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用逐步回归预测棉铃虫发生期和发生量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
收集了1973年至2000年的气象,农作物、棉铃虫虫害等196年因子,以运城、汾阳和临汾为山西省代表站,利用最优二分割法把发生量分为10级,5级和不分级3种情况;使用逐步回归计算了219个模型,从中选出27个棉铃虫二、三代发生期,发生量最优模型,在农气服务中应用,预报准确率为95%,效果良好。  相似文献   
全球陆地年降水量与ENSO关系的初步研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用全球陆地月降水资料(PREC/L),研究了1948-2000年期间的ENSO事件与全球陆地年降水量的关系,对全盛分析的结果进行了蒙特卡洛模拟经验。结果表明,暖事件年全球陆地年降水量大范围地明显减小,显著的地区是:赤道西太平洋区,中国的华北,赤道中美洲区,孟加拉湾北部及尼泊尔,东澳大利亚区,印度西部及巴基斯坦南部,勒拿河以东地区,西欧及南极的威尔克斯等区域。在暖事件年,陆地年降水量增加地区不多,主要是南美的智利和阿根廷,东非索马里,肯尼亚和坦桑亚,中东的土耳其,伊拉克及伊朗,北非的利比亚和阿尔及利亚,西南非的纳米比亚及非洲南部的博茨瓦纳和津巴布韦。统计检验表明,暖事件年全球陆地年降水量减少的面积比降水量增加的面积要大,而且更为显著,将本文结果与早期的研究结果进行了比较,研究还指出,ENSO的年代际变化对上述地区降水的年代际变化影响不明显。但是80年代以后的暖事件对东澳大利亚干旱,中国的华北的干旱的影响比80年代前的影响更大。  相似文献   
T. Zhou  Z. Li 《Climate Dynamics》2002,19(2):167-180
The East Asia summer monsoon (EASM) is simulated with a variable resolution global atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) developed at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, France. The version used has a local zoom centered on China. This study validates the model's capability in reproducing the fundamental features of the EASM. The monsoon behaviors over East Asia revealed by the ECMWF reanalysis data are also addressed systematically, providing as observational evidence. The mean state of the EASM is generally portrayed well in the model, including the large-scale monsoon airflows, the monsoonal meridional circulation, the cross-equatorial low-level jets, the monsoon trough in the South China Sea, the surface cold high in Australia, and the upper-level northeasterly return flow. While the performance of simulating large-scale monsoonal climate is encouraging, the model's main deficiency lies in the rainfall. The marked rainbelt observed along the Yangtze River Valley is missed in the simulation. This is due to the weakly reproduced monsoonal components in essence and is directly related to the weak western Pacific subtropical high, which leads to a fragile subtropical southwest monsoon on its western flank and results in a weaker convergence of the southwest monsoon flow with the midlatitude westerlies. The excessively westward extension of the high, together with the distorted Indian low, also makes the contribution of the tropical southwest monsoon to the moisture convergence over the Yangtze River Valley too weak in the model. The insufficient plateau heating and the resulting weak land-sea thermal contrast are responsible for the weakly reproduced monsoon. It is the deficiency of the model in handling the low-level cloud cover over the plateau rather than the horizontal resolution and the associated depiction of plateau topography that results in the insufficient plateau heating. Comparison with the simulation employing regular coarser mesh model reveals that the local zoom technique improves, in a general manner, the EASM simulation.  相似文献   
离散裂隙渗流方法与裂隙化渗透介质建模   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
流体渗流模拟的连续介质方法通常适用于多孔地质体,并不一定适用于裂隙岩体,由于裂隙分布及其特征与孔隙差异较大。若流体渗流主要受裂隙的控制,对于一定尺寸的裂隙岩体,多孔介质假设则较难刻划裂隙岩体的渗流特征。离散裂隙渗流方法不但可直接用于模拟裂隙岩体非均质性和各向异性等渗流特征,而且可用其确定所研究的裂隙岩体典型单元体及其水力传导(渗透)张量大小。主要讨论了以下问题:(1)饱和裂隙介质中一般的离散流体渗流模拟;(2)裂隙岩体中的REV(典型单元体)及其水力传导(渗透)张量的确定;(3)利用离散裂隙网络流体渗流模型研究裂隙方向几何参数对水力传导系数和REV的影响;(4)在二维和三维离散裂隙流体渗流模型中对区域大裂隙和局部小裂隙的处理方法。调查结果显示离散裂隙流体渗流数学模型可用来评价不同尺度上的裂隙岩体的水力特征,以及裂隙方向对裂隙化岩体的水力特征有着不可忽视的影响。同时,局部小裂隙、区域大裂隙应当区别对待,以便据其所起的作用及水力特征,建立裂隙化岩体相应的流体渗流模型。  相似文献   
The early Tertiary Sanerlin uranium deposit is located near the southwestern margin of the Chaling-Yongxing pull-apart basin defined by the Chaling-Yongxing and Chenxian-Linwu sinistral strike-slip faults in southern China. The uranium ores are hosted in 15 breccia-vein bodies, which are separately located in the cores of three secondary anticlines of the Upper Permian Dangchong Formation. Individual breccia-vein bodies are composed of fragments of silicified shale and sandstone from the Dangchong Formation, and quartz veinlets as cements. These fragments, together with quartz veins, form a mosaic texture. Hydrothermal pitchblende is the only commercial uranium mineral, mainly occurring as disseminated grains within quartz veins or coating fragments. Other metallic minerals include molybdenite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, and red microcrystalline hematite. Fluid inclusions in quartz veins have homogenization temperatures ranging from 150 to 280 °C, and calculated salinity values between 5.6 and 13.4 wt% NaCl equivalent. Stable isotope analyses show that the mineralizing fluid was characterized by '18O values of -2.2 to +2.6‰ and 'DH2O values of -134 to -110‰. These analytical data demonstrate that hydrothermal fluids were mainly derived from formation waters (brines) of the Chaling-Yongxing basin. Fluid overpressuring was caused by an abnormal geothermal gradient and impermeable shales in the deposit area. The geometry, texture, and structure of the breccia-vein system, along with the fluid pressure estimates, suggest that hydraulic fracturing generated the mineralized breccia-vein system. Pitchblende and associated minerals were deposited when gaseous phases were released abruptly from the ore fluids due to the hydraulic fracturing.  相似文献   
Quartz samples collected from the Jinman vein copper deposit in the Lanping Basin of western Yunnan were determined by40Ar/39Ar fast neutron activation techniques, and the spectra are characterized as being saddle-shaped. The samples yielded a plateau age of 58.05 ± 0.54 Ma, a minimum appearance age of 56.76 ±0.81 Ma and an isochron age of 54.30 ± 0.15 Ma, the three ages being close to each other, indicating that the ages of the quartz samples so far determined are true and reliable. The plateau age represents the time of formation of Cu-bearing quartz veins, which is corresponding to Early Himalayan. This age is also consistent with the time at which a tectonically thermal event (60 Ma) took place within the Lanping Basin, Yunnan Province. In consideration of the fact that copper ore and other ore types in the vast area of western Yunnan are concentrated mainly in the Early Himalayan strata, the authors believe that there must have existed some indispensable key factors leading to metallogenesis on a large scale during the Early Himalayan period in western Yunnan and also constraining in union the formation of ore deposits there.  相似文献   
We present paleomagnetic results of Paleocene welded tuffs of the 53–50 Ma Bogopol Group from the northern region (46°N, 137°E) of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt. Characteristic paleomagnetic directions with high unblocking temperature components above 560 °C were isolated from all the sites. A tilt-corrected mean paleomagnetic direction from the northern region is D=345.8°, I=49.9°, α95=14.6° (N=9). The reliability of the magnetization is ascertained through the presence of normal and reversed polarities. The mean paleomagnetic direction from the northern region of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt reflects a counterclockwise rotation of 29° from the Paleocene mean paleomagnetic direction expected from its southern region. The counterclockwise rotation of 25° is suggested from the paleomagnetic data of the Kisin Group that underlies the Bogopol Group. These results establish that internal tectonic deformation occurred within the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt over the past 50 Ma. The northern region from 44.6° to 46.0°N in the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt was subjected to counterclockwise rotational motion through 29±17° with respect to the southern region. The tectonic rotation of the northern region is ascribable to relative motion between the Zhuravlevka terrane and the Olginsk–Taukhinsk terranes that compose the basements of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt.  相似文献   
Mafic granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Cenozoic alkaline basalts at Hannuoba, Hebei Province, North China have been selected for a systematic geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic study, which provides a unique opportunity to explore nature of the lower crust and the interaction between the continental crust and lithospheric mantle beneath an Archean craton. The major, compatible and incompatible elements and radiogenic isotopes of these xenoliths suggest great chemical heterogeneity of the lower crust beneath the Hannuoba region. Petrological and geochemical evidences indicate a clear cumulate origin, and most likely, they are related to basaltic underplating in different geological episodes. However, the Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of the xenoliths reveal a profound enriched source signature (EM I) with some influence of EM II, which implies that some portion of pre-existing, old metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle could have played an important role in their genesis. It is suggested that the interaction between continental crust and subcontinental mantle as manifested by basaltic underplating would be closely related to regional tectonic episodes and geodynamic processes in the deep part of subcontinental lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   
分形在地貌学中应用的几个问题的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李锰  朱令人  龙海英 《地震研究》2002,25(2):155-162
就实际地貌分形研究工作中经常遇到的截面约定、自仿射分形局域维与渡越长度、分维的比较以及过渡分形等几个问题进行了分析和探讨,并提出了在应用过程中的注意事项和解决方案。  相似文献   
李桂华  何家斌 《地震研究》2002,25(2):163-165
采用一致的地震震相和台网布局,应用昆明数字地震台网资料,对2002年月1月4日-1月7日的漾濞地震及序列作进一步核定,得出了更精确的地震震源位置,并作出三维空间图。  相似文献   
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