediterranean RSL rise, after the 8200 event, remarkable growth of peatlands took place in the Po estuary, while low accumulation rates typified the shelf. At the transgressive–regressive turnaround (~7000 cal a bp ), the estuary turned into a delta plain with tidally influenced interdistributary embayments. River flow regime oscillations after the Climate Optimum (post-5000 cal a bp ) favoured isolation of the bays and the development of brackish wetlands surrounded by wooded peatlands. The youngest threshold (~800 cal a bp ), which led to the establishment of the modern delta, reflects a major avulsion of the Po River.  相似文献   
The volumetric compaction due to wetting processes is a phenomenon observed quite often in unsaturated soils. Under certain circumstances, saturation events can result into a sudden and unexpected collapse of the system. These phenomena are usually referred to as wetting‐induced collapses, without providing any detailed theoretical justification for this terminology. In order to predict in a general fashion the occurrence of coupled instabilities induced by saturation processes, a generalization of the theoretical approaches usually employed for saturated geomaterials is here provided. More specifically, this paper addresses the problem of hydro‐mechanical instability in unsaturated soils from an energy standpoint. For this purpose, an extension of the definition of the second‐order work is here suggested for the case of unsaturated porous media. On the basis of some examples of numerical simulations of laboratory tests, coupled hydro‐mechanical instabilities are then interpreted in the light of this second‐order energy measure. Finally, the implications of the theoretical results here presented are commented from a constitutive modelling perspective. Two possible alternative approaches to formulate incremental coupled constitutive relations are indeed discussed, showing how the onset of hydro‐mechanical instabilities can be predicted using an extended form of Hill's stability criterion. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The brief, terminal Pleistocene archaeological site at Santa Julia (SJ, 31° 50′ S; 71° 45′ W) is the only one with fluted projectile preforms and megafauna consumption known from the Chilean semiarid coastline. Here, we present the climatic history at SJ during the early Holocene reconstructed from pollen and charcoal analyses spanning 13.2–8.6 ka (=103 calibrated 14C yr BP). Elevated charcoal concentrations confirm human activity by 13.2 ka. Human occupation decreased in intensity and charcoal practically disappears from the record after 10.6 ka, followed by wetland expansion at SJ between 10.5 and 9.5 ka. Local dominance of coastal shrubland reveals that dry phases occurred between >11.2–10.5 and 9.5–9.0 ka. Overall, these findings imply that by modulating available resources at both local and landscape levels climate change may have played an important role in explaining the peopling of semiarid coastal Chile. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This interdisciplinary study represents an approximation towards understanding how regional human cultural systems may have been affected by climate change in the northernmost Chilean Altiplano (>3600 m) over the last ca. 11 500 cal a BP. We compare the archaeological record from Hakenasa cave with the lake record from Lago Chungará sediment cores, located 50 km to the south. By integrating both of these archives in conjunction with regional palaeoclimate and archaeological data, we provide new evidence for the role of changing environmental and climatic conditions in human settlement patterns. The first human occupation of the entire Altiplano occurs at Hakenasa and is dated to 9980 ± 40 14C a BP (11 265–11 619 cal. a BP), and took place under wetter regional climate conditions. An archaeologically sterile deposit occurs at Hakenasa between 7870 and 6890 cal. a BP. Constituted by sands and gravels, these sediments are interpreted as a flood event. This time period is synchronous with alternating short dry and wet events recorded in the Lake Chungará sedimentary sequence. Human activity resumes and increases in importance at Hakenasa by ca. 6000 cal. a BP. This corresponds to wetter conditions indicated by the Chungará record. Even though the lake record indicates intense volcanic activity over the last 6000 cal. a BP, this had little or no impact on the human population present at Hakenasa. This study shows that even in this extreme environment human settlement patterns do not always respond in a linear fashion to environmental change. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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