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We discuss a change in the resurfacing regimes of Venus and probable ways of forming the terrain types that make up the surface of the planet. The interpretation of the nature of the terrain types and their morphologic features allows us to characterize their scientific priority and the risk of landing on their surface to be estimated. From the scientific point of view, two terrain types are of special interest and represent easily achievable targets: the lower unit of regional plains and the smooth plains associated with impact craters. Regional plains are probably a melting from the upper fertile mantle. The material of smooth plains of impact origin is a well-mixed and representative sample of the Venusian crust. The lower unit of regional plains is the most widespread one on the surface of Venus, and it occurs within the boundaries of all of the precalculated approach trajectories of the lander. Smooth plains of impact origin are crossed by the approach trajectories precalculated for 2018 and 2026.  相似文献   
Exchange-mineral equilibria with Al and Fe3+ aqueous chloride solutions (aq.), Andr + AlCl aq 3 = FeCl aq 3 + Gros, (1) Psc + AlCl aq 3 = FeCl aq 3 + Czo, (2) were studied under the following experimental conditions: 500°;C and 580°;C and 1 and 2 kbar, respectively, with an overall concentration of metals in the aqueous solutions of about 0.5 M and pH 3. The mixing functions of the components in garnet and epidote were calculated from the experimental data. Thermodynamic treatment of experimental evidence for reaction (1) led to the conclusion that, within the accuracy of experiment, garnet in the andradite-grossularite series was an ideal solid solution. However, epidote solid solution markedly departed from the ideal, as was shown by concentration and pressure-temperature (PT) dependencies of Gibbs's molar excess energies and by mixing-volume concentration dependence.  相似文献   
Microbial methane in sedimentary basins comprises approximately 20% of global natural gas resources, yet little is known about the environmental requirements and metabolic rates of these subsurface microbial communities. The Illinois Basin, located in the midcontinent of the United States, is an ideal location to investigate hydrogeochemical factors controlling methanogenesis as microbial methane accumulations occur: (1) in three organic-rich reservoirs of different geologic ages and organic matter types - Upper Devonian New Albany Shale (up to 900 m depth), Pennsylvanian coals (up to 600 m depth), and Quaternary glacial sediments (shallow aquifers); (2) across steep salinity gradients; and (3) with variable concentrations of . For all three organic-rich reservoirs aqueous geochemical conditions are favorable for microbial methanogenesis, with near neutral pH, concentrations <2 mM, and Cl concentrations <3 M. Also, carbon isotopic fractionation of CH4, CO2, and DIC is consistent with microbial methanogenesis, and increased carbon isotopic fractionation with average reservoir depth corresponds to a decrease of groundwater flushing rates with average depth of reservoir. Plots of stable isotopes of water and Cl show mixing between a brine endmember and freshwater, suggesting that meteoric groundwater recharge has affected all microbial methanogenic systems. Additionally, similar methanogenic communities are present in all three reservoirs with comparable cell counts (8.69E3-2.58E6 cells/mL). TRFLP results show low numbers of archaea species with only two dominant groups of base pairs in coals, shale, and limestone aquifers. These results compare favorably with other methanogen-containing deep subsurface environments. Individual hydrogeochemical parameters that have a Spearman correlation coefficient greater than 0.3 to variations in methanogenic species include stable isotopes of water (δ18O and δD), type of substrate (i.e. coals versus shale), pH, and Cl concentration. The matching of variations between methanogenic TRFLP data and conservative tracers suggests that deep circulation of meteoric waters influenced archaeal communities in the Illinois Basin. In addition, coalification and burial estimates suggest that in the study area, coals and shale reservoirs were previously sterilized (>80 °C in nutrient poor environments), necessitating the re-introduction of microbes into the subsurface via groundwater transport.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a study of the Paleoproterozoic basal garnet-kyanite-staurolite-two-mica paraschists from the Kukasozero structure of the Karelides of Northern Karelia, Baltic Shield, underlying Neoarchean acid metavolcanic rocks, and schists with quartz, phengite, kyanite, staurolite, garnet, and tschermakite located in the Paleoproterozoic rocks and considered to be metasomatic in origin. It was established that the sedimentary protolith of the Paleoproterozoic paraschists contains detritus of Neoarchean igneous rocks as follows from detrital 2737 ± 11 Ma zircons with oscillatory magmatic zoning. Metavolcanic 2757 ± 13 Ma rocks, close in age and composition, are known directly in the framework of the Kukasozero structure and are considered to be the most likely source of the sedimentary schist protolith. The coincidence of the Nd-model ages of paraschists (t DM is 2.73–2.76 Ga) with the age of detrital zircons indicates no contribution of older rocks to the protolith composition. The age of magmatic crystallization of metavolcanic rocks directly underlying the Paleoproterozoic paraschists is 2681 ± 18 Ma and coincides with the age of porphyry granites in the western framework of the structure (2680.3 ± 3.6 Ma). No detrital zircons of similar age were found in basal paraschists, but the restricted amount of dated zircons does not allow us to draw a final conclusion about the absence of detritus of the underlying metavolcanic rocks in the paraschist protolith. It was confirmed that phengite-bearing schists are the products of acid metasomatism of the Paleoproterozoic amphibolites and amphibole schists (metavolcanic rocks). The metasomatic features were revealed in garnet-kyanite-staurolite-two-mica paraschists, so the strict identification of their sedimentary protolith is impossible. The paraschists do not represent metamorphosed weathering crust, because acid metasomatism gives a false impression of the greater maturity of the primary sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   
The large-scale crustal deformations observed in the Central European Basin System (CEBS) are the result of the interplay between several controlling factors, among which lateral rheological heterogeneities play a key role. We present a finite-element integral thin sheet model of stress and strain distribution within the CEBS. Unlike many previous models, this study is based on thermo-mechanical data to quantify the impact of lateral contrasts on the tectonic deformation. Elasto-plastic material behaviour is used for both the mantle and the crust, and the effects of the sedimentary fill are also investigated. The consistency of model results is ensured through comparisons with observed data. The results resemble the present-day dynamics and kinematics when: (1) a weak granite-like lower crust below the Elbe Fault System is modelled in contrast to a stronger lower crust in the area extending north of the Elbe Line throughout the Baltic region; and (2) a transition domain in the upper mantle is considered between the shallow mantle of the Variscan domain and the deep mantle beneath the East European Craton (EEC), extending from the Elbe Line in the south till the Tornquist Zone. The strain localizations observed along these structural contrasts strongly enhance the dominant role played by large structural domains in stiffening the propagation of tectonic deformation and in controlling the basin formation and the evolution in the CEBS.  相似文献   
The Great Basin of the western U.S. contains a rich record of Late Pleistocene and Holocene lake‐level fluctuations as well as an extensive record of human occupation during the same time frame. We compare spatial‐temporal relationships between these records in the Lahontan basin to consider whether lake‐level fluctuations across the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition controlled distribution of archaeological sites. We use the reasonably well‐dated archaeological record from caves and rockshelters as well as results from new pedestrian surveys to investigate this problem. Although lake levels probably reached maximum elevations of about 1230–1235 m in the different subbasins of Lahontan during the Younger Dryas (YD) period, the duration that the lakes occupied the highest levels was brief. Paleoindian and Early Archaic archaeological sites are concentrated on somewhat lower and slightly younger shorelines (_1220–1225 m) that also date from the Younger Dryas period. This study suggests that Paleoindians often concentrated their activities adjacent to large lakes and wetland resources soon after they first entered the Great Basin. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
This study presents a reconstruction of the tectonic history of an Upper Rotliegend tight gas field in Northern Germany. Tectonism of the greater study area was influenced by multiple phases of salt movement, which produced a variety of salt-related structural features such as salt walls, salt diapirs as well as salt glaciers (namakiers). A sequential 2D retro-deformation and stratal backstripping methodology was used to differentiate mechanisms inducing salt movement and to discuss their relation to regional tectonics. The quantitative geometric restoration included sedimentary balancing, decompaction, fault-related deformation, salt movement, thermal subsidence, and isostasy to unravel the post-depositional tectonic overprint of the Rotliegend reservoir rock. The results of this study indicate that reactive salt diapirism started during an Early Triassic interval of thin-skinned extensional tectonics, followed by an active diapirism stage with an overburden salt piercement in the Late Triassic, and finally a period of intensive salt surface extrusion and the formation of salt glaciers (namakiers) in Late Triassic and Jurassic times. Since the Early Cretaceous, salt in the study area has been rising by passive diapirism.  相似文献   
以地震反演为主,结合测井、岩石物理、地震相和正演模拟等技术综合研究火成岩的速度场特征。岩石物理实验是研究火成岩物性参数有效的工具,实验数据的分析能帮助预测火成岩岩性和速度信息,为反演等工作利用地震资料描述火成岩提供依据。原始测井曲线的环境校正和标准化处理是高品质合成记录和反演效果的前提条件。稀疏脉冲反演、基于模型的反演和神经网络反演这三种方法结果的分辨率较原始地震数据有了很大提高,从中可识别出火成岩的空间展布,但基于模型的反演分辨率相对较高。伽马属性反演的分辨率在识别火成岩方面比上述三种方法要高得多,但是单一的属性又很难满足火成岩特征描述的要求,因此多参数融合是一种行之有效的方法。结合地震相的应用,最终得到符合地质特征的火成岩三维速度场,并通过误差分析和正演模拟验证了速度场精度,为变速度成图和低幅构造勘探提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   
Spectral vegetation indices (VIs) are a well-known and widely used method for crop state estimation. The ability to monitor crop state by such indices is an important tool for agricultural management. Even though differences in imagery and point-based spectroscopy are obvious, their impact on crop state estimation by VIs is not well-studied. The aim of this study was to assess the performance level of the selected VIs calculated from spaceborne multispectral imagery and point-based field spectroscopy in application to crop state estimation. For this purpose, irrigated chickpea field was monitored by RapidEye satellite mission and additional measurements by field spectrometer were obtained. Estimated VIs average and coefficient of variation from each observation were compared with physical crop measurements: leaf water content, LAI and chlorophyll level. The results indicate that indices calculated from spaceborne spectral images regardless of the claimed response commonly react on phenology of the irrigated chickpea. This feature makes spaceborne spectral imagery an appropriate data source for monitoring crop development, crop water needs and yield prediction. VIs calculated from field spectrometer were sensitive for estimating pigment concentration and photosynthesis rate. Yet, a hypersensitivity of field spectral measures might lead to a very high variability (up to 69%) of the calculated values. Consequently, the high spatial variability of field spectral measurements depreciates the estimation agricultural field state by average mean only. Nevertheless, the spatial variability might have certain behavior trend, e.g., a significant increase in the active growth or stress and can be an independent feature for field state assessment.  相似文献   
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