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We present near-infrared (1–2.5 μm) spectroscopic and photometric results of Nova V2615 Ophiuchi which was discovered in outburst in 2007 March. Our observations span a period of ∼80 d starting from 2007 March 28 when the nova was at its maximum light. The evolution of the spectra is shown from the initial P Cygni phase to an emission-line phase and finally to a dust formation stage. The characteristics of the JHK spectra are very similar to those observed in a nova outburst occurring on a carbon–oxygen white dwarf. We analyse an observed line at 2.088 μm and suggest that it could be due to Fe  ii excited by Lyman α fluorescence. The highlight of the observations is the detection of the first overtone bands of carbon monoxide (CO) in the 2.29–2.40 μm region. The CO bands are modelled to estimate the temperature and mass of the emitting CO gas and also to place limits on the 12C/13C ratio. The CO bands are recorded over several epochs, thereby allowing a rare opportunity to study the evolution from a phase of constant strength through a stage when the CO is destroyed fairly rapidly. We compare the observed time-scales involved in the evolution of the CO emission and find a good agreement with model predictions that investigate the chemistry in a nova outflow during the early stages.  相似文献   
We study the evolution of the configuration entropy of HI distribution in the post-reionization era assuming different time evolution of HI bias.We describe time evolution of linear bias of HI distribution using a simple form b(a)=b0an with different index n.The derivative of the configuration entropy rate is known to exhibit a peak at the scale factor corresponding to theΛ-matter equality in the unbiasedΛCDM model.We show that in theΛCDM model with time-dependent linear bias,the peak shifts to smaller scale factors for negative values of n.This is related to the fact that the growth of structures in the HI density field can significantly slow down even before the onset ofΛdomination in the presence of a strong time evolution of the HI bias.We find that the shift is linearly related to the index n.We obtain the best fit relation between these two parameters and propose that identifying the location of this peak from observations would allow us to constrain the time evolution of HI bias within the framework of theΛCDM model.  相似文献   
In this note we derive an exact solution of transfer equation in a plane-parallel semiinfinite atmosphere with albedo >1, by the method of Laplace transform and Wiener-Hopf technique. The emergent intensityI(0, ) is obtained in terms of theH 0-functionH 0() (Das Gupta, 1978) for which some good approximations are given. Intensity at any depth is also obtained.I(0, )/I(0, 0) is plotted in graphs against [0,1], and shows a maximum which drops and shifts towards the origin as increases.  相似文献   
The flow of laser radiation in a plane-parallel cylindrical slab of active amplifying medium with axial symmetry is treated as a problem in radiative transfer. The appropriate one-dimensional transfer equation describing the transfer of laser radiation has been derived by an appeal to Einstein'sA, B coefficients (describing the processes of stimulated line absorption, spontaneous line emission, and stimulated line emission sustained by population inversion in the medium) and considering the rate equations to completely establish the rational of the transfer equation obtained. The equation is then exactly solved and the angular distribution of the emergent laser beam intensity is obtained; its numerically computed values are given in tables and plotted in graphs showing the nature of peaks of the emerging laser beam intensity about the axis of the laser cylinder.  相似文献   
We compute the mass outflow rate R from relativistic matter that is accreting quasi-spherically on to the Schwarzschild black holes. Taking the pair-plasma pressure-mediated shock surface as the effective boundary layer (of the black hole) from where the bulk of the outflow is assumed to be generated, computation of this rate is done using combinations of exact transonic inflow and outflow solutions. We find that R depends on the initial parameters of the flow, the polytropic index of matter, the degree of compression of matter near the shock surface and the location of the shock surface itself. We thus not only study the variation of the mass outflow rate as a function of various physical parameters governing the problem, but also provide a sufficiently plausible estimation of this rate.  相似文献   
We have classified a sample of 37,492 objects from SDSS into QSOs, galaxies and stars using photometric data over five wave bands (u, g, r, i and z) and UV GALEX data over two wave bands (near-UV and far-UV) based on a template fitting method. The advantage of this method of classification is that it does not require any spectroscopic data and hence the objects for which spectroscopic data is not available can also be studied using this technique. In this study, we have found that our method is consistent by spectroscopic methods given that their UV information is available. Our study shows that the UV colours are especially important for separating quasars and stars, as well as spiral and starburst galaxies. Thus it is evident that the UV bands play a crucial role in the classification and characterization of astronomical objects that emit over a wide range of wavelengths, but especially for those that are bright at UV. We have achieved the efficiency of 89% for the QSOs, 63% for the galaxies and 84% for the stars. This classification is also found to be in agreement with the emission line diagnostic diagrams.  相似文献   
The stationary, spherically symmetric, polytropic and inviscid accretion flow in the Schwarzschild metric has been set-up as an autonomous first-order dynamical system, and it has been studied completely analytically. Of the three possible critical points in the flow, the one that is physically realistic behaves like the saddle point of the standard Bondi accretion problem. One of the two remaining critical points exhibits the strange mathematical behaviour of being either a saddle point or a centre-type point, depending on the values of the flow parameters. The third critical point is always unphysical and behaves like a centre-type point. The treatment has been extended to pseudo-Schwarzschild flows for comparison with the general relativistic analysis.  相似文献   
In a novel approach to studying viscous accretion flows, viscosity has been introduced as a perturbative effect, involving a first-order correction in the α-viscosity parameter. This method reduces the problem of solving a second-order non-linear differential equation (Navier–Stokes equation) to that of an effective first-order equation. Viscosity breaks down the invariance of the equilibrium conditions for stationary inflow and outflow solutions, and distinguishes accretion from wind. Under a dynamical systems classification, the only feasible critical points of this 'quasi-viscous' flow are saddle points and spirals. On large spatial scales of the disc, where a linearized and radially propagating time-dependent perturbation is known to cause a secular instability, the velocity evolution equation of the quasi-viscous flow has been transformed to bear a formal closeness with Schrödinger's equation with a repulsive potential. Compatible with the transport of angular momentum to the outer regions of the disc, a viscosity-limited length-scale has been defined for the full spatial extent over which the accretion process would be viable.  相似文献   
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