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A new core drilled at Nørrekær Enge, Løgstør, Denmark, shows terrestrial lake and bog sediments lying beneath 10 m of marine sediments. Pollen analysis, 14C dating and sedimentary observations show that these sediments relate to an ancient lake basin that was flooded when the rising sea levels reached 8.0 m b.s.l. This new study has allowed a review of previous data relating to shoreline displacement from the Limfjord region of northern Jutland, Denmark. Here we present a new shoreline displacement curve spanning the period between c. 11 700 and 7700 cal. a BP and built upon the Nørrekær Enge data and data from seven other boreholes and excavations from the Limfjord region. A previous shoreline displacement curve for this region suggested a very rapid relative sea‐level rise of 3 to 5 m 100 a?1 whereas this new curve suggests a much slower rise of around 1 m 100 a?1, similar to global rates.  相似文献   
The ongoing regression of sea ice cover is expected to significantly affect the fate of organic carbon over the Arctic continental shelves. Long-term moored sediment traps were deployed in 2005–2006 in the Beaufort Sea, Northern Baffin Bay and the Laptev Sea to compare the annual variability of POC fluxes and to evaluate the factors regulating the annual cycle of carbon export over these continental shelves. Annual POC fluxes at 200 m ranged from 1.6 to 5.9 g C m−2 yr−1 with the highest export in Northern Baffin Bay and the lowest export over the Mackenzie Shelf in the Beaufort Sea. Each annual cycle exhibited an increase in POC export a few weeks before, during, or immediately following sea ice melt, but showed different patterns over the remainder of the cycle. Enhanced primary production, discharge of the Lena River, and resuspension events contributed to periods of elevated POC export over the Laptev Sea slope. High POC fluxes in Northern Baffin Bay reflected periods of elevated primary production in the North Water polynya. In the Beaufort Sea sediment resuspension contributed to most of the large export events. Our results suggest that the outer shelf of the Laptev Sea will likely sustain the largest increase in POC export in the next few years due to the large reduction in ice cover and the possible increase in the Lena River discharge. The large differences in forcing among the regions investigated reinforce the importance of monitoring POC fluxes in the different oceanographic regimes that characterize the Arctic shelves to assess the response of the Arctic Ocean carbon cycle to interannual variability and climate change.  相似文献   
A new stegosaur species, Jiangjunosaurus junggarensis, gen. et sp. nov., is erected based on a specimen collected from the Upper Jurassic upper section of the Shishugou Formation in the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China. It represents the first stegosaur from the Jurassic of Xinjiang and increases the diversity of the dinosaur fauna in the Shishugou Formation. The new genus is characterized by symmetrical and proportionally wide tooth crowns, a sub-rectangular axial neural spine seen in lateral view, and large openings on the lateral surfaces of the cervical centra. A preliminary character analysis suggests that this new taxon is more derived than the Middle Jurassic stegosaur Huayangosaurus but more primitive than most other known stegosaur species.  相似文献   
Economics of climate policy and collective decision making   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the reasons why economic instruments of climate change are reluctantly applied and stresses the need for interdisciplinary research linking economic theory and empirical testing to deliberative political procedures. It is divided in three parts. The first one recalls the main issues in implementing Cost-Benefit Analysis such as information problems, uncertainties, discounting the future and irreversibilities. The second part shows how these issues can be treated in integrated assessment and techno-economic models and presents a case study, which shows that
  • The chosen scenario tends to stabilize atmospheric CO2 concentration at around 550 ppm in the long run.
  • Exclusion of possibility to trade CO2 emission permits under a cap regime would increase the cost of emission abatement for OECD countries.
  • Combining different flexibility instruments might lead to significant gains in the overall cost of climate policy.
The third part presents results of a survey conducted among the main economic and environmental associations in Switzerland. The survey reveals conflicting views on economic instruments. It shows how the social acceptability of these instruments can be improved in taking explicitly into account these opposing views of special interest groups. Therefore, policy scenarios should be selected in combining techno-economic models with empirical studies about their political and normative context.  相似文献   
The Durance fault area is located in South EasternFrance. This fault system is characterized byhistorical earthquakes (one every century, since 1509,with a magnitude between 5.0 and 5.3). This is theonly fault in France with such a periodic historicalseismic activity. In order to study an active fault ina moderate seismic context, the IPSN (Institute forNuclear Safety and Protection) decided to install apermanent network in 1992, surrounding the fault area.Such a permanent seismic network has been installed inthe french Pyrenees in the Arette area (Gagnepain etal., 1980). While the Arette network covers a regionaffected by several major faults, our network isdevoted to the study of the specific Durance fault.Major historical earthquakes are clearly associatedwith this structure. From an instrumental point ofview, few earthquakes have been recorded since 1962with the national network. Our network shows a smallseismic activity, with the epicenters well alignedalong the fault direction. Moreover, focal mechanismscomputed for two events agree with the regionalmicrostructural studies (Cushing et al., 1997).Finally, a study of the shear wave splittingunderlines preferential S wave polarization for twostations. The H/V ratio on noise microtremors has beencomputed for each station in order to check theirpositions in term of site effects. It does not exhibitany amplification effect (except for two stations).The comparisons with H/V ratio on earthquake datasetshow the important biases we can obtain with realearthquakes.  相似文献   
New experimental data on the effect of anorthite (An) on liquidus phase equilibria in the system Qz–Ab–Or are presented. The data were obtained for 5 wt% An added to variable Qz/Ab/Or compositions at 300 MPa and under H2O-saturated conditions. Crystal–liquid equilibria were determined for 13 synthetic glass compositions made from gels in experiments performed between 660 and 750 °C in cold-seal pressure vessels. Forward and reversal experiments were systematically conducted on each composition to demonstrate equilibrium. A total of 51 charges was examined. Three crystalline phases, quartz, alkali feldspar and plagioclase appear on the H2O-saturated liquidus surface. The determined minimum liquidus 5 wt% An “piercing” point (39% Qz, 33% Ab, 28% Or) is shifted away from the Ab apex toward the Qz–Or sideline when compared with the An-free 300 MPa H2O-saturated minimum. This shift is of the same type as that observed at 100 MPa in the same system and at 200 MPa in a rhyolitic system. The new experimental results are used to test both empirical and thermodynamic models for silicic magmas. Empirical models reproduce reasonably well the new experimental data, although more sophisticated calculations schemes appear to be required to improve their accuracy. The new experimental results in the haplogranodiorite system are not well reproduced with the model of Holland and Powell (2001), mainly because plagioclase stability appears greatly enhanced in the model. Rhyolite-MELTS satisfactorily reproduces the Qz-, Pl- and Af-liquid phase equilibria, but model H2O solubilities are significantly lower and crystallization temperatures higher than in experiments.  相似文献   
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a simple atomic emission spectroscopy technique capable of real-time, essentially non-destructive determination of the elemental composition of any substance (solid, liquid, or gas). LIBS, which is presently undergoing rapid research and development as a technology for geochemical analysis, has attractive potential as a field tool for rapid man-portable and/or stand-off chemical analysis. In LIBS, a pulsed laser beam is focused such that energy absorption produces a high-temperature microplasma at the sample surface resulting in the dissociation and ionization of small amounts of material, with both continuum and atomic/ionic emission generated by the plasma during cooling. A broadband spectrometer-detector is used to spectrally and temporally resolve the light from the plasma and record the intensity of elemental emission lines. Because the technique is simultaneously sensitive to all elements, a single laser shot can be used to track the spectral intensity of specific elements or record the broadband LIBS emission spectra, which are unique chemical ‘fingerprints’ of a material. In this study, a broad spectrum of geological materials was analyzed using a commercial bench-top LIBS system with broadband detection from ∼200 to 965 nm, with multiple single-shot spectra acquired. The subsequent use of statistical signal processing approaches to rapidly identify and classify samples highlights the potential of LIBS for ‘geochemical fingerprinting’ in a variety of geochemical, mineralogical, and environmental applications that would benefit from either real-time or in-field chemical analysis.  相似文献   
In support to the Remote Sensing Survey of the global Forest Resource Assessment 2010, the TREES-3 project has processed more than 12,000 Landsat TM and ETM+ data subsets systematically distributed over the tropics. The project aims at deriving area estimates of tropical forest cover change for the periods 1990-2000-2005. The paper presents the pre-processing steps applied in an operational and robust manner to this large amount of multi-date and multi-scene imagery: conversion to top-of-atmosphere reflectance, cloud and cloud shadow detection, haze correction and image radiometric normalization. The results show that the haze correction algorithm has improved the visual appearance of the image and significantly corrected the digital numbers for Landsat visible bands, especially the red band. The impact of the normalization procedures (forest normalization and relative normalization) was assessed on 210 image pairs: in all cases the correlation between the spectral values of the same land cover in both images was improved. The developed automatic pre-processing chain provided a consistent multi-temporal data set across the tropics that will constitute the basis for an automatic object-based supervised classification.  相似文献   
The Hf and Nd isotopic evolution of the Musgrave Province, central Australia, is used to constrain the timing of crust formation and lithospheric organisation of Proterozoic Australia. The dataset from this region challenges two widely held tenets of Hf and Nd isotope systematics, namely; that crust formation events can only be identified as periods when crystallisation ages correspond to model ages, and that linear Hf evolution arrays away from depleted mantle (along crustal Lu/Hf or Sm/Nd slopes) reflect reworking of the same source.Hf isotopes in Musgrave Province zircon crystals indicate two major crust formation events at c. 1900 Ma and at 1600–1550 Ma. Although no juvenile rocks or crystals are known from c. 1900 Ma, radiogenic addition into the crust at this time is required to account for consistent Nd and Hf evolution patterns, which show no indication of an initially heterogeneous source. Oxygen isotopes in zircon grains confirm that much of the c. 1900 Ma Hf isotopic signal is not compromised by mixtures. Furthermore, the correspondence between mantle extraction and the commencement of reworking of Archean material supports new crust generation at c. 1900 Ma and a coupling between lower and upper crustal processes. The c. 1900 Ma timing of juvenile addition is dissimilar to that in the Albany–Fraser and Arunta Orogens and may reflect continental arc development on the margin of a southern continent.The general Hf isotopic evolution trend of the Musgrave Province apparently reflects reworking from a dominant c. 1900 Ma source with some additional unradiogenic and radiogenic input through time. However, in the 1220–1050 Ma interval this apparent isotopic evolution contrasts with geological observations that indicate input of voluminous mantle-derived material. Intracontinental rifts and other regions with sustained very-high temperature crustal recycling processes generate magmatic provinces with extreme HFSE-enrichment. This can have a profound influence on isotopic evolution trends, suppressing typical juvenile addition patterns. Isotopic mixture modelling indicates that a significant volume of mantle derived material can be accommodated within HFSE enriched magmas without diverging isotopic signatures from apparent reworking trends. In the Musgrave Province, the crust had become so HFSE enriched during the prolonged Musgrave Orogeny (1220–1150 Ma) that it was insensitive to mantle input, which is estimated to have been as much as 85% during this event.  相似文献   
Communication of hydrologic data to the public can be improved by connecting data to the places they represent. In our example of data communication, we coupled hydrologic data with simultaneously collected video as both a scientific and public engagement tool. This note presents a method for collecting spatially and temporally dense datasets of water-quality and geophysical data on small streams and lakes, and for displaying the data in a user-friendly format using commercially available software. With this method, multiple instruments are mounted on a canoe and a controlled survey float is carried out to collect data. The data stream is georeferenced and logged using an Arduino microcontroller to provide detailed information about spatial variability. We employed these continuous data-collection methods at small streams and lakes across Wisconsin, USA. Comparison of stream-float sensor data to lab reported data, data collected by alternative sensors, and previously collected data in our study areas indicates that the low-cost temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen sensors performed well. GoPro cameras recorded video throughout the duration of data collection. Our established water-quality and geophysical data collection methods are inexpensive, fast, and reliable, which qualify them as excellent tools for fine-scale spatial understanding of stream and lake habitats' health. Data-rich video connects point measurements of water properties to the appearance of the native environment. This method helps improve our understanding of groundwater and surface water interactions in complex hydrogeologic systems, enhance communication amongst stakeholders, and provide context when monitoring and managing sensitive habitats.  相似文献   
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