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Risk assessment and mapping methodologies for heat waves as frequently occurring hazards in central and southeastern Europe were applied in this study, and the impact of heat waves on the mortality of urban populations was determined as part of the assessment. The methodology for conducting the heat wave risk assessment is based on European Commission’s Guidelines for Risk Assessment and Mapping. The Novi Sad (Serbia) urban area was studied during summer 2015, which was one of the hottest summers in the last few decades. In situ air temperature measurements from urban stations and mortality of urban populations were used. Nocturnal urban heat island (UHI) intensity values between the various built-up zones and natural surrounding areas were used for the hazard level calculation. Temperature data from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. were used because during the night, the UHI intensity reached its maximum values. The average daily number of deaths by LCZs was used to define the impact level of the vulnerability index. Calculations for both hazard levels were completed during two intensive heat waves (in July and August 2015) when it was expected that there may be a high level of risk. The results and maps show that the urban area is complex, and the heat wave risk on the population is not uniform. The most densely built-up areas (LCZs 2, 5 and 6) have very high or high risk values that are influenced by a higher rate of mortality. The obtained results and maps can be used by local authorities to prevent and mitigate climate-related hazards, for medical institutions as well as urban planners and for ancillary local, regional or national services. According to these results, the local authorities could define hot spots where they can place medical and rescue teams and install points with water supplies, etc.  相似文献   
Model computations were performed for the study of numerical errors which are interjected into local geoid computations byFFT. The gravity field model was generated through the attractions of granitic prisms derived from actual geology. Changes in sampling interval introduced only0.3 cm variation in geoid heights. Although zero padding alone provided an improvement of more than5 cm in theFFT generated geoid, the combination of spectral windowing (tapering) and padding further reduced numerical errors. For theGPS survey of Franklin County, Ohio, the parameters selected as a result of model computations, allow large reduction in local data requirements while still retaining the centimeter accuracy when tapering and padding is applied.  相似文献   
In light of recent work on the reactivity of specific sites on large (hydr)oxo-molecules and the evolution of surface topography during dissolution, we examined the ability to extract molecular-scale reaction pathways from macroscopic dissolution and surface charge measurements of powdered minerals using an approach that involved regression of multiple datasets and statistical graphical analysis of model fits. The test case (far-from-equilibrium quartz dissolution from 25 to 300 °C, pH 1-12, in solutions with [Na+] ? 0.5 M) avoids the objections to this goal raised in these recent studies. The strategy was used to assess several mechanistic rate laws, and was more powerful in distinguishing between models than the statistical approaches employed previously. The best-fit model included three mechanisms—two involving hydrolysis of Si centers by H2O next to neutral (>Si-OH0) and deprotonated (>Si-O) silanol groups, and one involving hydrolysis of Si centers by OH. The model rate law is
Mapping combined with structural analyses in the foreland edge of the metamorphic core of the Himalayas in SW Nepal highlights the existence of two north‐dipping shear zones with opposite sense of shear. Here, the metamorphic core is mainly affected by non‐coaxial top‐to‐the‐south sense of shear at temperatures between 450 °C and 550 °C that switch to a top‐to‐the‐north sense of shear at the top of the metamorphic core. We regionally correlate this upper shear zone with the South Tibetan detachment system. Ar‐dating on white mica indicates that both shear zones operated between 23 Ma and 17 Ma. Restoration of the folded South Tibetan detachment in far western Nepal yields a minimum dip‐slip distance of 190 km, compatible with predictions made by models of extrusion of a weak mid‐crustal channel. Our results support an orogenic model in which channel flow in the hinterland coexisted with thrust wedge mechanics in the foreland.  相似文献   
 A 2-D periodic ab initio Hartree–Fock LCAO study was performed on Fe-substituted 1:1 sheet silicate, lizardite. The atomic orbitals were described by large-core pseudopotentials (Fe atoms) and a sp basis set (the other atoms). Calculated atomic charges and the results of bond population analysis indicate that the Fe-O bond was as ionic as the Mg-O. This hypothesis was supported by calculated density of states and electron density maps. Increasing Fe for Mg substitution changed the shape of projected density of states (PDOS) of O(p) orbitals. Received: 27 January 2000 / Accepted: 21 May 2000  相似文献   
The origin and evolution of CO2 inclusions and calcite veins in peridotite xenoliths of the Pannonian Basin, Hungary, were investigated by means of petrographic investigation and stable isotope analyses. The fluid inclusions recovered in paragenetic olivine and clinopyroxene belong to distinct populations: type A (texturally early) inclusions with regular shapes (often with negative crystal forms) forming intragranular trails; type B (texturally late) inclusions defining randomly oriented trails that reach grain boundaries. Type B inclusions are often associated with silicate melt (type C) inclusions. Stable carbon isotope compositions in inclusion-hosted CO2 were obtained by vacuum crushing followed by conventional dual inlet as well as continuous flow mass spectrometry in order to eliminate possible lab artifacts. Olivines, clino- and orthopyroxenes of the host peridotite have oxygen isotope compositions from 5.3 to 6.0‰ (relative to V-SMOW), without any relationship with xenolith texture. Some of the xenoliths contained calcite in various forms: veins and infillings in silicate globules in veins, secondary carbonate veins filling cracks and metasomatic veins with diffuse margins. The former two carbonate types have δ13C values around –13‰ (relative to V-PDB) and low Sr contents (< 0.5 wt.%), whereas the third type,veins with high-temperature metasomatic features have a δ13C value of –5.0‰ and high Sr contents up to 3.4 wt.%. In spite of the mantle-like δ13C value and the unusually high Sr content typical for mantle-derived carbonate, trace element compositions have proven a crustal origin. This observation supports the conclusions of earlier studies that the carbonate melt droplets found on peridotite xenoliths in the alkaline basalts represent mobilized sedimentary carbonate. The large δ13C range and the 12C-enrichment in the carbonates can be attributed to devolatilization of the migrating carbonate or infiltration of surficial fluids containing 12C-rich dissolved carbon.Carbon isotope compositions of inclusion-hosted CO2 range from –17.8 to –4.8‰ (relative to V-PDB) with no relation to the amount of CO2 released by vacuum crushing. Low-δ13C values measured by stepwise heating under vacuum suggest that the carbon component is pristine and not related to surficial contamination, and that primary mantle fluids with δ13C values around –5‰ were at least partly preserved in the xenoliths. Tectonic reworking and heating by the basaltic magma resulted in partial CO2 release and local 13C-depletion.  相似文献   
The insoluble organic material in the Orgueil (Cl) chondrite was analyzed by combined high vacuum pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Stepwise pyrolyses at 150, 300, 450 and 600°C of Orgueil meteorite powder which had been exhaustively extracted with solvents yielded a series of alkenes and alkanes to C8, an extensive series of alkylbenzene isomers, thiophene, alkylthiophenes, and benzothiophene, together with the nitrogen- and oxygen-containing breakdown products, acetonitrile, acrylonitrile, benzonitrile, acetone and phenol. The Orgueil polymer fragmentation products are very similar both qualitatively and quantitatively to pyrolysis products of solvent-extracted Pueblito de Allende (C3) chondrite described in the literature.Changes in the relative abundances of polymer degradation products between 150 and 600°C imply the preferential loss of aliphatic and certain heteroatomic portions of the polymer at lower temperatures to leave highly condensed aromatic and heteroaromatic portions of the polymer which begin to fragment only at 450–600°C. The Orgueil polymer-like matter thus appears to be a complex mixture of polymerized materials having different thermal stabilities. Similarities between vacuum pyrolyzates of the Orgueil polymer and terrestrial kerogen suggest the possibility that meteorite organic matter may have been subjected on the meteorite parent bodies to diagenetic processes similar to those by which terrestrial kerogen is formed.  相似文献   
Plutonic igneous rocks of Pan-African belts (500–600 m.y. age) in Africa can be described in terms of three types of assemblages: (1) migmatites formed largely by remobilization of pre-existing sialic crust during Pan-African time; (2) calcalkaline batholithic suites formed in association with subduction of oceanic crust; and (3) alkali-rich, post-tectonic granites. Many suites cannot be placed precisely in one of these categories, either because of intermediate (gradational) characteristics or because of lack of adequate information. Distinction of rocks formed during Pan-African time from older ones whose radiometric clocks were reset at that time is also difficult.The rock suites are very unevenly distributed geographically. Migmatites formed by ensialic crustal remobilization occur mostly in southern and central Africa. Calcalkaline suites occur in north Africa, particularly the northeast. Alkali-rich granites are virtually restricted to the northeastern portion of the continent, the one major part of Africa not occupied by an Archean shield. Evidence for subduction of oceanic crust is also restricted to northeastern Africa.The geologic history proposed for northeastern Africa is as follows: During, and immediately preceding, Pan-African time an ocean basin of uncertain size and shape occurred between the West African and Nubian-Arabian shields. Subduction zones were active on the margins and within the basin. During, and at the end of, Pan-African time extensive development of alkali-rich granites was associated with cratonization of the basin. Paleozoic sediments were then deposited under platform conditions on the newly formed craton, which showed mild epeirogenic activity throughout the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   
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