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We have analysed X-ray spectra of 13 solar flares as obtained by the Bent Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) on the Solar Maximum Mission. In particular, we have examined the observed ratio of T Fe/T Ca where T Fe and T Ca are the temperatures obtained from the Fexxv and Caxix spectra, respectively. In order to simplify the investigation we have analysed only flares which reach quasi-steady-state during the decay. It turned out that the observed ratios cannot be explained by a model consisting of a single, uniformly heated loop, with a constant or variable cross-sectional area. We propose that this problem may be solved by introducing some distribution of the heating function across the flaring loop. This model has been tested by detailed calculations.  相似文献   
Roy BK 《GeoJournal》1990,20(3):271-284
In this paper an attempt is made to present some facets of status of water for agriculture and population in India. The issues are basic in nature which have been focused by scholars all over time and again. The materials are gathered from various sources to highlight and to consider a plea in the context of population-hydrological regions of the country to develop water potentials. Some characteristic mapping has also been conducted showing the main parameters of water utilization, need and spatial issues regarding consumptive use of water during agricultural operations as per the seasons prevalent in India. A relation is also established with the drought areas leading to assess the need for water. The human problems specially in relation to the safe drinking water is also projected in relation to distributional qualities with reference to natural regions by districts. The study does not claim a full assessment of the water issue due to paucity of statistics on water use, generation and potentials but it does indicate in many ways the geographical problems as an important study for further research by all concerned.  相似文献   
Eruptive prominences trace disruptions of magnetic arcades in which they are embedded. The stability of an arcade containing an electric current filament at its axis is discussed. The model provides criteria for the onset of the eruptive instability in terms of prominence twist and overall geometry, i.e., the parameters which could be measured directly. The evolution of the eruption is analyzed, and the dependence of the acceleration and the pitch of field-lines on the height is established. The model is compared with the observations of one eruptive prominence where the development of helical structure was followed.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
The central energy source of quasars and active galactic nuclei cannot be resolved by observation. When such a compact source is affected by gravitational micro-lensing (lensing of stars in a distant galaxy), brightness changes of the order of magnitudes may occur. Since it is an eclipse-like effect, it gives the possibility of calculating the one-dimensional source profile from the lightcurve. We present the method and the results of its application on simulated lightcurves. It should be possible to obtain information on the structure of the source on a scale smaller than 10–3 pc. The micro gravitational lens effect gives, therefore, the only known possibility of observing directly the central energy source of quasars and active galactic nuclei.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
The possible contribution of gamma-rays predicted within the universal cosmic-ray (CR) hypothesis to the energy range of CR spectrum above black-body cutoff is calculated. These gamma-rays arise from the relativistic electromagnetic cascade generated in the field of microwave background radiation (MBR). The ultra-high energy photons and electrons that initiate the cascade are produced at the decay of -mesons created in interactions of photons with the MBR. Simple analytic expression for cascade gamma-ray spectrum is obtained from the solution of kinetic equations for electrons and photons as well as for protons propagating in the MBR field. It is shown that at certain values of magnetic field and radio-wave density in the intergalactic space te flux of cascade gamma-rays may at least partly mask the black-body cutoff in the CR spectrum.Deceased, August 13, 1989.  相似文献   
The Wild Bight Group (WBG) is a sequence of early and middle Ordovician volcanic, subvolcanic and epiclastic rocks, part of the Dunnage Tectonostratigraphic Zone of the Newfoundland Appalachians. A detailed geochemical and Nd-isotopic study of the volcanic and subvolcanic rocks has been carried out to determine the geochemical characteristics of the rocks, interpret their palcotectonic environments and constrain their petrogenetic history. The lower and central stratigraphic levels of the WBG contain mafic volcanic rocks with island-arc geochemical signatures, including LREE-enriched are tholeiites with Nd(t) =-0.1 to +2.2 (type A-I), LREE-depleted arc tholeiites with Nd(t) =+5.6 to +7.1 (type A-II) and an unusual suite of strongly incompatible-element depleted tholeiites in which Nd(t) ranges from-0.9 to +4.6 and is negatively correlated with147Sm/144Nd (type A-III). High-silica, low-K rhyolites occur locally in the central part of the stratigraphy, associated with mafic rocks of arc affinity, and have Nd(t) =+4.7 to +5.4. The upper stratigraphic levels of the WBG dominantly contain rocks with non-arc geochemical signatures, including alkalic basalts with Nd(t) =+4.6 to +5.5 (type N-I), strongly LREE- and incompatible element-enriched tholeiites that are transitional between alkalic and non-alkalic rocks with Nd(t) =+4.4 to +7.0 (type N-II) and rocks with flat to slightly LREE-enriched patterns and Nd(t) =+5.1 to +7.4 (type N-III). Rocks with non-arc and arc signatures are locally interbedded near the stratigraphic type of the WBG. Nd-isotopic data in the type A-I and A-II rocks are generally compatible with mixing/partial melting models involving depleted mantle, variably contaminated by a subducted crustally-derived sediment. The petrogenesis of type A-III rocks must involve source mixing and multi-stage partial melting, but the details are not clear. The geochemistry and Nd isotope data for types N-I, N-II and N-III rocks are compatible with petrogenetic models involving variable partial melting of a source similar to that postulated for modern oceanic island basalts. Comparison of the WBG with modern analogues suggests a 3-stage developmental model: stage 1) island-arc volcanism (eruption of type mafic volcancs); stage 2) arc-rifting (continued eruption of type A-I, A-I, eruption of types A-II and A-III mafic volcanics and high-silica, low-K rhyolites); and stage 3) back-arc basin volcanism (continued minor eruption of type A-I basalts, eruption of types N-I, N-II, N-III basalts). Stages 1 and 2 volcanism involved partial melting of subduction contaminated mantle, while stage 3 volcanism utilized depleted-mantle sources not affected by the subducting slab. This model provides a basis for interpreting coeval sequences in central Newfoundland and a comparative framework for some early Paleozoic oceanic volcanic sequences elsewhere in the Appalachian orogen.  相似文献   
The polyphasal magmatic evolution of the Caledonian Karmøy Ophiolite Complex includes: (1) formation of an axis sequence from island-arc tholeiitic (IAT) and more MORB-like magmas (493+7/-4 Ma); (2) intrusion of magmas of boninitic affinity (485±2 Ma); (3) intrusion of MORB- and IAT-like magmas; (4) intrusion and extrusion of calc-alkaline magmas (470+9/-5 Ma); (5) intrusion and extrusion of basalts with alkaline trace-element affinity. Repeated intrusion of MORB and IAT-like magmas may be explained by intermittent magmatism involving magma-chamber solidification and remelting of a source characterized by initial Nd of approximately +6.5. The boninitic rocks may have formed from two LREE-depleted sources: the primary source of the axis-sequence magmas and the residual source left after extraction of these magmas. These sources have been enriched in LREE, Th and Zr from subducted material exhibiting a continental Nd-isotope signature with initial Nd less than-8. Covariation between Nd and Th, Zr, Nd, Y and Yb may be explained by metasomatic enrichment of a LREE-depleted mantle source by a LREE-enriched subduction component, followed by partial melting during which the degree of melting of the metasomatized mantle source increased linearly with the amount of subduction component added to the mantle source. The calc-alkaline magmas may have formed by remelting of a highly depleted source, which became enriched in some trace elements derived from the source of the subsequent alkaline magmatism. The geology and geochemistry of the Karmøy Ophiolite Complex suggest growth of an island-arc upon newly-formed oceanic crust, followed by arc-splitting and the development of a new basin.  相似文献   
We report on results from the Goddard germanium Gamma-Ray Burst Spectrometer flown on the ISEE-3 spacecraft. Spectral and temporal studies of two events on 4 and 19 November, 1978 are presented. The power law spectral indices were found to be respectively –1.82 and –1.31, the latter being the hardest event thus far detected. Evidence for two lines in the 4 November event is presented — a broad feature at 420 keV and a narrower one at 740 keV. These are consistent with a common redshift if the parent lines are assumed to be the positron annihilation line (511 keV) and the first excited state of iron (847 keV). If this interpretation is correct, it is shown that additional lines from higher levels of iron and possibly other nuclei are expected and that they may represent a significant contribution to the total spectrum above 1 MeV.Paper presented at the Symposium on Cosmic-Ray Bursts, held at Toulouse, France, 26–29 November, 1979.  相似文献   
Tests have been carried out on Kodak Spectroscopic Plates Type I-N, in order to find a treatment which could be easily applied to the infrared plates to be used with the Loiano 152 cm,f/8, Ritchey-Chrétien telescope. Different techniques have been tested, not only with the aim of achieving the higher speed gain, but also to obtain the better uniformity and reproducibility. Our results suggest that the advantages of preexposure techniques are underestimated in this respect. Furthermore, we find that blue and infrared preexposures (at 0.8 s) give different results, suggesting a different degree of dispersity in the latent image produced by pre-exposure in the two cases.Baths including both ammonia and Ag-compounds provide the higher speed gains, but the increment of the fog is often non-uniform and/or very high. The best results have been obtained with baths including AgNO3 and AgCl. The rejuvenation process found by Sanduleak and the results obtained by Jenkins and Farnell on the reversibility of the gains due to silver-nitrate baths have been confirmed.  相似文献   
New spectrophotometry from 1.5 to 2.5 μm is reported for the Uranian satellites Titania, Oberon, and Umbriel. A spectrum of the rings of Uranus from 2.0 to 2.4 μm is also reported. No evidence is found for frost covering the surface of the ring material, consistent with the low albedo of the rings (PK = 0.03) previously reported by Nicholson and Jones (1980). The surfaces of the satellites are found to be covered by dirty water frost. Assuming albedos of the frost and gray components covering the Uranian satellites to be the same as the light and dark faces of Iapetus, radii are derived that are roughly twice those inferred from the assumption of a visual albedo of 0.5.  相似文献   
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