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NASA's Genesis mission was flown to capture samples of the solar wind and return them to the Earth for measurement. The purpose of the mission was to determine the chemical and isotopic composition of the Sun with significantly better precision than known before. Abundance data are now available for noble gases, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, aluminum, chromium, iron, and other elements. Here, we report abundance data for hydrogen in four solar wind regimes collected by the Genesis mission (bulk solar wind, interstream low‐energy wind, coronal hole high‐energy wind, and coronal mass ejections). The mission was not designed to collect hydrogen, and in order to measure it, we had to overcome a variety of technical problems, as described herein. The relative hydrogen fluences among the four regimes should be accurate to better than ±5–6%, and the absolute fluences should be accurate to ±10%. We use the data to investigate elemental fractionations due to the first ionization potential during acceleration of the solar wind. We also use our data, combined with regime data for neon and argon, to estimate the solar neon and argon abundances, elements that cannot be measured spectroscopically in the solar photosphere.  相似文献   
Current measurements in the surface layer in Sagami and Suruga Bays showed existence of significant tidal currents which are considered to be mainly due to internal tides (Inaba, 1982; Ohwaki,ea al., 1991). In addition, the prevailing period of the tidal currents is semidiurnal in Sagami Bay, but diurnal in Suruga Bay. To explain this difference in the prevailing, periods, numerical experiments were carried out using a two layer model. The internal tides are generated on the Izu Ridge outside the two bays. The semidiurnal internal tide propagates into Sagami Bay having characteristics of an internal inertia-gravity wave, while it propagates into Suruga Bay having characteristics of either an internal inertia-gravity wave or an internal Kelvin wave. The diurnal internal tide behaves only as an internal Kelvin wave, because the diurnal period is longer than the inertia period. Thus, the diurnal internal tide generated on the Izu Ridge can be propagated into Suruga Bay, while it cannot propagate into the inner region of Sagami Bay, though it is trapped around Oshima Island, which is located at the mouth of Sagami Bay. The difference in the propagation characteristics between the semidiurnal and diurnal internal tides can give a mechanism to explain the difference in the prevailing periods of the internal tides between Sagami and Suruga Bays.  相似文献   
In situ oxygen isotopic measurements of primary and secondary minerals in Type C CAIs from the Allende CV3 chondrite reveal that the pattern of relative enrichments and depletions of 16O in the primary minerals within each individual CAI are similar to the patterns observed in Types A and B CAIs from the same meteorite. Spinel is consistently the most 16O-rich (Δ17O = −25‰ to −15‰), followed by Al,Ti-dioside (Δ17O = −20‰ to −5‰) and anorthite (Δ17O = −15‰ to 0‰). Melilite is the most 16O-depleted primary mineral (Δ17O = −5‰ to −3‰). We conclude that the original melting event that formed Type C CAIs occurred in a 16O-rich (Δ17O  −20‰) nebular gas and they subsequently experienced oxygen isotopic exchange in a 16O-poor reservoir. At least three of these (ABC, TS26F1 and 93) experienced remelting at the time and place where chondrules were forming, trapping and partially assimilating 16O-poor chondrule fragments. The observation that the pyroxene is 16O-rich relative to the feldspar, even though the feldspar preceded it in the igneous crystallization sequence, disproves the class of CAI isotopic exchange models in which partial melting of a 16O-rich solid in a 16O-poor gas is followed by slow crystallization in that gas. For the typical (not associated with chondrule materials) Type C CAIs as well for as the Types A and B CAIs, the exchange that produced internal isotopic heterogeneity within each CAI must have occurred largely in the solid state. The secondary phases grossular, monticellite and forsterite commonly have similar oxygen isotopic compositions to the melilite and anorthite they replace, but in one case (CAI 160) grossular is 16O-enriched (Δ17O = −10‰ to −6‰) relative to melilite (Δ17O = −5‰ to −3‰), meaning that the melilite and anorthite must have exchanged its oxygen subsequent to secondary alteration. This isotopic exchange in melilite and anorthite likely occurred on the CV parent asteroid, possibly during fluid-assisted thermal metamorphism.  相似文献   
We report the mineralogy and texture of magnetite grains, a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage, and the adjacent mineral phases in five hydrated fine‐grained Antarctic micrometeorites (H‐FgMMs). Additionally, we measured the oxygen isotopic composition of magnetite grains and a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage in these samples. Our mineralogical study shows that the secondary phases identified in H‐FgMMs have similar textures and chemical compositions to those described previously in other primitive solar system materials, such as carbonaceous chondrites. However, the oxygen isotopic compositions of magnetite in H‐FgMMs span a range of ?17O values from +1.3‰ to +4.2‰, which is intermediate between magnetites measured in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites (CCs and OCs). The δ18O values of magnetites in one H‐FgMM have a ~27‰ mass‐dependent spread in a single 100 × 200 μm particle, indicating that there was a localized control of the fluid composition, probably due to a low water‐to‐rock mass ratio. The ?17O values of magnetite indicate that H‐FgMMs sampled a different aqueous fluid than ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites, implying that the source of H‐FgMMs is probably distinct from the asteroidal source of CCs and OCs. Additionally, we analyzed the oxygen isotopic composition of a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage in one of the H‐FgMMs (sample 03‐36‐46) to investigate the temperature at which these minerals coprecipitated. We have used the oxygen isotope fractionation between the coexisting magnetite and dolomite to infer a precipitation temperature between 160 and 280 °C for this sample. This alteration temperature is ~100–200 °C warmer than that determined from a calcite‐magnetite assemblage from the CR2 chondrite Al Rais, but similar to the estimated temperature of aqueous alteration for unequilibrated OCs, CIs, and CMs. This suggests that the sample 03‐36‐46 could come from a parent body that was large enough to attain temperatures as high as the OCs, CIs, and CMs, which implies an asteroidal origin for this particular H‐FgMM.  相似文献   
By means of nanoscale surface observation, we have proposed a new approach for investigating fine crystals of cosmic materials to reveal their origin and growth conditions. Several different morphologies of polyhedral fine olivines with faceted faces have been found in Allende carbonaceous chondrite (4.5 byr in geochronological age). In the present work, molecular level topography of the faceted matrix olivine by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) has successfully been performed. The matrix olivine found to have preserved growth step pattern on its surface even though quite long time has passed since they formed in the early Solar System. The surface pattern suggests that the faceted matrix olivine could have been condensed from the gas phase, and possibly that these olivine crystals had continued to grow under a rapid cooling condition (0.1-1 K s−1). The estimated cooling rate agrees well with predictions based on hypothetical rapid heating and cooling events such as shock wave heating.  相似文献   
3-Hydroxy acids were detected in pure cultured microalgae: Chlorophyta—Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Rhodophyta—Cyanidium caldarium (two strains), and cyanobacteria (Cyanophyta)—Anacystis nidulans, Phormidium foveolarum, Anabaena variabilis and Oscillatoria sp. Normal and branched (iso and anteiso) 3-hydroxy acids in the ranges of C8-C26 were found in all the samples studied at concentrations ranging from 0.036 to 2.3 and 0.000 to 0.12 mg g?1 of dry sample, respectively. The major constituents were generally even-carbon numbered normal acids with carbon chain lengths below C20. Microalgae and cyanobacteria may be the important sources of 3-hydroxy acids in natural environments.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional 18O/16O isotopic analysis of the Vigarano matrix was conducted by secondary ion-imaging using a novel two-dimensional ion-imager. Quantitative oxygen-isotope images (isotopographs) of the Vigarano matrix show that 16O-rich micrograins are scattered within 16O-poor matrix. This heterogeneous O-isotopic distribution indicates that matrix is composed of different O-isotopic components that formed in different locations and/or at different times. However, the O-isotopic composition of groundmass in the matrix is the same as the bulk isotopic composition of the matrix within ±5 uncertainty. The spatial resolution and isotopic precision of our technique should allow submicron-size objects (>0.2 μm) with extreme O-isotopic anomalous characteristics (δ18OSMOW ∼250) to be detectable in isotopographs. Because the mean grain size of the matrix is ∼0.2 μm, the inability to detect such O-isotopic anomalous objects indicates that isotopically anomalous micrograins (e.g., presolar grains) are extremely rare in the Vigarano matrix and that most objects in the matrix were formed in the solar nebula or in the parent body.  相似文献   
The relationship between the magmatism of the Cretaceous Ofuku pluton and mineralization in and around the Akiyoshi Plateau, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan was investigated using a combination of field observation, petrographic and geochemical analyses, K–Ar geochronology, and fluid inclusion data. The Ofuku pluton has a surface area of 1.5 × 1.0 km, and was intruded into the Paleozoic accretionary complexes of the Akiyoshi Limestone, Ota Group and Tsunemori Formation in the western part of the Akiyoshi Plateau. The pluton belongs to the ilmenite‐series and is zoned, consisting mainly of early tonalite and granodiorite that share a gradational contact, and later granite and aplite that intruded the tonalite and granodiorite. Harker diagrams show that the Ofuku pluton has intermediate to silicic compositions ranging from 60.4 to 77.9 wt.% SiO2, but a compositional gap exists between 70.5 to 73.4 wt.% SiO2 (anhydrous basis). Modal and chemical variations indicate that the assumed parental magma is tonalitic. Quantitative models of fractional crystallization based on mass balance calculations and the Rayleigh fractionation model using major and trace element data for all crystalline phases indicate that magmatic fractionation was controlled mainly by crystal fractionation of plagioclase, hornblende, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene at the early stage, and quartz, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, apatite, ilmenite and zircon at the later stage. The residual melt extracted from the granodiorite mush was subsequently intruded into the northern and western parts of the Ofuku pluton as melt lens to form the granite and aplite. The age of the pluton was estimated at 99–97 Ma and 101–98 Ma based on K–Ar dating of hornblende and biotite, respectively. Both ages are consistent within analytical error, indicating that the Ofuku pluton and the associated Yamato mine belong to the Tungsten Province of the San‐yo Belt, which is genetically related to the ilmenite‐series granitoids of the Kanmon to Shunan stages. The aplite contains Cl‐rich apatite and REE‐rich monazite‐(Ce), allanite‐(Ce), xenotime and bastnäsite‐(Ce), indicating that the residual melt was rich in halogens and REEs. The tonalite–granodiorite of the Ofuku pluton contains many three‐phase fluid inclusions, along with daughter minerals such as NaCl and KCl, and vapor/liquid (V/L) volume ratios range from 0.2 to 0.9, suggesting that the fluid was boiling. In contrast, the granite and aplite contain low salinity two‐phase inclusions with low V/L ratios. The granodiorite occupies a large part of the pluton, and the inclusions with various V/L ratios with chloride daughter minerals suggest the boiling fluids might be related to the mineralization. This fluid could have carried base metals such as Cu and Zn, forming Cu ore deposits in and around the Ofuku pluton. The occurrence and composition of fluid inclusions in the igneous rocks from the Akiyoshi Plateau are directly linked to Cu mineralization in the area, demonstrating that fluid inclusions are useful indicators of mineralization.  相似文献   
The metal-rich carbonaceous chondrites (CB and CH) have the highest whole-rock 15N-enrichments (δ15N up to 1500‰) among planetary materials. They are also characterized by the absence of interchondrule fine-grained matrix. The only fine-grained material is present as lithic clasts, which experienced extensive aqueous alteration in contrast to the surrounding high-temperature components (chondrules, refractory inclusions, metal grains). Hence, the clasts are foreign objects that were incorporated at a late stage into the final parent body of Isheyevo. Their origin is poorly constrained. Based on mineralogy, petrography, and thermal processing of the aromatic carbonaceous component, different types of clasts have been previously identified in the CB/CH-like chondrite Isheyevo. Here, we focus on the rare lithic clasts characterized by the presence of anhydrous silicates (chondrules, chondrule fragments, and CAIs). Their mineralogy and oxygen isotopic compositions reveal them to be micro-chondrules, fragments of chondrules, and refractory inclusions related to those in the Isheyevo host, suggesting accretion in the same region. In contrast to previously studied IDPs or primitive chondritic matrices, the fine-grained material in the clasts we studied is highly and rather uniformly enriched in heavy nitrogen, with bulk δ15N values ranging between 1000‰ and 1300‰. It is also characterized by the presence of numerous 15N hotspots (δ15N ranging from 1400‰ to 4000‰). No bulk (δD <-240‰) or localized deuterium enrichments were observed. These clasts have the highest bulk enrichment in heavy nitrogen measured to date in a fine-grained material. They represent a unique material, of asteroidal or cometary origin, in our collection of cosmomaterials. We show that they were 15N-enriched before their incorporation in the final parent body of Isheyevo. They experienced an extensive aqueous alteration that most likely played a role in redistributing 15N over the whole fine-grained material and may have significantly modified its initial hydrogen isotopic composition. Based on a review of isotopic fractionation models, we conclude that the nitrogen isotopic fractionation process, its timing, and its location are still poorly constrained. The 15N-rich clasts may represent the surviving original carrier of the 15N anomaly in Isheyevo whole-rock.  相似文献   
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