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Independent evidence of changes in sea level and tidal range in the Bay of Fundy during the last 9000 years is used to evaluate the lithologies in 17 cores from the sublittoral part of Chignecto Bay. The composite tidal sequence identified is complex because of changes from microtidal through mesotidal to macrotidal conditions associated with changing water depths. Despite the complex stratigraphy, lithology correlates well with the depositional environment on a bed-by-bed basis. We postulate that such variations in tidal range are important to the interpretation of tidalite deposits from the geologic record.  相似文献   
This study fits into a wider research program from RWS RIKZ concerning the exchange of sediment between the coast and the tidal basins, Western Scheldt and Wadden Sea, which are the largest basins along the Dutch Coast, over different time-scales. For both basins, questions about the evolution of the import/export at the mouth recently arose. In case of the Western Scheldt, which is the subject of this study, mainly the uncertainty about the future developments after the change from import to export at the mouth was noticed in the 1990s, which necessitated a more detailed study of this area.  相似文献   
MIN3P, a multicomponent reactive transport model for variably saturated porous media, is used to simulate the outputs of column tests carried out using zero valent iron (ZVI) for nickel contaminated groundwater remediation. The objective of this study is to investigate the main chemical reactions involved in contaminant removal and the main causes of the reactivity decline of ZVI over time. According to the results of the model the major causes of ZVI reactivity loss is identified in the mineral precipitation of α‐FeOOH on iron surface that probably caused ZVI passivation and led to a decline of the electron transfer rate. An existing empirical relationship between mineral precipitation and the reactivity loss of ZVI, included in the model, reproduced the changes in nickel removal observed during different laboratory column tests.  相似文献   
Madagascar is one of the most important gem-producing countries in the world, including ruby and sapphires. Gem corundum deposits formed at different stages in the geological evolution of the island and in contrasting environments. Four main settings are identified: (1) Gem corundum formed in the Precambrian basement within the Neoproterozoic terranes of southern Madagascar, and in the volcano-sedimentary series of Beforona, north of Antananarivo. In the south, high-temperature (700 to 800 °C) and low-pressure (4 to 5 kbar) granulites contain deposits formed during the Pan-African orogenesis between 565 and 490 Ma. They accompany mafic and ultramafic complexes (ruby deposits of the Vohibory group), skarns at the contact between Anosyan granites and the Proterozoic Tranomaro group (sapphire deposits of the Tranomaro–Andranondambo district), and shear-zone corridors cross-cutting feldspathic gneisses, cordieritites and clinopyroxenites in the Tranomaro, Vohimena and Androyan metamorphic series (biotite schist deposits of Sahambano and Zazafotsy, cordieritites of Iankaroka and Ambatomena). The circulation of fluids, especially along discontinuities, allowed in-situ alkaline metasomatism, forming corundum host rocks related to desilicified granites, biotitites, “sakenites” and “corundumites”. (2) Gem corundum also occurs in the Triassic detrital formations of the Isalo group, as giant palaeoplacers in the Ilakaka–Sakaraha area. Here, sapphires and rubies may come from the metamorphic granulitic terranes of southern Madagascar. (3) Gem corundum deposits occur within the Neogene-Quaternary alkali basalts from Ankaratra (Antsirabe–Antanifotsy area) and in the Ambohitra Province (Nosy Be, Ambato and Ambondromifehy districts). Primary deposits are rare, except at Soamiakatra where ruby in gabbroic and clinopyroxenite xenoliths within alkali-basalts probably derive from mantle garnet peridotites. The blue-green-yellow sapphires typical of basaltic fields are always recovered in palaeoplacer (in karst formed upon Jurassic limestones from the Montagne d'Ambre, Antsiranana Province) and alluvial and soil placers (Ankaratra volcanic massif). (4) Deposits occur within Quaternary eluvial, colluvial and alluvial concentrations, such as high-quality rubies from the Andilamena and Vatomandry deposits.  相似文献   
We present results of measurements of cosmogenic 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl, and the indigenous (intrinsic) concentrations of the stable elements Be, Al and Cl in 120-200 kyr old corals from Barbados and Puerto Rico. The concentration levels of these radionuclides in the corals lie in the range 104 to 108 atoms/g. A comparison of the measured nuclide concentrations with those expected to be produced in the corals by nuclear interactions of energetic cosmic radiation shows that (i) the radionuclides 26Al and 36Cl are derived from in situ cosmic ray interactions in the corals after their formation, but that (ii) the radionuclide 10Be owes its provenance in the coralline lattice primarily due to incorporation of dissolved beryllium in seawater in the lattice structure of the corals.  相似文献   
Rantis Cave is a recently discovered filled cave in central Israel, displaying a rich faunal accumulation of micromammals, ungulates and carnivores. U–Th dating assigns the beginning of accumulation to ca. 140 ka. The accumulation is culturally assigned to the late half of the Middle Paleolithic (MP) period. Single‐grain optically stimulated luminescence measurements attest to a complex sedimentological history. We present the cross‐disciplinary results of taphonomic and geomorphological analyses, which point to the cave serving as a natural pitfall trap for the large fauna, with little human or carnivore activity. The fauna is dominated by Dama among the ungulates and by Microtus among the micromammals. These data in conjunction with ungulate tooth mesowear analysis suggest a xeric Mediterranean environment on the eastern margin of the southern Levantine foothills. The relative taxonomic abundance of ungulate taxa shows some differences from anthropogenic MP sites, possibly reflecting the prey choice patterns of MP hunters. Overall, the natural accumulation scenario for Rantis Cave provides a rare paleoenvironmental and paleoeconomic reference to the rich anthropogenic MP faunas of the Southern Levant, enabling the reconstruction of a rich and diverse environmental setting for this important human dispersal route. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study reports the nature and timing of Quaternary fluvial activity in the Fitzroy River basin, which drains a diverse 143,000 km2 area in northeastern Queensland, before discharging into the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The catchment consists of an extensive array of channel and floodplain types that we show have undergone large-scale fluvial adjustment in-channel planform, geometry and sinuosity. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz sediments from fifteen (3–18 m) floodplain cores throughout the basin indicates several discrete phases of active bedload activity: at ~105–85 ka in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, at ~50–40 ka (MIS 3), and at ~30–10 ka (MIS 3/2). The overall timing of late Quaternary fluvial activity correlates well with previous accounts from across Australia with rivers being primarily active during interstadials. Fluvial activity, however, does not appear to have been synchronous throughout the basin’s major sub-catchments. Fluvial activity throughout MIS 2 (i.e. across the Last Glacial Maximum) in the meandering channels of the Fitzroy correlates well with regional data in tropical northeastern Queensland, and casts new light on the river response to reduced rainfall and vegetation cover suggested by regional palaeoclimate indicators. Moreover, the absence of a strong Holocene signal is at odds with previous accounts from elsewhere throughout Australia. The latitudinal position of the Fitzroy across the Tropic of Capricorn places this catchment at a key location for elucidating the main hydrological drivers of Quaternary fluvial activity in northeastern Australia, and especially for determining tropical moisture sources feeding into the headwaters of Cooper Creek, a major river system of the continental interior.  相似文献   
The term Tertiary, subdivided into the Paleogene and Neogene, is traditionally used to represent the interval of geological time between the Cretaceous and Quaternary. In the 1990s, however, the Neogene and Paleogene were ratified by the International Union of Geological Sciences as periods/systems of the Cenozoic Era/Erathem, leaving the Tertiary officially undefined. The Tertiary nonetheless remains a formal term that has never been officially eliminated, and its widespread use today implies a long future.  相似文献   
A varied assemblage of algal stromatolites was encountered in caves along the northern section of the Dead Sea Fault Escarpment. The caves are situated at the lower part of the escarpment at altitudes ?310 to ?188 m relative to mean sea level (m.s.l.), i.e. ca 110–230 m above the present Dead Sea level. The cave stromatolites are mainly composed of aragonite yielding U–Th ages of ~75–17 ka. The altitude, mineralogy and ages, as well as comparison with previously documented stromatolite outcrops in the area, ascribe the cave stromatolites to the aragonite-precipitating hypersaline Lake Lisan—the Late Pleistocene predecessor of the Dead Sea.The stromatolites are used as a lake level gauge, based on the algae being reliant upon the light of the upper water layer. Preservation of the original structure and aragonite mineralogy of the stromatolites, suggests a closed system regarding the radioactive elements, enabling reliable U–Th dating. A curve of Lake Lisan levels is constructed based on the stromatolite ages and cave elevations. The following points are noted: (1) Lake levels of ?247 m relative to m.s.l., are recorded at ~75–72.5 ka; (2) relatively high lake levels above ?220 m relative to m.s.l., are achieved at ~41.5 ka, and are still recorded at ~17 ka; (3) the peak level is ?188 m relative to m.s.l., at ~35.5–29.5 ka. These results indicate lake stands up to 80 m higher than previously accepted, for large parts of the Lake Lisan time span. This difference is explained by tectonic subsidence of up to 2.2 m/ka within the Dead Sea depression since the latest Pleistocene. This subsidence rate is in the same order of magnitude with previously calculated subsidence rates for the Dead Sea depression [Begin, Z.B., Zilberman, E., 1997. Main Stages and Rate of the Relief Development in Israel. Geological Survey of Israel report, Jerusalem]. Unlike previous Lake Lisan level estimations, the new curve is measured at the relatively stable shoulders of the Dead Sea depression.  相似文献   
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