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Zusammenfassung The Lower Devonian of the Rhine Schist Massif is characterized by a fine detrital sedimentation which reflects a coastal plain environment located between the Old Red Sandstone continent in the N and the marine Bohemian Facies in the SE. Mineralisations are located within these coastal-plain sediments, especially in fractured horizons topped by pelitic and floored by sandy sediments of Sieg Emsian age. The mineralised localities occur in three zones: the districts of Bensberg, Eitorf and Mayen. The Lüderich locality (Bensberg) is the most important having approximately one million tons of Zn and Pb metal. It is localised within a zone having marked sedimentary characteristics since the Siegenian. Mineralisation occurs as penecontemporaneous lenses, fracture fillings etc, formed at abnormal contacts between lithological units having different competance during Siegenian and Lower Emsian deformation. However, locally there is lateral transition between the upper units of the sandy channel series and the lower units of the pelitic swamp facies. Vertical extension of mineralisations is strictly limited to the tectonic contact zone between the Odenspiel Sandstone and the Bensberg pelites. Study of mineralisations at various levels (mapping, morphology, structure, paragenetic and geochemical) leads to the formulation of a genetic model requiring complex fracturation at the contact between contrasting lithologies and preferential drainage through these fractured zones; metals are trapped on the sandstone floor, the pelitic roof trapping the vadose hydrothermal solutions. These basic controls seem to apply throughout the Bensberg, Eitorf and Mayen districts. On a more regional scale the age variations of the gangue sediments reflects a lateral displacement of red/grey facies limits due to coastal evolution. Thus one may demonstrate a type of mineral occurrence whose model may be that of epigenetic reconcentration within fractures affecting syngenetic geochemical anomalies.Zusammenfassung Das Unterdevon des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges wird durch eine feinkörnige detritische Sedimentation gekennzeichnet. Die Verteilung dieser detritischen Sedimente widerspiegelt eine flache Küstenlandschaft zwischen dem Kontinent des Unterrotliegenden im Norden und des Meeres mit der Böhmischen Fazies im Südosten. In diesen Schichten befinden sich gangförmige Vererzungen, die in Bruchzonen auftreten, die ein pelitisches Hangendes und ein sandsteinreiches Liegendes vom Siegen-Ems Alter haben. Die Lagerstätten kommen in drei Bezirken vor: Der Bensberger Bezirk, der Bezirk Eitorf und der Bezirk Mayen. Die Lagerstätte Lüderich (Bensberger Revier) ist die größte (ungefähr eine Million Tonnen Metall Zink+Blei). Sie befindet sich in einer Zone, in der schon in der Siegen-Stufe bemerkenswerte sedimentäre Strukturen auftreten. Die Vererzung tritt als penekonkordante Linsen, Gänge, Stockwerke in tektonischen Kontaktzonen auf. Diese Kontaktzonen befinden sich zwischen 2 verschiedenen sedimentären Einheiten, deren Gesteinseigenschaften sehr verschieden sind. Es handelt sich um Pelite mit Sandstein-Einschaltungen einerseits, die zur unteren Emsstufe gehören sollen und um fluviatile Sandsteine andererseits, die zur oberen Siegenstufe gehören sollen. Lokal ist ein lateraler Übergang durch Faziesänderung von den oberen Sandsteinen in die unteren Pelitschichten jedoch nicht unmöglich. Die Sandsteine vertreten einen fluviatilen Sedimentationsbereich, die Pelite einen sumpfigen Sedimentationsbereich. Die Vererzung (mit einer vertikalen Ausdehnung ungefähr von 300 m) tritt nur im Bereich der Kontaktzone zwischen den Odenspieler Sandsteinen und den Peliten der Unteren Bensberger Schichten auf. Die Resultate der Kartographie, der morphologischen Studie der Erzkörper, der Struktur und der Paragenese führen zu einem genetischen Modell. Dabei spielt die Anwesenheit einer Bruchstruktur an der Grenze zwischen 2 Bereichen mit verschiedenen lithologischen Eigenschaften eine Hauptrolle für die Konzentration der im Hangenden fein verteilten Metalle. Die hydrothermalen Lösungen kommen demnach nicht von der Teufe, sondern aus dem Nebengestein. Im ganzen Bensberger Erzrevier wie in der Gegend von Eitorf und in der Gegend von Mayen finden wir dieselben Leitfäden für die Vererzung in den Lagerstätten und Vorkommen. Beobachtet man die ganze Provinz, dann merkt man, daß die Altersverschiedenheiten in den Nebengesteinen der verschiedenen Lagerstätten eine geographische Wanderung der Faziesgrenze zwischen rot und grau in dieser küstennahen Ebene Widerspiegeln. Die verschiedenen Vorkommen und Lagerstätten treten immer in unmittelbarer Nähe dieser Grenze auf. Die Eigenschaften dieser Lagerstätten weisen auf eine Bildung durch eine epigenetische Umlagerung in eine gangförmige Bruchstruktur hin.  相似文献   
Paleolimnological data are presented on trophic development, climatic change and sea level variations in Negra Lagoon, a 142 km2 coastal lagoon in southern Uruguay. Using a sediment core that extended to the early Holocene, analyses of organic matter, carbonate, diatoms and opal phytoliths allowed us to track changes in trophic state and paleosalinity levels, which were closely related to Holocene sea level variation, temperature and humidity. Diatom Association Zones (DAZ) corresponding to transgressive events were dominated by marine/brackish taxa and relatively low organic matter values, while those DAZ corresponding to regressive events showed increases in brackish/freshwater diatoms and organic matter. Opal Phytoliths Association Zones (OPAZ) also were identified, temperature and humidity indices were calculated, and climatic trends were inferred. During the middle Holocene (i.e., ~5000–4000 yr BP), cool–dry climatic conditions were established. After ~4000 yr BP, a transition from cool to warm–humid conditions was observed, but fully warm humid conditions established only after ~1700 yr BP. Such climatic amelioration led to increases in trophic state.  相似文献   
Current and future wide field surveys in infrared passbands present opportunities for ultra low‐mass stellar sample selection via proper motions, as well as or instead of purely photometric techniques. Furthermore, proper motion measurements yield additional clues as to candidate membership of cluster or field (kinematic) populations. In this paper we review some recent results and speculate as to the possibilities afforded by the next generation of wide‐field infrared surveys. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
The Kangerdlugssuaq intrusion, East Greenland, consists of quartzsyenites, syenites, pulaskites and foyaites. The age and petrogenesis of the intrusion has been investigated by strontium and oxygen isotope analyses of the major rock types (and some separated minerals) and the surrounding country rocks. Crystallization and rapid cooling of the intrusion close to 50 m.y. ago is indicated by concordance of an Rb-Sr mineral isochron (49.9±1.0 m.y.) and an Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron (50.0±1.9 m.y.) with previously published mineral dates. The feldspathoid-bearing rocks of the intrusion, which were the last to crystallize, have uniformly depleted oxygen (18O = +3.9, SMOW) and homogeneous initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70450±7). This is ascribed to equilibration of the magma prior to the crystallization of these rocks with about 10% by weight of meteoric ground water. The concommittant increase of to about 1 Kb (the lithostatic load pressure) would depress the liquidus surfaces in the system Ne-Ks-Qz by about 200 ° C, allowing the magma to evolve continuously down temperature from oversatuated to undersaturated compositions. The chemical mechanism responsible for this trend has not been uniquely identified, but probably involved reduction of SiO2 content in an open system. The outer, quartz-normative, rocks of the intrusion have 18O values ranging up to +5.5 and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging up to 0.7095. This is due to interaction of the solid rocks, down to temperatures approaching 500 ° C, with ground water which had been enriched in 18O and 87Sr by previous exchange with the Precambrian country rocks. Minimum water/rock ratios are lower than in certain other known cases of interaction in the North Atlantic Tertiary Igneous Province.  相似文献   
A new methodology for seismic design is proposed based on structural optimization with performance‐based constraints. Performance‐based criteria are introduced for the seismic design of new buildings. These criteria are derived from the National Guidelines for Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings (Reference [19], Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), ‘NHERP Guidelines for seismic rehabilitation of buildings’, Report Nos 273 and 274, Washington, DC, 1997) for retrofitting existing structures. The proposed design methodology takes into account the non‐linear behaviour of the structure. The goal is to incorporate in the design the actual performance levels of the structure, i.e. how much reserve capacity the structure has in an earthquake of a given magnitude. The optimal design of the structure minimizes the structural cost subjected to performance constraints on plastic rotations of beams and columns, as well as behavioural constraints for reinforced concrete frames. Uncertainties in the structural period and in the earthquake excitation are taken into account using convex models. The optimization routine incorporates a non‐linear analysis program and the procedure is automated. The proposed methodology leads to a structural design for which the levels of reliability (performance levels) are assumed to be quantifiable. Furthermore, the entire behaviour of the structure well into the non‐linear range is investigated in the design process. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The second marvel to catch the eye of the visitor to Kärkevagge, after the impressive boulder deposit on the floor of the valley, is the series of prominent white stripes running down the valley's dark cliffs. Streams and springs descending the eastern flank of Kärkevagge are marked by the presence of whitish coatings on the black rock surfaces and on cobbles lining ephemeral waterways. These were referred to as 'lime crusts' by early investigators, but they are not reactive to HCl. We believe that they are a precipitate resulting from acid attack on the local rocks. Pyrite is common in many of the rocks in the valley and its oxidation produces sulfuric acid. As the dissolved mineral elements are carried in the drainage water, efflorescence forms on the surfaces where the water flows due to evaporation or to changes in temperature. The exact mineralogy of the white crusts is unknown, but the crusts are dominated by Al, S, and O, and in some cases by Ca, depending on the substrate and local conditions. Gypsum, illite, and chlorite have been identified by X–ray diffraction of some scrapings of white–coated rocks. However, we believe that some unidentified oxy–hydroxy aluminum sulfates make up the bulk of the precipitates.  相似文献   
Examination of schorlomite from ijolite at Magnet Cove (USA) and silicocarbonatite at Afrikanda (Russia), using electron-microprobe and hydrogen analyses, X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy, shows the complexity of substitution mechanisms operating in Ti-rich garnets. These substitutions involve incorporation of Na in the eightfold-coordinated X site, Fe2+ and Mg in the octahedrally coordinated Y site, and Fe3+, Al and Fe2+ in the tetrahedrally coordinated Z site. Substitutions Ti4+Fe3+Fe3+–1Si–1 and Ti4+Al3+Fe3+–1Si–1 are of major significance to the crystal chemistry of schorlomite, whereas Fe2+ enters the Z site in relatively minor quantities (<3% Fe). There is no evidence (either structural or indirect, such as discrepancies between the measured and calculated Fe2+ contents) for the presence of [6]Ti3+ or [4]Ti4+ in schorlomite. The simplified general formula of schorlomite can be written as Ca3Ti4+2[Si3-x(Fe3+,Al,Fe2+)xO12], keeping in mind that the notion of end-member composition is inapplicable to this mineral. In the published analyses of schorlomite with low to moderate Zr contents, x ranges from 0.6 to 1.0, i.e. Ti4+ in the Y site is <2 and accompanied by appreciable amounts of lower-charged cations (in particular, Fe3+, Fe2+ and Mg). For classification purposes, the mole percentage of schorlomite can be determined as the amount of [6]Ti4+, balanced by substitutions in the Z site, relative to the total occupancy in the Y site: ([6]Ti4+[6]Fe2+[6]Mg2+[8]Na+)/2. In addition to the predominant schorlomite component, the crystals examined in this work contain significant (>15 mol.%) proportions of andradite (Ca3Fe3+2Si3O12), morimotoite (Ca3Fe2+TiSi3O12), and Ca3MgTiSi3O12. The importance of accurate quantitative determination and assignment of Fe, Ti and other cations to the crystallographic sites for petrogenetic studies is discussed.
A. R. ChakhmouradianEmail: Phone: +1-204-4747278Fax: +1-204-4747623
C. De Jager 《Solar physics》1967,2(3):327-346
A hard solar X-ray burst was observed by J-P. Legrand on 18 September 1963, 13:56 UT, at balloon altitude. It lasted a few minutes; a steep increase was followed by an exponential decay. During its declining phase a weak radio burst was observed on 3 and 10 cm, not on longer wavelengths.Maximum radio intensity occurred two minutes after that of the X-ray burst. The X-ray and radio bursts ended almost simultaneously. Optically a small shortlived (some minutes) flare point occurred simultaneously with the X-ray burst in a magnetically interesting part of the active region of September 1963. The X-burst photons seem to have had an energy of about 0.5 MeV. The burst was therefore of a fairly rare type, since very few other bursts with similar photon energies have been detected up to now.It is suggested that a mass of gas, magnetically confined to a volume of about 5·1025 cm3 in the low corona, containing about 3·1035 electrons was accelerated to energies of about 0.5 MeV. The gas gradually expanded, partly also to higher levels. The gyro-synchrotron radiation, emitted by the plasma became observable after about two minutes. At the lower radio frequencies the radiation was absorbed by overlying undisturbed coronal matter. Quantitative computations justify this model. A detailed summary of the events, and some numerical data are given in the concluding Section 8 and in Table V.  相似文献   
Horizontal and vertical zones of influence for root systems of four Mojave Desert shrubs were characterized using 32P as a nutrient tracer. Larrea tridentata's horizontal zone of influence was sparse near the plant's stem base, with a maximum probability of accessing 32P (Pmax) of 41%. However, its horizontal zone of influence extended beyond 5 m, and the distance from the stem base at which the probability of accessing 32P was half Pmax (L503 m) was significantly greater than the other three shrubs. Ambrosia dumosa's zone of influence was dense near the plant's stem base (Pmax78%), but was rare at distances >2 m (L501 m). Zones of influence for Lycium andersonii and Lycium pallidum were intermediate between those of L. tridentata and A. dumosa. For vertical zones of influence, L. tridentata was more likely to obtain 32P from 5 m soil depths than A. dumosa, but L. pallidum was not significantly different from either A. dumosa or L. tridentata. Horizontal zones of influence did not change with treatments that altered soil water and nitrogen availability, but vertical zones of influence increased with a flood irrigation treatment that increased water availability to 5 m soil depth. These differences among species likely reflect compromises between their shoot growth strategies and their need to acquire spatially and temporally limited soil resources, especially through competitive interactions.  相似文献   
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