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Gridded population distribution data are finding increasing use in a wide range of fields, including resource allocation, disease burden estimation and climate change impact assessment. Land cover information can be used in combination with detailed settlement extents to redistribute aggregated census counts to improve the accuracy of national-scale gridded population data. In East Africa, such analyses have been done using regional land cover data, thus restricting application of the approach to this region. If gridded population data are to be improved across Africa, an alternative, consistent and comparable source of land cover data is required. Here these analyses were repeated for Kenya using four continent-wide land cover datasets combined with detailed settlement extents and accuracies were assessed against detailed census data. The aim was to identify the large area land cover dataset that, combined with detailed settlement extents, produce the most accurate population distribution data. The effectiveness of the population distribution modelling procedures in the absence of high resolution census data was evaluated, as was the extrapolation ability of population densities between different regions. Results showed that the use of the GlobCover dataset refined with detailed settlement extents provided significantly more accurate gridded population data compared to the use of refined AVHRR-derived, MODIS-derived and GLC2000 land cover datasets. This study supports the hypothesis that land cover information is important for improving population distribution model accuracies, particularly in countries where only coarse resolution census data are available. Obtaining high resolution census data must however remain the priority. With its higher spatial resolution and its more recent data acquisition, the GlobCover dataset was found as the most valuable resource to use in combination with detailed settlement extents for the production of gridded population datasets across large areas.  相似文献   
Western Canada lies in a zone of active tectonics and volcanism, but thedispersed population has witnessed few eruptions due to the remoteness of the volcanoes and their low level ofactivity. This has created a false perception that Canada's volcanoes are extinct.There are more than 200 potentially-active volcanoes in Canada, 49of which have erupted in the past 10,000 years. They occur in five belts, with origins related totectonic environment. The minimum annual probability of a Canadian volcanic eruption is approximately 1/200;for an effusive (lava) eruption the probability is about 1/220, and for a significant explosive eruptionit is about 1/3333. In-progress studies show that there have been earthquakes associated with at least 9 ofthe youngest Canadian volcanoes since 1975. A scenario of an eruption of Mt. Cayley (50.1°N,123.3°W) shows how western Canada is vulnerable to an eruption. The scenario is basedon past activity in the Garibaldi volcanic belt and involves both explosive and effusive activity.The scenario impact is largely a result of the concentration of vulnerable infrastructure in valleys.Canadian volcanoes are monitored only by a regional seismic network,that is capable of detecting a M > 2 event in all potentially-active areas.This level of monitoring is probably sufficient to alert scientistsat or near eruption onset, but probably insufficient to allow a timelyforecast of activity. Similarly the level of geological knowledge about the volcanoes is insufficient to createhazard maps. This will improve slightly in 2002 when additional monitoring is implemented in theGaribaldi volcanic belt. The eruption probabilities, possible impacts, monitoring limitations and knowledgegaps suggest that there is a need to increment the volcanic risk mitigation efforts.  相似文献   
In the Murrumbidgee catchment of the Murray-Darling Basin, wetlands, rivers and other waterscapes are important features of Country for Aboriginal peoples. The Murrumbidgee River is the most heavily regulated river system in the Murray-Darling Basin. Discussion around the use of Murrumbidgee water is framed as a conflict between sustaining rural communities and using water to support ecological values, yet the voices of Aboriginal custodians are relatively unheard in this discussion. Using culturally important wetland plants as a starting point, this paper explores the understanding and perception of some Aboriginal people in relation to their Country and water. The grief of participants as they experience the degradation of their Country was palpable. The strong message that Country should be considered in its entirety—including ecological, social and cultural aspects—contrasts with current ownership and other institutional arrangements. Improving opportunities for communities and water managers to share knowledge and information, an openness to use Aboriginal wisdom, and careful ongoing management of environmental and cultural water have the potential to achieve positive cultural and ecological outcomes in the Murrumbidgee.  相似文献   
Seasonal snow is an active media and an important climate factor that governs nutrient transfer in Arctic ecosystems. Since the snow stores and transforms nutrients and contaminants, it is of crucial importance to gain a better understanding of the dynamics of contaminant cycling within the snowpack and its subsequent release to catchments via meltwater. Over the course of a two-month field study in the spring of 2008, we collected snow and meltwater samples from a seasonal snowpack in Ny-Ålesund, Norway (78°56′N, 11°52′E), which were analyzed for major inorganic ions and some organic acids, as well as total, dissolved, bioavailable mercury (THg, DHg, BioHg, respectively) and monomethylmercury (MMHg) species. We observe a seasonal gradient for ion concentrations, with surface samples becoming less concentrated as the season progressed. A significant negative correlation between BioHg and MMHg was observed in the snowpack. MMHg was positively and significantly correlated to methanesulfonate concentrations. Based on these results, we propose a new model for aerobic methylation of mercury involving species in the dimethylsulfoniopropionate cycle.  相似文献   
In southwestern China, several large magmatic Fe–Ti–V oxide ore deposits are hosted by gabbroic intrusions associated with the Emeishan flood basalts. The Panzhihua gabbroic intrusion, a little deformed sill that contains a large titanomagnetite deposit at its base, concordantly intrudes late-Proterozoic dolostones. Mineralogical and chemical studies of the contact aureole in the footwall dolostones demonstrate that the metamorphism was largely isochemical but released large quantities of CO2 as the rocks were converted to marble and skarns during intrusion of the gabbroic magma. Petrological modelling of the crystallization of the intrusion, using H2O-poor Emeishan basalt as parent magma, shows that under normal conditions, Fe–Ti oxides crystallize at a late stage, after the crystallization of abundant olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. In order for titanomagnetite to separate efficiently to form the ore deposit, this mineral must have crystallized earlier and close to the liquidus. We propose that CO2-rich fluids released during decarbonatization of sedimentary floor rocks passed up through the magma. Redox equilibria calculations show that when magma with the composition of Emeishan basalt is fluxed by a CO2-rich gas phase, its equilibrium oxygen fugacity (fO2) increases from the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer (FMQ) to FMQ + 1.5. From experimental constraints on magnetite saturation in basaltic magma under controlled fO2, such an oxidizing event would allow magnetite to crystallize near to the liquidus, leading to the formation of the deposit.  相似文献   
Morphologies, petrographic settings and carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of graphites in the Acapulco meteorite, the latter determined by secondary ionization mass spectrometry, are reported. Seven different graphite morphologies were recognized, the majority of which occur enclosed exclusively in kamacite. Individual graphite grains also rarely occur in the silicate matrix. Kamacite rims surrounding taenite cores of metal grains are separated from the Ni-rich metal cores by graphite veneers. These graphite veneers impeded or prevented Ni-Fe interdiffusion during cooling. In addition, matrix FeNi metal contains considerable amounts of phosphorous (≈ 700 ppm) and silicon (≈ 300 ppm) (Pack et al., 2005 in preparation) thus indicating that results of laboratory cooling experiments in the Fe-Ni binary system are inapplicable to Acapulco metals. Graphites of different morphologies display a range of carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions, indicating a diversity of source regions before accretion in the Acapulco parent body. The isotopic compositions point to at least three isotopic reservoirs from which the graphites originated: (1) A reservoir with heavy carbon, represented by graphite in silicates (δ13C = 14.3 ± 2.4 ‰ and δ15N = −103.4 ± 10.9 ‰), (2) A reservoir with isotopically light carbon and nitrogen, characteristic for the metals. Its C- and N-isotopic compositions are probably preserved in the graphite exsolutions that are isotopically light in carbon and lightest in nitrogen (δ13C = −17 to −23 ‰ δ15N = −141 to −159 ‰). (3) A reservoir with an assumed isotopic composition (δ13C ∼ −5 ‰; δ15N ∼ −50 ‰). A detailed three-dimensional tomography in reflected light microscopy of the decorations of metal-troilite spherules in the cores of orthopyroxenes and olivines and metal-troilite veins was conducted to clarify their origin. Metal and troilite veins are present only near the fusion crust. Hence, these veins are not pristine to Acapulco parent body but resulted during passage of Acapulco in Earth’s atmosphere. A thorough search for symplectite-type silicate-troilite liquid quench textures was conducted to determine the extent of closed-system partial silicate melting in Acapulco.Metal-troilite spherules in orthopyroxenes and olivines are not randomly distributed but decorate ferromagnesian silicate restite cores, indicating that the metal-spherule decoration around restite silicates took place in a silicate partial melt. Graphite inclusions in these spherules have C- and N- isotopic compositions (δ13C = −2.9 ± 2.5 ‰ and δ15N = −101.2 ± 32 ‰) close to the average values of graphite in metals and in the silicate matrix, thus strongly suggesting that they originated from a mixture of graphite inclusions in metals and silicate matrix graphite during a closed system crystallization process subsequent to silicate-metal-sulfide partial melting. Troilite-orthopyroxene quench symplectite textures in orthopyroxene rims are clear evidence that silicate-sulfide partial melting took place in Acapulco. Due to petrographic heterogeneity on a centimeter scale, bulk REE abundances of individual samples or of individual minerals provide only limited information and the REE abundances alone are not entirely adequate to unravel the formational processes that prevailed in the acapulcoite-lodranite parent body. The present investigations demonstrate the complexity of the evolutionary stages of acapulcoites from accretion to parent body processes.  相似文献   
Modelling cumulative impacts of basin-scale coal seam gas (CSG) extraction is challenging due to the long time frames and spatial extent over which impacts occur combined with the need to consider local-scale processes. The computational burden of such models limits the ability to undertake calibration and sensitivity and uncertainty analyses. A framework is presented that integrates recently developed methods and tools to address the computational burdens of an assessment of drawdown impacts associated with rapid CSG development in the Surat Basin, Australia. The null space Monte Carlo method combined with singular value decomposition (SVD)-assisted regularisation was used to analyse the uncertainty of simulated drawdown impacts. The study also describes how the computational burden of assessing local-scale impacts was mitigated by adopting a novel combination of a nested modelling framework which incorporated a model emulator of drawdown in dual-phase flow conditions, and a methodology for representing local faulting. This combination provides a mechanism to support more reliable estimates of regional CSG-related drawdown predictions. The study indicates that uncertainties associated with boundary conditions are reduced significantly when expressing differences between scenarios. The results are analysed and distilled to enable the easy identification of areas where the simulated maximum drawdown impacts could exceed trigger points associated with legislative ‘make good’ requirements; trigger points require that either an adjustment in the development scheme or other measures are implemented to remediate the impact. This report contributes to the currently small body of work that describes modelling and uncertainty analyses of CSG extraction impacts on groundwater.  相似文献   
运用基尼系数、变动系数、加重变动系数及锡尔系数对加拿大地域间收入差距变化进行实证分析后得出,自1950年代至1960年代加拿大地域差异的缩小比较缓慢,到了1970年代中期地域差异呈现出急剧缩小的倾向,随后地域差异缩小开始停滞,而进入1980年代后期地域差异又有扩大的倾向。同时加拿大政府的财政补贴对地域差异带来了很大的影...  相似文献   
This paper reports on the erosion, transport, and deposition processes associated with an overbank deposit formed by the flooding of the Abu River on July 28, 2013, in Yamaguchi City, Japan. At the study site, river flows overtopped the levee revetment upstream of a meander bend cutting it off and flowing back into the main channel downstream. In this sequential process, it deposited large amounts of sediments, ranging from mud to cobbles, on the floodplain. The surface of paddy fields adjacent to a railway line, located at the center of the affected floodplain, was severely eroded by the flood flows. Overbank deposits composed of both upstream finer sediments and eroded coarser terrestrial sediments are laid down in the affected area. Large amounts of pebbles and cobbles originating from the eroded terrestrial area formed a gravelly pile on top of the sand and gravel sediments derived from the river. This finding indicates that sands and gravels were deposited prior to the formation of the gravelly pile, probably before and during peak flood flows. An inverse grading structure is evident in the lower to middle part of these comparatively thick deposits, most likely due to differences in transport pattern between entrained terrestrial gravels and upstream finer sediments.  相似文献   

Introduced aquatic macrophytes can dominate small agricultural waterways in summer and autumn becoming a significant management problem. Excessive growth can clog waterways, causing drainage issues and reducing agricultural productivity while in-stream velocities are reduced and sedimentation increased. Consequently, water managers remove them by mechanical clearance, chemical spray and cutting which can be costly and have negative impacts on in-stream habitat and ecological health. We trialled three tools to reduce macrophytes: hand-weeding, weed mat and artificial shading, at a reach-scale (50?m) and larger-scale (200–400?m). Hand-weeding reduced cover in the short-term, however macrophytes recovered to pre-treatment levels within one season. Weed mat along the banks was effective at reducing emergent macrophytes, particularly Erythranthe guttata (monkey musk) and Nasturtium microphyllum (watercress). Weed mat lasted for several growing seasons and continued to be effective. Shading over the waterway using polythene markedly reduced submerged macrophytes indicating that heavy shading by riparian plantings could reduce submerged macrophytes in the longer-term. These results indicate that in the short-term, weed mat could be used to limit sprawling emergent macrophytes. In the longer-term, weed mat used in conjunction with riparian planting could provide shading so that macrophyte cover in these small waterways could be reduced and controlled.  相似文献   
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