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Herrera P  Valocchi A 《Ground water》2006,44(6):803-813
The transport of contaminants in aquifers is usually represented by a convection-dispersion equation. There are several well-known problems of oscillation and artificial dispersion that affect the numerical solution of this equation. For example, several studies have shown that standard treatment of the cross-dispersion terms always leads to a negative concentration. It is also well known that the numerical solution of the convective term is affected by spurious oscillations or substantial numerical dispersion. These difficulties are especially significant for solute transport in nonuniform flow in heterogeneous aquifers. For the case of coupled reactive-transport models, even small negative concentration values can become amplified through nonlinear reaction source/sink terms and thus result in physically erroneous and unstable results. This paper includes a brief discussion about how nonpositive concentrations arise from numerical solution of the convection and cross-dispersion terms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of directional splitting with one-dimensional flux limiters for the convection term. Also, a new numerical scheme for the dispersion term that preserves positivity is presented. The results of the proposed convection scheme and the solution given by the new method to compute dispersion are compared with standard numerical methods as used in MT3DMS.  相似文献   
The Silesia–Cracow district in Poland has been one of the world’s principal sources of zinc from nonsulfide zinc ore (Polish: galman). The still remaining nonsulfide ore resources can be estimated at 57 Mt at 5.6% Zn and 1.4% Pb. Nonsulfide mineralization is mainly hosted by Lower Muschelkalk (Triassic) limestone and is associated with different generations of the hydrothermal ore-bearing dolomite (OBD I, II, III). A fundamental ore control is believed to have been exerted by the basement faults, which were repeatedly reactivated during the Alpine tectonic cycle, leading to the formation of horst-and-graben structures: these dislocations may have caused short periods of emersion and the circulation of meteoric waters during the Cenozoic. Nonsulfide ores show a wide range of morphological characteristics and textures. They occur as earthy masses, crystalline aggregates, and concretions in cavities. Breccia and replacement textures are also very common. The most important mineral phases are: smithsonite, Fe–smithsonite, Zn–dolomite, goethite, and Fe–Mn(hydr)oxides. Minor hemimorphite and hydrozincite have also been detected. Two distinct nonsulfide ore types occur: the predominant red galman and the rare white galman. In the white galman, Fe–smithsonite and Zn–dolomite are particularly abundant. This ore type is commonly considered as a peripheral hydrothermal alteration product related to the same fluids that precipitated both the OBD II–III and the sulfides. In contrast, a supergene origin is commonly assumed for the red galman. Evidence of the petrographic and mineralogical difference between white and red galman is also found in stable isotope data. Smithsonite from red galman shows a limited range of δ 13CVPDB values (−10.1 to −11.4‰), and δ 18OVSMOW values (25.3‰ to 28.5‰, mean 26.8 ± 0.3‰). The uniform and low carbon isotope values of red galman smithsonite are unusual for supergene carbonate-hosted deposits and indicate the predominance of a single organic carbon source. Smithsonite from white galman has a more variable, slightly more positive carbon isotope (−2.9‰ to −7.4‰), but broadly similar oxygen isotope composition (26.8‰ to 28.9‰). The relationship of the white galman ore with the hydrothermal system responsible for OBD II and sulfide generation is still uncertain. The most important paleoweathering events took place in both Lower and Upper Silesia during Late Cretaceous up to Paleogene and early Neogene time. During this period, several short-lasting emersions and intense weathering episodes facilitated the formation of sinkholes in the Triassic carbonate rocks and the oxidation of sulfide orebodies through percolating meteoric waters. These phenomena may have lasted until the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   
Within the Variscan Orogen, Early Devonian and Late Devonian high‐P belts separated by mid‐Devonian ophiolites can be interpreted as having formed in a single subduction zone. Early Devonian convergence nucleated a Laurussia‐dipping subduction zone from an inherited lithospheric neck (peri‐Gondwanan Cambrian back‐arc). Slab‐retreat induced upper plate extension, mantle incursion and lower plate thermal softening, favouring slab‐detachment within the lower plate and diapiric exhumation of deep‐seated rocks through the overlying mantle up to relaminate the upper plate. Upper plate extension produced mid‐Devonian suprasubduction ocean floor spreading (Devonian ophiolites), while further convergence resulted in plate coupling and intraoceanic ophiolite imbrication. Accretion of the remaining Cambrian ocean heralded Late Devonian subduction of inner sections of Gondwana across the same subduction zone and the underthrusting of mainland Gondwana (culmination of NW Iberian allochthonous pile). Oblique convergence favoured lateral plate sliding, and explained the different lateral positions along Gondwana of terranes separated by Palaeozoic ophiolites.  相似文献   
Outdoor domestic water use is often targeted by demand management strategies. However, despite a rich empirical evidence base coming from primary studies, it is still unclear how factors that influence this type of demand interact and which are the most suitable to be addressed by water conservation programs. Based on 423 scientific contributions, we develop a research synthesis combining a variety of techniques to create a theoretical model of the relationships among factors most consistently observed in the literature. The findings uncover a great degree of complexity in terms of interactions between spatial-structural, social-structural, and cultural and psychological factors at different scales. For researchers, the methodology and the outcomes can be useful to better frame existing and future research within the literature on the topic. In practice, the adaptation of the theoretical model to local specificities can facilitate the design of more efficient and integrated demand management strategies.  相似文献   
Albert Defant 《Ocean Dynamics》1952,5(5-6):231-245
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Überblick über unsere derzeitigen Kenntnisse der internen Wellen im Ozean gegeben, wobei besonders jene mit Gezeitencharakter berücksichtigt werden. Die theoretischen Erörterungen sind möglichst kurz gehalten. Die Koppelung mit den Trägheitsschwingungen ausgedehnter Meeresgebiete erfährt eine eingehende Würdigung. Zum Schluß werden auch die Stabilitätsbedingungen interner Gezeitenwellen erörtert.
On internal waves, especially on those of tidal periods
Summary This is an outline of our present knowledge of internal waves in the ocean with special reference to internal waves of tidal periods. The theoretical aspect is dealt with as briefly as possible. The coupling with the phenomenon of osciallations of inertia in large ocean areas is discussed in detail. Finally, the stability conditions of internal tide waves are treated.

Sur des vagues internes, surtout sur celles ayant des périodes de marée
Résumé Voilà un aperçu de notre connaissance d'aujourd'hui des vagues internes dans l'océan, surtout de celles qui ont des périodes de marée. L'aspect théorique est brièvement traité. Le rapport avec les oscillations d'inertie en larges régions océaniques est précisé. Enfin, les conditions de stabilité des vagues internes de marée sont exposées.

Vortrag, gehalten im geophysikalischen Kolloquium der Universität Hamburg am 10. Dezember 1952.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Bearbeitung von dynamischen Schnitten quer zu ozeanischen Küsten mit Windstau und Auftriebsphänomenen, insbesondere jener Schnitte, die das große Beobachtungsmaterial des Marine Life Research Program der Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla (California) geliefert hat, hat den inneren Mechanismus des Vorganges bei Windstau oder Auftrieb an ozeanischen Küsten klargelegt, so daß es nun möglich ist, die Zusammenhänge in einfachen schematischen Modellen theoretisch zu erfassen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird das Modell eines freien Ozeans mit anschließendem Schelfmeer unter vereinfachenden Annahmen vollständig durchgerechnet. Der Vergleich eines zahlenmäßigen Beispiels mit den Verhältnissen vor der kalifornischen Küste ergibt eine gute Übereinstimmung. Dies läßt annehmen, daß im theoretischen Modell alle das Phänomen mitbestimmenden Faktoren richtig erfaßt worden sind.
Theoretical considerations on the phenomenon of wind effect (Windstau) and upwelling on oceanic coasts
Summary The elaboration of dynamic sections located at right angles to oceanic coasts with banking effects as well as upwelling phenomena, above all the working up of those profiles based on the comprehensive observation material obtained under the Marine Life Research Program by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of La Jolla (California) has recently enabled the internal mechanism of the processes of the piling up or upwelling of water on oceanic coasts to be revealed; thus it is now possible to theoretically conceive the correlations with the aid of simple schematic patterns. In the present paper the model of an open ocean with an adjacent shelf sea is completely computed under certain simplifying assumptions. A numerical example is compared with the conditions existing off the coast of California and the correspondence is found to be good. This allows of the assumption that in the theoretical model all factors exerting an essential influence on the phenomenon under discussion have been properly taken into account.

Considérations théoriques des phénomènes de montée et de baisse de niveau sur les littoraux
Résumé En se servant des coupes dynamiques orientéesperpendiculairement à la direction générale des littoraux soumis aux phénomènes de montée et de baisse de niveau sous la pression du vent de mer et celle du vent de terre, et surtout en élaborant les nombreuses observations faites sous le Marine Life Research Program de la Scripps Institution of Oceanography à La Jolla (Californie) on est récemment arrivé à éclaircir le mécanisme interne de la montée et de la baisse de niveau sur les littoraux. Il est donc possible de saisir d'une manière théorique les corrélations à l'aide de simples modèles schématiques. On a introduit des suppositions simplifiantes dans le travail suivant et on a complètement calculé le modèle d'un océan ouvert se reliant à une zone adjacente de la marge continentale. L'exemple numérique donné est en bon accord avec les conditions devant la côte de la Californie. On peut donc supposer que tous les éléments qui influencent essentiellement ce phénomène ont été proprement introduits dans le modèle théorique.
Increases in biodiversity losses are a growing concern globally. In farm animals, related concerns about losses in genetic diversity have potentially increased with the emergence of breeding technologies that allow for faster genetic change in herds. Farmer and public acceptance of specific breeding practices can be influenced by a number of factors, including concerns about biodiversity and knowledge of biodiversity. The link between these factors and acceptance of new genetic technologies, if it exists, may help explain concerns about genetic technologies. This article examines the effect of attitudes and knowledge about biodiversity on the acceptance of genomic selection in livestock production using farmer and public survey data from Canada. Our results suggest that the link between biodiversity concerns and the acceptance of genomic selection is more robust for the public than for farmers. We also find that biodiversity knowledge and attitudes have opposite effects on acceptance of genomic selection.  相似文献   
The correct characterization of aquifer parameters is essential for water‐supply and water‐quality investigations. Slug tests are widely used for these purposes. While free software is available to interpret slug tests, some codes are not user‐friendly, or do not include a wide range of methods to interpret the results, or do not include automatic, inverse solutions to the test data. The private sector has also generated several good programs to interpret slug test data, but they are not free of charge. The computer program SlugIn 1.0 is available online for free download, and is demonstrated to aid in the analysis of slug tests to estimate hydraulic parameters. The program provides an easy‐to‐use Graphical User Interface. SlugIn 1.0 incorporates automated parameter estimation and facilitates the visualization of several interpretations of the same test. It incorporates solutions for confined and unconfined aquifers, partially penetrating wells, skin effects, shape factor, anisotropy, high hydraulic conductivity formations and the Mace test for large‐diameter wells. It is available in English and Spanish and can be downloaded from the web site of the Geological Survey of Spain. Two field examples are presented to illustrate how the software operates.  相似文献   
A reliable estimation of sediment transport in gravel‐bed streams is important for various practical engineering and biological studies (e.g., channel stability design, bed degradation/aggradation, restoration of spawning habitat). In the present work, we report original laboratory experiments investigating the transport of gravel particles at low bed shear stresses. The laboratory tests were conducted under unsteady flow conditions inducing low bed shear stresses, with detailed monitoring of the bed topography using a laser scanner. Effects of bed surface arrangements were documented by testing loose and packed bed configurations. Effects of fine sediments were examined by testing beds with sand, artificial fine sand or cohesive silt infiltrated in the gravel matrix. Analysis of the experimental data revealed that the transport of gravel particles depends upon the bed arrangement, the bed material properties (e.g., size and shape, consolidation index, permeability) and the concentration of fine sediments within the surface layer of moving grains. This concentration is directly related to the distribution of fine particles within the gravel matrix (i.e., bottom‐up infiltration or bridging) and their transport mode (i.e., bedload or suspended load). Compared to loose beds, the mobility of gravel is reduced for packed beds and for beds clogged from the bottom up with cohesive fine sediments; in both cases, the bed shear stress for gravel entrainment increases by about 12%. On the other hand, the mobility of gravel increases significantly (bed shear stress for particle motion decreasing up to 40%) for beds clogged at the surface by non‐cohesive sand particles. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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