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Mustelus schmitti is an endangered endemic shark of the southwest Atlantic, and an important economical resource in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. The objective of this study was to describe the trophic ecology of M. schmitti in Anegada Bay, its feeding strategy and diet composition, along with the possible dietary shifts, due to season, sex, ontogeny and the different geographical features of the bay. Our results show that M. schmitti is a carnivorous opportunistic predator, feeding on a variety of benthic invertebrates. The diet presented seasonal and ontogenetic variations, while no differences in diet composition were observed between sexes or the different sampling sites. This species behave as a generalize feeder, with a wide trophic spectrum and a diverse diet.  相似文献   
The fault weakening occurring during an earthquake and the temporal evolution of the traction on a seismogenic fault depend on several physical mechanisms, potentially concurrent and interacting. Recent laboratory experiments and geological field observations of natural faults revealed the presence, and sometime the coexistence, of thermally activated processes (such as thermal pressurization of pore fluids, melting of gouge and rocks, material property changes, thermally-induced chemical environment evolution), elasto-dynamic lubrication, porosity and permeability evolution, gouge fragmentation and wear, etc. In this paper, by reviewing in a unifying sketch all possible chemico–physical mechanisms that can affect the traction evolution, we suggest how they can be incorporated in a realistic fault governing equation. We will also show that simplified theoretical models that idealistically neglect these phenomena appear to be inadequate to describe as realistically as possible the details of breakdown process (i.e., the stress release) and the consequent high frequency seismic wave radiation. Quantitative estimates show that in most cases the incorporation of such nonlinear phenomena has significant, often dramatic, effects on the fault weakening and on the dynamic rupture propagation. The range of variability of the value of some parameters, the uncertainties in the relative weight of the various competing mechanisms, and the difference in their characteristic length and time scales sometime indicate that the formulation of a realistic governing law still requires joint efforts from theoretical models, laboratory experiments and field observations.  相似文献   
Determination of annual lamination provides important additional constraints to radiometric dates on speleothems, both for dating the duration of specific growth intervals and optimizing growth models. In the absence of visible laminae, however, speleothem age models are reliant upon curve fitting through discretely dated points and are therefore inherently more uncertain than annual chronologies from laminae. Given that the impact of seasonality on speleothems is expected to be strong enough to generate an annual pulse in trace element chemistry regardless of whether or not visible or fluorescent growth laminae are visible, we demonstrate the potential for deriving high-resolution stalagmite chronologies from non-laminated samples using annual chemical variations in stalagmites from two Alpine caves (Obir, Austria and Ernesto, NE Italy). Trace element data were obtained by ion microprobe analyses for H, P, Mg, Na, Sr and Ba and the annual signal was sought using spectral and wavelet analysis. An automated chemical peak-counting software tool was developed in MATLAB©. It counts significant annual peaks using criteria of minimum amplitude in relation to the local standard deviation of signal variation and minimum separation between peaks determined by the thickness of the preceding layers. Verification of the tool using visibly laminated samples suggests the software is a reliable and accurate method of chronology building, with hit ratios greater than 0.93 and less than 0.75% false alarm occurrences. Used in conjunction with other dating methods such as radiocarbon, U–Th and sulphur peak dating, the automated chemical laminae chronology-building approach provides a more meaningful alternative to simple age-depth curve fitting for non-laminated samples.  相似文献   
This study quantifies the influence of various intrinsic soil properties including particle roundness, R, sphericity, S, 50% size by weight, D 50, coefficient of uniformity, C u, and the state property of relative density, D r, on the compression and recompression indices, C c and C r, of sands of various geologic origins at pre-crushing stress levels. Twenty-four sands exhibiting a wide range of particle shapes, gradations, and geologic origins were collected for the study. The particle shapes were determined using a computational geometry algorithm which allows characterization of a statistically large number of particles in specimens. One dimensional oedometer tests were performed on the soils. The new data was augmented with many previously published results. Through statistical analyses, simple functional relationships are developed for C c and C r. In both cases, the models utilized only R and D r since other intrinsic properties proved to have lesser direct influence on the compression indices. However, previous studies showed that the contributions of S and C u are felt through their effects on index packing void ratios and thus on D r. The accuracy of the models was confirmed by comparison of predicted and observed C c and C r values.  相似文献   
Garnetiferous basic granulites occur, as parts of hornblende-pyroxene- and pyroxene granulites, in a Precambrian terrain around Saltora. The chemistry of the garnetiferous basic granulites is broadly similar to that of the hornblende-pyroxene granulites, their immediate precursors, but in detail they have distinctly higher Fe/Mg ratios. The compositions of the major mafic silicates of the garnetiferous varieties do not reflect higher pressures of formation: the Jd/Ts ratios in calcic pyroxenes are similar to those from the non-garnetiferous varieties, and the pyrope contents of garnets are low. Exchange equilibrium in respect of major elements was established among the mafic silicates in spite of garnets being late overprints. The orthopyroxene — calcic pyroxene pairs from the garnetiferous granulites show lower values of K D(Mg-Fe) opx-cpx than those from the non-garnetiferous granulites, pointing to lower temperature of equilibration. The K D(Mg-Fe) opx-hbl K D(Mg-Fe) cpx-hbl relations show that the more magnesian triads equilibrated at lower temperatures; viewed against experimental data regarding the effect of Mg/Fe ratios on the appearance of garnets in basic rocks, formation of garnets by cooling is strongly indicated. Several intergrowth textures, especially garnet-ilmenite and garnet-quartz (±albite) symplectites, and modal relations argue in favour of composite reactions of the type hornblende+ quartz-→calcic pyroxene+garnet+albite+H2O, which couple hornblende breakdown reactions with orthopyroxene+anorthite→garnet reactions. The approximate range of pressure and temperature conditions, estimated from experimental data, are 6–8.5 kb and 750–830° C. Since garnets formed by cooling in iron-rich granulites, the garnetiferous granulites do not represent higher pressure subfacies of the granulite facies.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic eutrophication and spreading anoxia in freshwater systems is a global concern. Little is known about anoxia in earlier historic times under weaker human impact, or under prehistoric natural conditions with different trophic, land cover and climatic regimes. We use a novel approach that combines high-resolution hyperspectral imaging with µ-XRF and HPLC-pigment data, which allows us to assess chloropigments (productivity) and bacteriopigments (anoxia) at seasonal subvarve-scale resolution. Our ~9700 cal a bp varved sediment record from NE Poland suggests that productivity increased stepwise from oligotrophic Early Holocene conditions (until ~9200 cal a bp ) to mesotrophic conditions in the Mid- and Late Holocene. Natural eutrophication was mainly a function of progressing landscape evolution with intense weathering under dense forest and warm-moist climatic conditions. Generally, anoxia increased with increasing productivity. Seasonal anoxia and some multi-decadal periods of meromixis were the common mixing patterns throughout the Holocene except for a period of persisting meromixis between ~5200 and 2000 cal a bp. Anthropogenic deforestation around 400 cal a bp resulted in substantially better lake oxygenation despite high productivity. In this small lake, aquatic productivity and lakeshore forest cover (wind shield) were more important factors controlling oxic/anoxic conditions than Holocene temperature variability.  相似文献   
This paper explores the use of adaptive support vector machines, random forests and AdaBoost for landslide susceptibility mapping in three separated regions of Canton Vaud, Switzerland, based on a set of geological, hydrological and morphological features. The feature selection properties of the three algorithms are studied to analyze the relevance of features in controlling the spatial distribution of landslides. The elimination of irrelevant features gives simpler, lower dimensional models while keeping the classification performance high. An object-based sampling procedure is considered to reduce the spatial autocorrelation of data and to estimate more reliably generalization skills when applying the model to predict the occurrence of new unknown landslides. The accuracy of the models, the relevance of features and the quality of landslide susceptibility maps were found to be high in the regions characterized by shallow landslides and low in the ones with deep-seated landslides. Despite providing similar skill, random forests and AdaBoost were found to be more efficient in performing feature selection than adaptive support vector machines. The results of this study reveal the strengths of the classification algorithms, but evidence: (1) the need for relying on more than one method for the identification of relevant variables; (2) the weakness of the adaptive scaling algorithm when used with landslide data; and (3) the lack of additional features which characterize the spatial distribution of deep-seated landslides.  相似文献   
On October 30, 2016, a seismic event and its aftershocks produced diffuse landslides along the SP 209 road in the Nera River Gorge (Central Italy). Due to the steep slopes and the outcropping of highly fractured and bedded limestone, several rockfalls were triggered, of which the main event occurred on the slope of Mount Sasso Pizzuto. The seismic shock acted on a rock wedge that, after an initial slide, developed into a rockfall. The debris accumulation blocked the SP 209 road and dammed the Nera River, forming a small lake. The river discharge was around 3.6 m3/s; the water overtopped the dam and flooded the road. By a preliminary topographic survey, we estimated that the debris accumulation covers an area of about 16,500 m2, while the volume is around 70,000 m3. The maximum volume occupied by the pre-existing talus mobilized by the rockfall is about 20% of the total volume. Besides blocking the road, the rockfall damaged a bridge severely, while, downstream of the dam, the water flow caused erosion of a road embankment. A rockfall protection gallery, a few hundred meters downstream of the dam, was damaged during the event. Other elastic nets and rigid barriers were not sufficient to protect the road from single-block rockfalls, with volumes around 1–2 m3. Considering the geological and geomorphological conditions, as well as the high seismicity and the socioeconomic importance of the area, a review of the entire rockfall protection systems is required to ensure protection of critical infrastructure and local communities.  相似文献   
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering - Automated Multi-Depth Shuttle Warehouses (AMSWs) are compact storage systems that provide a large surface occupation and therefore maximum storage density....  相似文献   
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