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“Galileo Galilei” (GG) is a small satellite designed to fly in low Earth orbit with the goal of testing the Equivalence Principle—which is at the basis of the General Theory of Relativity—to 1 part in 1017. If successful, it would improve current laboratory results by 4 orders of magnitude. A confirmation would strongly constrain theories; proof of violation is believed to lead to a scientific revolution. The experiment design allows it to be carried out at ambient temperature inside a small 1-axis stabilized satellite (250 kg total mass). GG is under investigation at Phase A-2 level by ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) at Thales Alenia Space in Torino, while a laboratory prototype (known as GGG) is operational at INFN laboratories in Pisa, supported by INFN (Istituto Nazionale di fisica Nucleare) and ASI. A final study report will be published in 2009.  相似文献   
This paper examines the relationship between reflectance and physical characteristics of the snow cover in the Arctic. Field data were acquired for different snow and ice surfaces during a survey carried out at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, in spring 1998. In each measurement reflectance in the spectral range 350 - 2500 nm, snow data (including temperature, grain size and shape, density and water content), surface layer morphology, and vertical profile of the snow pack were recorded detailed analysis of reflectance based on the physical was performed. Field reflectance data were also re-sampled at the spectral intervals of Landsat TM to compare the ability of identifying different snow targets at discrete wavelength intervals. This analysis shows that reliable data on snow structure and thickness are necessary to understand albedo changes of the snow surfaces.  相似文献   
The current space activities are already disturbed and jeopardized by the growing number of orbiting debris. Those planned for the near future, such as the launch of large satellite constellations and the construction of the international space station, are even more sensitive to the evolution of the space environment. Therefore, a clear picture of the present situation in Earth orbit and its future evolution is needed. In this paper we describe in some details the work we have carried out on this problem in the last several years. Starting from the current population and simulating a reasonable scenario for the space activities in the next decades, we have obtained plausible quantitative models of the possible future space environment. We summarize some results concerning the effectiveness of possible mitigation measures and assess the robustness of these results, by checking how sensitively they depend upon the initial conditions and the choice of some model parameters. We also analyze the effect of the launch of a number of satellite constellations, showing the importance of the adoption of some debris prevention measures in their launch policies. Finally, we study the possible problems arising from the recent discovery of a new family of debris composed by drops of NaK coolant, that leaked outside the nuclear reactors of the Soviet RORSAT-class satellites. Our preliminary results indicate that these drops are going to cause an increasing number of small-scale, possible satellite-damaging impacts but, due to their small size, no additional catastrophic collisions; therefore their influence on the long-term evolution of the overall debris population is limited.  相似文献   

The role of sinks in the clean development mechanism (CDM) has been a subject of controversy for several reasons; one being that temporary carbon storage in forests appeared to prevent any opportunity to use them as an option to reduce permanent greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In Milan (December 2003), the Conference of the Parties (CoP) decided to address this problem by introducing two types of expiring units: temporary CERs (tCERs) and long-term CERs (lCERs). Countries committed to emission reductions may acquire these units to temporarily offset their emissions and thus to postpone permanent emission reductions. As further decided by the CoP, baseline emissions of GHGs and the enhancement of sinks outside the project boundary will not be accounted for in the calculation of tCERs or lCERs. The contribution of CDM-sink projects to GHG emissions abatement will therefore be greater than what will be credited to them. On the other hand, permanent GHG emissions that may result as a consequence of the implementation of sink project activities are treated as non-permanent. If these emissions are above avoided baseline emissions, CDM-sinks will result in net increases of GHG emissions into the atmosphere. After briefly reassessing the non-permanence problem, this article explains how tCERs and lCERs should be quantified according to Decision 19/CP.9 of CoP-9 and how calculations are implemented in the forthcoming software CO2 Land. Using a simple numerical example, it illustrates how the GHG accounting rule adopted at CoP-9 may result in net increases of GHG emissions. In the conclusion, a possible solution to this problem is proposed.  相似文献   

Le Nord-Ouest de la Tunisie renferme plus que 81% des eaux de surface et 95% des mines et gîtes miniers. Le bassin versant de l'Oued Mellègue, situé dans cette zone, englobe 13 mines de plomb, zinc, fer, strontium, fluor, barium et phosphates. L'impact des rejets de ces mines sur les eaux de surface a été apprécié grâce à plusieurs compagnes d’échantillonnage. Les résultats d'analyse par ICP/MS de ces échantillons montrent qu'ils renferment des quantités non négligeables d'Al, As, B, Ba, Br, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Sr, U et de Zn. L'analyse des ces éléments dans les eaux du Mellègue, de ses affluents et dans la retenue de Nebeur montre que leurs concentrations sont inférieures aux normes d'eau potable. Ce comportement pourrait être dû à la nature des affleurements géologiques formés par des carbonates des argiles et des évaporites, à l'absence de cours d'eau drainant directement les rejets, à la formation de minéraux secondaires caractérisés par une importante rétention des métaux et à l’étendue des bassins versants non pollués.  相似文献   
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