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The large majority of EGRET point sources remain to this day without an identified low-energy counterpart. Whatever the nature of the EGRET unidentified sources, faint unresolved objects of the same class must have a contribution to the diffuse gamma-ray background: if most unidentified objects are extragalactic, faint unresolved sources of the same class contribute to the background, as a distinct extragalactic population; on the other hand, if most unidentified sources are Galactic, their counterparts in external galaxies will contribute to the unresolved emission from these systems. Understanding this component of the gamma-ray background, along with other guaranteed contributions from known sources, is essential in any attempt to use gamma-ray observations to constrain exotic high-energy physics. Here, we follow an empirical approach to estimate whether a potential contribution of unidentified sources to the extragalactic gamma-ray background is likely to be important, and we find that it is. Additionally, we comment on how the anticipated GLAST measurement of the diffuse gamma-ray background will change, depending on the nature of the majority of these sources.  相似文献   
The third EGRET catalog contains a large number of unidentified sources. This subset of objects is expected to include known gamma-ray emitters of Galactic origin such as pulsars and supernova remnants, in addition to an extragalactic population of blazars. However, current data allows the intriguing possibility that some of these objects may represent a new class of yet undiscovered gamma-ray sources. Many theoretically motivated candidate emitters (e.g. clumps of annihilating dark matter particles) have been suggested to account for these detections. We take a new approach to determine to what extent this population is Galactic and to investigate the nature of the possible Galactic component. By assuming that galaxies similar to the Milky Way should host comparable populations of objects, we constrain the allowed Galactic abundance and distribution of various classes of gamma-ray sources using the EGRET data set. We find it is highly improbable that a large number of the unidentified sources are members of a Galactic halo population, but that a distribution of the sources entirely in the disk and bulge is plausible. Finally, we discuss the additional constraints and new insights that GLAST will provide.  相似文献   
Using the sequence of 70-day continuum-band (751 nm) images from the Cassini Imaging Science System (ISS), we record over 500 compact oval spots and study their relation to the large-scale motions. The ∼100 spots whose vorticity could be measured—the large spots in most cases—were all anticyclonic. We exclude cyclonic features (chaotic regions) because they do not have a compact oval shape, but we do record their interactions with spots. We distinguish probable convective storms from other spots because they appear suddenly, grow rapidly, and are much brighter than their surroundings. The distribution of lifetimes for spots that appeared and disappeared during the 70-day period follows a decaying exponential with time constant (mean lifetime) of 3.5 days for probable convective storms and 16.8 days for all other spots. Extrapolating the exponential beyond 70 days seriously underestimates the number of spots that existed for the entire 70-day period. This and other evidences (size, shape, distribution in latitude) suggest that these long-lived spots with lifetime larger than 70 days are from a separate population. The zonal wind profile obtained manually by tracking individual features (this study) agrees with that obtained automatically by correlating brightness variations in narrow latitude bands (Porco et al., 2003). Some westward jets have developed more curvature and some have developed less curvature since Voyager times, but the number of westward jets that violate the barotropic stability criterion is about the same. In the northern hemisphere the number of spots is greatest at the latitudes of the westward jets, which are the most unstable regions according to the barotropic stability criterion. During the 70-day observation period the Great Red Spot (GRS) absorbed nine westward-moving spots that originated in the South Equatorial Belt (SEB), where most of the probable convective storms originate. Although the probable convective storms do not directly transform themselves into westward-moving spots, their common origin in the SEB suggests that moist convection and the westward jet compose a system that has maintained the GRS over its long lifetime.  相似文献   
The Sydney Basin of New South Wales, Australia is a foreland basin containing a thick (up to 10 km) Permo-Triassic succession. The southern margin of the basin exposes strata deposited during Late Palaeozoic glaciation of south-eastern Gondwana. The Early Permian Wasp Head, Pebbley Beach, Snapper Point Formations and Wandrawandian Siltstone were deposited between 277 and 258 Ma on a polar, glacially influenced continental margin adjacent to ice sheets located over East Antarctica and eastern Australia. Sedimentary facies, together with related ichnofacies and fauna, can be grouped into six facies associations that record marine sub-environments ranging from high energy, storm-dominated inner shelf to turbidite-dominated upper slope settings. Cold marine conditions, with near-freezing bottom water temperatures, are recorded by glendonites. Ice-rafted debris, most likely deposited by icebergs, occurs in almost all facies associations. An allostratigraphic approach, emphasizing the recognition of bounding discontinuities (i.e. erosion surfaces and marine flooding surfaces), is used to subdivide the Early Permian stratigraphy into facies successions. Three types of succession can be identified and record changes in the relative influence of allocyclic controls such as basin tectonics, sediment supply and glacio-eustatic sea level variation. Together, sedimentological and allostratigraphic data allow reconstruction of the depositional history of the south-western margin of the Sydney Basin. Initial marine sedimentation, characterized by sediment gravity flows and storm-deposited sandstones of the lower Wasp Head Formation, occurred adjacent to a faulted basin margin. Overlying successions within the upper Wasp Head, Pebbley Beach and Snapper Point Formations, record aggradation in inner to outer shelf settings along a storm- and glacially influenced continental margin. Tectonic subsidence and basin flooding is recorded by deeper water turbidites of the Wandrawandian Siltstone.  相似文献   
Summary Environmental economists have developed a methodology for eliciting individual preferences by asking respondents to a contingent valuation survey how much they would be willing to pay for specified environmental 'goods'. Contingent valuation generates considerable debate, not least because it is unclear how people arrive at a monetary value or whether the elicited monetary value bears any relation to how individuals actually value the environmental 'good'. In this paper, we present preliminary results from a qualitative study of how respondents construct their responses to a CV survey, to suggest that the methodology does not measure what it purports to measure.  相似文献   
Depositional history of the Helgoland mud area,German Bight,North Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Helgoland mud area in the German Bight is one of the very few sediment depocenters in the North Sea. Despite the shallowness of the setting (<30 m water depth), its topmost sediments provide a continuous and high-resolution record allowing the reconstruction of regional paleoenvironmental conditions for the time since ~400 a.d. The record reveals a marked shift in sedimentation around 1250 a.d., when average sedimentation rates drop from >13 to ~1.6 mm/year. Among a number of major environmental changes in this region during the Middle Ages, the disintegration of the island of Helgoland appears to be the most likely factor which caused the very high sedimentation rates prior to 1250 a.d. According to historical maps, Helgoland used to be substantially bigger at around 800 a.d. than today. After the shift in sedimentation, a continuous and highly resolved paleoenvironmental record reflects natural events, such as regional storm-flood activity, as well as human impacts at work at local to global scales, on sedimentation in the Helgoland mud area.  相似文献   
Raritan Bay, located between the states of New York and New Jersey, has a long history of cultural eutrophication and associated harmful algal blooms (HABs). Despite striking chemical and biological alterations occurring in Raritan Bay, publications in the early 1960s were the last to report consecutive measurements of both water quality parameters and plankton species composition in this system. The objectives of this study were to characterize water quality trends and plankton composition in a eutrophic estuary, compare current environmental conditions to those documented in Raritan Bay 50 years ago (i.e., at the same six sampling sites), and to further clarify the relationship among nutrients, secondary consumers, and algal bloom generation in this system using ordination techniques. This study (monthly data collected from April 2010–October 2012) indicates that Raritan Bay continues to exhibit numerous symptoms of eutrophication, including high algal biomass, high turbidity, violations of the dissolved oxygen standard to protect fish health, and blooms of potentially harmful phytoplankton species. Altered spatial and temporal patterns for nitrate and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) over the past 50 years may suggest new, changing, or expanding sources of nutrients. A total of 14 HAB species have been identified, including Heterosigma akashiwo, which formed a bloom in the upper Raritan Bay during summer 2012 in association with hypoxic conditions. Multivariate analyses indicate that abundance of this species is positively associated with high temperature, salinity, nitrate, and SRP and negatively associated with spring river discharge rates and total zooplankton abundance in Raritan Bay.  相似文献   
In shallow photic systems, the benthic filter, including microphytobenthos and denitrifiers, is important in preventing or reducing release of remineralized NH4 + to the water column. Its effectiveness can be impacted by climate-related drivers, including temperature and storminess, which by increasing wind and freshwater delivery can resuspend sediment, reduce salinity and deliver nutrients, total suspended solids, and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) to coastal systems. Increases in temperature and freshwater delivery may initiate a cascade of responses affecting benthic metabolism with impacts on sediment properties, which in turn regulate nitrogen cycling processes that either sequester (via microphytobenthos), remove (via denitrification), or increase sediment nitrogen (via remineralization, nitrogen fixation, and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium). We conducted a seasonal study at shallow stations to assess the effects of freshwater inflow, temperature, wind, light, and CDOM on sediment properties, benthic metabolism, nitrogen cycling processes, and the effectiveness of the benthic filter. We also conducted a depth study to constrain seasonally varying parameters such as temperature to better assess the effects of light availability and water depth on benthic processes. Based on relationships observed between climatic drivers and response variables, we predict a reduction in the effectiveness of the benthic filter over the long term with feedbacks that will increase effluxes of N to the water column with the potential to contribute to system eutrophication. This may push shallow systems past a tipping point where trophic status moves from net autotrophy toward net heterotrophy, with new baselines characterized by degraded water quality.  相似文献   
The injection and recovery of oxic water into deep anoxic aquifers may help to alleviate short- and long-term imbalance between freshwater supply and demand. The extent and structure of physical and geochemical heterogeneity of the aquifer will impact the water quality evolution during injection, storage and recovery. Water–sediment interactions within the most permeable parts of the aquifer, where the bulk of the injectant will penetrate, may dominate, however, water quality may also be impacted by interactions within the finer-grained, less permeable but potentially highly reactive media. In this study, the heterogeneity of the reductive capacity of an aquifer selected for water reuse projects was characterised, the amount, type and reactivity of the sedimentary reductants present determined, and the relationship between reductive capacity and sedimentary lithologies quantified. The average potential reductive capacities (PRCTOT), based on total organic C and pyrite concentrations of the sediment, were quantified for sands (382 μmol O2 g−1), clays (1522 μmol O2 g−1), and silts (1957 μmol O2 g−1). Twenty-seven samples, spanning the three different lithologies, were then incubated for 50 days and the measured reductive capacities (MRC) determined for the sands (29.2 μmol O2 g−1), silts (136 μmol O2 g−1), and clays (143 μmol O2 g−1). On average, the MRC were 10% of the PRCTOT. The main consumers of O2 were pyrite (20–100%), sedimentary organic matter (SOM; 3–56%), siderite (3–28%) and Fe(II)-aluminosilicates (8–55%). The incubation data plus hydrogeochemical modelling, indicated that pH-buffering was controlled firstly by dissolution of trace level carbonates, followed by dissolution of feldspars. Zinc, Co, Ni, Cd and Pb were readily mobilized during incubation.  相似文献   
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