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Amit Levi 《Icarus》2009,202(2):681-693
We show that for low temperatures (T∼30 K) and small, but non-negligible, gravitational fields the hydrodynamic escape of gas can be treated by Parker's theory of coronal expansion [Parker, E.N., 1963. Interplanetary Dynamical Processes. Interscience Publishers, New York]. We apply this theory to gas escape from Kuiper belt objects. We derive limits on the density and radius of the bodies for which this theory is applicable, and show how the flow depends on the mean molecular weight and internal degrees of freedom of the gas molecules. We use these results to explain the CH4 dichotomy seen on KBOs [Schaller, E.L., Brown, M.E., 2007. Astrophys. J., 659, L61-L64].  相似文献   
Amit Levi 《Icarus》2009,203(2):610-625
In Levi and Podolak (Levi, A., Podolak, M. [in press] Icarus) we applied the theory of coronal expansion to gas escape from a small, cold, object such as those found in the Kuiper belt. Here we extend the theory to include aerosols that are lifted off the surface by the escaping gas. Aerosols carried by the gas but still gravitationally bound, tend to be lifted to a height above the surface that is dependent on the aerosol radius, so that in steady state the variation of aerosol radius with height is well-defined. We develop an extension of Parker’s coronal flow theory to include the effect of aerosols carried along by the gas and use this to estimate the optical depth of such an atmosphere. For KBOs with CO evaporation from the surface and with radii in the range 245-334 km, line-of-site optical depths through the atmosphere can exceed one at heights of a few hundred kilometers above the surface. Such aerosol layers should be observable, and might be used to infer the flow proprieties of the escaping gas.  相似文献   
We study the usage of the X-ray light curve, column density towards the hard X-ray source, and emission measure (density square times volume), of the massive binary system η Carinae to determine the orientation of its semimajor axis. The source of the hard X-ray emission is the shocked secondary wind. We argue that, by itself, the observed X-ray flux cannot teach us much about the orientation of the semimajor axis. Minor adjustment of some unknown parameters of the binary system allows to fit the X-ray light curve with almost any inclination angle and orientation. The column density and X-ray emission measure, on the other hand, impose strong constrains on the orientation. We improve our previous calculations and show that the column density is more compatible with an orientation where for most of the time the secondary – the hotter, less massive star – is behind the primary star. The secondary comes closer to the observer only for a short time near periastron passage. The 10-week X-ray deep minimum, which results from a large decrease in the emission measure, implies that the regular secondary wind is substantially suppressed during that period. This suppression is most likely resulted by accretion of mass from the dense wind of the primary luminous blue variable star. The accretion from the equatorial plane might lead to the formation of a polar outflow. We suggest that the polar outflow contributes to the soft X-ray emission during the X-ray minimum; the other source is the shocked secondary wind in the tail. The conclusion that accretion occurs at each periastron passage, every five and a half years, implies that accretion had occurred at a much higher rate during the Great Eruption of η Car in the 19th century. This has far reaching implications for major eruptions of luminous blue variable stars.  相似文献   
In this paper an analytical method has been proposed to predict the net ultimate uplift capacity of the single bent pile and pile group with a bent embedded in sand considering arching effects. Arching develops due to relative compressibility of sand relative to pile which activates the soil-pile friction. The method takes into consideration the embedded length (L), diameter of the pile (d), bent angle, surface characteristics of pile, group configuration, spacing of the pile group and the soil properties. Log spiral failure surface with parabolic arch shape was assumed in the analysis. Theoretical investigation for uplift capacity was been carried out for the single bent pile and group of pile (2 × 1, 2 × 2) embedded in sand. The variable used in the analysis were embedded length to pile diameter (L/d = 15, 20 and 25), spacing in the group (3d, 4d and 6d) and angle of bent (6°, 14° and 20°). Typical charts for evaluation of net ultimate uplift capacity for pile groups are presented through the figures. Comparison of theoretical results shows good agreement with established experimental results.  相似文献   
The Purulia carbonatite, ‘carbonatite’-‘alkali-pyroxenite’-‘apatite-magnetite rock’ association, is located at Beldih area of Purulia district, West Bengal and falls within the 100 km long Northern Shear Zone (NSZ). Published literature suggests that the Purulia carbonatite was formed by the process of liquid immiscibility from under-saturated silicate parent magma. However, no silica under-saturated rocks like ijolite, nepheline-syenite etc. is known from the area. The trace element geochemistry (Ba/La, Nb/Th, Nb/Pb and Y/Ce ratios in the present study) also does not support this view. Present study indicates that the Purulia carbonatite is enriched in ΣREE and incompatible elements but the carbonatite is also poorer in Nb, Th and Pb compared to the world average of calicocarbonatites. The lower value of Nb is characteristics of carbo(hydro)thermal carbonatite where carbonatite is associated with alkali-pyroxenite and suggests probable origin of the carbonatite as carbothermal residua evolved from an unknown parentage. However, the field, petrographic and geochemical data indicate the genesis of this carbonatite from a primary carbonatitic magma of mantle decent. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the carbonatite and apatite separated from the carbonatite (∼0.703) implies primary magmatic derivation of the Purulia carbonatite. Close similarity of the apatite of the apatite-magnetite rock with the mantle apatite (of type Apatite B) indicates that they are also of primary magmatic origin. The present work portrays a unique example where primary magmatic carbonatite is associated with the alkali-pyroxenite.  相似文献   
Quaternary desert loess and sandstone-loessite relationships in the geological record raise questions regarding causes and mechanisms of silt formation and accretion. In the northern Sinai-Negev desert carbonate terrain, only sand abrasion in active erg could have produced the large quantities of quartzo-feldspathic silts constituting the late Quaternary northwestern Negev loess. In the continuum of source (medium to fine sand of dunes) to sink (silts in loess) the very fine sand is unaccounted for in the record. This weakens the sand abrasion model of silt formation as a global process. Here, we demonstrate that, as predicted by experiments, abrasion by advancing dunes generated large quantities of very fine sand (60-110 μm) deposited within the dune field and in close proximity downwind. This very fine sand was generated 13-11 ka, possibly synchronous with the Younger Dryas under gusty sand/dust storms in the southeastern Mediterranean and specifically in the northern Sinai-Negev erg. These very fine sands were washed down slope and filled small basins blocked by the advancing dunes; outside these sampling basins it is difficult to identify these sands as a distinct product. We conclude that ergs are mega-grinders of sand into very fine sand and silt under windy Quaternary and ancient aeolian desert environments.  相似文献   
Arsenic mobility in fluvial environment of the Ganga Plain,northern India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the northern part of the Indian sub-continent, the Gomati River (a tributary of the Ganga River) was selected to study the dynamics of Arsenic (As) mobilization in fluvial environment of the Ganga Plain. It is a 900-km-long, groundwater-fed, low-gradient, alluvial river characterized by monsoon-controlled peaked discharge. Thirty-six water samples were collected from the river and its tributaries at low discharge during winter and summer seasons and were analysed by ICP-MS. Dissolved As and Fe concentrations were found in the range of 1.29–9.62 and 47.84–431.92 μg/L, respectively. Arsenic concentration in the Gomati River water has been detected higher than in its tributaries water and characteristically increases in downstream, attributed to the downstream increasing of Fe2O3 content, sedimentary organic carbon and silt-clay content in the river sediments. Significant correlation of determination (r 2 = 0.68) was also observed between As and Fe concentrations in the river water. Arsenic concentrations in the river water are likely to follow the seasonal temperature variation and reach the level of World Health Organization’s permissible limit (10 μg/L) for drinking water in summer season. The Gomati River longitudinally develops reducing conditions after the monsoon season that mobilize As into the river water. First, dissolved As enters into pore-water of the river bed sediments by the reductive dissolution of Fe-oxides/hydroxides due to microbial degradation of sedimentary organic matter. Thereafter, it moves upward as well as down slope into the river water column. Anthropogenically induced biogeochemical processes and tropical climatic condition have been considered the responsible factors that favour the release of As in the fluvial environment of the Ganga Plain. The present study can be considered as an environmental alarm for future as groundwater resources of the Ganga–Brahmaputra Delta are seriously affecting the human–environment relationship at present.  相似文献   
Assessment of tunnel instability—a numerical approach   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper outlines the application of numerical modeling to predict deformation and stability of tunnel to be excavated in Bansagar, M.P., India. To meet the ever-increasing demand of transportation, energy, and other infrastructure projects, a large volume of rock tunneling is being carried out throughout the world. The geotechnical properties along the route of the 1,800-m long tunnel in the Bansagar region of India have been studied. The rock mass rating and rock mass quality systems were employed for empirical rock mass quality determination. Numerical analysis for the stress–strain distribution of the tunnel excavation and support systems was also carried out. In order to simulate the excavation of tunnel (NATM) at a depth of 150 m below the ground , a series of finite element analyses using Mohr-coulomb elasto-plastic constitutive model has been carried out using PLAXIS 2D. The stability of tunnel has been analyzed, and stress pattern have been discussed.  相似文献   
Ora Amit   《Lithos》1976,9(4):259-262
Garnets of the progressively metamorphosed Elat-Wadi Watir metasediments show an inverse zonation; MnO concentration is relatively higher at the margins than in the center of the crystals while MgO shows the opposite trend. The zoning is probably caused by a retrograde metamorphism during which the garnet was partly replaced by chlorite. The control of the temperature from which garnets began to cool on zoning effectiveness is discussed.  相似文献   
The Elat fault (a segment of the Dead Sea Transform) runs along the southern Arava valley (part of the Dead Sea Rift, Israel) forming a complex fault zone that displays a time-dependent seismic behaviour. Paleoseismic evidence shows that this fault zone has generated at least 15 earthquakes of magnitude larger than M 6 during the late Pleistocene and the Holocene. However, at present the Elat fault is one of the quietest segments of the Dead Sea Transform, lacking even microsesimicity. The last event detected in the southern Arava valley occurred in the Avrona playa and was strong enough to have deformed the playa and to change it from a closed basin with internal drainage into an open basin draining to the south.Paleoseismological, geophysical and archaeological evidences indicate that this event was the historical devastating earthquake, which occurred in 1068 AD in the eastern Mediterranean region. According to the present study this event was strong enough to rupture the surface, reactivate at least two fault branches of the Elat fault and vertically displace the surface and an early Islamic irrigation system by at least 1 m. In addition, the playa area was uplifted between 2.5 and 3 m along the eastern part of the Elat fault shear zone. Such values are compatible with an earthquake magnitude ranging between M 6.6 and 7. Since the average recurrence interval of strong earthquakes during the Holocene along the Elat fault is about 1.2 ± 0.3 ky and the last earthquake occurred more about 1000 years ago, the possibility of a very strong earthquake in this area in the future should be seriously considered in assessing seismic hazards.  相似文献   
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