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Clouds are believed to reflect temporal climate changes through variations in their amounts, characteristics, and occurrence. In addition, they reflect both weather and climate in a region. In this work, a methodology to determine the local cloud cover (LCC) is proposed using sky images obtained from a ground-based instrument. Three years of sky images from an urban, tropical site were obtained and analyzed through that methodology. Monthly average LCC varied from 3 to 96 %, while seasonal average values were 68 % for summer, 54 % for spring, 46 % for fall, and 23 % for winter. LCC results show a clear seasonal dependence and a fair agreement (r 2 = 0.72) with satellite data, which typically underestimate the cloud cover in relation to LCC. Our analysis also suggests the possibility of a measurable link between LCC and natural events like the El Niño Southern Oscillation.  相似文献   

Evaluating horizontal gradients in three‐dimensional shallow water models that use bottom‐following sigma coordinates can lead to large errors near steep bathymetry. A technique that has been proposed to minimize this problem involves computing horizontal gradients in cartesian coordinates, while treating all other terms in a sigma coordinate framework. We study this technique through both truncation error analysis and numerical experimentation, and compare it to the direct application of sigma coordinates. While the Cartesian coordinate method has better convergence properties and generally smaller truncation errors when horizontal gradients are zero, the sigma coordinate method can be more accurate in other physically relevant situations. Also, the Cartesian coordinate method introduces significant numerical diffusion of variable sign near the bottom (where physical diffusion is particularly small), thus potentially leading to instabilities. Overall, we consider the sigma coordinates to be the best approach.  相似文献   
A variable vertical mesh spacing for large-eddy simulation (LES) models in a convective boundary layer (CBL) is proposed. The argument is based on the fact that in the vertical direction the turbulence near the surface in a CBL is inhomogeneous and therefore the subfilter-scale effects depend on the relative location between the spectral peak of the vertical velocity and the filter cut-off wavelength. From the physical point of view, this lack of homogeneity makes the vertical mesh spacing the principal length scale and, as a consequence, the LES filter cut-off wavenumber is expressed in terms of this characteristic length scale. Assuming that the inertial subrange initial frequency is equal to the LES filter cut-off frequency and employing fitting expressions that describe the observed convective turbulent energy one-dimensional spectra, it is feasible to derive a relation to calculate the variable vertical mesh spacing. The incorporation of this variable vertical grid within a LES model shows that both the mean quantities (and their gradients) and the turbulent statistics quantities are well described near to the ground level, where the LES predictions are known to be a challenging task.  相似文献   
The present paper analyses the evidence provided by three sites (Sima del Elefante, Gran Dolina, and Galería) located in the Trinchera del Ferrocarril of the Sierra de Atapuerca. These three sites are cave infillings that contain sediments deposited from approximately 1.2 Ma to 200 kyr. Pollen, herpetofauna, and small and large mammal remains are used as proxies to obtain a general picture of the environmental changes that occurred at the Sierra de Atapuerca throughout the one million-year period represented at these sites. Similarly, cultural changes are tracked analyzing the evidence of human behavior obtained from the study of several bone and lithic assemblages from these three sites. At least three periods with different cultural features, involving technology, subsistence and behavior, are determined from the available evidence. The first two periods correspond to the Mode 1 technology and Homo antecessor: the first is dated around 1.2 to 1.0 Ma and reflects opportunistic behavior both in technology and subsistence. The second period is around 800 kyr BP. Mode 1 technology is still maintained, but subsistence strategies include systematic hunting and the use of base camps. The third period is dated between 500 ka and 200 ka and corresponds to the Mode 2 technology and the acquisition of directional hunting and other organizational strategies by Homo heidelbergensis. A transition from Mode 2 to Mode 3 seems to appear at the end of this time-range, and may reflect the early phases of a fourth cultural change. With regard to the environment, our main conclusion is that there was an absence of extremely harsh conditions at Atapuerca throughout this time period. The presence of Mediterranean taxa was constant and the dominant landscape was a savannah-like open environment, probably with small forest patches. An alternation of Mediterranean and mesic species as the dominant component of the tree storey was induced by the climatic cycles, and steppes spread across the landscape during the drier periods. In any case, it is not possible to establish clear cut-off points separating entirely different environmental episodes. Our results show no evidence of any relationship between environmental change and cultural change at the Sierra de Atapuerca.  相似文献   
A sodium bentonite is being used in the basal-isolation of landfills installed on strongly fractured granitic rocks of N Portugal (NW Iberia). To evaluate the performance of this clay as the ultimate impermeable basal barrier, a detailed study was carried out of the granite fracture network; the Na-bentonite was tested to characterize its mechanical and geotechnical behavior; geophysical surveys were made to search for landfill leakage and the waters found around the landfill were geochemically characterized. Fractures in the granite are usually open and devoid of mineral infillings or clay materials and, thus, permeability of the granite is very high. Dispersal of contaminants can be further enhanced by the position of the landfill on a high steep-sided ridge. Geophysical and geochemical data show evidence for seepage and dispersion of pollutants, which means that the clay failed as an ultimate isolation barrier against seepage. This investigation shows that this can be due to fracturing of the clay under load and/or to its non-homogeneous saturation and extreme shrinking character upon drying, which are accompanied by the formation of extensive cracking. Observations and experimental results suggest that the use of synthetic clays in the safe building of landfill bottom liners needs further research, and extreme care should be taken in preventing that clay water content suffers large variations after saturation, as this process considerably degrades the mechanical behavior and sealing properties of the studied Na-bentonite.  相似文献   
This paper describes a sediment survey undertaken to unravel patterns of distribution and dispersion of trace metals in an Iberian Peninsula northwestern coastal lagoon (Ria de Aveiro). Cadmium, lead, chromium, copper and zinc were analyzed in bottom sediments. Geochemical normalization is performed and two different regression models for each metal versus aluminum are tested and compared using the respective enrichment factors (EF), an estimation of the relative importance of anthropogenic contributions to the studied sediments. Mean sediment quality guideline quotients (mSQGQ) are used to evaluate sediment quality and associated potential risk to biota with effects range low as empirical sediment quality guideline (SQG) in the basis for mSQGQ calculation. Additionally, the geoaccumulation index is calculated to compare studied sediment levels to global baseline levels. The application of SQGs revealed insufficient characterization capability, especially when contrasted to EF calculated from the regression methods. These pointed a mildly enriched system with localized ??hot spot?? areas. Therefore, it can be considered that bottom sediments in the Ria de Aveiro system are in their majority unpolluted, zinc being the only metal of concern, presenting enrichment in all four main channels. The major rivers outlets (Caster, Antu?, and Vouga) constitute point sources, thus presenting potential risk for biota. Yet, the strong tidal influence creates a damping effect by efficiently redistributing sediment bound metals.  相似文献   
Résumé Il s'agit de la détermination de l'aplatissement de la Terre et de la pesanteur équatoriale en utilisant la définition de l'ellipsoïde de référence donnée par l'auteur dans une publication antérieure et les anomalies isostatiques moyennes calculées parL. Tanni. Les résultats obtenus, e =978.055, =1/296.3, sont sensiblement égaux à ceux qui proviennent de la méthode habituelle des moindres carrés; l'aplatissement calculé est compris entre les limites déduites parA. Véronnet de la précession terrestre.
Summary This article contains the numerical computation of the Earth's flattening and the equatorial gravity on the basis of the definition of the reference ellipsoid, given by the author in a former work, and the mean isostatic anomalies computed byL. Tanni. The results, e =978.055, =1/296.3, show that the method of least squares is accurate enough under the present conditions; the flattening computed is bounded by the values derived byA. Véronnet from the terrestrial precession.
A parametric study of an embankment on soft soils reinforced with stone columns is performed using a computer program based on the finite element method. The cylindrical unit cell formulation is used by modeling one column and its surrounding soft soil with confined axisymmetric behaviour. The computer program incorporates the Biot consolidation theory (coupled formulation of the flow and equilibrium equations) with constitutive relations simulated by the pqθ critical state model. The following parameters are analysed: the replacement area ratio, the deformability of the column material, the thickness of the soft soil, the deformability of the fill and the friction angle of the column material. Based on the results of this study, a new design method is proposed, relating the settlement improvement factor to the two factors that revealed major influence: the replacement area ratio and the ratio between the deformability of the soft soil and the deformability of the column material.  相似文献   
The long-term response of circulation processes to external forcing has been quantified for the Columbia River estuary using in situ data from an existing coastal observatory. Circulation patterns were determined from four Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADP) and several conductivity–temperature sensors placed in the two main channels. Because of the very strong river discharge, baroclinic processes play a crucial role in the circulation dynamics, and the interaction of the tidal and subtidal baroclinic pressure gradients plays a major role in structuring the velocity field. The input of river flow and the resulting low-frequency flow dynamics in the two channels are quite distinct. Current and salinity data were analyzed on two time scales—subtidal (or residual) and tidal (both diurnal and semidiurnal components). The residual currents in both channels usually showed a classical two-layer baroclinic circulation system with inflow at the bottom and outflow near the surface. However, this two-layer system is transient and breaks down under strong discharge and tidal conditions because of enhanced vertical mixing. Influence of shelf winds on estuarine processes was also observed via the interactions with upwelling and downwelling processes and coastal plume transport. The transient nature of residual inflow affects the long-term transport characteristics of the estuary. Effects of vertical mixing could also be seen at the tidal time scale. Tidal velocities were separated into their diurnal and semidiurnal components using continuous wavelet transforms to account for the nonstationary nature of velocity amplitudes. The vertical structure of velocity amplitudes were considerably altered by baroclinic gradients. This was particularly true for the diurnal components, where tidal asymmetry led to stronger tidal velocities near the bottom.  相似文献   
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