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Şenik  Berfin  Uzun  Osman 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(2):1587-1602
Natural Hazards - Open green spaces contribute to urban/rural life in terms of ecological, recreational, spatial, economic, etc., functions as well as prevention of natural disasters, mitigation of...  相似文献   
The study investigates the experimental and numerical analysis of the occurrence of auto-parametric rolling for large, high-speed pod-driven ships in waves. Considering unique design and performance targets, the aim here is to exploit susceptibility to auto-parametric rolling behaviour and to identify probable design and operational precautions. In order to achieve this aim, an existing non-linear time-domain software to simulate capsizing and other critical manoeuvring behaviours of slow- to medium-speed conventional and podded ships in waves is being enhanced for fast pod-driven vessels and then compared against the dedicated model test conducted in long-crested regular and random waves for a large, pod-driven containership model. This paper includes the presentation of current numerical modifications for pod-driven ships and the verification analysis.  相似文献   
A structural synthesis of the Proterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield in Egypt   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Detailed structural geological and related studies were carried out in a number of critical areas in the Proterozoic basement of eastern Egypt to resolve the structural pattern at a regional scale and to assess the general characteristics of tectonic evolution, orogeny and terrane boundaries. Following a brief account of the tectonostratigraphy and timing of the orogenic evolution, the major structural characteristics of the critical areas are presented. Collisional deformation of the terranes ended about 615-600 Ma ago. Subsequent extensional collapse probably occurred within a relatively narrow time span of about 20 Ma (575 – 595 Ma ago) over the Eastern Desert and was followed by a further period of about 50 Ma of late to post-tectonic activity. The regional structures originated mainly during post-collisional events, starting with those related to extensional collapse (molasse basin formation, normal faulting, generation of metamorphic core complexes). Subsequent NNW-SSE shortening is documented by large-scale thrusting (towards the NNW) and folding, distributed over the Eastern Desert, although with variable intensity. Thrusts are overprinted by transpression, which was localized to particular shear zones. Early transpression produced, for example, the Allaqi shear zone and final transpression is documented in the Najd and Wadi Kharit-Wadi Hodein zones. Two terrane boundaries can be defined, the Allaqi and South Hafafit Sutures, which are apparently linked by the high angle sinistral strike-slip Wadi Kharit-Wadi Hodein shear zone with a tectonic transport of about 300 km towards the W/NW. In general, the tectonic evolution shows that extensional collapse is not necessarily the final stage of orogeny, but may be followed by further compressional and transpressional tectonism. The late Pan-African high angle faults were reactivated during Red Sea tectonics both as Riedel shears and normal faults, where they were oriented favourably with respect to the actual stress regime.  相似文献   
The Egyptian basement rocks are gathered into three major rock groups, viz. Meatiq Group (oldest), Abu Ziran Group and Hammamat Group (youngest); the last two groups belong to the Pan-African orogenic cycle. The Meatiq Group is an old crystalline basement cropping out in gneiss domes. The Abu Ziran Group comprises the geosynclinal association which is formed of a lower ophiolite unit overlain by metasediments, volcanoclastics and locally intermediate volcanics having clear island arc characters. The Hammamat Group comprises molasse-type clastics, and penecontemporaneous Dokhan Volcanics of andesite to rhyolite composition; syn to late-tectonic calc-alkaline granites are the plutonic equivalents of the Dokhan Volcanics.The studied area lies within the foreland fold and thrust belt of a continental margin orogen. Ophiolites, particularly serpentinites, crop out along the trace of the sole thrust between the Meatiq infrastructure and the imbricated Abu Ziran nappe.Swells, developed along two geanticlines, were centers of marked calc-alkaline magmatic activity associated, at least, with gold mineralization.
Zusammenfassung Die Gesteine des ägyptischen Kristallins sind in drei Hauptgruppen unterteilt: Meatiq Group (älteste), Abu Ziran Group und Hammamat Group (jüngste); die letzten zwei Gruppen gehören dem Pan-Afrikanischen Zyklus an. Die Meatiq-Gruppe stellt einen alten Sokkel dar, der in Gneisdomen auftritt. Die Abu-Ziran-Gruppe umfaßt die Geosynklinal-Assoziation, die aus einer unteren ophiolitischen Einheit besteht, überlagert von Sedimenten, volkanoklastischen Sedimenten und lokalen intermediären Vulkaniten mit ausgeprägten Inselbogen-Eigenschaften. Die Hammamat-Gruppe besteht aus Molassetyp klastischen Sedimenten und zeitlich assoziierte Dokhan Volcanics andesitischer bis rhyolitischer Zusammensetzung. Die synbis spät-tektonische Kalkalkaligranite sind die plutonischen Aequivalente der Dokhan Volcanics.Das untersuchte Gebiet liegt im Vorland-Falten- und Decken-Gürtel eines Kontinentalrand-Orogens. Ophiolite, insbesondere die Serpentinite, treten entlang dem Ausbiß der Überschiebungsfläche zwischen dem Meatiq-Sockelstockwerk und der Abu-Ziran-Decke auf.Schwellen in Form zweier Geantiklinalen waren Zentren aktiver kalkalkaliner magmatischer Tätigkeit, begleitet zumindest von Goldvererzungen.

Résumé Les roches du socle égyptien se répartissent en trois groupes majeurs: Meatiq Group (le plus ancien); Abu Ziran Group et Hammamat Group (le plus récent); les deux derniers groupes appartiennent au cycle orogénique Pan-Africain.Le Meatiq Group est un socle cristallin ancien affleurant en dômes gneissiques. Le Abu Ziran Group comprend une association géosynclinale formée d'une unité ophiolitique inférieure suivie par des métasédiments, des volcanoclastites et localement par des roches volcaniques intermédiaires à caractere d'arc insulaire. Le Hammamat Group comprend des roches clastiques du type molassique, et des roches volcaniques pénécontemporaines de composition andésitique à rhyolitique (Dokhan Volcanics); des granites calco-alcalins syntectoniques à tardi-tectoniques sont les équivalents plutoniques des «Dokhan Volcanics».Le terrain étudié se situe dans l'avant-pays plissé et charrié d'un orogène de marge continentale. Des ophiolites, particulièrement des serpentinites, affleurent le long de la surface de charriage entre le massif autochtone de Meatiq et la nappe complexe d'Abu Ziran.Des dômes, développés le long de deux géanticlinaux, ont été les centres d'une forte activité magmatique calco-alcaline associée, au moins, à une minéralisation aurifère.

: Meatiq Group ( ), Abu Ziran Group Hammamat Group ( ); - . , . , , , , , , . , Dokhan . Dokhan - - . . , , Meatiq Abu-Ziran.
Anomaly analysis is used for various geophysics applications such as determination of geophysical structure's location and border detections. Besides the classical geophysical techniques, artificial intelligence based image processing algorithms have been found attractive for geophysical anomaly analysis. Recently, cellular neural networks (CNN) have been applied to geophysical data and satisfactory results are reported. CNN provides fast and parallel computational capability for geophysical image processing applications due to its filtering structure. The behavior of CNN is defined by two template matrices that are adjusted by a properly supervised learning algorithm. After training stage for geophysical data, Bouguer anomaly maps can be processed and analyzed sequentially. In this paper, CNN learning and processing capability have been improved, combining Wavelet functions and backpropagation learning algorithms. The new architecture is denoted as Wavelet-Cellular Neural networks (Wave-CNN) and it is employed to analyze Bouguer anomaly maps which are important to extract useful information in geophysics. At first, Wave-CNN performance is tested on synthetic geophysical data, which are created by a computer environment. Then, Bouguer anomaly maps of the Dumluca iron ore field have been analyzed and results are reported in comparison to real drilling results.  相似文献   
Broadband synthetic aperture borehole radar interferometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trials in mines have established that wideband VHF borehole radars (BHR), working in the 10–100-MHz band, can be used to probe the rockmass between boreholes over ranges from <5 m to as much as 150 m with submeter resolution. There is evidence that ore bodies reflect these radar signals both specularly and diffusely, much as the ground/air interface does when overflown by synthetic aperture radar (SAR). In both SAR and BHR, multiple flight lines, together with diffuse reflections admit the possibility of developing interferometric 3D images of the object. This paper examines the possibility of imaging buried objects in three dimensions by interferometrically combining broadband VHF borehole radar profiles shot in adjacent pairs of boreholes. Broadbanding in BHR has the advantage of releasing the image from 2 phase ambiguities, but practically, interferometric borehole radar (InBHR) needs high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) to avoid noise capture. This means that 3D InBHR is limited to ranges in wavelengths which are less than the rock's attenuation factor Q. Interferometric methods are developed which are capable of mapping ore bodies and other structures in three dimensions. Tangent plane migration methods are developed here in order to reconstruct surfaces that lie in the near-field of sparse interferometric arrays.  相似文献   
In this part we calculate the secular and critical terms arising from the indirect part of the classical planetary Hamiltonian for Uranus and Neptune. We neglect in our expansions powers higher than the second in the eccentricity-inclination. Our required results, are expressed in terms of Poincaré variables.  相似文献   
Many invaluable underwater buildings of archaeological interest in Alexandria were discovered in 1996 at different sites in the Eastern Harbour of Alexandria. There is a belief that the best way to protect these invaluable heritages is to transfer them to an underwater park or museum. Obviously, the execution of such a project depends essentially upon the water quality (including water transparency) improving in the future. The harbour is presently polluted by discharge of wastewater effluents from different sources. It has recently been decided to restore this important coastal area through: (1) stopping the direct discharge of wastewater effluents into this semi-enclosed harbour in 1993 and (2) gradually reducing the discharge of the municipal wastewater through marine outfalls at two sites lying at the outer sides of the harbour. Zero discharge is expected to be effective by the end of the year 2001. The present work, therefore, is a follow up of the study of water quality in the harbour after 1993: in 1996 and 1999-2000. The water quality of an open sea reference station was also studied for comparison. The results reveal occurrence of an improvement of the environmental conditions in the harbour. The water has turned from being eutrophic to mesotrophic. The harbour is expected to become meso/oligotrophic as soon as the complete cessation of the discharge from the two outside sources is attained.  相似文献   
In this paper, we introduce a new method called Forced Neural Network (FNN) to find the parameters of the object in geophysical section respect to gravity anomaly assuming the prismatic model. The aim of the geological modeling is to find the shape and location of underground structure, which cause the anomalies, in 2D cross section. At the first stage, we use one neuron to model the system and apply back propagation algorithm to find out the density difference. At the second level, quantization is applied to the density differences and mean square error of the system is computed. This process goes on until the mean square error of the system is small enough. First, we use FNN to two synthetic data, and then the Sivas–Gürün basin map in Turkey is chosen as a real data application. Anomaly values of the cross section, which is taken from the gravity anomaly map of Sivas–Gürün basin, are very close to those obtained from the proposed method.  相似文献   
The study area is located on the middle sector of the Malatya-Ovacık Fault Zone (MOFZ) in the eastern Anatolia. Four basaltic flows from bottom to top, which are tholeiitic in character and intercalated with Pliocene sedimentary rocks, were erupted along this fault zone. Chemical compositions of these flows reveal some differences between the first flow and others in terms of high-field strength elements (HFSEs) (e.g. Ti, Zr, Nb). Limited variations in compositions within the first flow and upper flows suggest a limited fractionation range. Trace-element patterns exhibit that all the flows have similar and OIB-like patterns without positive peak at Pb and a trough at Nb—Ta, indicating minimal or no crustal contribution. Rare-earth element (REE) patterns indicate that the first flow has flat patterns with negative Eu anomaly, whereas the upper flows have variable enrichments in LREE and depletions in HREE. La/SmN, Dy/YbN and Zr/Y ratios exhibit that the degree of partial melting decreases from the first flow to upper flows. Higher values of La/YbN ratio for the upper flows and depletions at Y and Yb on the trace-element patterns suggest the presence of garnet as a residual phase, which imply that the depth of partial melting took place solely in the garnet-stability field. OIB-like trace-element patterns and trace-element ratios (e.g. La/Nb, Ce/Y and Zr/Nb) emphasize that the melts forming the Arguvan basalt were originated from the asthenospheric mantle rather than the lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   
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