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In central Tunisia, a synsedimentary tectonic episode has been pointed out through the tectonic movements affecting the Late Palaeocene–Early Eocene successions. This tectonic episode has controlled, to a large extent, the palaeogeographic setting of the area during that period and confirmed the important effect induced by the Pyrenean shortening phase on the edge of the African plate, which obviously has witnessed a common history with the southern part of the European plate. To cite this article: A. El Ghali et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
The investigation of the occurrence of lead in dated snow and ice from Greenland and Antarctica has played a major role in our understanding of the history of the pollution of the atmosphere of our planet by this metal. Such studies have however proved to be very demanding, mainly because of the extreme purity of polar snow and ice. Reliable measurements can be obtained only if ultra-clean and highly sensitive procedures are used, as pioneered by Clair Patterson. The Greenland data show evidence of large-scale pollution of the atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere for lead as early as two millennia ago during Greco–Roman times, especially because of mining and smelting activities in southern Spain. It peaked at the end of the 1960s, with lead concentrations in snow about 200 times higher than natural values, before declining during recent times because of the fall in the use of leaded gasoline. Lead pollution in Antarctica was already significant at the end of the 19th century as a consequence of whaling activities, the traffic of coal-powered ships crossing the Cape Horn, and mining activities in South America, South Africa and Australia. After declining because of the opening of the Panama Canal, the great economic depression and World War II, it reached a maximum during the 1980s, with lead concentrations 20 times higher than natural values. Other studies focus on past natural variations of lead in ancient ice dated from the last climatic cycles. To cite this article: C. Boutron et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
The mutual influence of 21 factors pertaining to terrain, weather, forest and snowpack have been discussed by 10 experts. The semantic (nil, weak, medium, high) evaluations are translated as membership degrees of fuzzy sets, and averaged between the experts by taking their fuzzy expectation value, yielding a 21 × 21 fuzzy matrix for direct interactions. Fuzzy successive multiplications and additions of the matrix give the indirect interactions. The activity and the passivity of the factors with respect to avalanches is represented by directed weighted graphs, and the average semantic values by a 4 × 4 matrix: the activity (passivity) is weak (strong) for tree damage; medium (nil) for altitude; medium (weak) for ground shape; medium (medium) for vegetation, soil, wind, microclimate, tree type, vertical distribution and mechanics of trees, snowpack distribution and snow gliding; strong (nil) for ground inclination and exposition, weather; strong (medium) for heat, precipitation, horizontal distribution of trees, snowpack constitution and stability.  相似文献   
Résumé Nous comparons les valeurs des diamètres de cratères lunaires obtenues à partir de mesures visuelles et semi-automatiques de plaques photographiques de la Lune. Nous montrons que le tracé du contour d'un cratère obtenu à partir d'un nouvel algorithme de calcul est équivalent au contour estimé par l'il.
We compare two methods for the determination of lunar crater diameters: visual and semiautomatic. We show that the lunar crater contour obtained either by application of the new algorithm or by visual measure are equivalent.
Sr and Nd isotope analyses and REE patterns are presented for a suite of well-documented mantle-derived xenoliths from the French Massif Central. The xenoliths include spinel harzburgites, spinel lherzolites and some pyroxenites. They show a wide range of textures from undeformed protogranular material through porphyroclastic to equigranular and recrystallised secondary types. Textural differences are strongly linked to trace element geochemistry and variations in radiogenic isotope ratios. Many undeformed protogranular xenoliths are Type IA LREE-depleted with MORB-type εSr values between − 30.7 and − 23.6, and εNd values + 13.9 to + 9.4. A second group of undeformed xenoliths are Type IB LREE-enriched with higher εSr values (− 22.7 to − 10.6) and lower εNd values (+ 11.9 to + 5.6). Deformed xenoliths with porphyroclastic, equigranular and secondary recrystallised textures are all Type IB (LREE-enriched, εNd < 6.4, εSr > 11.8). It is proposed that two separate events have given rise to the observed mixing arrays: (1) MORB-source depleted mantle was enriched by a component derived from an enriched mantle. Deformation and recrystallisation accompanied this event. (2) Subsequently, unenriched MORB-source mantle interacted with magmas chemically akin to the host basalts, and enrichment occurred with little deformation. Hypotheses of Tertiary mantle diapirism resulting in isochemical deformation and refinement of protogranular mantle to equigranular mantle are untenable because of differences in REE patterns and isotopic ratios between different textural groups.  相似文献   
The facts: four Northwest Atlantic ecosystems, three cod stock collapses 15 years ago (plus one severely depleted), seals now top predator in all ecosystems, all had cod as a top predator before collapse, groundfish declines in all areas, forage base increased in most systems. No recovery in any system. Have these ecosystems fundamentally changed? Why? The challenge: compare and contrast these four ecosystems. The answer: using mass balance models, empirical data and a suite of ecosystem indicators, we explore how and why these systems have changed over time. At the ecosystem and community level, we see broad similarities between ecosystems. However, structurally and functionally these systems have shifted to an alternate state, with changes in predator structure, trophic structure and flow.  相似文献   
The influence of magma expansion due to volatile exsolution and gas dilation on dyke propagation is studied using a new numerical code. Many natural magmas contain sufficient amounts of volatiles for fragmentation to occur well below Earth's surface. Magma fragmentation has been studied for volcanic flows through open conduits but it should also occur within dykes that rise towards Earth's surface. The characteristics of volatile-rich magma flow within a hydraulic fracture are studied numerically. The mixture of melt and gas is treated as a compressible viscous fluid below the fragmentation level and as a gas phase carrying melt droplets above it. The numerical code solves for elastic deformation of host rocks, the flow of the magmatic mixture and fracturing at the dyke tip. With volatile-free magma, a dyke fed at a constant rate in a uniform medium adopts a constant shape and width and rises at a constant velocity. With volatiles involved, magma expands and hence the volume flux of magma increases. With no fragmentation, this enhanced flux leads to acceleration and thinning of the dyke. Simple scaling laws allow accurate predictions of dyke width and ascent rate for a wide range of conditions. With fragmentation, dyke behaviour is markedly different. Due to the sharp drop of head loss that occurs in gas-rich fragmented material, large internal overpressures develop below the dyke tip and induce swelling of the nose region, leading to deceleration of the dyke. These results are applied to the two-month long period of volcanic unrest that preceded the May 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens. An initial phase of rapid earthquake migration from the 7–8 km deep reservoir to shallow levels was followed by very slow progression of magma within the edifice. Such behaviour can be accounted for by magma fragmentation at the top of a dyke.  相似文献   
River incision and vegetation dynamics in cut-off channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The consequences of river incision on ecosystems dynamics in cut-off channels were hypothesized to be 1) the reduction of river backflows and overflows of the river in the former channels; 2) the reduction of seepage flows from the river and drainage into the channels; 3) the drainage of the hillslope aquifer by the former channels. The subsequent changes of aquatic plant communities should be 1) the terrestrialization of the higher part of former channels and 2) their change into more oligotraphent ones if the hillslope aquifer is poorer in nutrients than the river. In those reaches where the river bed is aggraded, river backflows in the cut-off channel should increase, as should overflows and seepage, and more eutraphent species should develop. Changes in aquatic vegetation were studied over a ten-year period in four cut-off channels supplied by a nutrient-poor hillslope aquifer and a nutrient-rich river. Two of them were located in an incised reach of the river, one in an aggraded reach and one (reference) in a reach that was neither aggraded nor incised. The vegetation of the reference channel exhibited only minor changes over the ten-year period, indicating that the successional trend is not perceptible at the time scale of the study, and thus that any change observed in the other channels can be ascribed to river incision or aggradation. Terrestrialization expected in the channels located in the incised reach clearly progressed in the downstream parts, but was inhibited by groundwater supplies in the upper parts. As expected, oligotraphent communities progressed or remained dominant in the upper part. The channel located in the aggraded reach of the river exhibited the highest floristic changes. As expected, eutraphent communities progressed in this channel, but unexpectedly, terrestrialization also progressed in the upstream part. Alternative explanations are: 1) aggradation could have instigated more backflows and overflows without modifying significantly the mean water-level and 2) more frequent water overflows could have favoured alluvial deposition and thus terrestrialization.  相似文献   
Haplognathia ruberrima is a cosmopolitan gnathostomulid species found in sulfur bacterial mats in mangroves in Guadeloupe (French West Indies). Haplognathia ruberrima presents a δ13C value lower than all measured meiofaunal grazers and lower than the available measured food sources of this environment. This low δ13C value can not be due to specific ingestion of 13C‐depleted methanogenic bacteria because abundances of those bacteria are reduced in surficial and deep sediments as revealed by δ13C of bacterial fatty acid. According to scanning electron microscope observations, no bacterial ectosymbionts were observed at the surface of the gnathostomulids, and transmission electron microscope views revealed the absence of bacterial endosymbionts. Energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy analysis detected low levels of sulfur (0.32%±0.8) in biological tissues of H. ruberrima, confirming the absence of thioautotrophic bacterial symbionts in these animals. Consequently, the low δ13C value of H. ruberrima can not be due to the presence of sulfur‐oxidizing symbionts but more probably to the selective and exclusive consumption of free‐living, sulfur‐oxidizing bacteria.  相似文献   
Cross-flow ultrafiltration (CFF) is often used to obtain separation and concentration of colloids from bulk natural water samples. Application of the ultrafiltration permeation model allows the quantitative determination of the low molecular weight material (LMW, < 1 kDa) and colloids in bulk dissolved organic matter (DOM) from measurements of time series permeate samples obtained from CFF. Detailed analysis of a Yukon River water sample shows that DOM absorption coefficient and fluorescence follow the permeation model and that the complex spectral optical properties of LMW DOM can be reconstructed from CFF data. A combination of measured and modeled data indicates that the LMW contribution to bulk DOM optical properties obtained from CFF can be grossly underestimated by the use of a low concentration factor (CF, the ratio of initial sample volume to retentate volume). Even at a relatively high CF of 19, optical properties of LMW DOM calculated from measurements of the retentate or integrated permeate would underestimate true values by 5–36%. In the Yukon River sample, LMW dissolved organic carbon represented 26% of the bulk concentration, but only 3–14% of the colored DOM was in the LMW fraction while 31–33% of bulk DOM florescence was due to LMW DOM. The contrasting optical properties of LMW and colloidal DOM support the concept that analysis of bulk DOM absorption and fluorescence properties reveals information about DOM molecular weight.  相似文献   
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