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In the Kokchetav ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) massif in northern Kazakhstan, diamond-bearing UHP rocks occur exclusively in a western, rhomb-shaped domain, that differs from an eastern transpressional domain with coesite-bearing remnants indicating highest UHP conditions. Different mechanisms may have contributed to the early ascent of the UHP Kokchetav massif. The geometry and structure of the diamond-bearing domain are interpreted as a sheath-like fold, coeval with early stage melting. In contrast, the coesite-bearing domain has a sheet-like geometry. At mid-crustal level this early difference in the ascending UHP wedge is reflected in a western rhomb-horst and an eastern transpression structure, respectively. The latter extends to the east (Borovoye) where the uppermost sequences of the UHP massif were defined by others. Sheath folding is postulated as a suitable mechanism contributing to the early buoyancy-driven ascent of the subducted rocks, and explains the selective spatial distribution of diamond-and coesite-bearing sequences preserved in the wedge.  相似文献   
We investigate in detail the kinematics and morphology of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 6104 in order to identify the mechanism of gas transportation to the active galactic nucleus (AGN). Our observational data were obtained at the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope with the MPFS integral-field spectrograph and the SCORPIO universal device in three modes: direct imaging, a scanning Fabry—Perot interferometer, and long-slit spectroscopy. Images from the HST archive were invoked to study the structure of the circumnuclear region. An analysis of deep images has shown for the first time that NGC 6104 is in the phase of active merging with a companion galaxy. We have been able to study the detailed picture of ionized gas motions up to galactocentric distances of 14 kpc and to construct the stellar velocity field for the inner region. The radial gas motions toward the AGN along the central bar play a significant role at galactocentric distances of 1–5 kpc. In addition, we have detected an outflow of ionized gas from the nucleus that presumably resulted from the intrusion of a radio jet into the ambient interstellar medium. Using diagnostic diagrams, we estimate the contributions from the AGN and star formation to the galactic gas ionization. We estimate the bar pattern speed by the Tremaine-Weinberg method and show that the inner ring observed in the galaxy’s images has a resonant nature. Two possible ring formation scenarios, before and during the interaction with a companion, are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of studying the Cenozoic volcanogenic-sedimentary cover of the Vanchinskaya depression of Sikhote Alin. It was established that, in terms of the taxonomic composition of the fossil plants, the basal part of the Cenozoic section is attributed to the Paleocene, while the overlaying coal-bearing sequence, to the Early Eocene. The geochronological (K-Ar) dating showed that the volcanic rocks intruding and overlaying the coal-bearing deposits are Middle Eocene in age: rhyolites—44.7 ± 1.0; trachyandesites—43.7 ± 1.4 Ma. The petrographic and geochemical characteristics of the volcanic and volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks and related zeolitites are described. The zeolitized rocks containing plant detritus differ in their extremely high contents of Y and HREE. The zeolitization of the volcanic glass in tuffs, tuffites, and perlites was caused by hydrothermal solutions that ascended along NW fault zones from the subsurface magmatic chamber.  相似文献   
Lithofacies of different geneses are identified in a section of Permian deposits based on the study of the core material; the best reservoirs in the Permian complex of the Lena-Anabar trough are related to the sand bodies of the delta system. The Permian oil-source strata, where organic matter was accumulated under marine conditions, are recognized, the initial characteristics of organic matter are estimated, and the initial high oil-generation potential is substantiated. The results of the lithological–geochemical studies of the samples from one of the northernmost wells in the Laptev Sea coast have been published for the first time.  相似文献   
Based on complex structural, rheological, and metallogenic studies, taking into account the results of earlier subject-specific, prospecting, mapping, and exploration works, it has been established that the geological structure of the district was caused by the ensimatic evolution of the Vendian–Early Paleozoic Dzhida island-arc system, in which oceanic and island-arc complexes served as a melanocratic basement for Late Paleozoic–Mesozoic active within-plate (riftogenic) processes, which gave rise to the formation of ore deposits and occurrences of strategic mineral commodities (Mo, W, Au, Pt, Ag, and rare elements, including REE). Mantle plumes and flows of deep-seated transmagmatic solutions (ore-forming fluids) played a critical role in these processes, the significance of which increases in upper crustal swarms of dikes and fault systems. The forecasts and development prospects of the Dzhida ore district envisage the expansion of geological prospecting and exploration, scientific research, and technological testing of ore for insight into strategic mineral commodities, as well as reanimation of mining within the areas of the Dzhida’s large territorial and industrial complex (TIC) in eastern Siberia.  相似文献   
The interstellar scintillation of the pulsars PSR B0809+74 and B0950+08 have been studied using observations at low radio frequencies (41, 62, 89, and 112 MHz), and the characteristic temporal and frequency scales for diffractive scintillations at these frequencies determined. A comprehensive analysis of the frequency and temporal structure functions reduced to a single frequency shows that the spectra of the inhomogeneities of the interstellar plasma toward both pulsars are described by a power law. The index of the interstellar plasma fluctuation spectrum toward PSR B0950+08 (n = 3.00 ± 0.05) differs appreciably from the Kolmogorov index. The spectrum toward PSR B0809+74 is a power law with index n = 3.7 ± 0.1. Strong angular refraction has been detected toward PSR B0950+08. Analysis of the distribution of inhomogeneities along the line of sight indicates that the scintillations of PSR B0950+08 take place in a turbulent layer with an enhanced electron density localized approximately 10 pc from the observer. The distribution of inhomogeneities for PSR B0809+74 is quasi-uniform. The mean square fluctuations of the electron density are estimated for inhomogeneities with characteristic scale ρ 0 = 107 m along the directions toward four pulsars. The local turbulence in the 10-pc layer is a factor of 20 higher on this scale than in the extended region responsible for the scintillations of PSR B0809+74.  相似文献   
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Millimeter (93 and 140 GHz) emission of the М6.4 solar flare detected on April 2, 2017 in the NOAA 12644 active region by the RT-7.5 telescope of the Bauman Moscow...  相似文献   
Smirnova  L. L.  Mironova  N. V. 《Water Resources》2004,31(4):470-473
The use of semiaquatic plants (Pistia stratiotes and frogbit) for afterpurification of domestic wastewater is shown to improve water quality. Planting pleistophytes in watercourses and biological ponds, into which pretreated wastewater is discharged, is especially efficient in summer and autumn, when the load on treatment facilities increases.  相似文献   
We analyzed unique observations of two flare events at frequencies of 93 and 140 GHz. The observations were carried out with an RT-7.5 radiotelescope at the Bauman State Technical University (Moscow) using the method of continuous active region tracking with spatial resolutions of 2.5 (at a frequency of 93 GHz) and 1.5 arc-minutes (at 140 GHz). The light curves of the bursts were analyzed and compared with the time profiles of soft and hard X-ray emission obtained by the GOES and RHESSI spacecraft. The radio delete this word flux density spectra were plotted. It was found that the radiation flux at a frequency of 140 GHz exceeded the flux at 93 GHz. This constitutes a new independent confirmation of the presence of a subterahertz flare component, the appearance of which may be associated with the thermal radiation of the hot plasma at the base of flare loops.  相似文献   
The results of geological and geochemical studies of terrigenous rocks of the main stratigraphic subdivisions in the northeastern flank of the South Mongolia–Khingan orogenic belt and also the results of U-Pb (LА-ICP-MS) geochronological studies of detrital zircons from these deposits are presented. It is demonstrated that the studied rocks differ significantly in the nature of distribution of detrital zircon ages and, consequently, they cannot be members of a single sedimentary sequence. The data obtained confirm the standpoint according to which the northeastern flank of the South Mongolia–Khingan orogenic belt represents a “joint” zone separating the Argun and the Bureya-Jiamusi Superterranes. This joint zone was formed as the result of closure of the oceanic basin separating the specified continental massifs in the Paleozoic era. The geochemical features of the studied rocks indicate their formation in the conditions of the island arc or the active continental margin. Lack of zircon generations younger than Ordovician age in the studied samples allows assuming that the sedimentary sequences identified within the northeastern flank of the studied belt as the Necla, Dagmara, siltstone-sandstone, and Gramatukha sequences that formed from the end of the Vendian (?) to the Devonian correspond to the youngest stages of belt formation. These sediments in the current structural plan evidently represent fragments of accretion complexes cropping out in fragments among the Cenozoic sequences of the Amur-Zeya Depression.  相似文献   
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