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We use an approach based upon the Born model of solids, in which potential functions represent the interactions between atoms in a structure, to calculate the phonon dispersion of forsterite and the lattice dynamical behaviour of the beta-phase and spinel polymorphs of Mg2SiO4. The potential used (THB1) was derived largely empirically using data from simple binary oxides, and has previously been successfully used to model the infrared and Raman behaviour of forsterite. It includes ‘bond bending’ terms, that model the directionality of the Si-O bond, in addition to the pair-wise additive Coulombic and short range terms. The phonon dispersion relationships of the Mg2SiO4 polymorphs predicted by THB1 were used to calculate the heat capacities, entropies, thermal expansion coefficients and Gruneisen parameters of these phases. The predicted heat capacities and entropies are in outstandingly good agreement with those determined experimentally. The predicted thermodynamic data of these phases were used to construct a phase diagram for this system, which has Clausius-Clapeyron slopes in very close agreement with those found by experiment, but which has predicted transformation pressures that show less close agreement with those inferred from experiment. The overall success, however, that we have in predicting the lattice dynamical and thermodynamic properties of the Mg2SiO4 polymorphs shows that our potential THB1 represents a significant step towards finding the elusive quantitative link between the microscopic or atomistic behaviour of minerals and their macroscopic properties.  相似文献   
The bioturbated zone of marine sediments is a region having a complex, time-dependent geometry of diffusion and chemical reactions. It is possible to simplify this geometry by postulating an average sediment microenvironment and modelling it as representative of the sediment body as a whole. The microenvironment is assumed to correspond to a single, tube-dwelling animal together with its surrounding sediment and can be represented by a finite hollow cylinder. A transport-reaction model derived from this postulate produces good agreement between observed and predicted pore water profiles using realistic physical constants. The average vertical distributions of pore water solutes and their sediment-water fluxes are influenced by the presence of irrigated burrows to varying degrees depending on the kind of reactions governing their behavior. Pore water profiles of solutes, such as NH+4, subject to zero order reaction rates are highly sensitive to the abundance and sizes of burrows while the net flux of the constituent across the sediment-water interface is not. In contrast, profiles of solutes such as Si that are subject to first order reaction rates are less sensitive to the presence of irrigated burrows but net fluxes are greatly affected. Average pore water concentrations, fluxes of solutes like Si and the apparent one-dimensional diffusion coefficients required to match vertical gradients with measured solute fluxes, are influenced by both the size and spacing of burrows. Because of the range of solute concentrations within the microenvironment at any given depth it is not strictly valid to make detailed solubility calculations on the basis of average pore water concentrations within the bioturbated zone.  相似文献   
Summary Nickel-copper mineralization occurs near the base of a diorite intrusion close to its contact with hornfelsed Ordovician and Silurian shales and greywackes. The principal ore minerals are nickeline, gersdorffite, pyrrhotine, pentlandite and chalcopyrite with minor amounts of molybdenite, tellurobismutite, gold, sphalerite and argentopentlandite. Pyrite, marcasite, violarite and goethite also occur but are interpreted as later alteration products. Much of the pyrrhotine-rich mineralization at the base of the intrusion is in the form of blebs and interstitial aggregates with amphiboles, plagioclase feldspar, biotite, chlorite and quartz. Chalcopyrite-rich and nickeline-gersdorffite-rich mineralization occurs above this and immediately below unmineralized diorite in the form of patches, lenticular masses and stringers along joints and fractures.Whole rock and ore analyses and electron microprobe data on the silicates, sulphides and sulpharsenides are presented.The unmineralized diorite has low SiO2 and high MgO contents compared to typical diorites and relatively high Cr, Ni and Ti trace element values. In the mineralized diorite, platinum-group elements occur in very low concentrations in the pyrrhotineand chalcopyrite-rich assemblages but Pt, Pd and Au show significant enrichment in the nickeline-gersdorffite-rich mineralization.A magmatic origin for the mineralization is proposed rather than formation by hydrothermal solutions or metasomatism.
Die nickel-kupfer vererzung von Talnotry, Newton Stewart, Schottland
Zusammenfassung Die Nickel-Kupfer Vererzung befindet sich im Kontaktbereich einer Dioritintrusion mit hornfelsdurchdrungenen silurischen und ordovizischen Grauwacken. Die am häufigsten auftretenden Erzmineralien sind Nickelin, Gersdorffit, Pyrrhotin, Pentlandit, und Chalcopyrit mit kleineren Mengen von Molybdenit, Tellurwismuth, Gold, Sphalerit und Argentopentlandit. Weiters treten als spätere Umwandlungsprodukte Pyrit, Markasit, Violarit und Goethit auf. Ein großer Teil der Pyrrhotin-reichen Vererzung am Fuße des eingedrungenen Diorits bildet fleckige, lückenfüllende Aggregate zwischen den Silikatphasen (Amphibol, Plagioklas, Biotit, Chlorit, Quarz). Die Chalcopyrit- und Nickelin-Gersdorffit-reiche Vererzung tritt zwischen dem unvererzten Diorit im Hangenden und der Pyrrhotin-reichen Vererzung im Liegenden als linsige, lappenartige Konzentration und entlang von Fugen und Brücken auf.Vollgesteins-Analysen sowie ausgewählte Erzanalysen und Mikrosondenergebnisse der Silikate, Sulfide und Sulfarsenide liegen vor.Im Unterschied zu den typischen Dioriten zeigt der unvererzte Diorit einen niedrigen SiO2 und hohen MgO Gehalt und relativ hohe Cr, Ni und Ti Spurenelementwerte. Die Platingruppenelemente sind in den Pyrrhotin- und Chalcopyrit-reichen Vererzungen nur schwach vertreten, jedoch sind Pt, Pd und An in der Gersdorffit-reichen Vererzung stark angereichert.Ein magmatischer Ursprung dieser Vererzung, im Gegensatz zu einer metasomatischen Entstehung oder Bildung aus hydrothermalen Lösungen wird vermutet.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   
This paper presents some results from an investigation into the utility of pattern recognition methods in seismic interpretation. The seismic instantaneous attributes of amplitude, phase and frequency provide a way of quantifying the character of a simple reflection. Measures of character can be developed from cross-plots and cluster analysis of these attributes. It is demonstrated that such seismic character can produce better-defined maps than a single attribute. These procedures can be extended to attributes derived from seismic trace segments, such as trace energy and centre frequency, and to multitrace attributes, but more effort is then needed to analyse the attributes and search out useful ones. An introduction is given to projection pursuit which has proved a useful exploratory tool for the anlysis of attribute relationships. It is important to stress that pattern recognition techniques simply help bring relationships and patterns in the data to the attention of the interpreter and the most persistent problem in applying these techniques is the evaluation of potentially interesting patterns. The decision on what use can be made of them is highly interpretive and their calibration is difficult. Well control is vital but it normally allows only very limited supervision of a seismic classifier. An example is presented to illustrate these problems.  相似文献   
Broadband synthetic aperture borehole radar interferometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trials in mines have established that wideband VHF borehole radars (BHR), working in the 10–100-MHz band, can be used to probe the rockmass between boreholes over ranges from <5 m to as much as 150 m with submeter resolution. There is evidence that ore bodies reflect these radar signals both specularly and diffusely, much as the ground/air interface does when overflown by synthetic aperture radar (SAR). In both SAR and BHR, multiple flight lines, together with diffuse reflections admit the possibility of developing interferometric 3D images of the object. This paper examines the possibility of imaging buried objects in three dimensions by interferometrically combining broadband VHF borehole radar profiles shot in adjacent pairs of boreholes. Broadbanding in BHR has the advantage of releasing the image from 2 phase ambiguities, but practically, interferometric borehole radar (InBHR) needs high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) to avoid noise capture. This means that 3D InBHR is limited to ranges in wavelengths which are less than the rock's attenuation factor Q. Interferometric methods are developed which are capable of mapping ore bodies and other structures in three dimensions. Tangent plane migration methods are developed here in order to reconstruct surfaces that lie in the near-field of sparse interferometric arrays.  相似文献   
An extended structure-function model is developed by including the new effect in the p-model of Meneveau and Sreenivasan which shows that the averaged energy cascade rate changes with scale, a situation which has been found to prevail in nonfullydeveloped turbulence in the inner solar wind. This model is useful for the small-scale fluctuations in the inner heliosphere, where the turbulence is not fully developed and cannot be explained quantitatively by any of the previous intermittency turbulence models. With two model parameters, the intrinsic index of the energy spectrum <alpha>, and the fragmentation fraction P 1, the model can fit, for the first time, all the observed scaling exponents of the structure functions, which are calculated for time lags ranging from 81 s to 0.7 h from the Helios solar wind data. From the cases we studied we cannot establish for P 1 either a clear radial evolution trend, or a solar-wind-speed or stream-structure dependence or a systematic anisotropy for both the flow velocity and magnetic field component fluctuations. Generally, P 1 has values between 0.7 and 0.8. However, in some cases in low-speed wind P 1 has somewhat higher values for the magnetic components, especially for the radial component. In high-speed wind, the inferred intrinsic spectral indices (<alpha>) of the velocity and magnetic field components are about equal, while the experimental spectral indices derived from the observed power spectra differ. The magnetic index is somewhat larger than the index of the velocity spectrum. For magnetic fluctuations in both high- and low-speed winds, the intrinsic exponent <alpha> has values which are near 1.5, while the observed spectral exponent has much higher values. In the solar wind with considerable density fluctuations near the interplanetary current sheet near 1 AU, it is found that P 1 has a comparatively high value of 0.89 for V x . The impact of these results on the understanding of the nature of solar wind fluctuations is discussed, and the limitations in using structure functions to study intermittency are also described.  相似文献   
Comparison study data on the hydrochemical parameters, bacterio- and phytoplankton, and reduction–oxidation characteristics of two ponds in Krasnoyarsk are presented. These water bodies are of interest due to the fact that the ecosystems of these natural model objects respond to eutrophication in different ways. It is assumed that the reason for this difference is in the hydrophysical characteristics depending on the morphology of the basins of the water bodies rather than in the hydrochemical characteristics.  相似文献   
Kuznetsov  D. S.  Roshal  A. A. 《Water Resources》2003,30(3):283-289
The principal mass transport models and the ways of their implementation are considered. Some problems associated with the application of numerical methods for mass transport modeling in problems of dissolved chemicals migration at a regional scale are discussed. A new method proposed in this study allows the determination of the space structure of a groundwater flow and the simulation of steady-state convective mass transport.  相似文献   
Currently available displacement-based design (DBD) procedures for bridges are critically evaluated with a view to identifying extensions and/or modifications of the procedure, for it to be applicable to final design of a fairly broad class of bridges. An improved direct DBD procedure is presented, including a suite of comprehensive design criteria and proper consideration of the degree of fixity of the pier top. The design of an overpass bridge (originally designed to a current European Code), applying the improved ‘direct’ displacement-based design (DDBD) procedure is presented and both ‘conventional’ and displacement-based designs are assessed using non-linear response-history analysis (NLRHA); comparisons are made in terms of both economy and seismic performance of the different designs. It is seen that DDBD provided a more rational base shear distribution among piers and abutments when compared to the force-based design procedure and adequately captured the displacement pattern, closely matching the results of the more rigorous NLRHA.  相似文献   
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