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The process of water delivery to a headwater stream in a hypermaritime rainforest was examined using a variety of physical techniques and tracing with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the stable isotopes of water. Headwater swamps, often the major discharge zones for water draining off steep forest slopes, strongly affect the physical and chemical character of streamflow in the region. The headwater swamp selected for detailed investigation was sustained by relatively constant groundwater input from the steep colluvial slopes that maintained the water table above the ground surface. During significant storm events the water table rose quickly and the swamp expanded to engulf marginal pools that developed rapidly on the adjacent ground surfaces. The corresponding release of surface water directly to the stream typically comprised up to 95% of total stream discharge. The proportion of groundwater seepage to the stream by matrix flow (<1%) and via macropore‐fed springs (up to 73%) increased during the recession period, but could not be sustained over the longer term. In more protracted drying periods, deep groundwater contributions to the stream were routed first to the headwater swamp. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the stream, measured daily or more frequently during storm events, was found to be directly proportional to discharge, owing to the domination of DOC‐rich headwater‐swamp water sources. Although δ18O and δ2H composition of rainwater, groundwater and stream flow were found to be similar, deuterium excess (d ? δ2H ? 8δ18O) of water components was often found to be distinct, and suggested short water residence times of roughly 12 days for one event. Overall, observations of a typical headwater swamp reveal that the groundwater regime is dominated by rapid infiltration and short, emergent flow paths. With a relatively short turnover time, potential disturbances to the system by harvesting of upslope areas can be expected to occur rapidly. Forest managers can mitigate some of the harmful effects of logging operations by respecting the integrity of headwater wetland systems. The nature and magnitude of such perturbations will require further study. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Measurements of temperature and velocity microstructure near and downstream of a shallow seamount are used to compare fossil turbulence versus non-fossil turbulence models for the evolution of turbulence microstructure patches in the stratified ocean. According to non-fossil oceanic turbulence models, all overturn length scales LT of the microstructure grow and collapse in constant proportion to each other and to the turbulence energy (Oboukov) scale LO and the inertial buoyancy (Ozmidov) scale of the patches; that is, with LTrms ≈1.2LR and viscous dissipation rate 0*. According to the Gibson fossil turbulence model, all microstructure originates from completely active turbulence with 0 ≈ 3LT2N3(≈ 280*) and LT/√6 ≈ LTrms, but this rapidly decays into a more persistent active-fossil state with 0F ≈ 30vN2, where N is the buoyancy frequency and v is the kinematic viscosity and, without further energy supply, finally reaches a completely fossil turbulence hydrodynamic state of internal wave motions, with F. The last turbulence eddies, with F, vanish at a buoyant-inertial-viscous (fossil Kolmogorov) scale LKF that is much smaller than the remnant overturn scales LT for large 0/F ratios. These density, temperature, and salinity overturns with LT ≈ 0.6 LR0 0.6 LR persist as turbulence fossils (by retaining the memory of o) and collapse very slowly. In the near wake below the summit depth of Ampere seamount, a much larger proportion of completely active turbulence patches was found than is usually found in the ocean interior away from sources. Dissipation rates and turbulence activity coefficients of microstructure patches were found to decrease downstream, suggesting that the active turbulence indicated by the patches with AT 1 was caused by the presence of the seamount as a turbulence source. Therefore, the turbulence and mixing processes of ocean layers far away from turbulence sources probably have been undersampled by microstructure data sets lacking any AT 1 patches. This is because large fractions of the mixing and viscous dissipation of the patches occur in short-lived active turbulence regimes that are too brief to be detected. Consequently, large underestimates of the true space-time average turbulence fluxes and turbulence and scalar dissipation rates may result if non-fossil turbulence models are assumed in ocean microstructure data interpretation.  相似文献   
Concentrations of the sum of 15 PAHs in 22 surficial sediment samples from the western Irish Sea ranged from below 100 ng g−1 in sandy sediments to a maximum of 1422 ng g−1 in the centre of the mud basin. The concentrations are typical of coastal shelf sediments, but greater than those observed for aquatic sediments remote from known anthropogenic sources. Organic C and the % sediment <15 μm were positively correlated with ΣPAH. ΣPAH was normalised to organic C and particle size (i.e. expressed as ΣPAH/Corg and ΣPAH/%<15 μm) and significant relationships were still observed with organic C and %<15 μm. The results are discussed in the context of using organic C to normalise concentrations of PAHs to assess contamination levels in sediments.  相似文献   
Vigarano, a type 3 carbonaceous chondrite, contains a chondrule composed of highly refractory Ca and Al rich glass with minor spinel. The chondrule formed from material similar to the Ca, Al, Ti-rich aggregates that are common in Vigarano and other type 3 chondrites and formation of these refractory aggregates must predate formation of some Vigarano chondrules. Experiments with synthetic analogues and a comparison with studies in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 indicate a temperature for formation of the chondrule at or above 1700 °C followed by very rapid cooling.  相似文献   
We report the discovery of WASP-10b, a new transiting extrasolar planet (ESP) discovered by the Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) Consortium and confirmed using Nordic Optical Telescope FIbre-fed Echelle Spectrograph and SOPHIE radial velocity data. A 3.09-d period, 29 mmag transit depth and 2.36 h duration are derived for WASP-10b using WASP and high-precision photometric observations. Simultaneous fitting to the photometric and radial velocity data using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure leads to a planet radius of  1.28 R J   , a mass of  2.96 M J   and eccentricity of ≈0.06. WASP-10b is one of the more massive transiting ESPs, and we compare its characteristics to the current sample of transiting ESP, where there is currently little information for masses greater than ≈  2 M J   and non-zero eccentricities. WASP-10's host star, GSC 2752−00114 (USNO-B1.0 1214−0586164) is among the fainter stars in the WASP sample, with   V = 12.7  and a spectral type of K5. This result shows promise for future late-type dwarf star surveys.  相似文献   
We report the discovery of a 7.3 M J exoplanet WASP-14b, one of the most massive transiting exoplanets observed to date. The planet orbits the 10th-magnitude F5V star USNO-B1 11118−0262485 with a period of 2.243 752 d and orbital eccentricity   e = 0.09  . A simultaneous fit of the transit light curve and radial velocity measurements yields a planetary mass of 7.3 ± 0.5 M J and a radius of 1.28 ± 0.08 R J. This leads to a mean density of about 4.6 g cm−3 making it the densest transiting exoplanets yet found at an orbital period less than 3 d. We estimate this system to be at a distance of  160 ± 20  pc. Spectral analysis of the host star reveals a temperature of  6475 ± 100 K, log  g = 4.07  cm s−2 and   v sin  i = 4.9 ± 1.0  km s−1, and also a high lithium abundance,  log  N (Li) = 2.84 ± 0.05  . The stellar density, effective temperature and rotation rate suggest an age for the system of about 0.5–1.0 Gyr.  相似文献   
Some economists have questioned the need for retaining boat licences in fisheries managed through rights-based systems on the assumption that licences act as an impediment to autonomous adjustment. In this paper, the role of boat licences in fisheries managed through rights-based instruments is explored through examining their use in several fisheries in Australian and elsewhere. The study concludes that any impediment to autonomous adjustment that is produced by boat licences is likely to be small relative to other factors. Further, boat licences play an important role in offsetting imperfections in the rights-based management systems that exist in most countries.  相似文献   
Fantale (Lat. 8° 58 N., Long. 39° 54 E) is a typical Quaternary silicic strato-volcano situated on the floor of the northern part of the Main Ethiopian Rift. Following the growth of the main central cone, a voluminous ash-flow tuff was erupted in association with the development of the 4 km summit caldera. On the upper parts of the volcano the tuff is virtually restricted to three major eruptive pathways descending from the caldera. The tuff is more extensive on the lower flanks and forms a continuous sheet surrounding the volcano.The tuff is welded throughout, even when it is less than 1 m thick. It shows typical vitroclastic texture and is markedly eutaxitic in the intensely welded sections. The degree of welding appears to he largely independent of the total thickness of the tuff. Microscopic observations provide confirmatory evidence of postdepositional vesiculation of the tuff and also suggest that recrystallisation has not induced the development of cavities in the tuff.The detailed analytical data presented suggest that the chemical composition of the tuff was modified by recrystallisation which produced relative depletion in SiO2, total Fe, Cl, and Na2O and enrichment in Al2O3, K2O and CaO. The trace elements Ba, La, Nb, Rb, and Zr were not affected by this process. Study of serial samples from three sections through the tuff has led to the identification of five of the constituent flow units of the tuff. The units are approximately homogeneous in composition but differ from each other. The earliest unit is more silicic and pantelleritic, whereas the later flow units are more trachytic in composition. This data is interpreted in terms of the progressive emptying of a small but strongly zoned high-level magma chamber.The presence of primary laminar flowage structures, postdepositional vesiculation effects, intense welding in thin units and high initial dips suggests that the Fantale tuff was deposited from a series of dense, perhaps partially fluidized, magma pulses.  相似文献   
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