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The history of the discovery of hot gas in galaxies is briefly reviewed, and the main properties of this gas described, emphasizing the need to refine these properties, in particular, the mass of the gas. It is proposed to do this via observations of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect due to hot gas in the coronas of elliptical galaxies. The absolute and relative perturbations of the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation due to scattering of the CMB photons by electrons with a Maxwellian energy distribution are calculated. The possibility of observing the SZ effect is demonstrated using three elliptical galaxies as examples. The kinematic SZ effect arising due to the peculiar motions and rotations of the galaxies is also accessible to observations. Together with X-ray data, such observations would enable refinement of the properties of gas in galaxies, and also yield additional information about the rotation of galaxies, possible accretion flows in the galactic gas, and hot galactic winds.  相似文献   
The intensity of postmagmatic processes in the Botuobinskaya pipe kimberlites was estimated from the calculated content of normative secondary quartz (Q). Several simple algorithms are proposed to calculate the Q content from chemical analyses of kimberlites. Ten groups of altered kimberlites have been recognized from the Q contents. The contents of MgO, some trace elements, and LREE in the groups, the contents of Cr and Ca of crimson garnets, the diamond contents of kimberlites, and the average weight of diamonds decrease as the Q content increases. It is shown that the negative SiO2–MgO correlation is the most effective indicator of the postmagmatic alteration of kimberlites. As the degree of their secondary alteration increases, the kimberlites transform into an assemblage of quartz and clay minerals enriched in some trace elements and almost completely lacking REE and diamonds.  相似文献   
Climatic changes in southeastern Transbaikalia in the Middle and Late Holocene and their influence on alluvial sedimentation environments are reconstructed from the results of study of the Ilya floodplain sediments (Alkhanai National Park). At the beginning of the Subboreal period, the regional climate became more arid, which led to a significant increase in steppe species communities in the landscapes. Intense climate aridization also took place at the beginning and at the end of the Subatlantic period of the Holocene. The alluvial-sedimentation rate increased during the weakening of aridization and decreased during cooling and the intensification of aridization. The obtained regional data are compared with data on the adjacent areas and the global climatic changes in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
The Mirdita Ophiolite Zone in Albania is associated with widespread mélanges containing components of up to nappe-size. We dated matrix and components of the mélange by radiolarians, conodonts, and other taxa. The components consist of radiolarites, pelagic limestones and shallow-water limestones, all of Triassic age, as well as ophiolites. Triassic radiolarite as a primary cover of ophiolite material proves Middle Triassic onset of Mirdita ocean-floor formation. The mélange contains a turbiditic radiolarite-rich matrix (“radiolaritic flysch”), dated as Late Bajocian to Early Oxfordian. It formed as a synorogenic sediment during west-directed thrusting of ophiolite and sediment-cover nappes representing ocean floor and underplated fragments of the western continental margin. The tectonic structures formed during these orogenic events (“Younger Kimmeridian or Eohellenic Orogeny”) are sealed by Late Jurassic platform carbonates. The geological history conforms with that of the Inner Dinarides and adjoining areas; we therefore correlate the Mirdita-Pindos Ophiolite Zone with the Vardar Zone and explain its present position by far-distance west-directed thrusting.  相似文献   
We developed light requirements for eelgrass in the Pacific Northwest, USA, to evaluate the effects of short- and long-term reductions in irradiance reaching eelgrass, especially related to turbidity and overwater structures. Photosynthesis-irradiance experiments and depth distribution field studies indicated that eelgrass productivity was maximum at a photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of about 350–550 μmol quanta m−2 s−1. Winter plants had approximately threefold greater net apparent primary productivity rate at the same irradiance as summer plants. Growth studies using artificial shading as well as field monitoring of light and eelgrass growth indicated that long-term survival required at least 3 mol quanta m−2 day−1 on average during spring and summer (i.e., May-September), and that growth was saturated above about 7 mol quanta m−2 day−1. We conclude that non-light-limited growth of eelgrass in the Pacific Northwest requires an average of at least 7 mol quanta m−2 day−1 during spring and summer and that long-term survival requires a minimum average of 3 mol quanta m−2 day−1.  相似文献   
To image the electrical conductivity distribution, fluxgate magnetometers are operated at five sites in Andaman and Nicobar region. Transfer functions are estimated for the period range 8–128 min, from nighttime transient geomagnetic variations, using robust regression analysis. The observed induction arrows in Andaman Islands are found to point towards east despite deep sea located towards its west. This indicates that fore-arc basin (Andaman–Nicobar deep) is more conducting than the region of outer non-volcanic Island arc.Thin sheet model requires the conductance of 10,000–35,000 S (with increase conductivity towards the south) for explaining the observed induction pattern. The observed induction pattern at Andaman–Nicobar stations can be explained in terms of high conducting Cretaceous–Tertiary sediments filling the Andaman–Nicobar deep. High conductivity over Invisible bank has been attributed to the partial melts/volatile fluids derived from the subducting Indian plate that are intruding into the eastern margin of fore-arc basin through the West Andaman Fault (WAF).The induction pattern at Great Nicobar station (Campbell Bay) may be related to the highly conducting sediments filling the Mergui basin along with mafic intrusions. Also crustal transition occurs below the Mergui Terrace at the Malayan coast contributing to the enhanced conductivity anomaly.  相似文献   
It is shown that the centroid of the heliospheric equator undergoes quasi-periodic oscillations. During the minimum of the 11-year cycle, the centroid shifts southwards (the so-called bashful-ballerina effect). The direction of the shift reverses during the solar maximum. The solar quadrupole is responsible for this effect. The shift is compared with the tilt of the heliospheric current sheet.  相似文献   
The central magnetic field and rotation of the solar radiative zone are responsible for corrections to the g-mode frequencies. Magnetogravitational spectra are calculated analytically in a simple one-dimensional MHD model that goes beyond the WKB approximation and avoid any cusp resonances that trap the wave within the radiative zone in the presence of a weak magnetic background. The calculations are compared with spacecraft observations of the 1% frequency shifts for candidate g-modes found in the SOHO GOLF experiment. The magnetic correction is the main contribution for a strong magnetic field satisfying the approximation used. It is shown that a constant magnetic field of 700 kG in the radiative zone provides the required frequency shift for the n = ?10 g-mode. The rotational correction, which is due to the Coriolis force in the one-dimensional model used, is much less than a percent (αΩ ≤ 0.003).  相似文献   
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