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The wavefield in, and at the surface of, a homogeneous, isotropic, perfectly elastic half-space, excited by a traction distribution at the surface of the medium is investigated. The emitted wavefield is a spatial convolution of the surface tractions and the spatial impulse response. The properties of the wavefield in the far-field of the medium are derived and it is shown that the far-field particle velocity is essentially equal to a weighted sum of the time derivative of the integrated surface tractions, that is, of the components of the ‘ground force’. The theory is valid for an arbitrary geometry and orientation of the surface tractions, and is independent of the boundary conditions at the surface of the medium. The surface tractions are related to a source that consists of a mass distribution with an arbitrary force distribution imposed upon it. A boundary condition is introduced that accounts for the mass load and the forces applied to it but neglects vibrations within the mass. The boundary condition follows from the equation of motion of the surface mass load. The theory is applied to the Vibroseis configuration, using a P-wave vibrator model with a uniformly distributed force imposed on top of the baseplate, and assuming that horizontal surface traction components are absent. The distribution of displacement and stress directly underneath the baseplate of a single vibrator and an array of vibrators is investigated. Three different boundary conditions are used: (1) assuming uniform pressure, (2) assuming uniform displacement, (3) using the equation of motion of the baseplate as a boundary condition. The calculations of the distribution of stress and displacement over the plate for different elastic media and several frequencies of operation show that only the results obtained with the mixed boundary condition agree with measurements made in the field. The accuracy of three different phase-feedback signals is compared using synthetic data. Baseplate velocity phase-feedback leads to huge deviations in the determination of the far-field wavelet; reaction mass acceleration phase-feedback looks stable but neglects the differentiating earth filter; and phase-feedback to a weighted sum of baseplate and reaction mass accelerations becomes unstable with increasing frequency. The instability can be overcome using measurements over the whole baseplate. The model can be extended to a lossy layered earth.  相似文献   
星叶石族矿物红外光谱研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在新测定的星叶石晶体结构资料的基础上,对星叶石矿物进行了详细和红外光谱研究,对比了单斜及三斜星叶石的红光谱特征,并对星叶石中工外吸收振动的归属问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Two different Pan-African tectono-metamorphic events are recognised in the Taita Hill Tsavo East National Park/Galana river area, SE-Kenya (Mozambique belt) based on petrographic and geothermobarometric evidence. Structurally, this area can be subdivided into four units: (1) the easternmost part of the basement along the Galana river is characterized by subhorizontal slightly to the west and east dipping foliation planes. Migmatic paragneisses with intercalated marbles, calcsilicates and metapelites and bands of amphibolites are the dominant rock type. (2) The western part of the Galana river within the Tsavo East National Park is a ca. 25 km wide shear zone with subvertical foliation planes. The eastern part shows similar rocks as observed in unit 1, while towards west, metasedimentary units become rare and the main rock types are tonalitic gneisses with intercalated amphibolites. (3) A 10 km wide zone (Sagala Hills zone) between the strike slip zone (unit 2) and the Taita Hills (unit 4) is developed. This zone is characterized by elongated and folded felsic migmatic amphibole and garnet bearing orthogneiss bodies with intercalated bands of mafic rocks. (4) The Taita Hills are a slightly to the N dipping nappe stack. The main rock type in the Taita Hills are amphibole–biotite–plagioclase–quartz ± garnet ± clinopyroxene ± scapolite bearing migmatic gneisses with mafic bands. In the southern part, metapelites, marbles and some amphibolites are common.Although the geological structures are different in units 1 and 2, the calculated PT conditions are similar with peak PT of 760–820 °C and 7.5–9.5 kbar. Temperatures in unit 3 (Sagalla Hills zone) and unit 4 (Taita Hills) are slightly higher ca. 760–840 °C, but pressure is significantly higher, ranging from 10 to 12 kbar. Sillimanite growth around kyanite, garnet zonation pattern, mineral reaction textures, and PT calculations constrain a “clock-wise” PT-path with near isobaric cooling following the peak of metamorphism. The different PT conditions, tectonic setting, and a different age of metamorphism are evidence that units 1 and 2 (Galana river) belong to a different tectono-metamorphic event than unit 3 (Sagala Hills zone) and 4 (Taita Hills). The major shear zone (unit 2) marks a tectonic suture dividing the two different tectono-metamorphic domains. It is also likely that it played an important role during exhumation of the granulite facies rocks from units 3 and 4.  相似文献   
Discussed are the results of studying an evolution of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the Pacific Ocean using the data of computation of ETA and WRF NMM mesoscale numerical atmospheric models. Computed are the trajectories of TCs and the fields of meteorological variables in the typhoons, of the wind speed and kinetic energy in the subtropical jet stream during the development of Parma, Melor, and Lupit typhoons. Carried out are the analysis and comparison of computed fields of pressure, wind, kinetic energy, and trajectories of TCs obtained using these models and their comparison with the actual fields. It is demonstrated that both models computed rather well the complex trajectories and the fields of wind and kinetic energy varying in the course of the interaction. Proposed is an explanation of processes taking place during the interaction between the vortices and the subtropical jet stream and the polar front.  相似文献   
The variability and predictability of the surface wind field at the regional scale is explored over a complex terrain region in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula by means of a downscaling technique based on Canonical Correlation Analysis. More than a decade of observations (1992–2005) allows for calibrating and validating a statistical method that elicits the main associations between the large scale atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic and Mediterranean areas and the regional wind field. In an initial step the downscaling model is designed by selecting parameter values from practise. To a large extent, the variability of the wind at monthly timescales is found to be governed by the large scale circulation modulated by the particular orographic features of the area. The sensitivity of the downscaling methodology to the selection of the model parameter values is explored, in a second step, by performing a systematic sampling of the parameters space, avoiding a heuristic selection. This provides a metric for the uncertainty associated with the various possible model configurations. The uncertainties associated with the model configuration are considerably dependent on the spatial variability of the wind. While the sampling of the parameters space in the model set up moderately impact estimations during the calibration period, the regional wind variability is very sensitive to the parameters selection at longer timescales. This fact illustrates that downscaling exercises based on a single configuration of parameters should be interpreted with extreme caution. The downscaling model is used to extend the estimations several centuries to the past using long datasets of sea level pressure, thereby illustrating the large temporal variability of the regional wind field from interannual to multicentennial timescales. The analysis does not evidence long term trends throughout the twentieth century, however anomalous episodes of high/low wind speeds are identified.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic aerosols in the lower troposphere increase the absorption and scattering of solar radiation by air and clouds, causing a warmer atmosphere and a cooler surface. It is suspected that these effects contribute to slow down the hydrological cycle. We conducted a series of numerical experiments using a limited area atmospheric model to understand the impacts of aerosol radiative forcing on the rainfall process. Experiments with different radiative conditions under an idealized setting revealed that increasing atmospheric forcing and decreasing surface forcing of radiation causes reductions in rainfall. There was no relationship of top of the atmosphere forcing to the rainfall yield. The model was then used to simulate a domain covering southern part of Sri Lanka, over for the period from November 2002 to July 2003. For a given radiative forcing, instances with lower rainfall yields showed larger fractional reductions in rainfall. The trends in seasonal rainfall observed over the site in past 30 years in a different study confirms this finding. We conclude that the negative impact of increase of anthropogenic aerosols on rainfall would be more severe on regions and seasons with lower rainfall yields. The consequences of this problem on the industries that critically depend on well-distributed rainfall like non-irrigated agriculture and on the general livelihood of societies in low-rain areas can be serious.  相似文献   
This paper estimates changes in thepotential damage of flood events caused by increasesof CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. It ispresented in two parts: 1. the modelling of floodfrequency and magnitude under global warming andassociated rainfall intensities and 2. the use ofgreenhouse flood data to assess changes in thevulnerability of flood prone urban areas, expressingthese in terms of direct losses.Three case studies were selected: theHawkesbury–Nepean corridor, the Queanbeyan and UpperParramatta Rivers. All three catchments are located insoutheastern Australia, near Sydney and Canberra.These were chosen because each had detailed buildingdata bases available and the localities are situatedon rivers that vary in catchment size andcharacteristics. All fall within a region that willexperience similar climate change under the availablegreenhouse scenarios. The GCMs' slab model scenariosof climate change in 2030 and 2070 will cause onlyminor changes to urban flood damage but the doubleCO2 scenarios estimated using the StochasticWeather Generator technique will lead to significantincreases in building damage.For all the case studies, the hydrological modellingindicates that there will be increases in themagnitude and frequency of flood events under thedouble CO2 conditions although these vary fromplace to place. However, the overall pattern of changeis that for the Upper Parramatta River the 1 in 100-year flood under currentconditions becomes the 1 in44-year event, the 1 in 35-year flood for theHawkesbury–Nepean and the 1 in 10 for Queanbeyan andCanberra. This indicates the importance of usingrainfall-runoff modelling in order to estimate changesin flood frequencies in catchments with differentphysical characteristics.  相似文献   
Variation exists in the maximum mixing height (MMH) across the coastal zone because of major differences in heat capacity between land and sea. By assuming that synoptic and microscale effects are all small as compared to the contribution from mesoscale temperature differences, a model is proposed to explain this variation. The model states that the variation of the MMH across the coastal zone is due primarily and is linearly proportional to the difference in maximum temperature between land and sea. Since the MMH is one of the most important parameters in the computation of distribution and concentration of aerosols, water vapor, and pollutants, a simple equation is also provided for the operational forecasting of the MMH or the mixing height over the sea. All inputs into the equation are routinely available. The model has been verified by available data and a relevant field experiment.  相似文献   
Weakly nonlinear triad interactions between spherical Rossby harmonics are studied. Each of the harmonics has the form APnm(sin θ)exp[i(σt)], where A is an amplitude and Pnm is the associated Legendre function. Equations for the amplitudes are derived and resonance conditions are analysed. The resonance conditions differ substantially from the usual resonance conditions on a β-plane and include a Diophantine equation and a few inequalities for the integer wavenumbers n and m of the interacting modes. Particular analytical series of solutions to the resonance conditions are constructed, which show that modes with arbitrary large wavenumbers can participate in the interactions. A numerical study of the resonance conditions reveals that no more than 21% of the Rossby harmonics can participate in the triad interactions and that chains of the interacting triads soon break. Thus precise interactions (for which the resonance conditions hold exactly) do not result in any significant redistribution of energy over the spectrum. On the other hand, approximate interactions (for which the resonance conditions hold approximately) generate an intensive energy redistribution among short Rossby modes with typical scales much smaller than the Earth's radius. Thus the energy cascade is concentrated mainly in the short-wave part of the spectrum and is very weak in the large-scale domain. The efficiency of the triad interaction of Rossby modes with scales much smaller than the Earth's radius depends strongly on the existence of the so-called interaction latitude at which the local wave-vectors and frequencies of the interacting modes satisfy resonance conditions for plane Rossby waves on the β-plane approximating the neighbourhood of the latitude. If the interaction latitude exists, the interaction is intensive; in the opposite case, it is weak.  相似文献   
Summary ?A nonhydrostatic 4-km version of the Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model, with detailed microphysics included, was used to forecast the initiation, development, and structure of a tornado-producing supercell storm that occurred near Pine Lake (Alberta, Canada) on 15 July 2000. Examination of observations and comparison with conceptual models indicate that this storm is a good example of supercell storms that regularly produce summertime severe weather over Alberta. It was found that the high-resolution model was able to reproduce the early initiation of convective activity along the Rocky Mountains foothills, as well as the rapid northeastward propagation towards the Pine Lake area and the subsequent intensification into a supercell storm. The general structures of the forecasted convective system correspond well with conceptual representations of such events. Overall, this high-resolution forecast of the Pine Lake supercell storm was a significant improvement over the current operational version of the GEM model (24 km), which was not able to intensify the foothills’ convection into a supercell storm. Finally, it was found that the nonhydrostatic version of the model produces better trajectory and propagation speed of the convective system, as compared with the hydrostatic one. Received March 20, 2001; revised August 24, 2001  相似文献   
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