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The Zhengguang deposit, a representative large gold deposit in the Duobaoshan ore field in NE China, is located in the northeast of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Ore body emplacement was structurally controlled and occurs mainly at the contact zone between the strata of Duobaoshan Formation and an Ordovician diorite stock. The diorite rocks have a close genetic relationship with Au mineralization. Re–Os isotope dating of Au-bearing pyrite yields an isochron age of 506 ± 44 Ma (MSWD = 15). Based on present and previous dating results, it can be concluded that the Zhengguang deposit formed at ~480 Ma. The mineralization time of the Zhengguang deposit is nearly identical to those of the Duobaoshan and Tongshan deposits, indicating they are all derived from the same metallogenic system. The Duobaoshan-style porphyry Cu–Mo mineralization may exist at deeper levels at Zhengguang. The geochemical characteristics of the Zhengguang dioritic rocks presented in this paper are similar to those of bajaitic high-Mg andesite, and the magmas originated from a mantle wedge metasomatized by melts from a subducting oceanic slab at an active continental margin setting. The Ordovician magmatic–metallogenic events in the Duobaoshan ore field were caused by the westward subduction of an oceanic slab located between the Xing’an and Songliao blocks. It is worth pointing out that the Zhengguang deposit is the oldest known Phanerozoic Au deposit in NE China. Further studies of this deposit will improve understanding of the regularity of ore formation and aid mineralization forecast across the Duobaoshan region.  相似文献   
Atmospheric circulation anomaly is a direct cause of weather and climate change. In the past, most researches for the relationship between Weather Type (WT) and precipitation have mainly focused on the subjective classification and diagnosis. Compared to the subjective analysis, objective classification uses more consistent index and standard unification, thus, we can get more WTs, and it has been widely used in many areas. By using daily 12UTC Sea Level Pressure (SLP), Precipitable Water (PW), and 700 hPa wind speed (UV700) data from ECMWF’s Interim Reanalysis, the classification of WTs over China was performed with the method of obliquely rotated T-mode principle component analysis. WT and its link to precipitation over China were further analyzed. The results show that the influence of different WTs on precipitation is not uniform over China, and also show distinctly difference in different seasons. A common feature is that WTs great impact on the regions and months with large precipitation, while less impact on regions and months have with less precipitation. In addition, precipitation trends originating from WT intensity changes are much more deterministic, significant, and predictable than trends from WT frequency changes.  相似文献   
卫星估雨精度的不确定性受到当地降雨类型和像元内降雨非均匀性影响,而结合这两个关键因素开展半干旱草原卫星估雨的研究有限.2009年夏,我们在中国锡林郭勒半干旱草原用多部微雨雷达和雨量计构建了9 km卫星像元降雨观测网,观测了像元内降雨非均匀性(空间变异系数CV),并评估了卫星估雨精度.结果表明:(1)CV值受像元内平均降雨量,降雨类型,降雨云面积及移向等影响,如高Cv值的降雨过程大多为平均降雨量小,对流性降雨过程,降雨云边缘像元CV值较高;(2)TRMM 3B42V7卫星估雨产品适用性较好,CMORPH和PERSIANN次之,但TRMM 3B42V7易在半干旱草原湖泊处高估降雨.  相似文献   
大兴安岭北部漠河盆地内广泛发育二十二站组,其形成时代及物质来源一直以来备受争议.本文在野外地质调查及岩相学的基础上,利用碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb法测年,并结合岩石地球化学等方法,探讨了二十二站组形成时代、物源区大地构造环境及沉积物来源.测年结果显示132个测点年龄主要分布在4个群落,分别为508.3~492.3 Ma;486.9~435.5 Ma;278.3~254.2 Ma;209.5~178.1 Ma.本次获得二十二站组最小碎屑锆石年龄为178.1 Ma,并结合漠河盆地东西部碎屑锆石的年龄,综合认为二十二站组形成时代应为中晚侏罗世.地球化学分析结果显示,二十二站组砂岩的稀土元素与活动大陆边缘的稀土元素曲线吻合较好,且相对亏损高场强元素(Nb和Ta)和大离子亲石元素(Ba和Sr),相对富集高场强元素(La、Th、Zr、Hf),地球化学特征与活动大陆边缘相似.综合古流向、源区母岩分析、碎屑锆石测年分析、微量元素特征等诸多因素,本次研究认为本区二十二站组砂岩的母岩主要来源于盆地南缘广泛分布的前中生代沉积-变质基底(兴华渡口岩群、佳疙瘩组、额尔古纳河组等)及各期中酸性火成岩.  相似文献   
煤炭地质勘查工作关系国家能源安全,在国民经济发展中具有重要的战略地位。伴随煤炭行业绿色转型和新能源革命新形势,及时调整产业结构,向大地质、大资源、大生态方向拓展服务领域,为国家生态文明建设和煤炭产业绿色安全高效发展提供坚实的地质技术保障,成为煤炭地质勘查产业转型发展必然趋势和未来发展方向。结合煤田地质勘查工作发展历程及现状、发展趋势,对煤炭地质勘查产业转型发展方向进行深入剖析和探讨。  相似文献   
为探明气候变化下干旱半干旱地区湿草甸参考作物蒸散发(ET0)影响因子,使用FAO 56 P-M模型对科尔沁湿草甸ET0进行模拟,利用涡度相关系统对模型的适用性进行评价,并通过通径分析及指标敏感性分析对ET0的影响因子进行辨识。结果表明:(1)小时尺度模拟精度最高,日尺度次之,月尺度较差,小时尺度上晴、阴、雨3种天气条件下模拟效果不同,晴天最优,阴雨天较差。(2)ET0年内变化呈单峰曲线状,生长季明显高于非生长季,集中在3—10月,占全年89.79%。生长季典型晴天ET0逐小时分布特征遵循倒“U”单峰型变化规律。(3)通径分析结果显示,对ET0的通径系数以及对回归方程估测可靠程度E的总贡献均表现为VPD(饱和水汽压差) > Tmin(最低气温) > Rn(冠层表面净辐射)>u2(2 m高度风速),即VPD为影响ET0最重要的因子;指标敏感性分析中,在去除VPD后引起的E变化最大,说明ET0VPD的变化最为敏感,其次为u2TminRn。  相似文献   
近20年京津唐主体城区地表热场空间特征变化分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
于琛  胡德勇  张旸  曹诗颂  段欣  张亚妮 《地理科学》2019,39(6):1016-1024
基于Landsat遥感影像获取京津唐主体城区1995~2015年地表温度(Land Surface Temperature, LST)和不透水地表盖度(Impervious Surface Percentage, ISP)数据。采用热点聚集和阈值分割法,依据地表的温度和不透水盖度属性将京津唐主体城区划分成9种地表热场类型,分析并探讨地表热场的发展规律、年际变化状况和区域贡献作用。研究发现,京津唐主体城区地表温度与不透水地表盖度间存在显著的正向相关关系,两者分别呈现“阶梯降”和“两端高、中间低”的变化特征。京津唐主体城区地表热场的发展主轴保持在西北-东南方向,且随时间推移沿主轴呈聚集态势。 京津唐主体城区地表热场的影响范围在空间上持续扩张,对于不同的主体城区,其在整体区域的热场贡献中有差异化表现。  相似文献   
基于2016、2017年生长季原位气象监测数据,利用Shuttleworth-Wallace(S-W)模型模拟了科尔沁沙地主要固沙植物小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)群落的蒸散发,对蒸散组分进行了拆分,并利用涡度相关系统对模拟蒸散发值进行了验证。结果表明:2016、2017年生长季小叶锦鸡儿群落蒸散发量分别为345.4、325.2 mm,土壤蒸发量分别为93.8、83.8 mm,植被蒸腾量分别为251.6、241.4 mm,土壤蒸发占总蒸散发分别为27.2%、25.8%。30 min尺度上模拟值与实测值一致性较高,模拟精度大体表现为晴天>阴天>雨天。持续干旱和降水后,小叶锦鸡儿蒸腾耗水规律明显不同,持续干旱时期小叶锦鸡儿保持较低的蒸腾耗水,且具有明显的"午休"现象,连续降水后小叶锦鸡儿"午休"消失,蒸腾耗水增强。饱和水汽压差是影响小叶锦鸡儿蒸散发的主要因子。  相似文献   
Qi  Miaomiao  Yao  Xiaojun  Li  Xiaofeng  Duan  Hongyu  Gao  Yongpeng  Liu  Juan 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(1):115-130
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Lake ice phenology is considered a sensitive indicator of regional climate change. We utilized time series information of this kind extracted from a series of...  相似文献   
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