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The 2008 Chaitén volcanic eruption generated significant changes in the channel morphology and large wood (LW) abundance along the fluvial corridor of the Blanco River, southern Chile. Comparisons of remote sensing images from the pre‐eruption (year 2005) and post‐eruption (years 2009 and 2012) conditions showed that in a 10.2 km long study segment the Blanco River widened 3.5 times from 2005 to 2009, and that the maximum enlargement was nine times the original width. Changes in channel width were lower between the years 2012 and 2009. The sinuosity and braiding indexes also changed between 2005 and 2009. After the eruption the channel sinuosity was higher and specific river reaches developed a braided pattern, but by 2012 the channel was recovering pre‐eruption characteristics. Huge quantities of LW were introduced to the study segment; individual LW per km of channel length were 1.6 and 74.3 in 2005 and 2009, respectively, and more than 30 log jams km?1 were observed in the year 2009. Between 2009 and 2012 the quantity of LW was very similar. Statistically significant relationships were found between the number of log jams and channel sinuosity and between the number of pieces of large wood with sinuosity and channel width. Wood was highly dynamic between 2009 and 2012: 78% of individual pieces and 48% of log jams identified in the 2009 image had moved by 2012. Finally the supervised classification of imagery associated with ArcMap tools was tested to identify large wood.  相似文献   
To assess the effects of tidal energy extraction on water quality in a simplified estuarine system, which consists of a tidal bay connected to the coastal ocean through a narrow channel where energy is extracted using in-stream tidal turbines, a three-dimensional coastal ocean model with built-in tidal turbine and water quality modules was applied. The effects of tidal energy extraction on water quality were examined for two energy extraction scenarios as compared with the baseline condition. It was found, in general, that the environmental impacts associated with energy extraction depend highly on the amount of power extracted from the system. Model results indicate that, as a result of energy extraction from the channel, the competition between decreased flushing rates in the bay and increased vertical mixing in the channel directly affects water quality responses in the bay. The decreased flushing rates tend to cause a stronger but negative impact on water quality. On the other hand, the increased vertical mixing could lead to higher bottom dissolved oxygen at times. As the first modeling effort directly aimed at examining the impacts of tidal energy extraction on estuarine water quality, this study demonstrates that numerical models can serve as a very useful tool for this purpose. However, more careful efforts are warranted to address system-specific environmental issues in real-world, complex estuarine systems.  相似文献   
Solute transport in rivers is controlled by surface hydrodynamics and by mass exchanges with distinct retention zones. Surface and hyporheic retention processes can be accounted for separately in solute transport models with multiple storage compartments. In the simplest two component model, short term storage can be associated to in-channel transient retention, e.g. produced by riparian vegetation or surface dead zones, and the long-term storage can be associated to hyporheic exchange. The STIR (Solute Transport In Rivers) multiple domain transport model is applied here to tracer test data from three very different Mediterranean streams with distinctive characteristics in terms of flow discharge, vegetation and substrate material. The model is used with an exponential residence time distribution (RTD) to represent surface storage processes and two distinct modeling closures are tested to simulate hyporheic retention: a second exponential RTD and a power-law distribution approximating a known solution for bedform-induced hyporheic exchange. Each stream shows distinct retention patterns characterized by different timescales of the storage time distribution. Both modeling closures lead to very good approximations of the observed breakthrough curves in the two rivers with permeable bed exposed to the flow, where hyporheic flows are expected to occur. In the one case where the occurrence of hyporheic flows is inhibited by bottom vegetation, only the two exponential RTD model is acceptable and the time scales of the two components are of the same magnitude. The significant finding of this work is the recognition of a strong signature of the river properties on tracer data and the evidence of the ability of multiple-component models to describe individual stream responses. This evidence may open a new perspective in river contamination studies, where rivers could possibly be classified based on their ability to trap and release pollutants.  相似文献   
River streamflows are excellent climatic indicators since they integrate precipitation over large areas. Here we follow up on our previous study of the influence of solar activity on the flow of the Paraná River, in South America. We find that the unusual minimum of solar activity in recent years have a correlation on very low levels in the Paraná's flow, and we report historical evidence of low water levels during the Little Ice Age. We also study data for the streamflow of three other rivers (Colorado, San Juan and Atuel), and snow levels in the Andes. We obtained that, after eliminating the secular trends and smoothing out the solar cycle, there is a strong positive correlation between the residuals of both the Sunspot Number and the streamflows, as we obtained for the Paraná. Both results put together imply that higher solar activity corresponds to larger precipitation, both in summer and in wintertime, not only in the large basin of the Paraná, but also in the Andean region north of the limit with Patagonia.  相似文献   
The post-earthquake assessment of existing structures can be further complicated by the progressive damage induced by the occurrence of a sequence of aftershocks. This work presents a simple methodology for the calculation of the probability of exceeding a certain limit state in a given interval of time. The time-decaying mean daily rate of occurrence of significant aftershock events is modeled by employing a site-specific aftershock model for the L??Aquila 2009 aftershock sequence (central Italy). The number of aftershock events occurring in a given interval of time elapsed after the main event is modeled using a non-homogenous Poisson model. An equivalent single-degree of freedom structure with cyclic stiffness degradation is used in order to evaluate the progressive damage caused by a sequence of aftershock events. Given the time history of the main-shock and the residual damage caused by it, the probability of exceeding a set of discrete limit states in a given interval of time is calculated. Of particular importance is the time-variant probability of exceeding the limit state in a 24-h (a day) interval of time which can be used as a proxy for the life-safety considerations regarding the re-occupancy of the structure and to complement the results of visual inspections for prioritizing the emergency operations. The method presented herein can also be used in an adaptive manner, progressively conditioned on the time-histories of aftershock events following the main-shock and on the corresponding residual damage caused by them.  相似文献   
The current technological developments in autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and underwater communication have nowadays allowed to push the original idea of autonomous ocean sampling network even further, with the possibility of using each agent of the network not only as an operative component driven by external commands (model-driven) but as a reactive element able to act in response to changing conditions as measured during the exploration (data-driven). With this paper, we propose a novel data-driven algorithm for AUVs team for adaptive sampling of oceanic regions, where each agent shares its knowledge of the environment with its teammates and autonomously takes decision in order to reconstruct the desired oceanic field. In particular, sampling point selection is made in order to minimize the uncertainty in the estimated field while keeping communication contact with the rest of the team and avoiding to repeatedly sampling sub-regions already explored. The proposed approach is based on the use of the emergent behaviour technique and on the use of artificial potential functions (interest functions) to achieve the desired goal at the end of the mission. In this way, there is no explicit minimization of a cost functional at each decision step. The oceanic field is reconstructed by the application of radial basis functions interpolation of irregularly spaced data. A simulative example for the estimation of a salinity field with sea data obtained using the Mediterranean Sea Forecasting System is shown in the paper, in order to investigate the effect of the different uncertainty sources, including sea currents, on the behaviour of the exploration team and ultimately on the reconstruction of the salinity field.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the tectonic control on the hydrothermal system that gave rise to Sb–Hg ore deposits in the Monte Amiata area that was one of the most relevant mining district for the exploitation of mercury in Italy. The study area (Selvena mining district) is located in southern Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines) one of the most important mineralized area in the western Mediterranean region. Southern Tuscany was severely affected by Middle–Late Miocene low-angle normal faults, later dissected by Pliocene–Pleistocene faults, coeval magmatism (Late Miocene–Pleistocene) and hydrothermal activity (Pliocene–Present). The Selvena mining district is located south of Middle Pleistocene Monte Amiata volcanic complex. Our structural and kinematic study is based on the integration among fieldwork, borehole and mine data. The results highlight two Pleistocene–Holocene left-lateral transtensional shear zones linked by normal faults, defining a coeval pull-apart structure. Here, the Sb–Hg mineralization, transported by meteoric hydrothermal fluids mainly, is particularly diffuse and concentrated in the cataclasites and in damage zones of the normal faults. Furthermore, a widespread mineralization also occurs in the cataclasites of Miocene low-angle normal faults. Mine evidence suggests that ore-bearing fluids percolated through structural conduits located along the fault planes and resulting parallel to the intermediate stress axis. Geological structures and ore deposit distribution are related to a single hydrothermal circuit, with meteoric water channelled to depth through conduits parallel to the intermediate stress axis of the transcurrent shear zones; then, hydrothermal fluids mainly ascended through the almost vertical deformation zones located at the intersection between normal and strike-slip faults. Thus, hydrothermal fluids permeated also the Middle–Late Miocene cataclasites. This study shed light on the relationships between geological structures and mineralization in southern Tuscany and underlines the importance to investigate mine areas to understand hydrothermal fluids path.  相似文献   
The integration of structural analyses with 40Ar/39Ar dating of fault-related pseudotachylytes provides time constraints for the reconstruction of the Alpine evolution of the central portion of the South Alpine orogenic wedge. In the northern sector of the belt a Variscan basement is stacked southward on the Permian to Mesozoic cover along regional faults (Orobic and Porcile thrusts). Fault zones, slightly postdating a first folding event of Alpine age, experienced a complex evolution through the ductile and brittle deformation regime, showing greenschist facies mylonites overprinted by a penetrative cataclastic deformation. Generation of fault-related pseudotachylyte veins marks the onset of brittle conditions, lasting up to the youngest episodes of fault activity. 40Ar/39Ar dating of the pseudotachylyte matrix of 9 samples give two separated age clusters: Late Cretaceous (80–68 Ma) and latest Palaeocene to Middle Eocene (55–43 Ma). These new data provide evidence that the pre-Adamello evolution of the central Southern Alps was characterised by the superposition of different tectonic events accompanying the exhumation of the deepest part of the belt through the brittle–ductile transition. The oldest pseudotachylyte ages demonstrate that south-verging regional thrusting in the central Southern Alps was already active during the Late Cretaceous, concurrently with the development of a synorogenic foredeep basin where the Upper Cretaceous Lombardian Flysch was deposited.  相似文献   
Rock magnetic, petrographic and dielectric analyses were carried out, in a number of archeological ceramic potsherds, in order to characterize the different manufacturing techniques used by Prehistoric Venezuelan Amerindian potters. Samples were excavated in 7 Venezuelan islands and ascribed to distinct cultural groups on purely stylistic grounds (i.e. Valencioide, Ocumaroide, Dabajuroide and Unknown). Mean coercivity values were determined through a direct signal analyses (DSA) applied to isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition curves. Logarithmic plots of these mean coercivities are the best quantitative means to classify diverse ceramics. The mean coercivity values seem to group the samples according to the manufacturing development. These values also seem to discriminate the samples provenance, indeed, this plot displays a good grouping of data for samples presumably manufactured by the same culture but excavated at different locations. Thermomagnetic cycles supply helpful information about original ceramic firing conditions. The irreversibility parameter (IP) for thermomagnetic curves (heating and cooling), serves as an indicator of the amount of organic matter burnt during original pottery firing. The IP for a number of pottery samples from Venezuelan islands and mainland, with ages ranging between 300 BC to 1500 AD, might suggest a possible increasing trend in time towards the complete reversibility line of IP = 0. Most samples, independently of age and cultural group, have IP values that suggest that most open fires, used by primitive Venezuelan Amerindian potters, had enough ventilation and oxidizing atmospheres. A scatter plot of maximum current depolarization temperatures versus natural remanent magnetization (NRM) suggests a complex non-linear relationship between these two parameters most likely due to the fact that both, dielectric and rock magnetic data, are linked to pore-related features.  相似文献   
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