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Trends in abundance of the 28 most common species of coastal birds on Mustang Island, Texas, were assessed for a 29-year period (1979–2007) during which the study area experienced a substantial increase in human activity. Ten of the 28 species examined declined significantly (P < 0.05) over the study period. Six of these were larids (herring gull, Forster’s tern, royal tern, gull-billed tern, Caspian tern, black skimmer), which exhibited declines in mean abundance of 53% to 88%. Other significant species declines were the great blue heron (39% decline) and the shorebirds Wilson’s plover (63%), red knot (54%), and black-bellied plover (34%). Four species showed significant increases in local abundance. Mean number of people on the beach increased fivefold during the study period. This unique dataset allows for an extremely rare assessment of bird populations in direct relation to human disturbance and may have implications for managing coastal birds worldwide.  相似文献   
This paper describes an integrated study of a typical Mediterranean flood event in the Gulf of Lions. A flood with a 5-year return interval occurred in the Têt River basin and adjacent inner-shelf in the Gulf of Lions, northwest Mediterranean, during April 2004. Data were collected during this flood as part of event-response investigations of the EU-funded Eurostrataform (European Margin Strata Formation) project. Southeasterly storm winds led to a flood which directly modified the inner-shelf hydrodynamics. Sediment delivery to the coastal zone during this flood represented more than half of the mean annual discharge of the Têt River to the Gulf of Lions. This river transported a large amount of sand in suspension, representing 25% of the total suspended load, and as bedload representing 8% of the total load, during this event. Sand introduced in the nearshore was transported northwards during the peak storm and nourished a small delta. Fine sediments were separated from coarse sediments at the river mouth, and were advected southwards and seawards by the counter-clockwise general circulation. Fine-grained sediments were transported via a hypopycnal plume along the coast towards the southern tip of the Gulf of Lions and the Cap Creus canyon. The along-shore currents, which intensified from north to south of the Gulf of Lions, particularly between the Cap Creus promontory and the Cap Creus canyon, favoured the transfer of fine-grained sediments from the continental shelf of the Gulf of Lions towards the continental slope. Our results show that floods with a few-year return interval in small coastal rivers can play a significant role in the transport of sediments on microtidal continental margins and their export from the shelf through canyons.  相似文献   
Volcanic gaps due to oblique consumption of aseismic ridges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present-day consumption of oceanic ridges and other buoyant rises and fragments at circum-Pacific subduction zones, and presumably elsewhere, are closely related to existing gaps in volcanism. Examples are the gaps associated with the Nazca, Juan Fernandez, Cocos, Marcus-Necker and Louisville ridges. The buoyancy of these ridges breaks the continuity of the subducted plate, which may lead to reduced water supply required for melting of magma, and therefore create temporary volcanic gaps. The oblique consumption of these ridges causes the gap to migrate with time. This mechanism may be useful in interpreting time-space patterns of past volcanic chains associated with subduction in terms of the consumption of the disruptive oceanic plateaus and ridges.  相似文献   
This paper describes measurements of suspended sediment fluxes at a total of 32 stations situated on four reference sections in the turbid estuary of Chignecto Bay, Bay of Fundy, Canada. The purpose of the study was to determine the sediment budget (sources, transport paths and sinks) and the seasonal variations in particulate fluxes. The major sources of sediment are the eroding cliffs surrounding the bay (1.0 × 106 m3 y−1) and the seabed (6 × 106 m3 y−1. There are no present-day sinks within the estuary; sediment is principally moved in suspension to the wider part of the Bay of Fundy. Residuals in sediment mass transport are strongly affected by storms. These disrupt the logarithmic longitudinal sediment concentration profile which is normally present, and cause sediment to be transported out of the estuary. Well-defined turbid ribbons occur which meander unpredictably through the sampling sites; estimates of sediment mass transport are thus dubious.  相似文献   
Comparison of the large-scale density and velocity fields in the local universe shows detailed agreement, strengthening the standard paradigm of the gravitational origin of these structures. Quantitative analysis can determine the cosmological density parameter, , and biasing factor,b; there is virtually no sensitivity in any local analyses to the cosmological constant,. Comparison of the dipole anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background with the acceleration due to theIRAS galaxies puts the linear growth factor in the range 0.6 /b = 0.6 –0.3 +0.7 (95% confidence). A direct comparison of the density and velocity fields of nearby galaxies gives = 1.3 –0.6 +0.7 , and from nonlinear analysis the weaker limit > 0.45 forb > 0.5 (again 95% confidence). A tighter limit, > 0.3 (4–6), is obtained by a reconstruction of the probability distribution function of the initial fluctuations from which the structures observed today arose. The last two methods depend critically on the smooth velocity field determined from the observed velocities of nearby galaxies by thePOTENT method. A new analysis of these velocities, with more than three times the data used to obtain the above quoted results, is now underway and promises to tighten the uncertainties considerably, as well as reduce systematic bias.  相似文献   
Seawater desalination is a rising technology intended to overcome water scarcity and is increasingly being used for the production of drinking water. A good quality pretreatment process is prominent to the successful operation of a Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) plant. The tasks of the intake and the pretreatment modules are to prevent fouling and to extend the lifetime of the reverse osmosis membranes. To practice the method of assessment design, 19 seawater plants with 11 different design strategies have been evaluated. The assessed strategies consist of: (i) Intake treatment, (ii) pretreatment aid (coagulation, flocculation, clarification), and (iii) pretreatment unit. Every possible combination of the design elements has been evaluated by a set of 15 attributes. The comparative evaluation has been conducted by Hasse diagram technique (HDT) using PyHasse software. The result of the HDT application includes 7 favorable incomparable design strategies. In order to solve the incomparability, the Condorcet–Kemeny–Young–Levenglick (C–K–Y–L) ranking procedure was additionally used and rendered the optimal design that is based on subsurface intake and membrane (ultrafiltration) pretreatment facilities. According to the results, both mathematical methods, i.e., the HDT in combination with the C–K–Y–L, procedure can be powerful and helpful tools to assist decisions concerning design strategies.  相似文献   
Hummocky megaripples occur on Sable Island Bank, Scotian Shelf. Submersible observations show that the megaripples form during winter storms and are subsequently obliterated through bioturbation and fair-weather reworking. The megaripples of this study were underlain by a storm bed composed of: (A) a basal scoured and infilled gravel lag facies; (B) low-angle tangential crossbedding in gravel to coarse sand; (C) anisotropic hummocky stratification in medium sand; and (D) wave ripple cross-lamination in medium/fine sand. This sequence forms a tempestite bed created by a winter storm during our sampling program. Numerical simulation of bed conditions during the storm suggests that the hummocky megaripples and hummocky stratification formed together during late stages of storm decay from conditions of sheet flow. Near-bed wave motion during deposition exceeded steady currents by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   
Vaduvescu  O.  Aznar Macias  A.  Wilson  T. G.  Zegmott  T.  Pérez Toledo  F. M.  Predatu  M.  Gherase  R.  Pinter  V.  Pozo Nunez  F.  Ulaczyk  K.  Soszyński  I.  Mróz  P.  Wrona  M.  Iwanek  P.  Szymanski  M.  Udalski  A.  Char  F.  Salas Olave  H.  Aravena-Rojas  G.  Vergara  A. C.  Saez  C.  Unda-Sanzana  E.  Alcalde  B.  de Burgos  A.  Nespral  D.  Galera-Rosillo  R.  Amos  N. J.  Hibbert  J.  López-Comazzi  A.  Oey  J.  Serra-Ricart  M.  Licandro  J.  Popescu  M. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》2022,126(2):1-26
Earth, Moon, and Planets - The Perseverance rover (Mars 2020) mission, the first step in NASA’s Mars Sample Return (MSR) program, will select samples for caching based on their potential to...  相似文献   
This paper presents results of recent measurements of sand transport made in Chioggia inlet as part of an extensive monitoring programme in the Venetian inlets. Measurements were made in order: (1) to define a relationship between sand transport magnitude and tidal flow; (2) to derive the thresholds for sand transport; (3) to identify the dominant modes of transport; (4) to evaluate the concentration profiles of sand within the benthic boundary layer; (5) to compare bedload transport observations with model predictions using existent bedload formulae; and (6) to produce yearly estimates of bedload transport across the inlet. The vertical distribution of sand in the water column was sampled using modified Helley–Smith bedload samplers at three sites. Transport was found to vary according to the flow and bed grain size, with considerable temporal and spatial variability. A difference of up to three orders of magnitude in transport was observed through the inlet, with higher transport rates measured on the seaward part. The dominant mode of transport in the central inlet was suspension, while bedload was dominant in the mouths. The measured profiles of sand concentration varied with the tidal stage and seabed grain size according to the Rouse parameter (R). R was high at the inlet mouths (1<R<2), indicative of a well-developed bedload layer. The inverse movability number (Ws/U*) was also higher at these sites and appeared to be grain size dependant. Formulae for bedload transport were tested against field data; stochastic methods such as Einstein–Brown, Engelund–Hansen and Van Rijn produce the best fits. The coupled model SHYFEM-Sedtrans05 appears to simulate well observed transport for most conditions of flow. Long-term bedload predictions indicate a dominant export of sand, with a yearly average of 4500 m3.  相似文献   
Air temperatures in the trade wind inversion (~850 hPa) over the Caribbean have been rising much faster than sea temperatures. This is associated with an accelerated Hadley circulation, with sinking motions over the Caribbean corresponding with increasing rising motion over the Amazon. The sinking motions induce a faster rate of warming and drying in the trade wind inversion than at other levels. Much of the trend in Caribbean climate is attributable to physical mechanisms; changes in atmospheric composition play a secondary role. Smoke and dust plumes from Africa, drifting westward across the Atlantic, enhance the greenhouse effect in an elevated (1–3 km) layer. A stabilized lower atmosphere across the Caribbean has contributed to warming and drying trends over the twentieth century which are projected to continue. The atmosphere is warming faster than the ocean, causing a decline in sensible heat fluxes that fuel tropical cyclones.  相似文献   
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