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Satellite infrared(IR)sounder and imager measurements have become one of the main sources of data used by data assimilation systems to generate initial conditions for numerical weather prediction(NWP)models and atmospheric analysis/reanalysis.This paper reviews the development of satellite IR data assimilation in NWP in recent years,especially the assimilation of all-sky satellite IR observations.The major challenges and future directions are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   
Many scientific studies warn of a rapid global climate change during the next century. These changes are understood with much less certainty on a regional scale than on a global scale, but effects on ecosystems and society will occur at local and regional scales. Consequently, in order to study the true impacts of climate change, regional scenarios of future climate are needed. One of the most important sources of information for creating scenarios is the output from general circulation models (GCMs) of the climate system. However, current state-of-the-art GCMs are unable to simulate accurately even the current seasonal cycle of climate on a regional basis. Thus the simple technique of adding the difference between 2 × CO2 and 1 × CO2 GCM simulations to current climatic time series cannot produce scenarios with appropriate spatial and temporal details without corrections for model deficiencies. In this study a technique is developed to allow the information from GCM simulations to be used, while accommodating for the deficiencies. GCM output is combined with knowledge of the regional climate to produce scenarios of the equilibrium climate response to a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration for three case study regions, China, Sub-Saharan Africa and Venezuela, for use in biological effects models. By combining the general climate change calculated with several GCMs with the observed patterns of interannual climate variability, reasonable scenarios of temperature and precipitation variations can be created. Generalizations of this procedure to other regions of the world are discussed.  相似文献   
In this paper, we extend the applicability of a previously proposed class of dynamic space-time models by enabling them to accommodate large datasets. We focus on the common setting where space is viewed as continuous but time is taken to be discrete. Scalability is achieved by using a low-rank predictive process to reduce the dimensionality of the data and ease the computational burden of estimating the spatio-temporal process of interest. The proposed models are illustrated using weather station data collected over the northeastern United States between 2000 and 2005. Here our interest is to use readily available predictors, association among measurements at a given station, as well as dependence across space and time to improve prediction for incomplete station records and locations where station data does not exist.  相似文献   
Manganese (Mn) and rare-earth elements (REEs) in a stalagmite (SJ3) collected from Central China were analyzed, using an ICP-MS method for the precise determination of > 40 trace elements in geological samples by enriched-isotope internal standardization. Unlike speleothem Mn and REEs investigated by cathodoluminescence, which may be incorporated into crystal lattice, the Mn and REEs analyzed in SJ3 should come largely from colloidal and particle phases in groundwater and may be associated with non-carbonate inclusions. The Mn and REEs in SJ3 vary significantly during the period between 20 and 10 ka. These elements show remarkable increases since  14.5 ka, suggesting enhanced weathering of the overlying soil layer and the host rock since the onset of the last deglaciation and the strengthening of the Asian summer monsoon. In addition, the Mn and REEs in SJ3 display significant centennial fluctuations which may reflect groundwater dynamics.  相似文献   
Late Pleistocene glaciers around Darhad Basin advanced to near their maximum positions at least three times, twice during the Zyrianka glaciation (at ∼ 17-19 ka and ∼ 35-53 ka), and at least once earlier. The Zyrianka glaciers were smaller than their predecessors, but the equilibrium-line altitude (ELA) difference was < 75 m. End moraines of the Zyrianka glaciers were ∼ 1600 m asl; ELAs were 2100-2400 m asl. 14C and luminescence dating of lake sediments confirm the existence of paleolake highstands in Darhad Basin before ∼ 35 ka. Geologic evidence and 10Be cosmic-ray exposure dating of drift suggests that at ∼ 17-19 ka the basin was filled at least briefly by a glacier-dammed lake ∼ 140 m deep. However, lake sediments from that time have not yet been recognized in the region. A shallower paleolake briefly occupied the basin at ∼ 11 ka, but between ∼ 11 and 17 ka and after ∼ 10 ka the basin was probably largely dry. The timing of maximum glacier advances in Darhad appears to be approximately synchronous across northern Mongolia, but different from Siberia and western Central Asia, supporting the inference that paleoclimate in Central Asia differed among regions.  相似文献   
Compositionally, high-Nb basalts are similar to HIMU (high U/Pb) ocean island basalts, continental alkaline basalts and alkaline lavas formed above slab windows. Tertiary alkaline basaltic lavas from eastern Jamaica, West Indies, known as the Halberstadt Volcanic Formation have compositions similar to high-Nb basalts (Nb > 20 ppm). The Halberstadt high-Nb basalts are divided into two compositional sub-groups where Group 1 lavas have more enriched incompatible element concentrations relative to Group 2. Both groups are derived from isotopically different spinel peridotite mantle source regions, which both require garnet and amphibole as metasomatic residual phases. The Halberstadt geochemistry demonstrates that the lavas cannot be derived by partial melting of lower crustal ultramafic complexes, metasomatised mantle lithosphere, subducting slabs, continental crust, mantle plume source regions or an upper mantle source region composed of enriched and depleted components. Instead, their composition, particularly the negative Ce anomalies, the high Th/Nb ratios and the similar isotopic ratios to nearby adakite lavas, suggests that the Halberstadt magmas are derived from a compositionally variable spinel peridotite source region(s) metasomatised by slab melts that precipitated garnet, amphibole, apatite and zircon. It is suggested that high-Nb basalts may be classified as a distinct rock type with Nb > 20 ppm, intraplate alkaline basalt compositions, but that are generated in subduction zones by magmatic processes distinct from those that generate other intraplate lavas.  相似文献   
Far-field tsunami deposits observed in the Kahana Valley, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i (USA), were investigated for their organic-geochemical content. During short high-energy events, (tsunamis and storms) organic and chemical components are transported with sediment from marine to terrestrial areas. This study investigates the use of anthropogenic based organic geochemical compounds (such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides and organochlorides) as a means to identify tsunami deposits. Samples were processed by solid–liquid extraction and analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A total of 21 anthropogenic marker compounds were identified, of which 11 compounds were selected for detailed analysis. Although the tsunami deposits pre-date industrial activity in Hawai‘i by several hundred years, distinct changes were found in the concentrations of anthropogenic marker compounds between sandy tsunami deposits and the surrounding mud/peat layers, which may help in identifying tsunami deposits within cores. As expected, low overall concentrations of anthropogenic markers and pollutants were observed due to the lack of industrial input-sources and little anthropogenic environmental impact at the study site. This geochemical characterization of tsunami deposits shows that anthropogenic markers have significant potential as another high-resolution, multi-proxy method for identifying tsunamis in the sedimentary record.  相似文献   
Compaction in the Holyoke flood-basalt flow is modeled using a quantitative phase equilibrium routine based on the MELTS algorithm that is coupled with compaction-driven heat and mass transport equations. For a crystal-liquid mush that is cooling from both the top and the bottom, the compaction is qualitatively different in the upper and lower parts of the flow. The solid fraction in the lower part increases as a result of concurrent compaction and solidification. In contrast, cooling from the upper boundary results in an increase in viscosity and a decrease in permeability toward the top. This causes the velocity of the solid matrix to increase downward and the upper part to undergo dilation of the solid matrix. The result is an "S"-shaped profile for compatible elements, and an inverse profile for incompatible elements. The region of modeled maximum dilation matches the location of segregation sheets in the Holyoke flow. Discrepancy between observed deformation, as calculated from textural deformation of plagioclase chain networks versus compositional profiles, suggest some crystal accumulation and/or compaction prior to the formation of the plagioclase chains.  相似文献   
Fluctuations in freshwater input may affect the physiology and survival of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) occurring in oligoaline to mesohaline estuarine regions. Controls on the distribution of the freshwater angiosperm Vallisneria americana, were investigated by transplanting ramets. Pots (3.8-1) containing ramets were distributed among four sites (upstream site [least saline], donor site, near downstream site, and far downstream site [most saline]) in the Caloosahatchee Estuary (Southwest Florida) during wet (May–August) and dry (October–February) seasons. During 2–4 mo of each season, physiological indicators were monitored, including photosynthesis, glutamine synthetase activity, and protein content in shoots, and carbohydrates and total nitrogen and carbon in shoot and subterranean tissues. Where the physical environment (light or salinity) was suboptimal, all physiological indices, except photosynthetic rate, showed similar stress responses, which ranged from a slow decline to a rapid drop in physiological function. Levels of soluble carbohydrates decreased in response to unfavorable conditions more rapidly than did insoluble carbohydrates. Shoot protein of V. americana declined prior to transplant death, suggesting that measuring protein content may provide a rapid assessment of physiological health. V. americana transplants at the low-salinity upstream site died during both wet and dry season experiments, likely in response to light limitation and/or partial burial by sediments. At the far downstream site, death occurred within 2–4 wk, and was attributable to elevated salinities (>ca. 15‰). Comparison of physiological responses with salinity and light regimes at the donor and near downstream sites suggest that light may ameliorate salinity stress. This study demonstrates that V. americana, nominally classed as a freshwater macrophyte, is capable of a remarkable degree of halotolerance.  相似文献   
The Leventina Nappe represents one of the lowermost exposed units in the Alpine nappe stack and corresponds to a slice of the European margin that was entrained into the Alpine continental accretionary prism during the Tertiary tectonic event. This study yields details regarding the tectonic and metamorphic history of the Leventina Nappe, through detailed analysis of structures and shear zone patterns, and the examination of the Si-content of white mica along a north-south profile. The Leventina Nappe underwent three phases of ductile deformation. Foliation S1 is mostly sub-parallel to the regionally dominant structural fabric (the S2 foliation). S2 foliation is penetratively developed in the structurally higher portions of the Leventina Nappe toward the Simano Nappe, while it is only weakly developed in the core of the Leventina Nappe. A 50 to 200 m wide mylonite zone, with a D2 top-to-NW sense of shear marks the boundary to the Simano Nappe. Throughout the Leventina Nappe only small-scale D2 shear bands (mm to cm wide) are observed, showing a top-to-NW sense of shear. Deformation phase D3 locally generated a vertical axial plane foliation (S3) associated with the large-scale D3 Leventina antiform.Microtextural evidence and phengite geobarometry were used to constrain the temperature and pressure conditions of equilibration of the Leventina Gneisses. Highest Si (pfu) values are preserved in the core of phengitic micas and reflect pressure and temperature conditions of around 8 kbar at 550 °C and 10 kbar at 650 °C in the northern and southern parts of the Leventina Nappe, respectively. Lower Si (pfu) values from the rims of white micas correspond to a metamorphic pressure of ca. 5 kbar during the exhumation of the unit. These metamorphic conditions are related to the underthrusting of the thinned European margin into the continental accretionary prism during late Eocene time. These new data allow us to propose a kinematic model for the Leventina Nappe during the Tertiary Alpine tectonics.  相似文献   
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