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We measure the     B -band optical luminosity function (LF) for galaxies selected in a blind H  i survey. The total LF of the H  i selected sample is flat, with Schechter parameters     and     , in good agreement with LFs of optically selected late-type galaxies. Bivariate distribution functions of several galaxy parameters show that the H  i density in the local Universe is more widely spread over galaxies of different size, central surface brightness and luminosity than the optical luminosity density is. The number density of very low surface brightness (LSB ) (>24.0 mag arcsec−2) gas-rich galaxies is considerably lower than that found in optical surveys designed to detect dim galaxies. This suggests that only a part of the population of LSB galaxies is gas-rich and that the rest must be gas-poor. However, we show that this gas-poor population must be cosmologically insignificant in baryon content. The contribution of gas-rich LSB galaxies (>23.0 mag arcsec−2) to the local cosmological gas and luminosity density is modest     and     per cent respectively); their contribution to Ωmatter is not well-determined, but probably <11 per cent. These values are in excellent agreement with the low redshift results from the Hubble Deep Field.  相似文献   
We present new results from recent X-ray observations of the accreting pre-main sequence stars FU Orionis and T Tauri. XMM-Newton observations of the close binary system FU Ori reveal an unusual X-ray spectrum consisting of a cool moderately-absorbed component and a hot component viewed through much higher absorption. The two components thus originate in physically distinct regions. The double absorption spectrum is qualitatively different than observed in typical coronal sources and may signal either non-coronal emission or separate unresolved X-ray contributions from more than one star in the system. High-resolution Chandra imaging of the T Tau triple system shows that its X-ray emission is dominated by the optically-revealed northern component T Tau N. X-ray spectra of T Tau obtained with XMM can be acceptably fitted with a moderately absorbed two-temperature thermal plasma model. Its spectral properties are similar to those seen in coronal X-ray sources.  相似文献   
The epoch of reionization (EoR) sets a fundamental benchmark in cosmic structure formation, corresponding to the formation of the first luminous objects that act to ionize the neutral intergalactic medium (IGM). Recent observations at near-IR and radio wavelengths imply that we are finally probing into this key epoch of galaxy formation at z 6. The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will provide critical insight into the EoR, in a number of ways. First, the ability of the SKA to image the neutral IGM in 21-cm emission is a truly unique probe of the process of reionization, and is recognized as the next necessary and fundamental step in our study of the evolution of large scale structure and cosmic reionization. Second, study of HI 21-cm absorption toward the first radio loud objects probes small to intermediate scale structure in the neutral ‘cosmic web’, as well as HI in the first collapsed structures (proto-disks and mini-halos). And third, the incomparable sensitivity of the SKA allows for the study of the molecular gas, dust, and star formation activity in the first galaxies, as well as the radio continuum emission from the first accreting massive black holes. Such objects will be obscured at optical wavelengths due to absorption by the neutral IGM.  相似文献   
Molar organic carbon to total nitrogen to organic phosphorus (OC:TN:OP) ratios are used in tandem with carbon isotopic values to constrain sources of organic matter (OM) to marine sediments in a tropical coastal embayment. Analysis of end-members specific to the study site indicates that the bulk OM pool cannot be modeled as a simple mixture of two end-members (terrestrial vs. marine OM), but rather reflects a more complex, multicomponent mixture. Mangrove, coral reef ecosystems, and bacterial biomass contribute OM to tropical coastal marine sediments that is compositionally distinct from traditional marine and terrestrial end-members and thus preclude the application of a classical two end-member mixing model of the sort that has been used traditionally in sediments from temperate environments. A survey of elemental ratios and carbon isotopic values of potential OM end-members reported in the literature, as well as depth profiles before and after whole-core incubation experiments conducted as part of this study, were used to evaluate the strength of OC:TN versus OC:OP ratios as OM source indices. Our study suggests that OC:TN ratios are a weaker indicator of OM source than OC:OP ratios, because: (1) the more restricted dynamic range of OC:TN ratios prevents clear distinction of terrestrial-from marine-derived OM, and (2) post-depositional changes in OC:TN ratios occur during diagenesis, obscuring the source signature of initially deposited OM. The fidelity of OM indices during early diagenesis underscores the importance of quantifying OP in sediments to assess sedimentary OM source.  相似文献   
Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing (FO-DTS) has proven to be a transformative technology for the hydrologic sciences, with application to diverse problems including hyporheic exchange, groundwater/surface-water interaction, fractured-rock characterization, and cold regions hydrology. FO-DTS produces large, complex, and information-rich datasets. Despite the potential of FO-DTS, adoption of the technology has been impeded by lack of tools for data processing, analysis, and visualization. New tools are needed to efficiently and fully capitalize on the information content of FO-DTS datasets. To this end, we present DTSGUI, a public-domain Python-based software package for editing, parsing, processing, statistical analysis, georeferencing, and visualization of FO-DTS data.  相似文献   
We evaluated the significance of the line candidates identified by the visual search of burst spectra from BATSE's spectroscopy detectors. None of the candidates satisfy the detection criteria: anF-test probability less than 10–4 for a feature in one detector and consistency among the detectors which viewed the burst. Most of the candidates are not very significant, and are likely to be fluctuations. Because of the expectation of finding absorption lines, the search was biased towards absorption features. We do not have a quantitative measure of the completeness of the search which would form the basis of a comparison with previous missions. Therefore a more objective computerized search has begun.  相似文献   
F.H. Briggs  B.H. Andrew 《Icarus》1980,41(2):269-277
We present high-resolution interferometry of Uranus at 6 cm wavelength and single-dish observations of the disk-averaged brightness temperature, TB, at 2.8 and 4.8 cm wavelength. The 1978 measurements of TB of 228 ± 2,243 ± 9, and 259 ± 4 K at 2.8, 4.8, and 6 cm, respectively, support the finding of M. J. Klein and J. A. Turegano (1978, Astrophy. J.224, L31–L34) that the brightness temperature of Uranus has been rising. There is no evidence for radio emission from outside the visible disk at 6 cm. Radiation from a synchrotron radiation belt or from the Uranian rings is certainly less than 10% of the total radio flux. The interferometry shows a possible 55 ± 20 K difference in brightness temperature between the equator and the currently exposed pole. The pole appears to be ~275 K while the equator is ~220 K. However, a permanent gradient of this magnitude is insufficient to account for the rise in disk-averaged brightness by simple reorientation of Uranus' globe relative to our line of sight. The changing insolation probably triggers a redistribution of the trace constituent NH3 which is responsible for the radio opacity. The NH3 may be interacting strongly with H2S on Uranus.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates convective boundary layer (CBL) budget methods as a tool for estimating regionally averaged sensible and latent heat fluxes for the study region used in OASIS (Observations at Several Interacting Scales). This is an agricultural region of mixed cropping and grazing extending about 100 km west of the town of Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia.The analysis proceeds in three stages: first, a simpleone-dimensional model of the well-mixed layer (the CBL slab model), forced with measurements of the surface heat and evaporation fluxes, is evaluated by comparing measured and modelled CBL temperature, humidity and depths. A comparison of several entrainment schemes shows that a simple model, where the entrainment kinetic energy is parameterised as a fraction (3) of the surface sensible heat flux, works well if is set to 0.5. Second, the slab model is coupled to a Penman–Monteith model of surface evaporation to predict regional scale evaporation and thence heat fluxes. Finally, the integral CBL budget approach, which is an inverse method using theone-dimensional slab model, is used to infer regional heat and evaporation fluxes from measured time series of CBL temperature and humidity.We find that the simple CBL slab model works reasonably well for predicting CBL depth and very well for CBL temperature, especially if approximate estimates of subsidence velocity and warming due to advection are included. Regional sensible heat fluxes estimated from the integral CBL method match those measured, although the method is very sensitive to measurement errors. Measurement-model differences were larger for short integration times, because the well-mixed assumptions are violated at particular times of the day. The corollary is that `whole-day' (0530–1530 h) estimates are in reasonable agreement with measured values. Integral methods could not be used to infer the regional evaporation flux directly because CBL humidity profiles were complex and often not well mixed until mid-afternoon. We recommend that regional evaporation fluxes be predicted either from a coupled Penman–Monteith – CBL slab model, or inferred as a residual term from estimates of the regionally averaged available energy and sensible heat flux. Furthermore, we show that inferring fluxes via integral methods will always be difficult when the scalar concentrations have either a large surface source and free atmosphere sink (in the case of water vapour and methane), or a large surface sink and upper level source (in the case of CO2).  相似文献   
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