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A detailed study of the motion of test-particles [either having a nonzero rest-mass or zero rest-mass] has been carried out for Tolman's type VII solution with vanishing surface density, which is one of the few physically relevant exact solutions of Einstein's field equations for static and spherically symmetric mass distributions.The trapping angles, 0, at which the test-particles escape these configurations are calculated and the trajectories of test-particles are studied in detail. The types of trajectories found for this spacetime geometry are: (1) arc-like trajectories, (2) spiral-like trajectories ending into a circle of constant radius, (3) trajectories with a cusp at the minimum distance, (4) double-bounded trajectories, and (5) double-bounded trajectories with a cusp at the minimum distance. The test-particles following the trajectories of type (1) and type (3) escape the configuration while others are trapped within the structure. Besides the advancement of periastron of the orbits the retrogradation of periastrons are also observed.The stability of the structures is considered by using the variational method (Chandrasekhar, 1964a,b), and its is seen that the structures remain stable at least for a central redshift,z0, as large as 5.09.These studies may distinguish relativistic cluster from a Newtonian one and may find application to the local models of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs).  相似文献   
A broad emission band over the wavelength range 6000–7500 Å in submicron dust in the galaxy and in M82 can be explained by fluorescence phenomena in low-temperature chloroplasts and bacterial pigments. Alternative explanations do not appear to be promising.  相似文献   
An analysis of the Rayleigh problem in MHD for a porous wall in a slip flow regime is considered. The normal velocity of suction/injection at the wall is assumed to be time dependent. The solution of the problem is obtained in the form of a power series, in terms of known functions. The variations of the velocity field and the skin friction are shown graphically and are followed by a quantitative discussion.Science Update, The Pioneer, India, 21 July 1995 edition  相似文献   
In a previous paper Adams, Cary and Cohen (1994) presented a model of a supernova. In that paper the equations of General Relativity describing the evolution of a spherically symmetric, radiating star were solved analytically. The evolution of the star was determined by the application of boundary conditions at the center and at the edge. Due to lmitations in the presupernova model, only the very slow inward motion of an unstable, degenerate core could be considered. The solution was also limited by the need to exclude a runaway term, one that increased exponentially with time. Without the exclusion of the runaway, the luminosity would have increased without bound and the mass would have become negative.This paper presents a completely analytic solution to the equations of General Relativity describing the evolution of a Type II supernova. Professor S.E. Woosley kindly gave us data on the physical variables of a 12M 0 presupernova star. In our model the core collapses within 1 s, leaving a 1.3M 0 remnant. Shortly afterward 10.6M 0 is ejected to infinity, and 0.17M 0 is radiated away in the form of neutrinos. The distance of the edge from the center increases proportionally to the two-thirds power of the time. The luminosity decreases proportionally to the inverse four-thirds power.Although the runaway solution was modified by the exploding rather than a static envelope, it must still be excluded by adjusting initial conditions. Its character is changed from an exponential to a very large power (55) of time. The removal of a degree of freedom by this exclusion leads to physically non-sensical results such as negative luminosity. The inclusion of a term describing motion of the mantle due to neutrino interactions provides the additional degree of freedom necessary for physically reasonable results.  相似文献   
We discuss the winding of a force-free axisymmetric magnetic field rooted on a heavy conductor onz=0. In quadrupolar symmetry the field expands in the half-spacez>0 and the toroidal flux concentrates on a conical surface. After a mean twist of 208°, the conical layer hosts large toroidal current loops with reversal of the magnetic flux on either side. The evolution of the field structure is described by scale-free static solutionsBr –(p+2), withp taking values between 0 and 2. The large expansion factor of the field structure is suggestive of flaring originating on the solar photosphere.  相似文献   
The fact that magnetically structured regions exist in the solar atmosphere has been known for a number of years. It has been suggested that different kinds of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves can be efficiently damped in these regions and that the dissipated wave energy may be responsible for the observed enhancement in radiative losses. From a theoretical point of view, an important task would be to investigate the propagation and dissipation of MHD waves in these highly structured regions of the solar atmosphere. In this paper, we study the behavior of MHD body and surface waves in a medium with either a single or double (slab) magnetic interface by use of a nonlinear, two-dimensional, time-dependent, ideal MHD numerical model constructed on the basis of a Lagrangean grid and semi-implicit scheme. The processes of wave confinement and wave energy leakage are discussed in detail. It is shown that the obtained results depend strongly on the type of perturbations imposed on the interface or slab and on the plasma parameter, . The relevance of the obtained results to the heating problem of the upper parts of the solar atmosphere is also discussed.  相似文献   
The solar active region (AR) 7530 was observed at 6 cm on July 3 and 4, 1993 with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, using a multi-channel receiver with very narrow bandwidth. We compare the radio data with Yohkoh SXT observations and with the magnetic field extrapolated from the Marshall vector magnetograms in the force-free and current-free approximations. The comparison with soft X-rays shows that, although a general agreement exists between the shape of the radio intensity map and the X-ray loops, the brightness temperature, T b, obtained using the parameters derived from the SXT is much lower than that observed. The comparison with the extrapolated photospheric fields shows instead that they account very well for the observed T b above the main sunspots, if gyroresonance emission is assumed. In the observation of July 4 an inversion and strong suppression of the circular polarization was clearly present above different portions of the AR, which indicates that particular relationships exist between the electron density and the magnetic field in the region where the corresponding lines of sight cross the field quasi-perpendicularly. The extrapolated magnetic field at a much higher level ( 1010 cm), satisfies the constraints required by the wave propagation theory all over the AR. However, a rather low electron density is derived.  相似文献   
The economic diplomacy of geoengineering   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Geoengineering is a new term, still seeking a definition. It seems to imply something global, intentional, and unnatural. For the radiation balance, geoengineering may be fifty years in the future; today's means may be out of date then, and the future means are not yet known. It might immensely simplify greenhouse policy, transforming it from an exceedingly complicated regulatory regime to a problem in international cost sharing, a problem that we are familiar with. Putting things in the stratosphere or in orbit can probably be done by exo-national programs, not depending on the behavior of populations, not requiring national regulations or incentives, not dependent on universal participation. It will involve merely deciding what to do, how much to do, and who is to pay for it.  相似文献   
"Longitudinal residential histories are used to examine the extent to which three rural areas in Britain had distinctive migration histories from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Migration flows into and out of the regions are used to examine the extent to which the regions were integrated into the British migration system, and the relative importance of rural to urban migration is assessed.... Analysis reveals a high degree of short-distance mobility within regions and emphasises the dominance of London in longer-distance migration.... It is also suggested that the role of towns in the migration system has previously been overemphasised, with much migration taking place between small settlements and some movement from large cities to smaller towns and villages.... The analysis challenges some accepted notions about migration in the past, and contributes to the debate about the extent to which British regions became part of a national economic and social system from the 18th century."  相似文献   
Over the course of the year, the variation in the solar line-of-sight velocity causes a change in the heights in the photosphere which are analysed by the red and blue passbands of a resonance scattering spectrometer. This in turn would be expected to produce a variation in the ratio of acoustic amplitudes measured in each passband. Using data from the Tenerife spectrometer of the Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON), we demonstrate such a seasonal change. We then use the Eddington-Barbier approximation and an atmospheric model to convert the magnitude of this trend in velocity ratio with line-of-sight velocity into an approximate value of 580 km for the velocity-amplitude scale height. However, a simple argument suggests that Doppler imaging causes this to be an overestimate of the true value.  相似文献   
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