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Late Pleistocene glacial features in the Páramo de La Culata region, north-central Venezuelan Andes, include: 1. depositional features: morainic till and fluvio-glacial deposits (terrace gravels); 2. sculptured features: glaciated valleys, cirques, horns, and arêtes; and 3. erosional features: striation and grooving, polished rock, roches moutonnées and whaleback forms, and erratic boulders. Two main levels of moraines were found, an older one at 2600 m elevation, and a younger one between 3000 and 3500 m. The difference in age is reflected by the higher degree of weathering, erosion, and vegetation cover of the lower level, as compared with the higher level. Radiocarbon dating, and a comparison and correlation of these glacial features with those of adjacent regions, indicates that the lower morainic level (2600 m) is probably the result of the main glacial advance of the Late Wisconsin Glaciation. The main morainic level (3000 to 3500 m) was probably formed by the latest Wisconsin glacial advance. The Late Pleistocene snow-line depression reached approximately 1200 m below the present snow-line (i. e., down to approximately 3500 m).  相似文献   
Chemical analyses are given for actinolitic hornblendes of tonalitic rocks from the Hercynian belt of Northern Portugal. The distribution of elements between amphibole and co-existing biotite is studied. The composition of the amphiboles is analysed in the light of experimental data on amphiboles and the physical conditions of crystallization inferred from the study of the biotite and rock series. The data on the biotites lead to the definition of a temperature of 800°C for the crystallization of actinolitic hornblendes with Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of 0·72-0·61 at pressures of about 3 Kb and fO2 defined by FMQ.  相似文献   
The studied Carboniferous units comprise metasedimentary (Guaraco Norte Formation), pyroclastic (Arroyo del Torreón Formation), and sedimentary (Huaraco Formation) rocks that crop out in the northwestern Neuquén province, Argentina. They form part of the basement of the Neuquén Basin and are mostly coeval with the Late Paleozoic accretionary prism complex of the Coastal Cordillera, south-central Chile. U–Pb SHRIMP dating of detrital zircon yielded a maximum depositional age of 374?Ma (Upper Devonian) for the Guaraco Norte Formation and 389?Ma for the Arroyo del Torreón Formation. Detrital magmatic zircon from the Guaraco Norte Formation are grouped into two main populations of Devonian and Ordovician (Famatinian) ages. In the Arroyo del Torreón Formation, zircon populations are also of Devonian and Ordovician (Famatinian), as well as of Late Neoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic ages. In both units, there is a conspicuous population of Devonian magmatic zircon grains (from 406?±?4?Ma to 369?±?5?Ma), indicative of active magmatism at that time range. The εHf values of this population range between ?2.84 and ?0.7, and the TDM-(Hf) are mostly Mesoproterozoic, suggesting that the primary sources of the Devonian magmatism contained small amounts of Mesoproterozoic recycled crustal components. The chemical composition of the Guaraco Norte Formation corresponds to recycled, mature polycyclic sediment of mature continental provenance, pointing to a passive margin with minor inputs from continental margin magmatic rocks. The chemical signature of the Huaraco Formation indicates that a magmatic arc was the main provenance for sediments of this unit, which is consistent with the occurrence of tuff—mostly in the Arroyo del Torreón Formation and very scarcely in the Huaraco Formation—with a volcanic-arc signature, jointly indicating the occurrence of a Carboniferous active arc magmatism during the deposition of the two units. The Guaraco Norte Formation is interpreted to represent passive margin deposits of mostly Lower Carboniferous age (younger than 374?Ma and older than 326?Ma) that precede the onset of the accretionary prism in Chile and extend into the earliest stage of the accretion, in a retrowedge position. The Arroyo del Torreón and Huaraco formations are considered to be retrowedge basin deposits to the early frontal accretionary prism (Eastern Series) of Chile. The presence of volcanism with arc signature in the units provides evidence of a Mississippian magmatic arc that can be correlated with limited exposures of the same age in the Frontal Cordillera (Argentina). The arc would have migrated to the West (Coastal Batholith) during Pennsylvanian–Permian times (coevally with the later basal accretionary prism/Western Series). The source of a conspicuous population of Devonian detrital zircon interpreted to be of magmatic origin in the studied units is discussed in various possible geotectonic scenarios, the preferred model being a magmatic arc developed in the Chilenia block, related to a west-dipping subduction beneath Chilenia before and shortly after its collision against Cuyania/Gondwana, at around 390?Ma and not linked to the independent, Devonian–Mississippian arc, developed to the south, in Patagonia.  相似文献   
A new equation to assess hillslope sediment production, based on physical and probabilistic approaches, is presented. The equation, which allows the computation of the delivery ratio for every event, considers the physical variables of travel distance, stream power, settling velocity and gross erosion. The probability density function that arises from the new formulation is solved using the principle of maximum entropy. Based on data from five watersheds in both tropical and temperate zones, the new delivery parameter Kv is calibrated and associated with vegetation cover and conservation practice. The proposed equation is rationally based in relation to parameter Kv. The entropy‐based equation was applied to assess sediment yield in two other experimental watersheds, showing good predictability for the set (mean absolute error of 20·8%). No systematic error was found in the analysed data. The entropy‐based equation showed good predictability for long‐term sets of data and for high‐erosivity events, but did not perform well for the low‐erosivity ones. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
People working with ionising radiation are receiving radiation coming from artificial and natural sources. In Spain, as in many other countries, there is a serious control by the national authorities, Spanish Nuclear Safety Council, of the dose the workers receive from artificial sources. However, until the publication of the European Basic Safety Standards Directive, 96/29/EURATOM, the old criteria referring to the “above natural background” were widely used. This directive was incorporated to the Spanish legislation in July 2001 (BOE 178); in its Title VII it recommends to evaluate the dose coming from natural sources and take it into account for establishing the safety criteria. It is noteworthy to assess the natural doses received at homes and the dose received by workers of radioactive installations subject to regulations, and to compare the two results. The social and economical implications of the results derived can be important in the practical application of the recommendations included in the above-mentioned BOE 178 Directive.  相似文献   
Natural disasters, particularly those triggered by heavy rainfall, may cause major damage and death. However, if an accurate early warning is issued, the damage can be mitigated. In Latin America and Brazil, characteristics of socioeconomic development often lead to a disorderly growth of cities and, consequently, occupation and irregular construction in risk areas. Therefore, forecasts of heavy rainfall, as well as preventative and mitigatory actions based on meteorological data/alerts, are essential to saving lives and minimizing material loss. An event that would have benefited from such actions is that which occurred in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro in January 2011, when over 800 people lost their lives. This work describes the first research initiative on resilience engineering domain in systems to forecast heavy rains in Rio de Janeiro. The results indicate important sources of brittleness in the system that supports the work of meteorologists, mainly related to the technical and organizational framework, and suggests that the main source of resilience in dealing with critical situations is the tacit knowledge of experts.  相似文献   
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