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Vulnerability maps illustrate the potential threat of contaminants to groundwater and can be considered as important tools for land-use planning and related legislation. For karst areas with characteristic preferential infiltration conditions, vulnerability maps are also excellent tools for source and resource protection. However, the resulting qualitative maps are often inconsistent and even contradictive and thus might lead to inconclusive vulnerability assessments. The results of a validation of vulnerability maps produced using four different methods, DRASTIC, GLA, PI and EPIK, are reported for a karst area in southwest Germany. By means of measured hydraulic and transport parameters of the geological sequence, numerical simulations were used based on a conceptual model for the area under study. The mean transit time through the unsaturated zone (resource protection) was used as the validation parameter. The study demonstrates that the highest level of accuracy is achieved with the GLA- and PI methods. Both DRASTIC and EPIK are not able to incorporate highly variable distributions and thickness of cover sediments and their protective properties in the respective mapping procedure. Thus, vulnerability maps produced with DRASTIC, EPIK, and related methods should be used with care when employed in vulnerability assessments for land use planning and related decision-making.
Résumé  Les cartes de vulnérabilité illustrent la menace potentielle des contaminants envers les eaux souterraines, et peuvent être considérées comme des outils importants en matière d'aménagement foncier et de réglementation associée. Sur les domaines karstiques, caractérisés par des conditions d'infiltration préférentielle, ces cartes sont également d'excellents outils de protection des sources et des ressources. Cependant, les cartes qualitatives résultantes sont généralement incohérentes voire contradictoires, et peuvent par là-même mener à des évaluations de vulnérabilité peu concluantes. La présente étude expose les résultats de validation de cartes de vulnérabilité produites selon quatre méthodes différentes (DRASTIC, GLA, PI et EPIK), dans le cas d'un domaine karstique du sud-est de l'Allemagne. Par le biais des paramètres de transport et hydrauliques mesurés sur la séquence géologique, des simulations numériques basées sur un modèle conceptuel du secteur d'étude ont été utilisées. Les temps de transit moyens à travers la zone non saturée (protection de la ressource) ont été utilisés comme paramètres de validation. L'étude démontre que le niveau maximum de précision est obtenu par les méthodes GLA et PI. Dans la phase de cartographie, les méthodes EPIK et DRASTIC sont incapables d'intégrer une forte variabilité dans les distributions et les épaisseurs de sédiments de couverture, ainsi que dans leurs potentiels de protection. Aussi, les cartes de vulnérabilité produites par les méthodes DRASTIC et EPIK doivent être utilisées avec précaution dans le cadre des évaluations de vulnérabilité à but décisionnaire pour les aménagements fonciers.

Resumen  Los mapas de vulnerabilidad ilustran la amenaza potencial de contaminantes para el agua subterránea y pueden ser considerados herramientas importantes para planeamiento del uso de la tierra y legislación relacionada. Para áreas cársticas con sus características condiciones de infiltración preferencial, los mapas de vulnerabilidad son también excelentes herramientas para protección de fuentes y recursos. Sin embargo, los mapas cualitativos resultantes son frecuentemente inconsistentes y hasta contradictorios y por lo tanto podrían conducir a evaluaciones de vulnerabilidad no concluyentes. Los resultados de una validación de mapas de vulnerabilidad producidos usando cuatro métodos diferentes, DRASTIC, GLA, PI y EPIK, son presentados aquí para un área cárstica en Alemania suroccidental. Se usaron simulaciones numéricas usando parámetros hidráulicos y de transporte medidos de la secuencia geológica y basándose en un modelo conceptual del área en estudio. El tiempo promedio de tránsito a través de la zona no saturada (protección del recurso) fue utilizado como el parámetro de validación. El estudio demuestra que el máximo nivel de precisión es alcanzado con los métodos GLA y PI. DRASTIC y EPIK no fueron capaces de incorporar distribuciones altamente variables ni espesor de sedimentos de cubierta y sus propiedades protectivas en el respectivo procedimiento de elaboración de mapas. Por lo tanto los mapas de vulnerabilidad producidos con DRASTIC, EPIK y métodos relacionados deberían ser usados con cuidado cuando se usen en evaluaciones de vulnerabilidad para planeamiento del uso de tierra y toma de decisiones relacionadas.
Some questions connected with the analysis of orbital element perturbations and the force field formulation for precise orbit determination are discussed. This includes a simple derivation of the kinematic effect for expressing the Lagrange planetary equations with respect to various reference frames and the representation of the Earth gravitational potential and apparent forces in these systems. Some numerical results are given.  相似文献   
Thin black dolomites occur within the evaporitic Alpine Haselgebirge Formation (Late Permian) of the central and eastern Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria. They have been compared with the southalpine Bellerophon Formation byTollmann (1964). Samples obtained from the gypsum-anhydrite deposit of Wienern am Grundlsee, Styria, are mostly unfossiliferous mudstones (dolomicrite and dolomicrospar) devoid of sedimentary structures. Only few samples contain a low-diversity ostracode fauna. Electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction analysis indicate well-ordered and near-stoichiometric dolomite (49.9±0.2 mol% CaCO3). The oxygen isotopic composition varies between –3.0 and –5.7 PDB. The 13C ratios fall into two distinct groups: –0.9 to +1.9, and –3.5 to –6.8 PDB. The carbon isotope data of the first group indicate a predominantly marine origin of the carbonates. The significantly depleted 13C ratios of the second group are probably due to freshwater influx into the basin and/or sulfate reduction. Sulfur and strontium isotope data from intercalated anhydrite and gypsum preclude an entirely non-marine origin of the brines. The light 18O ratios are probably due to early diagenetic sulfate reduction and/or dolomite recrystallization during moderate burial. A detailed interpretation of the depositional environment is rendered impossible because of the pervasive alpine tectonics. However, northalpine Bellerophon carbonates appear to be restricted to areas of major anhydrite deposition, and are absent in the halitedominated facies.
Zusammenfassung Im zentralen und östlichen Abschnitt der Nördlichen Kalkalpen Österreichs treten geringmächtige, bituminöse Dolomite im Verband der salinaren Alpinen Haselgebirge Formation (Oberperm) auf. Sie wurden vonTollmann (1964) mit der südalpinen Bellerophon Formation verglichen. Bei den untersuchten Proben von der Gips- und Anhydritlagerstätte Wienern am Grundlsee (Steiermark) handelt es sich fast durchwegs um fossilleere Mikrite und Mikrosparite, die keinerlei Sedimentstrukturen aufweisen. Nur sehr wenige Proben führen Ostrakoden. Nach Mikrosonden-Analysen und röntgendiffraktometrischen Untersuchungen bestehen diese mikrokristallinen Dolomite aus fast stöchiometrischen, gut geordneten Dolomit (49.9±0.2 Mol% CaCO3). Die Sauerstoffisotopenwerte schwanken von –3.0 bis –5.7 PDB und die 13C Verhältnisse fallen in zwei Gruppen: –0.9 bis +1.9, und –3.5 bis –6.8 PDB. Die Werte der ersten Gruppe indizieren eine im wesentlichen marine Bildung der Karbonate. Die deutlich leichteren 13C-Werte der zweiten Gruppe können durch Süßwassereinfluß während der Sedimentation und/oder durch Sulfatreduktion erklärt werden. Schwefel- und Strontium-Isotopenwerte, gemessen an Anhydriten und Gipsen im Verband mit den Dolomiten, schließen eine rein nicht-marine Herkunft der Salzlösungen aus. Die negativen 18O-Verhältnisse der Dolomite sind wahrscheinlich auf diagenetische Prozesse (Sulfatreduktion und/oder Umkristallisation) zurückzuführen. Die enorme alpidische Deformation dieser Evaporitserien gestattet es nicht, das ursprüngliche Ablagerungsmilieu der Karbonate zu rekonstruieren. Die nordalpinen Bellerophon Karbonate scheinen jedoch an Ablagerungsbereiche mit mächtiger Anhydritbildung gebunden zu sein, und fehlen primär in der Halit-dominierten Fazies.

Résumé En Autriche, dans les secteurs central et oriental des Alpes calcaires du nord, existent des dolomies bitumineuses de faible puissance en relation avec la formation évaporitique alpine de l'Haselgebirge (Permien supérieur).Tollmann (1964) les a comparées à la formation sud-alpine de Bellérophon. Des échantillons provenant des gisements de gypse et d'anhydrite de Wienern sur le Grundlsee (Styrie) montrent des mudstones (dolomicrites à dolomicrosparites) dépourvus de fossiles et de structures sédimentaires. Seuls quelques échantillons contiennent une faune à ostracodes peu diversifiée. Les examens à la microsonde et aux rayons X montrent une dolomite bien ordonnée et quasi-stoechiométrique (49,9±0,2% moléculaire de CaCo3). La composition isotopique de l'oxygène varie entre –3,0 et –5,7 PDB. Les rapports 13C se répartissent en deux groupes: –0,9 à +1,9 et –3,5 à –6,8 PDB. Ces données indiquent pour le premier groupe une origine surtout marine des carbonates. Les valeurs moins élevées des rapports du second groupe sont dues probablement à l'arrivée d'eau douce dans le bassin et/ou à une réduction des sulfates. Les valeurs isotopiques du soufre et du strontium, mesurées sur les gypses et anhydrites associés aux dolomies, excluent une origine entièrement continentale pour les saumures. Les faibles rapports 18O sont dûs probablement à une réduction diagénétique précoce des sulfates et/ou à la recristallisation de la dolomite pendant l'enfouissement. Une interprétation détaillée des conditions de dépôt est rendue impossible par l'ampleur de la déformation tectonique alpine. Il semble toutefois que des carbonates nord-alpins de type «Bellérophon» soient liés aux aires de forte sédimentation d'anhydrite et soient absents dans les faciès à halite dominante.

Haselgebirge ( ) . Tollmann (1964) . , Grundlsee, , , - . . - , - , (49.9–0,2 % 3). –3,0 –5,7% PDB, 13C : –0,9 –1,9% –3,5 –6,8% PDB. . / . , , , . 18 , , : / . . , , » « .
通过15N标记法和MCMC氮素转化模型,研究了岩溶区(石灰性土壤)和碎屑岩区(红壤)林地和农田土壤易分解有机氮矿化(M易)、难分解有机氮矿化(M难)和总有机氮矿化(M总)速率.结果发现,土壤矿化速率受土壤类型和土地利用方式的显著影响.林地石灰性土壤M总 (3.71 mg N/kg)显著低于林地红壤(5.57mg N/kg),石灰性土壤MNab(1.81 mg N/kg)与MNrec(1.90 mg N/kg)相近,而红壤M易 (4.60 mg N/kg)显著高于M难 (0.96 mg N/kg).林地变为农田后,石灰性土壤M总显著提高,而红壤显著降低.与林地相比,岩溶区农田土壤M易提高了72.5%,而M难下降了33.7%.碎屑岩区农田土壤M易和M难分别降低至2.47和0.46 mg N/kg.岩溶区土壤CaO和MgO含量与M易呈显著负相关,而与M难呈显著正相关,表明岩溶区土壤钙镁含量是影响氮矿化速率的重要因素.  相似文献   
We examined 14 subaerially deposited speleothems retrieved from submerged caves in the northeastern Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico). These speleothems grew during the Middle to Late Quaternary and were dated by 230Th-U techniques to provide upper depth limits for past sea levels. We report the first relative sea-level limits for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 11 and 6, and present new evidence for sea-level oscillations during MIS 5 and early MIS 1. For the latter periods, the origin of growth interruptions is evaluated by combining petrographic methods with trace element analyses. The MIS 5c sea-level highstand probably occurred between 103.94 ± 0.58 ka and 96.82 ± 0.42 ka and must have exceeded -10.8 m (relative to present-day local sea level). The minimum average rate of sea-level fall over a 9.4 ka-long period during the MIS 5e/5d transition is calculated from stalagmite and published coral data at 1.74 ± 0.37 m/ka. For the early Holocene, previous discrepancies with respect to a potential multimetre oscillation of local sea level were found to be challenging to reconcile with the existing speleothem data from the area.  相似文献   
A new set of apatite fission‐track and apatite (U–Th)/He data reveals a hitherto undated late Miocene exhumation pulse in the eastern part of the Eastern Alps. While distinct parts of the study area, including the Seckauer Tauern, have been at near surface conditions (<100 °C) since the Eocene, the neighbouring Niedere Tauern experienced enhanced cooling and exhumation in the middle Miocene and again at the late Miocene/Pliocene boundary. Middle Miocene exhumation is interpreted as a result of tectonic escape and convergence that operated simultaneously during lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps. As the higher late Miocene/Pliocene exhumation rates are restricted to a single tectonic block, namely the Niedere Tauern, we infer a tectonic trigger that is probably related to a change in the external stress field that affected the Alps during this time.  相似文献   
In this paper, the static load plate test and the dynamic load plate test by means of the light falling weight device are assessed utilizing numerical simulations. Simplified computational models of the tested subsoil and of the testing devices are developed, which capture the main effects of both the static and the dynamic load plate test. In extensive parametric studies, the impact of various subsoil conditions on the test results and several sources of error are evaluated and discussed. Computational test results of the static load plate test and of the dynamic load plate test are set in contrast to an effort to demonstrate the differences and the common features of the outcomes.  相似文献   
The Neo-Archean Dominion Reefs (~3.06 Ga) are thin meta-conglomerate layers with concentrations of U- and Th-bearing heavy minerals higher than in the overlying Witwatersrand Reefs. Ore samples from Uranium One Africa’s Rietkuil and Dominion exploration areas near Klerksdorp, South Africa, were investigated for their mineral paragenesis, texture and mineral chemical composition. The ore and heavy mineral assemblages consist of uraninite, other uraniferous minerals, Fe sulphides, Ni–Co sulfarsenides, garnet, pyrite, pyrrhotite, monazite, zircon, chromite, magnetite and minor gold. Sub-rounded uraninite grains occur associated with the primary detrital heavy mineral paragenesis. U–Ti, U–Th minerals, pitchblende (colloform uraninite) and coffinite are of secondary, re-mobilised origin as evidenced by crystal shape and texture. Most of the uranium mineralisation is represented by detrital uraninite with up to 70.2 wt.% UO2 and up to 9.3 wt.% ThO2. Re-crystallised phases such as secondary pitchblende (without Th), coffinite, U–Ti and U–Th phases are related to hydrothermal overprint during low-grade metamorphism and are of minor abundance.  相似文献   
A refined substructure technique in the frequency domain is developed, which permits consideration of the interaction effects among adjacent containers through the supporting deformable soil medium. The tank‐liquid systems are represented by means of mechanical models, whereas discrete springs and dashpots stand for the soil beneath the foundations. The proposed model is employed to assess the responses of adjacent circular, cylindrical tanks for harmonic and seismic excitations over wide range of tank proportions and soil conditions. The influence of the number, spatial arrangement of the containers and their distance on the overall system's behavior is addressed. The results indicate that the cross‐interaction effects can substantially alter the impulsive components of response of each individual element in a tank farm. The degree of this impact is primarily controlled by the tank proportions and the proximity of the predominant natural frequencies of the shell‐liquid‐soil systems and the input seismic motion. The group effects should be not a priori disregarded, unless the tanks are founded on shallow soil deposit overlying very stiff material or bedrock. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The volume of agricultural trade increased by more than ten times throughout the past six decades and is likely to continue with high rates in the future. Thereby, it largely affects environment and climate. We analyse future trade scenarios covering the period of 2005–2045 by evaluating economic and environmental effects using the global land-use model MAgPIE (“Model of Agricultural Production and its Impact on the Environment”). This is the first trade study using spatially explicit mapping of land use patterns and greenhouse gas emissions. We focus on three scenarios: the reference scenario fixes current trade patterns, the policy scenario follows a historically derived liberalisation pathway, and the liberalisation scenario assumes a path, which ends with full trade liberalisation in 2045.Further trade liberalisation leads to lower global costs of food. Regions with comparative advantages like Latin America for cereals and oil crops and China for livestock products will export more. In contrast, regions like the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia face the highest increases of imports. Deforestation, mainly in Latin America, leads to significant amounts of additional carbon emissions due to trade liberalisation. Non-CO2 emissions will mostly shift to China due to comparative advantages in livestock production and rising livestock demand in the region. Overall, further trade liberalisation leads to higher economic benefits at the expense of environment and climate, if no other regulations are put in place.  相似文献   
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