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Species diversity is generally considered one of the key factors of ecosystem resilience in response to anthropogenic pressures, including fishing. In this context, the spatial and temporal changes in demersal fish assemblages and species diversity were investigated in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada), over a 20‐year period (1990–2010). Data were obtained from the summer research survey conducted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and include commercial and non‐commercial species. The study covers the period of groundfish fishery collapse, the moratorium period, and the post‐moratorium period, and reflects various modifications in management. Multivariate statistical methods revealed two communities. A coastal community corresponds to strata located above 200 m depth and a deeper community located in the deep channels. Interannual differences in the composition of fish assemblages were observed and are mainly due to the changes in the relative biomass of some dominant species. Three diversity indices (Shannon–Wiener, Simpson's Index of Diversity and Motomura's constant) indicate a slight but significant increase of the diversity over time. This trend is due to the increase of the relative biomass of low‐rank species, which may have been favoured by the prohibition of groundfish trawling after 1997 in that region. The geographical distribution of the Shannon–Wiener index also shows temporal dynamics reflecting the biomass distribution of dominant demersal species.  相似文献   
We investigated the cover, community structure and abiotic environment of nine shipwrecks lying at increasing distance from the Belgian coast. Results indicated that all shipwrecks were strongly dominated by cnidarians in terms of biomass and by amphipods in terms of abundances. Based on their epifaunal composition, three groups of shipwrecks could be determined. Metridium senile dominated a species poor community of the coastal sites. On the same sites, a Tubularia larynx community with a more species-rich assemblage was also developing. The T. larynx community had a lower biomass value (102 g AFDW m−2) and significantly lower species richness compared to the other sites. The coastal sites were characterized by periodic salinity decreases, large seasonal temperature fluctuation, high total suspended matter load and reduced current velocity. Channel water masses influence the offshore sites causing a more stable temperature and salinity environment, less turbid waters and high current speed. Tubularia indivisa dominated this community, with an average biomass of 229 g AFDW m−2. Intermediate sites were also dominated by T. indivisa, but a higher biomass (424 g AFDW m−2) was observed. They showed intermediate results for the abiotic parameters and fast current velocities. Hypotheses for the observed variation in community structures are discussed in the light of the abiotic characterization of the shipwrecks.  相似文献   
This study investigates species community patterns and sediment relationships of benthic macrofauna off the Rhone river delta. Along a WE transect, changes in diversity, density, biomass and trophic structure were coupled with the mean extension of the river dilution plume. Species number and diversity were at a minimum off the river mouth, below the area of the minimum surface salinity. Density decreased by a factor 2 and biomass by a factor 5 from the fluvial to the marine system. These features are due to high overload of terrestrial organic matter in the river prodelta as evidenced by the carbon isotopic signature of surface sediment and by pigment content. On the basis of a non-metric MDS analysis and of Dufrêne and Legendre method (1997), groups of stations and characteristic species associated were identified. These species, mainly small capitellids, spionids, lumbrinerids and sternaspids, correspond to a successional dynamic in response to changes in sedimentation conditions, mainly in organic matter quality of the surface sediment. The succession observed in space was similar to described in macrotidal estuaries and off other deltaic systems all over the world and to that observed in time following the Rhone river severe flood events. Results suggest that organic matter quality is an important factor with regard to benthic macrofauna successions and recovery mechanisms following disturbances. The differences observed between the Rhone deltaic system and the general model of relations between shelf processes and discharge of large rivers are attributed to a more regular supply of organic material from terrestrial origin on the Rhone continental shelf.  相似文献   
We determined the Nd isotopic composition and the Sm/Nd ratios in a series of Australian shales ranging from 0.2 Gy to 3.3 Gy. The first result of this study is the constancy of the Sm/Nd ratio in these shales, as in granitoids. Secondly, the initial (143Nd/144Nd) ratio gives a regular curve decreasing through geological time. Both results confirm that shales are representative samples of the continental crust, when insoluble elements, like REE, are studied.We calculated their Nd model ages of crustal differentiation. The model ages regularly decrease with the stratigraphic ages and after 2 Gy, the curve flattens and tends to an asymptotic value at around 1.8 Gy. The significance of the shales is that they represent a mixture of continental materials and we consider the model age of such a mixture directly linked with the mean age of the continental portion feeding the sedimentary basin.From these results, we deduce a quantitative model of the growth curve of the continental source of the shales taking into account the effects of erosion which selectively sample recent mountains relative to shield areas. We propose that the results obtained here are representative of the whole Gondwana continent.Having studied the case of the Australian shales, we try to extend our study. First we applied our quantitative approach to the recent results obtained by O'Nions et al. on North Atlantic provinces. The continental growth curves obtained by our inversion procedure are quite distinct from the Australian shales showing the regional character of shales.With these two cases studied we try to compare our results with the already developed model for continental growth. The consideration of the surface conservative versus surface non-conservative models clearly show the non-uniqueness of the geological interpretation of the growth curve. On the other hand, we have calculated for each case the recycling rate versus geological time by comparing the growth curve with the Hurley-Rand province age curve. Such recycling increases with time in agreement with the data obtained on Nd and Sr initial ratios on granitoids.  相似文献   
18O16O, 13C12C and 87Sr86Sr ratios have been measured on the same samples for carbonatite complexes. The results show that besides the ‘carbonatite box’ of Tayloret al. (1967) there exist higher δ18O and δ13C values than can be explained by late magmatic or deuteric processes. These processes correspond to high concentrations of CO2 and lead to big enrichments in 18O and 13C as well as in some ‘volatile’ elements. Strontium results are consistent with a model of selective contamination of deep-seated material by highly radiogenic strontium. The whole study leads to the opinion that parent magmas of carbonatites differentiated in a crustal environment with or without significant contamination.  相似文献   
Uptake and depuration kinetics of dissolved [14C]C12-6-linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) were determined in the shrimp Palaemonetes varians using environmentally relevant exposure concentration. The shrimp concentrated LAS from seawater with a mean BCF value of 120 L kg−1 after a 7-day exposure. Uptake biokinetics were best described by a saturation model, with an estimated BCFss, of 159 ± 34 L kg−1, reached after 11.5 days. Shrimp weight influenced significantly BCF value with smaller individuals presenting higher affinity to LAS. To the light of a whole body autoradiography, major accumulation of LAS occurred in the cephalothorax circulatory system (gills, heart, hepatopancreas) and ocular peduncle, but not in the flesh, limiting potential transfer to human consumers. LAS depuration rate constant value of the shrimp was 1.18 ± 0.08 d−1 leading to less than 1% of remaining LAS in its tissues after 8 days of depuration.  相似文献   
Oligochaete communities (tubificid and lumbriculid worms) were studied between 1982 and 1985 in 23 areas of the mesoeutrophic Lake Geneva (Switzerland). Species numerically dominant in eutrophic lakes (mostlyPotamothrix hammoniensis), in mesotrophic lakes (mostlyP. vejdovskyi) and in oligotrophic lakes (mostlyStylodrilus heringiamus) constituted 52%, 36% et 12% of the worm communities, respectively (means across the 23 areas). The relative abundance of eutrophic species increased (15 to 94%) according to depth or to external organic inputs. In this case, the mean biomass (wet weight) of oligochaetes per area was higher than 15 g·m−2 (up to 210 g). Mesotrophic species decreased (65 to 1%) along the same gradients of depth or of sedimentation. Oligotrophic species increased (0 to 31%) only in areas where the organic sedimentation was lessened by steep bottom slope and by currents. Thus, the structure of oligochaete communities reflected the patterns of sedimentation and the trophic state of Lake Geneva.   相似文献   
Noble gas systematics of deep rift zone glasses from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report new noble gas fusion and crushing data for six pillow rim glasses, recovered between 3 and 5 km water depth on the south rift zone of Loihi Seamount, Hawaii. Helium abundances of the glasses vary from 0.3 to 2.3 μcc/g, with 4He/3He ratios between 30000 and 27000 (24–27 RA), similar to previously reported values. The neon data form a correlation line which is similar to the Loihi-Kilauea line reported by Honda et al. [1], but extends to much higher ratios, up to 12.9 and 0.0382 for the 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne ratios, respectively. This provides conclusive evidence for the suggestion that the Hawaiian plume, thought to originate in the lower mantle, has a solar-like 20Ne/22Ne composition [1], but a slightly higher 21Ne/22Ne ratio. 40Ar/36Ar ratios of the deep rift-zone glasses are as high as 2600, and show a positive correlation with neon isotopic ratios. In contrast to neon and argon, all xenon isotopic compositions are isotopically indistinguishable from air, which either suggests preferential atmospheric contamination of xenon, or could indicate an atmospheric xenon isotopic composition for the lower mantle.  相似文献   
Résumé L'évolution géodynamique hercynienne des Pyrénées se caractérise par une importante activité magmatique à l'origine de corps plutomques de taille, de composition et de niveaux de mise en place différents. A partir de ces caractéristiques nous avons pu établir une typologie qui nous a permis de distinguer deux types principaux de massifs: 1) les massifs de composition homogène, acides (massifs de type HA) ou basiques (massifs de type HB), localisés dans les grands ensembles métamorphiques régionaux et 2) les massifs de composition hétérogène, formés par l'association de roches basiques et de roches acides dont la répartition spatiale a permis de distinguer les massifs de type CA (roches acides au coeur du massif), les massifs de type CB (roches basiques au coer du massif) et les massifs de type CR (récurrences de lentilles de roches basiques dans un massif zoné de type CA ou CB), mis en place dans le Paléozoïque supérieur généralement loin des grands ensembles métamorphiques. Tous ces massifs se sont mis en place diapiriquement au cours du métamorphisme régional et de la déformation hercynienne majeure.
One of the main characteristics of the Hercynian geodynamic evolution of the Pyrenees is an intense magmatic activity producing large plutonic bodies. They have different sizes, various compositions and distinct emplacement levels. From these characteristics, a typology for these massifs is defined. Two main types of massifs have been recognized: 1) massifs with an homogenous composition founded in large regional metamorphic areas, and 2) massifs with an heterogenous composition of acid and basic rocks, whose spatial disposition permits the recognition of three sub-types: a) the CA type where acid rocks are at the core of the massif; b) the CB type where basic rocks are at the core of the massif, and c) the CR type where numerous basic xenoliths are scattered within either a CA or a CB type massif. These heterogenous massifs generally occur within Upper Paleozoic rocks and usually far away from regional metamorphic areas. All of these massifs were emplaced diapirically during the regional metamorphism and the main Hercynian deformation.

Zusammenfassung Ein wichtiges charakteristisches Merkmal der geodynamischen Entwicklung der Pyrenäen während der herzynischen Phase ist eine hohe magmatische Aktivität, auf die Plutone größerer Ausdehnung zurückgeführt werden. Größe, Mineralogie und Erstarrungstiefe der Plutone variieren. Anhand dieser Charakteristika können die Intrusivkörper in zwei Hauptgruppen differenziert werden. Die erste Gruppe (1) sind Plutone homogener Zusammensetzung in regionalmetamorph überprägten Gebieten. Die zweite sind heterogen zusammengesetzte Plutone (2) saurer und basischer Magmatite, deren räumliche Anordnung eine Untergliederung in drei Untergruppen ermöglicht:a) Bei dem CA-Typ befinden sich saure Gesteine im Kern; bei b), dem CB-Typ, liegen basische Gesteine im Kern vor und bei c), einem CR genannten Typ, sind zahlreiche basische Xenolithe entweder in dem CA-oder dem CB-Typ verstreut vorhanden. Diese heterogenen Plutone findet man allein in spätpaläozoischen Gesteinen und in der Regel weit entfernt von Gebieten, die metamorph beeinflußt wurden. Sämtliche Plutone haben eine Diapir-ähnliche Form und intrudierten zeitgleich mit der Regionalmetamorphose und der Hauptphase der herzynischen Deformation.

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