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The release of stored dissolved contaminants from low permeability zones contributes to plume persistence beyond the time when dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) has completely dissolved. This is fundamental to successfully meeting acceptable low concentrations in groundwater that are driven by site‐specific cleanup goals. The study goals were to assess the role of DNAPL entrapment morphology on mass storage and plume longevity. As controlled field studies are not feasible, two‐dimensional (2D) test tanks were used to quantify the significance of mass loading processes from source dissolution and stored mass rebound. A simple two‐layer soil domain representing a high permeable formation sand overlying a zone of lower permeability sand was used in the tests. DNAPL mass depletion through dissolution was monitored via X‐ray photon attenuation, and effluent samples were used to monitor the plume. These data enabled analysis of the DNAPL distribution, the dissolved plume, and the dissolved phase distribution within the low permeability layer. Tests in an intermediate tank showed that mass storage contributes substantially to plume longevity. Detectable effluent concentrations persisted long after DNAPL depletion. The small tank results indicated that the DNAPL morphology influenced the flow field and caused distinctive transport mechanisms contributing to mass storage. Zones of high DNAPL saturation at the interface between the low and high permeability layers exhibited flow bypassing and diffusion dominated transport into the low permeability layer. In the absence of a highly saturated DNAPL zone near the soil interface the contaminant penetrated deeper into the low permeability layer caused by a combination of advection and diffusion.  相似文献   
The goal of this research is to design, use and evaluate a set of web lectures, specifically tailored to the needs of students in higher education who follow geographic information system -related courses. Since education in geographic information system includes theoretical concepts and practical experience, both of these teaching strategies will be implemented in the web lectures. The user-centered design approach is used in the design process to increase the acceptance of the web lectures and the motivation to use them: perceived usefulness and ease of use. The results show that the students appreciate the initial set of web lectures, but that they need to be motivated more to use them (especially when theoretical topics are covered). Students still value the “traditional” face-to-face lectures and see the web lectures as an ideal complement.  相似文献   
In this paper, we analyze the effects of co-residence with elderly parents on gender differences in travel. The Household Responsibility Hypothesis (HRH) explains differences in the role of women regarding household responsibilities. However, research so far has studied “Western” household types while excluding households with co-residing elderly parents. Furthermore, research has paid exclusive attention to gender differences in commuting trips, and has neglected the effects of built environment characteristics. In view of these shortcomings, we pose the following research questions: what are the determinants of gendered differences in travel behavior, and specifically, what are the effects of elderly co-residence in households and land use on gender differences in trip frequency and travel distance? In addition to the HRH, we introduce the Elderly Co-residence Hypothesis, which suggests that co-residing elderly parents take over household responsibilities from adult women, resulting in diminishing gender differences in working-age travel patterns. We present the results of empirical research in Nanjing, China, that support this hypothesis.  相似文献   
Geographical information systems are more and more based on a DBMS with spatial extensions, which is also the case for the system described in this paper. The design and implementation of a generic geographical query tool, a platform for querying multiple spatio-temporal data sets and associated thematic data, is presented. The system is designed to be generic, that is without one specific application in mind. It supports ad-hoc queries covering both the spatial and the thematic part of the data. The generic geographic query tool will be illustrated with spatial and thematic Cadastral data. Special attention will be given to the temporal aspects: a spatio-temporal data model will be described together with a set of views for easy querying. DBMS views play an important role in the architecture of the system: integration of models, aggregation of information, presentation of temporal data, and so on. The current production version of the geographic query tool within the Dutch Cadastre is based on GeoICT products with a relatively small market share (Ingres and GEO++). A new prototype version is being developed using mainstream Geo-ICT products (Oracle and MapInfo). First results and open issues with respect to this prototype are presented.  相似文献   
A survey on temporary ponds has been conducted in search for large branchiopod crustaceans (Anostraca, Notostraca, Spinicaudata and Laevicaudata) in Wielkopolska province (western Poland). 728 pools have been studied and large branchiopods have been found in 221 of them. Seven species have been recorded, including three anostracans: Branchipus schaefferi, Chirocephalus shadini and Eubranchipus grubii; two notostracans: Lepidurus apus and Triops cancriformis; one spinicaudatan, Cyzicus tetracerus and one laevicaudatan, Lynceus brachyurus. According to the analysis of co-occurrence, the species form three groups, differing in habitat preferences and conservation status. The number of species shows that the diversity of globally threatened large branchiopods is still relatively high in the region. On the other hand, their conservation status is highly diverse and in most species unfavourable. Distribution of all species is highly clustered: large branchiopods have been generally found in 33 UTM squares (10 × 10 km) of 96 squares studied. However, only two species, i.e. E. grubii and L. apus occurred in more than five such squares and could be assessed as moderately widespread. Most water bodies inhabited by large branchiopods occur in groups forming patches of suitable habitats which are dispersed among prevailing seemingly unsuitable areas. Sustaining the existence of large metapopulations seems, therefore, to be essential for conservation of branchiopod species diversity. Field observations also bring some examples of human activities unintentionally supporting the branchiopod conservation.  相似文献   
Reconstruction of overbank sedimentation rates over the past decades gives insight into floodplain dynamics, and thereby provides a basis for efficient and sustainable floodplain management. We compared the results of four independent reconstruction methods – optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, caesium‐137 (137Cs) dating, heavy metal analysis, and flood bed interpretation – applied at three embanked floodplain sites along lower Rhine River distributaries in the Netherlands. All methods indicate significant sedimentation rates on the floodplains, varying between 2–7 mm/a in the distal zones and 3–9 mm/a in the proximal zones. On a rapidly developing sand bar along a natural levee sedimentation rates of 9 to 25 mm/a were found. Except for some minor inconsistencies in 137Cs dating results, all methods show decreasing sedimentation rates with increasing distance from the river channel. Intercomparison of the results of the different dating methods revealed the potential errors associated with each method, particularly where disagreement among the results were found. Uncertainties may arise due to (1) grain‐size dependent downward migration of 137Cs, (2) smoothing of the vertical heavy metal and 137Cs profiles, (3) delayed sediment‐associated input of 137Cs in addition to direct atmospheric fall‐out, (4) overestimation of the burial age in OSL dating due to incomplete resetting of the OSL signal, or (5) non‐linear relationships between sediment deposition and flood magnitude in the count‐from‐the‐top correlation between sediment lamination and past observed flood records. Still, taking the uncertainties associated with each method into account, the results are generally in good agreement. Using the results we indicate the optimal spatial range of application of each method, depending on sediment texture and sedimentation rate. The optimal spatial and temporal ranges differ for each method, but show significant overlap. A combination of the methods will thus provide maximum information for accurate estimation of sedimentation rates on a decadal time scale. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
缪群 《大气科学进展》2013,30(4):1025-1038
Data from in situ probes and a vertically-pointing mm-wave Doppler radar aboard a research aircraft are used to study the cloud microphysical effect of glaciogenic seeding of cold-season orographic clouds. A previous study (Geerts et al., 2010) has shown that radar reflectivity tends to be higher during seeding periods in a shallow layer above the ground downwind of ground-based silver iodide (AgI) nuclei generators. This finding is based on seven flights, conducted over a mountain in Wyoming (the Unites States), each with a no-seeding period followed by a seeding period. In order to assess this impact, geographically fixed flight tracks were flown over a target mountain, both upwind and downwind of the AgI generators. This paper examines data from the same flights for further evidence of the cloud seeding impact. Composite radar data show that the low-level reflectivity increase is best defined upwind of the mountain crest and downwind of the point where the cloud base intersects the terrain. The main argument that this increase can be attributed to AgI seeding is that it is confined to a shallow layer near the ground where the flow is turbulent. Yet during two flights when clouds were cumuliform and coherent updrafts to flight level were recorded by the radar, the seeding impact was evident in the flight-level updrafts (about 610 m above the mountain peak) as a significant increase in the ice crystal concentration in all size bins. The seeding effect appears short-lived as it is not apparent just downwind of the crest.  相似文献   
Natural arsenic(As)contamination of groundwater which provides drinking water and/or irrigation supplies remains a major public health issue,particularly in South and Southeast Asia.A number of studies have evaluated various aspects of the biogeochemical controls on As mobilization in aquifers typical to this region,however many are predicated on the assumption that key biogeochemical processes may be deduced by sampled water chemistry.The validity of this assumption has not been clearly established even though the role of sorption/desorption of As and other heavy metals onto Fe/Mn(hydr)oxides is an important control in As mobilization.Here,selective chemical extractions of sand-rich and clay-rich sediments from an As-affected aquifer in Kandal Province,Cambodia,were undertaken to explore the potential role of partial re-equilibrium through sorption/desorption reactions of As and related solutes(Fe,Mn and P)between groundwater and the associated solid aquifer matrix.In general,groundwater As is strongly affected by both pH and Eh throughout the study area.However,contrasting sorption behaviour is observed in two distinct sand-dominated(T-Sand)and clay dominated(T-Clay)transects,and plausibly attributed to differing dominant lithologies,biogeochemical and/or hydrogeological conditions.Sorption/desorption processes appear to be re-setting groundwater As concentrations in both transects,but to varying extents and in different ways.In T-Sand,which is typically highly reducing,correlations suggest that dissolved As may be sequestered by sorption/re-adsorption to Fe-bearing mineral phases and/or sedimentary organic matter;in T-Clay Eh is a major control on As mobilization although binding/occlusion of Fe-bearing minerals to sedimentary organic matter may also occur.Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted with groups categorised by transect and by Eh,and the output correlations support the contrasting sorption behaviours encountered in this study area.Irrespective of transect,however,the key biogeochemical processes which initially control As mobilization in such aquifers,may be "masked" by the re-setting of As concentrations through in-aquifer sorption/desorption processes.  相似文献   
PRUDENCE simulations of the climate in Central Europe are analysed with respect to mean temperature, mean precipitation and three monthly mean geostrophic circulation indices. The three global models show important circulation biases in the control climate, in particular in the strength of the west-circulations in winter and summer. The nine regional models inherit much of the circulation biases from their host model, especially in winter. In summer, the regional models show a larger spread in circulation statistics, depending on nesting procedures and other model characteristics. Simulated circulation biases appear to have a significant inluence on simulated temperature and precipitation. The PRUDENCE ensemble appears to be biased towards warmer and wetter than observed circulations in winter, and towards warmer and dryer circulations in summer. A2-scenario simulations show important circulation changes, which have a significant impact on changes in the distributions of monthly mean temperature and precipitation. It is likely that interactions between land–surface processes and atmospheric circulation play an important role in the simulated changes in the summer climate in Central Europe.  相似文献   
Critical tissue copper (Cu) residues associated with adverse effects on embryo-larval development were determined for the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) following laboratory exposure to Cu-spiked seawater collected from San Diego Bay, California, USA. Whole body no-observed-effect-residues (NOER) were similar, with means of 21 and 23mugg(-1)dw, for M. galloprovincialis and S. purpuratus, respectively. Mean whole body median effect residues (ER50) were 49 and 142mugg(-1)dw for M. galloprovincialis and S. purpuratus, respectively. The difference in ER50s between species was reduced to a factor of <2 when expressed as soft tissue residues. Coefficients of variation among whole body-ER50s were 3-fold lower than median waterborne effect concentrations (EC50) for both species exposed to samples varying in water quality characteristics. This suggests that tissue concentrations were a better predictor of toxicity than water concentrations. The CBRs described herein do not differentiate between the internal Cu concentrations that are metabolically available and those that are accumulated and then detoxified. They do appear, however, to be well enough related to the level of accumulation at the site of action of toxicity that they serve as useful surrogates for the copper concentration that affects embryonic development of the species tested. Results presented have potentially important implications for a variety of monitoring and assessment strategies. These include regulatory approaches for deriving saltwater ambient water quality criteria for Cu, contributions towards the development of a saltwater biotic ligand model, the conceptual approach of using CBRs, and ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   
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