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Increasing evidence shows that Mesoproterozoic rocks are widespread in the Río de la Plata Craton. Carbon and strontium isotope analyses were carried out for three different, carbonate-bearing successions in the southern Nico Pérez Terrane. The Parque UTE Group is erected, comprising (from base to top) the mainly volcanogenic Cañada Espinillo Formation, the dolomitic Mina Valencia Formation and the mixed carbonate-siliciclastic Cerro del Mástil Formation. A δ13C curve was obtained for carbonates of the Parque UTE Group, which is characterized by a plateau at +1 to +1.6‰ V-PDB, bracketed between two negative excursions (−1.8‰ V-PDB at the base and −3.3‰ V-PDB at the top). These values are consistent with a Mesoproterozoic depositional age for the unit, as indicated by U–Pb ages of synsedimentary volcanics and gabbros of 1429 ± 21 and 1492 ± 4 Ma, respectively.  相似文献   
New K-Ar age determinations on the gneisses and schists of the south-Alpine basement of the Orobic Alps and their separated minerals have been carried out to supplement and support the previous study ofBocchio et al. (1981).The cooling ages of biotites and muscovites range from 218 to 331 my and from 170 to 330 my respectively, according to a bimodal distribution with modes at 222 and 298 my for biotite, 182 and 322 my for muscovite. The whole rock ages spread from 43 to 402 my with no significant cluster. Only a few samples give statistically significant internal isochrones, and these suggest two periods of equilibration, at 226–245 and 312–368 my.These age determinations support the conclusion drawn from regional petrologic studies (Bocchio et al., 1980;Crespi et al., 1980), that the south-Alpine basement underwent two main phases of metamorphism, now preferentially preserved in different areas: an old, Hercynian phase under a regime of intermediate pressure (staur-ky type), and a young, post-Hercynian phase under a regime of low pressure (staur-sill type) reactivated by the cover of the thick sedimentary pile on top of the basement. Furthermore, radiometric ages also point out the widespread but irregularly distributed occurence of an alpine overprint under the conditions of a very low metamorphic regime, that is documented by the growth of post-kinematic stilpnomelane in rocks of suitable bulk composition (Crespi et al., 1981, 1982), as well as by fine-grained phengite.
Zusammenfassung Neue Kali-Argon-Datierungen von Gneisen und Schiefern und ihrer abgetrennten Minerale des südalpinen Grundgebirges wurden in Ergänzung der Studie vonBocchio et al., 1981 durchgeführt. Die Abkühlungsalter der Biotite und Muskovite reichen von 218 bis 331 ma und von 170 bis 330 ma entsprechend einer bimodalen Entwicklung mit Modalwerten bei 222 und 298 ma für Biotit und 182 und 322 ma für Muskovit. Die Gesamtgesteinsalter reichen von 43–402 ma ohne signifikante Häufung. Nur wenige Proben geben eine statistisch signifikante Isochrone, woraus sich zwei Gleichgewichtsperioden zwischen 226–245 ma und 312–368 ma ablesen lassen.Diese Altersbestimmungen unterstützen die Schlußfolgerungen, die aus regional-petrologischen Studien (Bocchio et al., 1980;Crespi et al., 1980) gezogen wurden und die Aussagen, daß das südalpine Grundgebirge zwei Hauptphasen der Metamorphose mitgemacht hat, die heute in verschiedenen Gebieten erhalten sind: eine ältere herzynische Phase unter mittleren Druckbedingungen (Staur-Ky) und eine jüngere postherzynische Phase unter niedrigem Druck (Staur-Sil), die unter der Überdeckung einer mächtigen Sedimentserie über dem Grundgebirge reaktiviert wurde. Darüber hinaus deuten die radiometrischen Alter auf einen weit verteilten, aber unregelmäßig auftretenden alpinen Einfluß hin, der unter den Bedingungen einer sehr niedrigen Metamorphose aufgeprägt wurde. Dies wird dokumentiert durch das Wachstum postkinematischer Stilpnomelane in Gesteinen mit einer entsprechenden Zusammensetzung (Crespi et al., 1981, 1982) sowie von feinkörnigen Phenigiten.

Résumé De nouvelles déterminations d'âge par la méthode K-Ar ont été effectuées sur les gneiss et les schistes du socle sudalpin des Alpes Orobiques, ainsi que sur certains de leurs minéraux, en complément aux travaux antérieurs deBocchio et al. (1981).L'âge du refroidissement des biotites s'étend de 210 à 331 Ma et celui des muscovites de 170 à 330 Ma, selon une distribution bimodale: modes à 222 à 298 Ma pour la biotite et à 183 et 322 Ma pour la muscovite. Les âges mesurés sur roche totale vont de 43 à 402 Ma sans concentration significative autour d'une valeur. Un petit nombre d'échantillons seulement fournissent des isochrones statistiquement significatives; elles suggèrent deux périodes de mise en équilibre, à 226–245 Ma et à 312–368 Ma.Ces déterminations d'âge appuient les conclusions d'études pétrologiques régionales antérieures (Bocchio et al. 1980;Crespi et al. 1980), à savoir que le socle sud-alpin a subi deux phases principales de métamorphisme, conservées aujourd'hui dans de régions différentes: une phase ancienne, hercynienne, de pression intermédiaire (type staurotide-disthène) et une phase jeune, post-hercynienne, de basse pression (type staurotide-sillimanite) réactivée sous la couverture sédimentaire épaisse reposant sur le socle. De plus, les âges radiométriques mettent en évidence une reprise alpine, d'extension régionale mais irrégulièrement distribuée, dans les conditions d'un métamorphisme de très faible degré. Cette reprise s'exprime par la croissance de stilpnomélane post-cinématique dans les roches de composition appropriée (Crespi et al. 1981, 1982) ainsi que par le développement de phengite finement grenue.

. (1981), K/Ar-. 218 331 170 330 , 222 298 182 322 . 43–402 - . , 226–245 312–368 . . (1980) . (1980) , - : , , (Staur-Ky) , , (StaurSil) , . , , . ( ., 1981, 1982), .

Paper presented at the Second E.U.G. Meeting at Strasbourg, April 23–26, 1983  相似文献   
It has been hypothesized that refugia of thermophilous tree species were located in Northern Italy very close to the Alps, though, this hypothesis has yet to be tested thoroughly. In contrast to Central and Southern Italy with its relative wealth of data, only a few fragmentary records are currently available from Northern Italy for the last Glacial (Würm, Weichselian). Our new study site Lago della Costa lies adjacent to the catchment of the megafans of the Alpine forelands and the braided rivers of the Northeastern Po Plain that have so far inhibited the recovery of continuous Glacial and Late-Glacial records. We analyze pollen, plant macrofossils, charcoal and ostracods to reconstruct the vegetation, fire and lake history for the period 33,000–16,000 cal. BP. We compare our data with Glacial records from Southern Europe to discuss similarities and dissimilarities between these potential refugial areas. A comparison with independent paleoclimatic proxies allows to assess potential linkages between environmental and climatic variability. New macrofossil and pollen data at Lago della Costa unambiguously document the local persistence of boreal tree taxa such as Larix decidua and Betula tree species around the study site during the last Glacial. The regular occurrence of pollen of temperate trees in the organic lake sediments (fine-detritus calcareous gyttja) suggests that temperate taxa such as Corylus avellana, Quercus deciduous, Tilia, Ulmus, Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus, Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica, most likely survived the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at favorable sites in the Euganean Hills. The percentage values of temperate trees are comparable with those from Southern Europe (e.g. Monticchio in Southern Italy). We conclude that the Euganean Hills were one of the northernmost refugial areas of temperate taxa in Europe. However, the relative and absolute abundances of pollen of temperate trees are highly variable. Pollen-inferred declines of temperate tree communities (e.g. Quercetum mixtum) and low ostracod-inferred water levels at Lago della Costa correspond to the cold Heinrich events H-2 (LGM; 23,000–19,000 cal. BP) and H-3 (around 28,000 cal. BP), as recorded in the marine sediments of the North Atlantic. Similar patterns of significant temperate tree population collapses during cold Heinrich events are recorded at southern Mediterranean sites (e.g. Monticchio and the Alboran Sea). These findings suggest close linkages between Northern Atlantic and South-Central European climates during the past Glacial.  相似文献   
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