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Ersöz  Timur  Özköse  Merve  Topal  Tamer 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(2):1919-1942
Natural Hazards - Cut slope surfaces are affected by excavation activities and weathering agents. Disturbances on the surface can penetrate down to a certain depth. Slope stability analyses made on...  相似文献   
Four high resolution atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs) have been integrated with the standard forcings of the PRUDENCE experiment: IPCC-SRES A2 radiative forcing and Hadley Centre sea surface temperature and sea-ice extent. The response over Europe, calculated as the difference between the 2071–2100 and the 1961–1990 means is compared with the same diagnostic obtained with nine Regional Climate Models (RCM) all driven by the Hadley Centre atmospheric GCM. The seasonal mean response for 2m temperature and precipitation is investigated. For temperature, GCMs and RCMs behave similarly, except that GCMs exhibit a larger spread. However, during summer, the spread of the RCMs—in particular in terms of precipitation—is larger than that of the GCMs. This indicates that the European summer climate is strongly controlled by parameterized physics and/or high-resolution processes. The temperature response is larger than the systematic error. The situation is different for precipitation. The model bias is twice as large as the climate response. The confidence in PRUDENCE results comes from the fact that the models have a similar response to the IPCC-SRES A2 forcing, whereas their systematic errors are more spread. In addition, GCM precipitation response is slightly but significantly different from that of the RCMs.  相似文献   
The seasonality of physical, chemical, and biological water variables is a major characteristic of temperate, dimictic lakes. Yet, few investigations have considered the potential information that is encoded in seasonal dynamics with respect to the paleolimnological record. We used a one-year sequence of diatoms obtained from sediment traps and water samples, as well as the sedimentary diatom record covering the past ca. 1000 years in Bates Pond, Connecticut (USA), to investigate which variables influence the seasonal distribution of diatoms and how this can be used for the interpretation of the fossil record. The seasonal patterns in diatom assemblages were related to stratification and, to a lesser extent, to nitrate, silica, and phosphorus. During mixing periods in spring and autumn, both planktonic and benthic species were collected in the traps, while few lightly silicified, spindle-shaped planktonic diatoms dominated during thermal stratification in summer. Changes in fossil diatom assemblages reflected human activity in the watershed after European settlement and subsequent recovery in the 20th century. A long-term trend in diatom assemblage change initiated before European settlement was probably related to increased length of mixing periods during the Little Ice Age, indicated by the increase of taxa that presently grow during mixing periods and by application of a preliminary seasonal temperature model. We argue that the analysis of seasonal diatom dynamics in temperate lakes may provide important information for the refinement of paleolimnological interpretations. However, investigations of several lakes and years would be desirable in order to establish a more robust seasonal data set for the enhancement of paleolimnological interpretations.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Beziehung zwischen äquatorialen Konvektionsregen und der Meereshöhe wird am Beispiel der Südabdachung der Haputale Range auf Ceylon (etwa 7° nördl. Br. und rund 1400 m Höhenunterschied) untersucht. Auf der Grundlage unveröffentlichter Niederschlagsmessungen von 21 Stationen, vorwiegend Teeplantagen, für die Periode von 1951–1965 wird die Änderung der Niederschlagsmenge mit der Höhe an Hand der mittleren jährlichen und mittleren monatlichen Niederschlagsmengen diskutiert. Hierbei ergibt sich im Jahresmittel und in den Monaten mit vorwiegend konvektiver Niederschlagsbildung — das sind die Intermonsunmonate März, April und Mai sowie Oktober und November —, daß nach anfänglicher Zunahme des Niederschlags mit wachsender Höhe oberhalb einer kritischen Höhenlage zwischen 900–1400 m NN eine stetige Abnahme des Niederschlags eintritt.
Summary The relationship between equatorial convective rain and altitude above sea-level is investigated taking the southern slope of the Haputale Range in Ceylon (7° N, about 1400 m range of altitude) as an example. On the basis of unpublished precipitation observations of 21 stations, most of them on tea-estates, from the period 1951 to 1965 the variation of the amount of precipitation with altitude is discussed using mean annual and mean monthly precipitation totals. It appears that in the annual mean and during the months with prevailing convective rain — these are the intermonsoonal months March, April, May and October, November — the precipitation totals increase with altitude up to a critical level between 900 and 1400 m a.s.l. and then decrease again monotonically.

Résumé On examine ici la relation existant entre les précipitations équatoriales de convection d'une part et l'altitude d'autre part. Pour ce faire, on se sert de l'exemple offert par le versant sud de l'Haputale Range de Ceylan (situé à environ 7° de latitude N et présentant une différence d'altitude de 1400 m environ). Sur la base de mesures non publiées des précipitations — mesures effectuées de 1951 à 1965 à 21 stations, en majeure partie des plantations de thé — on discute les modifications que subissent les sommes de précipitations avec l'altitude. Dans ce but, on utilise les moyennes annuelles et mensuelles de cet élément. Il en résulte que les précipitations augmentent tout d'abord avec l'altitude et cela jusqu'à une zone critique située entre 900 et 1400 m. Au-dessus, les précipitations diminuent de nouveau régulièrement. Cette constatation est valable aussi bien pour la moyenne annuelle que pour les mois caractérisés avant tout par des précipitations d'origine convective c'est à dire ceux qui se situent entre les périodes de mousson (mars, avril, mai, octobre et novembre).

Mit 4 Abbildungen  相似文献   
Surface sediments from the Vema channel and from the Rio Grande rise (western extremity) contain less calcareous fossils with increasing water depth. The pteropodal (aragonite) lysocline corresponds to the 3200-m isobath. The pteropodal compensation depth is found above the lower boundary of the North Atlantic Deep Water: 3500 m. The planktonic foraminiferal lysocline (4050 m) seems to be very close to the abyssal thermocline and is therefore here the upper limit of the Antarctic Bottom Water. The foraminiferal and the coccolith compensation depths seem to coincide: 4500 m. Distribution and dissolution of calcareous sediment components are the same all around the western extremity of the Rio Grande rise (southern, western and northern flanks).  相似文献   
Gneissic rocks in the Chinese Altai Mountains have been interpreted as either Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks or Precambrian basement. This study reports geochemical and geochronological data for banded paragneisses and associated gneissic granitoids collected along a NE–SW traverse in the northwestern Chinese Altai. Petrological and geochemical data suggest that the protoliths of the banded gneisses were possibly immature sediments with significant volcanic input and that the gneissic granitoids were derived from I-type granites formed in a subduction environment. Three types of morphological features can be recognized in zircons from the banded gneisses and are interpreted to correlate with different sources. Zircons from five samples of banded paragneiss cluster predominantly between 466 and 528 Ma, some give Neoproterozoic ages, and a few yield discordant Paleoproterozoic to Archean ages. Zircon Hf isotopic compositions indicate that both juvenile/mantle and crust materials were involved in the generation of the source rocks from which these zircons were derived. In contrast, zircons occur ubiquitously as elongated euhedral prismatic crystals in the four samples of the gneissic granitoids, and define single populations for each sample with mean ages between 380 and 453 Ma. The general absence of Precambrian inheritance and positive zircon ?Hf values for these granitoids suggest insignificant crustal contribution to the generation of the precursor magmas. Our data can be interpreted in terms of a progressive accretionary history in early to middle Palaeozoic times, and the Chinese Altai may possibly represent a magmatic arc built on a continental margin dominated by Neoproterozoic rocks.  相似文献   
Comparison of Seismic Dispersion and Attenuation Models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The frequency-dependent attenuation of seismic waves causes decreased resolution of seismic images with depth, and the difference in transmission losses induces amplitude variations with offset. Transmission losses may occur due to friction or fluid movement, or may result from scattering in thin-layer. Whatever the physical mechanism, they can often be conveniently described using an empirical formulation wherein the elastic moduli and propagation velocity are complex functions of frequency.We have compiled and compared algebraically and numerically eight different models involving complex velocity: the Kolsky-Futterman model, the power-law model, Kjartansson's model, Müller's model, Azimi's second and third model, the Cole-Cole model, and the standard linear-solid model.For two different parameter sets, the attenuation and phase velocity are computed in the seismic frequency band, and the plane-wave propagation of a Ricker wavelet for the other models is compared with that for the Kolsky-Futterman model. The first parameter set consists of parameters for each of the models calculated from expressions given in the appendix. These expressions make the different models behave similarly to the KF model. The second parameter set consists of model parameters that are numerically adapted to the KF model.By selecting proper parameters, all models, except the standard linear-solid model, show behavior similar to that of the Kolsky-Futterman model. The SLS model behaves differently from the other models as the frequency goes to zero or infinity. Broadband measurement data is needed to select a specific model for a given seismic experiment.  相似文献   
Landslide deposits dam Lake Oeschinen (Oeschinensee), located above Kandersteg, Switzerland. However, past confusion differentiating deposits of multiple landslide events has confounded efforts to quantify the volume, age, and failure dynamics of the Oeschinensee rock avalanche. Here we combine field and remote mapping, topographic reconstruction, cosmogenic surface exposure dating, and numerical runout modeling to quantify salient parameters of the event. Differences in boulder lithology and deposit morphology reveal that the landslide body damming Oeschinensee consists of debris from both an older rock avalanche, possibly Kandertal, as well as the Oeschinensee rock avalanche. We distinguish a source volume for the Oeschinensee event of 37 Mm3, resulting in an estimated deposit volume of 46 Mm3, smaller than previous estimates that included portions of the Kandertal mass. Runout modeling revealed peak and average rock avalanche velocities of 65 and 45 m/s, respectively, and support a single-event failure scenario. 36Cl surface exposure dating of deposited boulders indicates a mean age for the rock avalanche of 2.3 ± 0.2 kyr. This age coincides with the timing of a paleo-seismic event identified from lacustrine sediments in Swiss lakes, suggesting an earthquake trigger. Our results help clarify the hazard and geomorphic effects of rare, large rock avalanches in alpine settings.  相似文献   
In this study, we present Th–U disequilibria as well as radiogenic and trace element data for recent volcanic rocks from the Nevados de Payachata volcano which erupted through ∼70 km of continental crust in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes (18°S, 69°W). Both lavas and mineral separates were analyzed by mass spectrometry for 238U–230Th disequilibria. The lavas are characterized either by 230Th enrichment or depletion relative to its parent nuclide 238U. Mineral separates are used to derive U–Th isochron ages and these ages compare favorably with inferred stratigraphic ages or K–Ar ages, although in one case the U–Th age is significantly older than the stratigraphic age. Despite relatively constant Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope ratios, the lavas display inverse trends in 230Th/238U versus Ce/Yb or Ba/Hf diagrams. These trends cannot be interpreted by simple two-component mixing. Rather, there must be three (and perhaps four components) involved in the genesis of the Parinacota lavas. A mantle wedge, a slab fluid, and a lower crustal component can be identified. A sediment component is more difficult to detect as it is difficult to decipher its signature because of the strong crustal influence. The existence of binary arrays can be explained by variable amounts of crustal material. The process of crust–mantle interaction must have been short enough to preserve U–Th disequilibrium (<300 ka). Received: 21 April 1999 / Accepted: 11 March 2000  相似文献   
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