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Terrestrial and marine ecosystems in Southeast Alaska are linked by the flow of freshwater from precipitation and glacial runoff, which transports nutrients and organic matter (OM) downstream to estuaries. We examined the contribution of terrestrial-riverine and marine OM to diets of fishes (N = 257, four species) and invertebrates (N = 90, six species) collected from glacially influenced estuaries in Southeast Alaska using multiple stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S). Multivariate analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) was used to quantify variation in stable isotope composition of consumers across 6 months and three sites with watersheds that differed in their glacier and forest composition. Fishes showed weak differences (ANOSIM R = 0.141) in stable isotope composition among sampling months, moderate differences (ANOSIM R = 0.375) among sites, and strong differences (ANOSIM R = 0.583) among species. Invertebrates showed moderate differences (ANOSIM R = 0.352) in stable isotope composition among sampling months and strong differences among sites (ANOSIM R = 0.710) and species (ANOSIM R = 0.858). We found the greatest differences in stable isotope composition between the two estuary sites with watersheds containing the highest and lowest glacial coverage, indicating that the contribution of allochthonous OM to consumer diets varies across watershed types. Invertebrates collected from the site with the lowest glacial coverage in the watershed were more depleted in δ13C and δ34S, indicating higher use of terrestrial-riverine OM, than those at sites with higher watershed glacial coverage. High variation in stable isotope composition among species, months, and sites underscores the complexity of estuary food web responses to future glacier loss.  相似文献   
West Falmouth Harbor, a shallow lagoon on Cape Cod, has experienced a threefold increase in nitrogen load since the mid- to late 1990s due to input from a groundwater plume contaminated by a municipal wastewater treatment plant. We measured the exchange of nitrogen and phosphorus between the harbor and the coastal waters of Buzzards Bay over several years when the harbor was experiencing this elevated nitrogen load. During summer months, the harbor not only retained the entire watershed nitrogen load but also had a net import of nitrogen from Buzzards Bay. During the spring and fall, the harbor had a net export of nitrogen to Buzzards Bay. We did not measure the export in winter, but assuming the winter net export was less than 112 % of the load, the harbor exported less than half of the watershed nitrogen load on an annual basis. For phosphorus, the harbor had a net import from coastal waters in the spring and summer months and a net export in the fall. Despite the large increase in nitrogen load to the harbor, the summertime import of phosphorus from Buzzards Bay was sufficient to maintain nitrogen limitation of primary productivity during the summer. Our findings illustrate that shallow systems dominated by benthic producers have the potential to retain large terrestrial nitrogen loads when there is sufficient supply of phosphorus from exchange with coastal waters.  相似文献   
We investigate the long-time stability in the neighborhood of the Cassini state in the conservative spin-orbit problem. Starting with an expansion of the Hamiltonian in the canonical Andoyer-Delaunay variables, we construct a high-order Birkhoff normal form and give an estimate of the effective stability time in the Nekhoroshev sense. By extensively using algebraic manipulations on a computer, we explicitly apply our method to the rotation of Titan. We obtain physical bounds of Titan’s latitudinal and longitudinal librations, finding a stability time greatly exceeding the estimated age of the Universe. In addition, we study the dependence of the effective stability time on three relevant physical parameters: the orbital inclination, $i$ , the mean precession of the ascending node of Titan orbit, $\dot{\varOmega }$ , and the polar moment of inertia, $C$ .  相似文献   
Martian meteorites Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 005 and lithology A of EETA79001 (EET-A) belong to a newly emerging group of olivine-phyric shergottites. Previous models for the origin of such shergottites have focused on mixing between basaltic shergottite-like magmas and lherzolitic shergottite-like material. Results of this work, however, suggest that SaU 005 and EET-A formed from olivine-saturated magmas that may have been parental to basaltic shergottites.SaU 005 and EET-A have porphyritic textures of large (up to ∼3 mm) olivine crystals (∼25% in SaU 005; ∼13% in EET-A) in finer-grained groundmasses consisting principally of pigeonite (∼50% in SaU 005; ∼60% in EET-A), plagioclase (maskelynite) and < 7% augite. Low-Ti chromite occurs as inclusions in the more magnesian olivine, and with chromian ulvöspinel rims in the more ferroan olivine and the groundmass. Crystallization histories for both rocks were determined from petrographic features (textures, crystal shapes and size distributions, phase associations, and modal abundances), mineral compositions, and melt compositions reconstructed from magmatic inclusions in olivine and chromite. The following observations indicate that the chromite and most magnesian olivine (Fo 74-70 in SaU 005; Fo 81-77 in EET-A) and pyroxenes (low-Ca pyroxene [Wo 4-6] of mg 77-74 and augite of mg 78 in SaU 005; orthopyroxene [Wo 3-5] of mg 84-80 in EET-A) in these rocks are xenocrystic. (1) Olivine crystal size distribution (CSD) functions show excesses of the largest crystals (whose cores comprise the most magnesian compositions), indicating addition of phenocrysts or xenocrysts. (2) The most magnesian low-Ca pyroxenes show near-vertical trends of mg vs. Al2O3 and Cr2O3, which suggest reaction with a magma. (3) In SaU 005, there is a gap in augite composition between mg 78 and 73. (4) Chromite cores of composite spinel grains are riddled with cracks, indicating that they experienced some physical stress before being overgrown with ulvöspinel. (5) Magmatic inclusions are absent in the most magnesian olivine, but abundant in the more ferroan, indicating slower growth rates for the former. (6) The predicted early crystallization sequence of the melt trapped in chromite (the earliest phase) in each rock produces its most magnesian olivine-pyroxene assemblage. However, in neither case is the total crystallization sequence of this melt consistent with the overall crystallization history of the rock or its bulk modal mineralogy.Further, the following observations indicate that in both SaU 005 and EET-A the fraction of solid xenocrystic or xenolithic material is small (in contrast to previous models for EET-A), and most of the material in the rock formed by continuous crystallization of a single magma (possibly mixed). (1) CSD functions and correlations of crystal size with composition show that most of the olivine (Fo 69-62 in SaU 005; Fo 76-53 in EET-A) formed by continuous nucleation and growth. (2) Groundmass pigeonites are in equilibrium with this olivine, and show continuous compositional trends that are typical for basalts. (3) The CSD function for groundmass pigeonite in EET-A indicates continuous nucleation and growth (Lentz and McSween, 2000). (4) The melt trapped in olivine of Fo 76 to 67 in EET-A has a predicted crystallization sequence similar to that inferred for most of the rock and produces an assemblage similar to its modal mineralogy. (5) Melt trapped in late olivine (Fo ∼ 64) in SaU 005 has a composition consistent with the inferred late crystallization history of the rock.The conclusion that only a small fraction of either SaU 005 or EET-A is xenocrystic or xenolithic implies that both rocks lost fractionated liquids in the late stages of crystallization. This is supported by: (1) high pigeonite/plagioclase ratios; (2) low augite contents; and (3) olivine CSD functions, which show a drop in nucleation rate at high degrees of crystallization, consistent with loss of liquid. For EET-A, this fractionated liquid may be represented by EET-B.  相似文献   

Les calcaires d’âge carbonifère de la province du Hainaut, en Belgique, presque toujours cachés par une couverture méso-cénozoïque et quaternaire sont intensément karstifiés.

Endokarsts et cryptokarsts caractérisent une morphologie karstique classique à laquelle s’ajoute une forme bien particulière d’altération en masse du calcaire que nous définissons sous le vocable de “fantôme de roche”.

Ces paléokarsts datent pour la majeure partie du Crétacé. Cependant, lorsque le manteau tertiaire et quaternaire recouvre directement le Paléozoïque et est plus ou moins perméable, le processus de karstification peut se poursuivre. Suite aux pompages industriels ou domestiques qui rabattent la nappe aquifère, une réactivation du processus karstique entraîne la formation de fontis à jour (appelés dans la région, puits naturels).

La localisation de ces formes karstiques cachées a une importance économique considérable, tant comme obstacle à l’exploitation et à la qualité de la pierre calcaire qu’à l’implantation des ouvrages d’art. Mais leur attrait scientifique ne cède en rien à l’impact économique. Les remplissages sédimentaires de ces paléokarsts constituent en effet des témoins irremplaçables de périodes continentales et permettent de cerner l’évolution paléogéographique locale avec la possibilité de reconstitution d’anciens réseaux hydrographiques.  相似文献   
Melt inclusions in ureilites occur only in the small augite- and orthopyroxene-bearing subgroups. Previously [Goodrich C.A., Fioretti A.M., Tribaudino M. and Molin G. (2001) Primary trapped melt inclusions in olivine in the olivine-augite-orthopyroxene ureilite Hughes 009. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta65, 621-652] we described melt inclusions in olivine in the olivine-augite-orthopyroxene ureilite Hughes 009 (Hughes). FRO 90054/93008 (FRO) is a near-twin of Hughes, and has abundant melt inclusions in all three primary silicates. We use these inclusions to reconstruct the major, minor and rare earth element composition of the Hughes/FRO parent magma and evaluate models for the petrogenesis of augite-bearing ureilites.Hughes and FRO consist of 23-47 vol % olivine (Fo 87.3 and 87.6, respectively), 7-52 vol % augite (mg 89.2, Wo 37.0 and mg 88.8, Wo 38.0, respectively), and 12-56 vol % orthopyroxene (mg 88.3, Wo 4.9 and mg 88.0, Wo 4.8, respectively). They have coarse-grained (?3 mm), highly-equilibrated textures, with poikilitic relationships indicating the crystallization sequence olivine → augite → orthopyroxene. FRO is more shocked than Hughes, experienced greater secondary reduction, and is more weathered. The two meteorites are probably derived from the same lithologic unit.Melt inclusions in olivine consist of glass ± daughter cpx ± metal-sulfide-phosphide spherules ± chromite, and have completely reequilibrated Fe/Mg with their hosts. We follow the method of Goodrich et al. (2001) for reconstructing the composition of the primary trapped liquid they represent (olPTL), but correct an error in our treatment of the effects of reequilibration. Inclusions in augite consist of glass, which shows only partial reequilibration of Fe/Mg. The composition of the primary trapped liquid they represent (augPTL) is reconstructed by reverse fractional crystallization of wall augite from the most ferroan glass. Inclusions in orthopyroxene consist of glass + 30-50 vol % daughter cpx. The cpx shows complete, but the glass only partial, reequilibration of Fe/Mg. A range of possible compositions for the primary trapped liquid they represent (opxPTL) is calculated by modal recombination of glass and cpx, followed by addition of wall orthopyroxene and adjustment of Fe/Mg for equilibrium with the primary orthopyroxene. Only a small subset of these compositions is plausible on the basis of being orthopyroxene-saturated.Results indicate that olPTL, assumed to represent the parent magma of these rocks, was saturated only with olivine and in equilibrium with Fo ∼ 83. AugPTL and opxPTL are very similar in composition; both are close to augite + orthopyroxene co-saturation and in equilibrium with Fo 87/8. We suggest that olPTL was reduced to Fo 87/8 due to smelting during ascent, and show that this produces a composition very similar to that of augPTL and opxPTL.REE data for each of the three primary silicates and the least evolved melt inclusions in olivine are used to calculate REE abundances in the Hughes/FRO parent magma. All four methods yield very similar results, indicating a REE pattern that is strongly LREE-depleted (Sm/La = 3.3-3.7), with a small negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.82) and slight HREE-depletion (Gd/Lu = 1.4-1.6).The Hughes/FRO parent magma provides a robust constraint on models for the petrogenesis of augite-bearing ureilites. Its major, minor and rare earth element composition suggests derivation through mixing and/or assimilation processes, rather than as a primary melt on the ureilite parent body.  相似文献   
Tridacnidae shells, a valuable archive of past environments, are common in the Balobok Rockshelter archaeological site on Sanga‐Sanga Island in the south Philippines. This site was occupied during the mid‐Holocene (ca. 5000–8800 14C yr B.P.), a period of Neolithic cultural expansion in the Philippines. This paper focuses on the preservation of two shell specimens, Hippopus hippopus and Tridacna maxima, unearthed from two mid‐Holocene layers within the rockshelter. The shells' mineralogy and microstructure (prismatic and crossed‐lamellar) were studied using micro‐Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy to determine if the samples were suitable as paleoenvironmental records. Both shells are still aragonitic but aragonite crystals of both microstructure types are partly dissolved. This dissolution, characteristic of meteoric water alteration, precludes their utility in paleoenvironmental geochemical studies. Nevertheless, these shells are abundant in archaeological sites in the region and may be better preserved in other depositional contexts; more studies on Philippine Tridacnidae shell diagenesis are needed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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