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Laserprobe 40Ar–39Ar data from fault‐related pseudotachylytes and granitic host‐rocks from the Tatra Mountains (Central Western Carpathians) resolve the controversy over the age of propagation of the sub‐Tatra detachment fault. This major structure has resulted in exhumation of crystalline basement to the north‐west, and subsidence and sediment deposition in the Palaeogene Central Carpathians Basin to the south‐east. Host‐rock biotite ages range from 331 Ma to 322 Ma, and pseudotachylyte spot ages range from 164 Ma to 28 Ma. Of these, the youngest group identify the maximum timing of the early stages of Tatra Mountains uplift, which continued in the Miocene (20–10 Ma) and culminated during the Quaternary. The wide‐ranging older ages are an artefact of an unsupported 40Ar component that is most likely a combination of both inherited and excess argon.  相似文献   
中国黄土和阿拉斯加黄土磁化率气候记录的两种模式探讨   总被引:29,自引:16,他引:29  
在中国和中欧黄土-古土壤研究中发现的磁化率与成壤作用(或古气候温湿程度)的正相关性已被第四纪科学家广泛认识,并应用于古气候研究中.成壤过程形成的亚铁磁性矿物被认为是古土壤磁化率增加的主要原因;然而,这一模式并不一定适用于其他黄土沉积地区,如阿拉斯加和西伯利亚黄土沉积显示了一个完全相反的磁化率行为,即在黄土层获高磁化率值而在古土壤层获低磁化率.这种相反的关系过去被解释为磁化率反映的是与风动力吹来的亚铁磁性矿物的含量,即与风速或风力大小有关.本研究发现阿拉斯加黄土与古土壤的磁性矿物性质有明显差异,不仅仅是粒径的大小,还有磁性矿物的种类即矿物相的差别.这一证据很难单纯以风力强度的大小来解释,意味着阿拉斯加古土壤的低磁化率至少部分是在成壤过程中亚铁磁性矿物发生改变(如溶解)而造成,表明阿拉斯加黄土和中国黄土的磁化率与古气候记录可能存在两种模式,即氧化和还原条件下的成土模式.黄土磁化率在不同的气候(温度湿度)条件下有着不同的对应关系:在低降水量、高蒸发量的干旱氧化成壤条件下,利于亚铁磁性矿物的生成,其磁化率与古气候的关系呈正相关,如中国和中亚黄土;在高纬高湿的还原成壤条件下,亚铁磁性矿物会被破坏被分解,其磁化率与古气候呈负相关关系,如阿拉斯加黄土.如果成壤条件在氧化和还原之间来回变换,那么就很难找到两者之间的联系.因此,将磁化率应用于古气候的重建时要加倍的小心.  相似文献   
Abstract— Seventy-five orbits of Leonid meteors obtained during the 1998 outburst are presented. Thirty-eight are precise enough to recognize significant dispersion in orbital elements. Results from the nights of 1998 November 16/17 and 17/18 differ, in agreement with the dominant presence of different dust components. The shower rate profile of 1998 November 16/17 was dominated by a broad component, rich in bright meteors. The radiant distribution is compact. The semimajor axis is confined to values close to that of the parent comet, whereas the distribution of inclination has a central condensation in a narrow range. On the other hand, 1998 November 17/18 was dominated by dust responsible for a more narrow secondary peak in the flux curve. The declination of the radiant and the inclination of the orbit are more widely dispersed. The argument of perihelion, inclination, and the perihelion distance are displaced. These data substantiate the hypothesis that trapping in orbital resonances is important for the dynamical evolution of the broad component.  相似文献   
Abstract— A new 2.8 kg meteorite find from the United States, Kansas University, is classified as an L6 (S3) chondrite based on optical microscopy and electron microprobe analysis of mafic minerals. Natural thermo-luminescence (TL) and 14C measurements suggest that the Kansas University meteorite has a short terrestrial age compared to other meteorite finds from this area and is not paired with the other local meteorite finds, Densmore (1879), Lawrence, Kansas and Long Island, Kansas.  相似文献   
This article demonstrates the operation of a simple optimal location‐allocation technique for solving the problem of locating one or several community recycling center(s) within a residential area. The article attempts to measure both transportation and externality costs in comparable units, and to incorporate them into the model. A sensitivity analysis of the results at the level of the nuisance provides further insight into the operation of the model and the relative importance of the quantification of pollution in applied location‐allocation problems.  相似文献   
In this first part of the work, we develop macroscopic models for migration and diffusion–migration of ionic species in saturated porous media, based on periodic homogenization. The prior application is chloride transport in cementitious materials. The dimensional analysis of Nernst–Planck equation lets appear to dimensionless numbers characterizing the ionic transfer in the porous medium. Using experimental data obtained from electrodiffusion tests on cement‐based materials (Part II), these dimensionless numbers are linked to the perturbation parameter ?. For a strong imposed electrical field, the asymptotic expansion of Nernst–Planck equation leads to a macroscopic model where the migration is predominant. For a weak imposed electrical field or in natural diffusion, we obtain a macroscopic model coupling diffusion and migration at the same order. In both models, the expression of the homogenized diffusion tensor is identical and only involves the geometric properties of the material microstructure. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The snow thermodynamic multi-layer model SNOWPACK was developed to address the risk of avalanches by simulating the vertical properties of snow. Risk and stability assessments are based on the simulation of the vertical variability of snow microstructure, as well as on snow cohesion parameters. Previous research has shown systematic error in grain size simulations (equivalent optical grain size) over several areas in northern Canada. To quantify the simulated errors in snow grain size and uncertainties in stability, the snow specific surface area (SSA) was measured with a laser-based instrument. Optical grain size was retrieved to validate the optical equivalent grain radius from SNOWPACK. The two study plots are located in Glacier National Park, BC, and Jasper National Park, AB, Canada. Profiles for density and stratigraphic analysis were obtained as well as grain size profiles, combined with snow micropenetrometer (SMP) measurements. Density analysis showed good agreement with the simulated values (R2 = 0.76). Optical grain size analysis showed systematic overestimation of the modeled values, in agreement with the current literature. The error in SSA evolution for a rounding environment was mostly constant, whereas error for conditions driven by a temperature gradient was linked to the size of the facetted grains.  相似文献   
In karst systems, rain events often result in a decrease of the conductivity (a tracer of dissolved phase transport) and an increase in turbidity (a tracer of suspended solids transport) at wells and springs. This study shows that the comparison of suspended solids and solute transport by the coupled approach of TC curves (Turbidity–Conductivity) and autocorrelations gives evidence of the transport processes in the karst network and allows understanding the karst hydrodynamics. To cite this article: D. Valdes et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
We combine structural observations, petrological data and 40Ar–39Ar ages for a stack of amphibolite facies metasedimentary units that rims high‐P (HP) granulite facies felsic bodies exposed in the southern Bohemian Massif. The partly migmatitic Varied and Monotonous units, and the underlying Kaplice unit, show a continuity of structures that are also observed in the adjacent Blanský les HP granulite body. They all exhibit an earlier NE?SW striking and steeply NW‐dipping foliation (S3), which is transposed into a moderately NW‐dipping foliation (S4). In both the Varied and Monotonous units, the S3 and S4 foliations are characterized by a Sil–Bt–Pl–Kfs–Qtz–Ilm±Grt assemblage, with occurrences of post‐D4 andalusite, cordierite and muscovite. In the Monotonous unit, minute inclusions of garnet, kyanite, sillimanite and biotite are additionally found in plagioclase from a probable leucosome parallel to S3. The Kaplice unit shows rare staurolite and kyanite relicts, a Sil–Ms–Bt–Pl–Qtz±Grt assemblage associated with S3, retrogressed garnet?staurolite aggregates during the development of S4, and post‐D4 andalusite, cordierite and secondary muscovite. Mineral equilibria modelling for representative samples indicates that the Varied unit records conditions higher than ~7 kbar at 725 °C during the transition from S3 to S4, followed by a P?T decrease from ~5.5 kbar/750 °C to ~4.5 kbar/700 °C. The Monotonous unit shows evidence of partial melting in the S3 fabric at P?T above ~8 kbar at 740–830 °C and a subsequent P?T decrease to 4.5–5 kbar/700 °C. The Kaplice unit preserves an initial medium‐P prograde path associated with the development of S3 reaching peak P?T of ~6.5 kbar/640 °C. The subsequent retrograde path records 4.5 kbar/660 °C during the development of S4. 40Ar–39Ar geochronology shows that amphibole and biotite ages cluster at c. 340 Ma close to the HP granulite, whereas adjacent metasedimentary rocks preserve c. 340 Ma amphibole ages, but biotite and muscovite ages range between c. 318 and c. 300 Ma. The P?T conditions associated with S3 imply an overturned section of the orogenic middle crust. The shared structural evolution indicates that all mid‐crustal units are involved in the large‐scale folding cored by HP granulites. The retrograde PT paths associated with S4 are interpreted as a result of a ductile thinning of the orogenic crust at a mid‐crustal level. The 40Ar–39Ar ages overlap with U–Pb zircon ages in and around the HP granulite bodies, suggesting a short duration for the ductile thinning event. The post‐ductile thinning late‐orogenic emplacement of the South Bohemian plutonic complex is responsible for a re‐heating of the stacked units, reopening of argon system in mica and a tilting of the S4 foliation to its present‐day orientation.  相似文献   
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