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The radiation and diffraction of linear water waves by an infinitely long rectangular structure submerged in oblique seas of finite depth is investigated. The analytical expressions for the radiated and diffracted potentials are derived as infinite series by use of the method of separation of variables. The unknown coefficients in the series are determined by the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The expressions for wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients and reflection and transmission coefficients are given and verified by the boundary element method. Using the present analytical solution, the hydrodynamic influences of the angle of incidence, the submergence, the width and the thickness of the structure on the wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
Using NSO/Kitt Peak synoptic charts from 1975 to 2003, we group the main solar magnetic fields into two categories: one for active regions (ARs) and the other for extended bipolar regions (EBRs). Comparing them, we find that there exist three typical characteristics in the variability of EBRs: First, there exists a correlation between ARs and EBRs. The phase of EBR flux has a delay nearly two CRs. Second, we find that the EBR flux has two prominent periods at 1.79 years and 3.21 years. The 1.79-year period seems to only belong to large-scale magnetic features. Lastly, the North – South asymmetry of EBR flux is not very significant on a time scale of one solar cycle. However, during solar maxima, its dominance is found to shift from one hemisphere to the other.  相似文献   
鳗鲡目鱼类线粒体基因组的基因组成较为保守,在58个线粒体基因组中,仅有3个物种存在基因数量的差异。在19个鳗鲡目鱼类线粒体基因组中存在主编码基因的重排。主编码基因的变异位点分析结果支持nad5、nad4和nad2基因作为cox1和lrRNA基因辅助的分子标记。鳗鲡科Anguillidae的20个种(亚种)聚在一起,强烈支持鳗鲡科为单系群(BPP=100)。鳗鲡科下属的3个类群(大洋洲类群、大西洋类群和印度洋-太平洋类群)也同时得到有力的验证(BPP均为100)。线鳗科Nemichthyidae和锯齿鳗科Serrivomeridae亲缘关系最近,二者聚类后,与鳗鲡科Anguillidae构成姊妹群(BPP=100)。在囊喉鱼亚目Saccopharyngoidei中,宽咽鱼科Eurypharyngidae与囊鳃鳗科Saccopharyngidae聚类(BPP=100),同时,单颌鳗科Monognathidae与月尾鳗科Cyematidae聚类(BPP=100),4个科聚在一支,支持囊喉鱼亚目为单系群(BPP=100)。在囊喉鱼亚目线粒体基因组中,3个物种(吞鳗Eurypharynx pelecanoides、拉文囊鳃鳗Saccopharynx lavenbergi和杰氏单颌鳗Monognathus jesperseni)存在主编码基因的重排。16种鳗鲡(细美体鳗Ariosoma shiroanago、短吻颈鳗Derichthys serpentinus、凯氏短尾康吉鳗Coloconger cadenati、鸭颈鳗Nessorhamphus ingolfianus、龟草鳗Thalassenchelys sp.、粗犁齿海鳗Cynoponticus ferox、百吉海鳗Muraenesox bagio、巨斑花蛇鳗Myrichthys maculosus、大吻沙蛇鳗Ophisurus macrorhynchos、几内亚副康吉鳗Paraconger notialis、哈氏异康吉鳗Heteroconger hassi、小头鸭嘴鳗Nettastoma parviceps、弱头鳗Leptocephalus sp.、斑点长犁齿鳗Hoplunnis punctata、尖吻小鸭嘴鳗Facciolella oxyrhyncha和星康吉鳗Conger myriaster),与鳗鲡目线粒体主编码基因的原始排列相比,共享nad6基因的易位。同时,基于线粒体基因组13个蛋白质编码基因构建的系统演化树,强烈支持这16个物种聚为一支(BPP=100)。然而,由此而带来的海鳗科Muraenesocidae、拟鯙科Chlopsidae和糯鳗科Congridae是否为单系群的问题,值得今后深入探究。  相似文献   
乌干达Albert湖凹陷是世界上最年轻的生烃凹陷,至今仍处于断陷伸展阶段,特殊的地质背景使其具有独特油气富集特征。为了预测Albert湖西部陡坡带的勘探潜力,利用地震、钻井等资料开展了凹陷构造特征研究,系统分析了陡坡带石油地质条件和成藏模式。研究表明,板式陡坡带油气侧向运移,成藏条件优越;台阶式陡坡带以垂向运移为主,侧向运移为辅,成藏条件一般。运移和保存是Albert湖陡坡带油气富集的主控因素,西部陡坡带一台阶是有利勘探区带,资源潜力较大。此研究对非洲陆内裂谷油气勘探具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
It is a good test for a numerical model to simulate progressive waves propagating over a submerged bar with a relatively high ratio of slopes. In this paper, the combined IB–VOF model is used to predict nonlinear dispersive waves propagating over a submerged bar with both slopes of 1:2. The predicted free surface elevations are compared with the experimental data and numerical results presented by other researchers. The comparison shows that the IB–VOF model is able to provide satisfactory wave profiles in the shallow water with strong nonlinear effects and in the wave transmitted region with strong wave dispersion in particular. Moreover, the wave evolution behind the submerged bar is described in detail, including the spatial wave profile modulation, spectral analysis of the time-series waves, flow velocity and pressure fields, and kinetic energy distribution. The effect of fluid viscosity on the numerical simulations is also studied, and it is found that the effect on the wave evolution considered in this paper is not significant. Finally, the hydrodynamic force acting on the bar is calculated using the IB–VOF model.  相似文献   
For the future development of Chinese Giant Solar Telescope (CGST) in Western China, a new sky brightness monitor (SBM) has been produced for the site survey for CGST. To critically examine the performance and sensitivity of SBM, we used it in the observation of the annular solar eclipse in Dali City, Yunnan, on 15 January 2010. The observation met good weather conditions with an almost clear sky during the eclipse. The SBM measurement translates into the solar illuminance changes at a level of 2.4×10?4 I?s?1 during the eclipse. The time of the minimal sky brightness in the field of view (FOV) is found consistent with the time of maximum eclipse. Two local sky regions in the FOV are chosen to make a time series of the calibrated skylight profiles. The evolution of the sky brightness thus calibrated also shows good consistency with the eclipse, particularly between the second and the third contacts. The minimal sky brightness in each local sky region took place within half a minute from the corresponding predicted contact time. Such small time delays were mainly caused by occasional cirri. The minimal sky brightness measured during the eclipse is a few millionths of I ?? with standard deviation of 0.11 millionths of I ??. The observation supports that the single-scattering process (optically thin conditions) is the main contributor to the atmospheric scattering. We have demonstrated that many important aerosol optical parameters can be deduced from our data. We conclude that the new SBM is a sensitive sky photometer that can be used for our CGST and coronagraph site surveys.  相似文献   
The DArk Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE),also known as Wukong in China,which was launched on 2015 December 17,is a new high energy cosmic ray and γ-ray satellite-borne observatory.One of the main scientific goals of DAMPE is to observe Ge V-Te V high energy γ-rays with accurate energy,angular and time resolution,to indirectly search for dark matter particles and for the study of high energy astrophysics. Due to the comparatively higher fluxes of charged cosmic rays with respect to γ-rays,it is challenging to identify γ-rays with sufficiently high efficiency,minimizing the amount of charged cosmic ray contamination. In this work we present a method to identify γ-rays in DAMPE data based on Monte Carlo simulations,using the powerful electromagnetic/hadronic shower discrimination provided by the calorimeter and the veto detection of charged particles provided by the plastic scintillation detector. Monte Carlo simulations show that after this selection the number of electrons and protons that contaminate the selected γ-ray events at~10 Ge V amounts to less than 1% of the selected sample.Finally,we use flight data to verify the effectiveness of the method by highlighting known γ-ray sources in the sky and by reconstructing preliminary light curves of the Geminga pulsar.  相似文献   
We present quasi-simultaneous VLBI images of the GHz-Peaked-Spectrum radio source OQ 208 obtained with the Very Long Baseline Array at 1.4,1.7,2.3,5.0,8.4,15.4GHz and the European VLBI Network at 6.7 GHz.The low frequency(1.4,1.7 and 2.3GHz)ob- servations reveal a weak and extended steep-spectrum component at about 30mas away at position angle-110°,which may be a remnant emission.The radio structure of OQ 208 con- sists of two mini-lobes at 5.0,6.7,8.4 and 15.4 GHz.Our spectral analysis further confirms that the southwest lobe undergoes free-free absorption and finds that the free-free absorption is stronger in the inner region.By fitting the 8.4 GHz images from 1994 to 2005,we obtain a separation speed of 0.031±0.006 mas yr~(-1)between the two mini-lobes.This indicates a jet proper motion of 0.105±0.020 c and a kinematic age of 219±42 yr for the radio source.  相似文献   
We investigate a scenario of photon scattering by electrons within a relativistic outflow. The outflow is composed of discrete shells with different speeds. One shell emits radiation for a short duration. Some of this radiation is scattered by the shell(s) behind. We calculate in a simple two-shell model the observed scattered flux density as a function of the observed primary flux density, the normalized arrival time delay between the two emission components, the Lorentz factor ratio of the two shells and the scattering shell's optical depth. Thomson scattering in a cold shell and inverse Compton scattering in a hot shell are both considered. The results of our calculations are applied to the gamma-ray bursts and the afterglows. We find that the scattered flux from a cold slower shell is small and likely to be detected only for those bursts with very weak afterglows. A hot scattering shell could give rise to a scattered emission as bright as the X-ray shallow decay component detected in many bursts, on a condition that the isotropically equivalent total energy carried by the hot electrons is large, ∼1052–1056 erg. The scattered emission from a faster shell could appear as a late short γ-ray/MeV flash or become part of the prompt emission depending on the delay of the ejection of the shell.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Filaments are cool, dense material suspended in the hot, tenuous corona. It is widely accepted that the global magnetic field surrounding the filaments plays a key role in their formation, structure and stability (Tandberg-Hanssen1995). Fil…  相似文献   
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